Leadership Podcast Episode 45 - Being an On-Purpose Leader

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thanks for checking out the vance pitman leadership podcast this is a conversation all about leadership vision and joining in god's activity wherever you are you can find the show notes links and other helpful resources at hopechurchlv.com podcast youtube or on your favorite podcast app thanks again for tuning in today we hope you enjoyed this episode well welcome ladies and gentlemen to the vance pittman leadership podcast and welcome for the very first time our youtube audience uh we have decided to just start um recording these on video it's not gonna be anything special we are just sitting here at hope church in las vegas nevada in one of our uh green rooms uh in our new worship center and uh yeah we're just trying to get some content out to more people and so i told vance to to look pretty today because we were gonna start recording um video so if you're listening to this on podcasts like we have uh many many listeners that do that um if you'd like you can go subscribe to hope church lv on youtube and these videos will now be available if you'd like to watch us talk about leadership instead of just listening to talk about leadership you can do that on youtube vance here we are for the youtube audience anything you'd like to say to our new viewers no this just feels really uncomfortable so far uh because we're usually doing this knowing that we're just talking in a conversation and uh to have the camera turned on over here in the corner is a little bit different but i trusted you when you led me into the world of podcast scott so i will trust you leading me into the world of youtube uh podcast i guess that's what you call it yeah is it a youtube cast uh a lot of people say a lot of different things we'll just we'll just leave it at that but um yeah so for 43 episodes we have been on audio and so we just decided to kind of um as we begin the summer of 2021 just to jump into youtube for most of you listening on podcasts nothing if nothing has changed but if you do feel so inclined you can jump over to youtube and watch us talk about leadership so vance we are in june of 2021 obviously we record these a little earlier but um how you doing how's life how's the fam how's uh how's vance pittman's world ah man i'm doing great i am getting close to a sabbatical our church just blew my family away recently with a weekend where they honored us for 20 years in las vegas uh it's hard to believe but it's been 20 years ago that my family relocated here and joined in god's activity in this city and have for 20 years been able to enjoy just an unbelievable ride of god's favor god's blessing god's provision and so the church honored us for 20 years and as a part of that have given us an extended 12-week sabbatical to get away and just refresh and refuel and so we're getting ready to do that um about to be heading out on that sabbatical especially when this plays we'll be getting really close um but man everything else is good it seems like you know after 2020 and everything that happened and all that we went through life seems to begin to be getting back to somewhat levels of normalcy and at least in our weekend services we're starting to see people re-engage and just starting to feel like what it felt like prior to the pandemic and so i know for a lot of people man that's just refreshing to just see some things getting back to some levels of normalcy and so i'm feeling that and life is good that's great hope you are doing well wherever you are listening or watching this uh really excited about today vance today is a little different tell us about why uh episode 44 of the vance pittman leadership podcast is going to be so different today is different uh if you go all the way back to episode 7 of the podcast in episode 7 i talked about what we call leadership failure 101 which is not developing new leaders and scott we talked about some content around the priority of raising up and developing leaders and one of the great joys of my life and being in one place for 20 years is watching god raise up leaders and you're an example of that now for over three years 43 episodes you've played the role of host on this podcast um and asked me a ton of questions and let me do a lot of talking and i just thought it would be great for our listeners that have really gotten to know you over the last three years but predominantly as a host who's speaking in a little bit but don't really realize the caliber of leader that you are that god's raised up here in our church and one of the great joys of my life has been watching you and your development as a leader here on our team from when you joined our team as an intern to being where you are now one of our lead pastors leading one of our four major teams part of our teaching team your fingerprints are just all over our fellowship and so because of that a couple of months ago we do a thing here at hope church that we call second monday we bring our whole staff team together and we do we celebrate wins we pray together and there's always excuse me a leadership challenge that's given and most of the time that's done by me but a couple of months ago scott i asked you to do a leadership challenge for our staff team and i just so love the content and the transparency from your own heart i wanted today to kind of flip the script let me be play a little bit of the host and you to share some of the things that you shared with our team out of your own life and experience and leadership so that's what we're going to do today after 40-something episodes ladies and gentlemen i am finally in control i cannot wait uh no so should i say the man the myth the legend oh man well it's an honor you know i um for those that don't know me maybe aren't in our church um it takes about five minutes of talking to me uh for me to start singing the praises of what god has done through my life here at this church he mentioned it but um came here right at a small little bible college when i was 21 years old hungry for ministry but honestly i didn't even know what that meant at the time it's just what bible college kids say you want to go into ministry and so i went out to lunch with pastor travis who was the student pastor at the time and um i just look back at that meeting at outback steakhouse when travis just encouraged me to start serving as a small group leader in the student ministry and just to see um what god has done in my life i mean my wife and i got married here we started having children who have all been now discipled and raised i mean we a big moment yesterday vance our last we have four kids our last preschooler graduated from the preschool ministry and is now in hope kids so we now will no longer need to go to the preschool building and that was just kind of a moment for my wife and i we we when we were going to sleep last night it was like wow like these kids were born or in the case of our fourth adopted into this family of faith and um i mean everything about my life screams just god's grace primarily through hope church and so um it's an honor for me to sit under your leadership um for for almost 14 years now um and so when i got an opportunity to share uh on second monday i was like man what what do i share and so i just thought i i kind of how i normally do just be honest with our staff and just kind of share where god's kind of brought me and specifically one area of my life that has been i think very very affected something that i've done that has affected my leadership in the last several years more than anything else so that's kind of the topic of today and it's this idea of intentionality as you saw in the title uh the title of this episode is being a leader on purpose uh that'll make sense here in a minute but um the reality is nothing good comes from drifting right we understand as as sinners immediately as soon as we wake up we are naturally bent towards drifting and so um i don't ever drift in anything good for me i don't drift in anything godly for me if you're listening or watching as a leader you don't naturally drift into being an incredible leader what does it take it takes by god's grace intentionality um and it's something that i feel like is is is really popular right now vance we've we read books all the time as a staff team and some of those books are secular books about business and leadership and those are all great but before people in the in the book world and in the business leadership world were talking about being intentional and and having the right mindset and all that um god was talking about it a couple verses to share before we jump into kind of the bulk of the content and what i share with our staff team is versus like first timothy chapter four verse eight discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness i love how paul is writing to this young pastor timothy and he's telling him be intentional for bodily discipline is only a little prophet but godliness is profitable for all things since it holds the promise for the present life and also for the life to come it's this idea of you're never going to drift timothy into being a great young new pastor you have to discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness ephesians 5 15-17 look carefully this idea of intentional how you walk not as unwise but as wise making the best use of your time because the days are evil therefore to not be foolish but understand what the will of the lord is um my testimony as a young leader is i was really trying to i was trying really hard um i just got married when i started when i started working at hope and i started getting leadership and even that word i joked we celebrated pastor travis in another staff meeting for 15 years here on staff and one of the things i kind of joked was i made fun of him for a little bit is um how much this guy talked about leadership yeah and in the beginning i literally like was like what is he talking about all the time he's talking about leadership he's giving me these books and and i didn't know how to be a leader but here's what i knew what i was doing was not working like i i got married and so now i'm a leader to this woman and i'm in ministry i'm trying to lead this student ministry and then three months after we got married we got pregnant with our son bryce and now i'm having to lead a family and and i knew i needed something to change because i wasn't reading a lot of books i wasn't being very intentional with my time i was expecting to drift into being this awesome godly leader and um god in his grace just kind of through a process of what i learned at hope some books that were given to me and i just believe for the for the benefit of my future and the future of everyone that i i have influence over um just really pushed me towards this idea of striving by grace now at hope vance you can speak to this but um one of the things that you come out of in your tradition of growing up is is a lot of people in the church world are striving they're striving legalistically because they feel like this is what you got to do to be a good christian i didn't come out of that i got saved as a senior in high school i've only really known discipleship at hope which is not about doing it's about being at the same time i can't just sit in room all day with my bible and you know this if you're a watcher or a listener this podcast we depend and abide in christ but out of the overflow of what he's doing in us man we are passionate about the gospel we're passionate about what we're doing we heart we're hard workers so god just kind of led me through a series of a couple years of just honestly my life not working very well through this idea of striving by grace not not striving apart from his grace not striving apart from dependence on him but striving by grace to be a better husband to be a better dad to be a better pastor to be a better friend a leader you know whatever it is and so um it kind of led us to what i packaged as this content that i want us to walk through it's this idea of living life intentionally before we jump into the content advance that's kind of my throw up of everything we're talking about today how does that resonate with you and your leadership how how have you seen that maybe in me and maybe you want to talk about that but what are what are your thoughts just jumping into a topic that i really feel like if people aren't already thinking about it they need to be thinking about it no matter where god has them leading yeah scott i think that's spot on i'm excited to hear you unpack this because i know the way that it impacted me when you shared it and to hear you describe that tension it is very real like for example my life verses that that are the life verses that god gave me in ministry are from paul when he wrote in colossians and he said we proclaim him in colossians 1 28 admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom so that we may present every man complete in christ and then verse 29 paul said and here's the tension for this reason i labor and that word labor means to work to exhaustion there's a striving paul said for this reason i labor but then listen what he said striving according to his power which mightily works within me so there is this striving this labor but it's a labor that is a labor independence on the holy spirit of god and his empowerment within me so it isn't this let go and let god but it's also not it's all up to me there's a mutual responsibility there's god's part and there's my part and what you're talking about is owning that intentionality and and leveraging that by his grace to become all that he's called you to be so that's why i'm excited for you to share this with our listeners yeah so obviously it does kind of goes without saying but i have not arrived at any of these vance has not arrived at any of these but what we want to do in this podcast is give seven ways to be an on-purpose leader and just for fun i i i put them all to uh the acrostic purpose so um that's for fun i like the way he says that he loves doing it i do so i do don't let him say it's just for fun it's a part of seven ways passion to be on an on purpose leader um the show notes the caption on this youtube video we'll have these kind of listed out but um as i thought about what to share with our our staff team how god has changed my life through just intentionality these are kind of seven things that i know are a part of my life again not perfectly but a part of my life that i try to practice by god's grace striving by god's grace um in leadership so we'll just go through these and kind of chop it up as we go vance but the first one the p is practice a morning routine i was kind of the classic maybe if you're watching or listening to this you are um i'm not a morning person um and so what that usually meant was i slept in until the bare minimum time where i could jump in and read a couple bible verses before i headed out um to work or to school or wherever i might have been going um and so one of the things that god has kind of again through a process of discipleship and some books that i read is this idea of a morning routine i say routine not because it's something you're slave to but something that's a habit or a routine in my life that to this day by god's grace i do pretty much every day um except on fridays but we'll talk about that later um but it's the idea of if when i go to build a building we're sitting in a beautiful building i remember before any of this was here we had a set of plans that we were walking through plans for walls plans for av plans for all of it um that was laying the foundation for what this building would ultimately become for me my morning routine is plans before starting or building my day this is something that every day i wake up usually around the same time and i kind of have a morning routine it always involves getting coffee in my mouth as humanly possible um i'm always like that's don't even talk to me before i've had a cup of coffee please um but that this includes god time um this this must include god time that's um one of the things that i love to do is i don't even look at my phone vance you you share this too and sermons and stuff one of the things that you do is your phone's in a different room until you've spent time with the lord understanding that as soon as i picked this thing up i got notifications i got news i got tweets i got instagram and so i don't even touch that thing until i've spent time in the word this is also a time where i read books for development i'm a big reader like you are um and so this is after i spend time with god i'm reading some books i'm usually reading two or three books that i'm spending time in just trying to learn and develop for me and my season of life it's a little different for you than it is for you vance but this is my me time i have four kids all in elementary school um and so uh i when i get home right now um vance we've talked about this this is not true of you but it used to be when i get home right now it's like dad's home every kid rushes to the door let's go to the park let's play let's and so me time does not end when my work is over me time is either late at night or in the morning and so if i want time for myself if my wife wants time for herself we have to wake up before the kids do get in the word and um that's our me time because if i stay up too late then my morning routine will be messed up and so try to get to bed at a good time um and this is my me time it's time for with god time for developing myself as a leader um and then there is time to flip open instagram and see if anything awesome happened last day but practice and morning routine is one simple way that i've seen in my life is a very intentional way to be an on-purpose leader and i think that's something as you study leaders and study leadership you'll find that that discipline true across different um spectrums of leadership you know i mean not just christians you'll find non-christians who have a morning routine uh that do something but we're talking about christian leaders and particularly that piece of time alone with the father that needs to be a piece of that but the two things that i wrote down scott thinking about that that i think are important is number one you said it needs to be personalized to you so you may be listening to this and you're like man i'm not a coffee drinker i don't even do instagram i don't like reading books so it's got to be personalized to you you got to make that fit who you are and then it's got to be contextualized to your season so your season of life with small kids at home uh your morning routine may look different than mine does now because i don't have small children in the house i don't have to get everything done before they're up and moving around so personalized do you contextualize to your season but man that morning routine is is massive yeah what's your second one practice the morning routine here's the you utilize every resource to grow we don't need to spend a ton of time on this what i love about this podcast is not contrived and not put on but we just constantly are talking about the things that you and i are doing and people in our church who are leaders are doing um to grow we've said it before readers are leaders our readers we are constantly talking about what books are reading so that's a you that's a resource to grow again even if you're not you know my wife um even after i kind of began reading a lot she would say man she's not a reader she's a really slow reader she would say um and so i just said you know just start with a book at a time and see where and to see over the last few years where candace now is which is constantly getting after her god time getting in a book about being a better mom or a book about discipling young ladies um leaders are readers i always joke and say if you tell me you're not a reader but then i told you i'm gonna give you a book and if you read this book you'll learn how to be a millionaire by next year every person just became a reader like they would all read that book yeah it's it's a matter of do you want it enough do you want to grow enough do you see the benefit of reading enough to get into the word so maybe that's reading for you another thing podcast i mean you're listening to the vance penman leadership podcast before today it wasn't on video podcasts are amazing i love podcasts they've changed my commutes i'm pretty much never driving and listening to music anymore i usually listen to music while i'm working and while i'm working out but podcasts have changed my commutes and i'm not just listening to sermons although i do listen to sermons but i'm just utilizing every resource to grow i understand i am a young dude i'm not as young as i once was advanced but i understand i have so much to learn so i'm utilizing every resource to grow it's another area that i'm trying to be intentional with that's great that's great scott what's the third one the third one i had sponsored by lecroy third one the r so we got practice i'm morning routine for p utilize every resource to grow for you r regulate distractions this was a big one for me i had to be intentional and i still do on what i allow to distract me um it kind of goes without saying again we've talked about this i think we've had a whole episode on these little bad boys right here the phone um man this thing is so distracting if i'm not careful and i don't put some some regulations on this thing um i don't know when it was a few years ago apple um and and if you don't have an apple i'll pray for you um because that's the sanctification issue anyways um i love all my android fans i got people in my family that are android people um but uh man i they came out with what they call screen time it's kind of everyone knows what it is now but if you didn't know um there's an apple tracks everything you do on your phone and so you can actually go in the screen time app and you can uh set up a report and the report will tell you here's how much time you spent on this app here's much time you spent and here's how many times it look gets down to how many times you picked up your phone um and i was humbled the first time i did that i don't remember what it was but it was an ungodly amount of time that i spent on instagram and again i'm thinking about my role and responsibility as a leader here at hope as a husband as a father um and the amount of time i was spending on my phone for me again this is we're not putting this on anybody you gotta you gotta ask god to kind of lead you for you but for me i realize that is unacceptable i'm spending so much time on my phone and it hit me one day we were wrestling around on the floor me and my kids and um i i picked up my phone just because it's like a habit i just picked up my phone and i started scrolling instagram and my son was probably i don't know seven at the time so a few years ago he asked me he said dad um why are you on your phone play with us and it was just one of those my goodness here i am i'm enjoying all the things that i've prayed for um but i still think i need to open up my phone and see people that i don't even really know that well on so regulate distractions how have i done that i got a limit again this is not this is you gotta you gotta i think you do two vans um just put a limit like here's how much time i'm gonna spend on instagram a day um not only do i have a limit my wife has the passcodes mine as well because i don't even know how to get myself beyond the line i don't have the willpower i have 15 minutes a day if that thing pops up and says you're out of time and i had the password i'm scrolling again so my wife candace has the password as well and so um man that's that is a big deal for me that's the phone is a big deal for me maybe for you it's a different distraction but a way for me to be intentional um was for me to limit the distractions a big one is my phone we talked about it earlier but i don't i don't check my phone until my morning routine is over i actually don't have email on my phone every once in a while again there's situations where you have to do this right there's situations where i know something big is going on or if i'm traveling i'll always put my email on my phone but i know if i have my hope email on my phone i'm just going to constantly getting pinged all day long and i need to regulate distractions from me that's how god's kind of led me to be an on-purpose leader so that's the third one regulate distractions yeah i was just going to read this quote by henry blackbee because i think it's so good about distractions he said among the enemies to devotion none is so harmful as distractions and here's his definition whatever excites the curiosity scatters the thoughts disquiets the heart absorbs the interest or shifts our life focus from the kingdom of god within us to the world around us that is a distraction the world is full of them our science-based civilization has given us many benefits but it has multiplied our distractions and so taken away far more than it has given wow so great definition of what distractions are sure and regulating them is key to being an on personal purpose leader here's the fourth one pray throughout the day um if you're like me and this is kind of embarrassing to admit it's easier to admit that to our staff team than it is to admit to the whole podcast world but um my prayer life just wasn't great i'd spend great time with god in the morning i would have an awesome prayer time i'm a journaler so i'd be journaling and then i'm just a go-getter kind of guy so i would shut my bible shut my journal and there would be days but i would go home and i would lay my head down at night and i would realize i didn't really talk to maybe maybe some prayers during meetings but i didn't even really talk to god very much throughout this entire day and for me it was just a conviction like man my prayer life um was just not something that was uh that that verse that says pray without ceasing that doesn't mean you never stop praying it's this continual dependence and prayer with god and it's just that communion throughout the day and so one of the things that i've weaved into my life and i'm again i'm not perfect at it even as i'm unpacking this right now i'm realizing i got to do some some work to to get this back into my life but um it's just this idea of weaving in prayers throughout the day so as i'm walking from one meeting to another we have a lot of meetings now in this building and we'll go to the other building as i'm sometimes i'll skateboard over to the other building i'm just asking the lord i'm about to go into this meeting i need your wisdom i need your grace um and it's just something that kind of re-center my heart that's always going that's always drifting that's always searching for the next thing um just praying throughout the day not just in the morning in my god time but praying throughout the day is something that god has really used um just in my leadership as i'm trying to be intentional yeah i think for me scott when i when i grasp that reality of of this pray without ceasing being this constant conversation it means that you never close the communication lines that they just stay open and living that way changes the way you view prayer it changes your intimacy with the father and i like to relate it to like my relationship with my wife like even though we're not talking right now like i could text her right now and she would respond and we could that communication line is open and too many times we do put god in that morning box and then it's over and what you're describing that i so appreciate is just walking with god through the day and keeping that line of communication open so i thought that was powerful so you said practice a morning routine utilize every resource to grow regulate distractions pray throughout the day what's the fifth one only be wherever you are this one was another challenging one for me multitasking is something that um depending on the type of leader you think this is a thing you're great at uh the reality is multitasking is a myth i love that now some of the science is kind of backing that up that they're doing studies to show you really can't be at two places at once you can't give your full attention um there were times as a young leader where i was called out because i'd be in one meeting and i'm emailing for another i'm doing it and now with our phones it's so easy to just kind of drift off and look into a phone and somebody says what do you think scott and you're like uh can you repeat the question right like only be wherever you are this is a discipline that i'm really trying to work on to be intentional but whether i'm here like right now i am podcast host we are doing a podcast so um obviously there's emergency situations but i want to be here i want to be fully on the vance pitman leadership podcast from 8 a.m to 4 00 p.m at hope church i'm going to be fully there i'm going to be a leader i'm going to be a a great team member i'm going to be a great pastor hopefully by god's grace um and then i leave i have a little gym in my in my garage um it's a crossfit gym vance is uh is also on the crossfit train we've talked about that on this podcast before um but i want to be a great coach there's 15 or so people that come to my house some of friends of mine i want to be a great coach to them so i'm not on my phone i'm not at that time i'm home but i'm not in my house being a dad and a husband obviously if my kids come out and need something of course i'm going to be there but i want to be a good coach and then of course as soon as i walk in until i get up the next morning and go to work i want to be a great husband and father i know it goes without saying but to only be wherever you are in this day and age with so many distractions is actually a very intentional move wherever you are be only there that's another way god has kind of uh you know pushed me to um to really be a better leader is to wherever i am be all the way there yeah i think that's fantastic and i know like talking to pastors that are that are listening today and ministry leaders in particular like on sundays when the church service is happening you know before and after i think often some of the greatest ministry that happens at a church gathering is not happening on the stage it happens off stage in those one-on-one conversations people before and after services that you're talking to applying god's word answering questions and i think it's so important when you're doing that to be there and what tends to happen is you start looking at the person next the person that's behind them or looking over somebody else you want to talk to but man just to give your attention to those people when you study jesus in the gospels you could tell man he saw people like when he was with them he was with them and they knew he was with them so i think that's such a powerful statement to only be where you are so we're to the s in purpose scott what's the s sabbath uh this is something i'm very thankful a lot of resources are coming out in in the in the church world um some really great books on just really what it looks like to take the fourth commandment we forget that's a commandment um seriously we've kind of punted it as christians in our go-getter world and i did um and and i would look back we're off on fridays here at hope fridays and saturdays and i would look back at my weekend and it was just packed full of stuff and i'm going into sunday tired and of course that's going to happen sometimes but one of the things that god really led me to is this idea of practicing a sabbath and it doesn't have to look uniform the same way for everybody but for us for me and my family um it's a thing i announced to my family here's what we're going to start doing on fridays so for me we've talked about this on the podcast before but when i go to bed on thursday i turn my phone off if there's an emergency at the church vance and travis know to call my wife and if there's an emergency they can get a hold of me i we understand that happened during kova there were several things that kind of popped up that that i needed to to break my sabbath for and and engage as a leader and that's going to happen but by and large thursday my phone goes off um saturday morning when i after my god time i turn it back on and honestly for the first couple times i did that i thought i was like getting off of drugs or something it was insane how how dependent i was on my phone but we we just rest rest doesn't mean i don't get out of my pajamas sometimes we go on hikes as a family we'll go to the park for the day we always make pizza and watch a family movie night every friday night and it has been something throughout the covet season and now continuing as we get out of the coveted season that has changed the game for my family my kids know everyone knows when i get home from service on thursday because we have service on thursday night um sabbath's about to start it's going to be a game changer we're going to be together we can play video games but it has to be together the rule is everything has to be together so let's play battleship let's play a star wars video game let's go on hikes but let's do it together let's turn the distractions off and let's just enjoy each other and enjoy the rest that god calls us to so that's been another huge move for me and my family yeah scott and i think the way you model that and the way you live that uh is inspiring for a lot of people i know it has been for me i know the way that you put those boundaries in place and you don't do it in a way that's like lording it over people or saying look at what but you just model it uh in a powerful way and i know for a lot of people that are maybe watching or listening um you're wanting to kind of say man how do you begin to put that practice in let me give you two books that were instrumental in my life that helped me tremendously with this one is called the rest of god by mark buchanan powerful book on the principle of sabbath subtitle restoring your soul by restoring sabbath it's just a great great resource and then replenish by lance witt both of those books are phenomenal at helping you build this principle of rest and somebody said this about me last week and i've actually said it before but but hearing somebody else say it meant wow i'm really living this way they said man vance you work hard but you rest hard and i think that's a biblical principle it is a spiritual thing to rest we have an entire podcast on that subject and you can go look that one up but um there's a spiritual principle of resting that we've gotten away from and those two books and what scott said are so instrumental so scott what's the last one last one won't spend much time on it end the day wisely in the day wisely again we're about to go it's this is cyclical i'm about to wake up and practice my morning routine um and so how do i end the day wisely for me i always do a debrief with candace again this is a season of life thing but her and i do not get many quiet moments ever until the kids go to bed and so there's always going to be a touch base with my wife there's always going to be a hey how was your day where she's homeschooling all the kids i'm working here at hope there's a debrief with candace sleep is a big deal i love again all the science is coming out the people that say i only need three hours of sleep and i'm just that kind of guy well eventually you're gonna die you're gonna hit a wall um and so i try to get a good night's sleep i'm not great at it i wish i got more um there's some stuff i'm doing to to try to to help that trying to get off the devices but if i'm not careful just like you i'm gonna get a netflix show on and next to you know i'm in a show hole and it's been four hours and it's midnight and i'm expecting to wake up in a few hours and that's just not something that is wise for me and so i try to go to bed at a decent time um and i end the day wisely because i know the next part of the the next the uh the practicing the morning routine is coming um and so those are just some ways that like if i look at my life over the last several years where i've really grown in leadership and grown as a husband grown as a father grown as a friend those are things that not perfectly but they've been a part of my life and i'm super super grateful that god and his grace has kind of led me in those ways of being an on purpose leader well and what i love about this scott as you've described these seven things and i'll just recap it one last time practice a morning routine utilize every resource to grow regulate distractions pray throughout the day only be wherever you are sabbath and then end the day wisely these are not just seven things that you write on paper these are seven things that i watch you live out in your life and i think that's why they were so inspirational to our staff team and why i think they'll be inspirational to our listeners and those that are watching on youtube to think about those seven areas and maybe for you it's not seven maybe you there's eight or nine maybe there's four or five but what is it that you need to be intentional about as a leader to continue to develop and to be the best steward of the responsibility that's been entrusted to you so that's what we wanted to share with you today scott it's been awesome to flip the script uh and another awesome part of this is you always tell me let's shoot for under 30 minutes we'll see where it goes and we have gone over 30 minutes so it is awesome that uh scott is long-winded as well all right so thanks for listening i hope you enjoyed this new format if you're watching on youtube um we will be back in the middle of uh the summer july of 2021 hope to catch you very soon let us know how we can help hit us up on the dms hit us up with our our email let us know how we can help serve you better as leaders and thanks again for checking out the vance pittman leadership podcast thanks again for joining
Channel: Hope Church LV
Views: 363
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: hopechurchlv, hope church, hope church lv, church, Vance Pitman, leadership, leadership podcast, vance pitman leadership podcast, Scott Worthington, How to be intentional, Being an On-Purpose Leader
Id: RhA7To1oTBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 49sec (2149 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 07 2021
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