LE SSERAFIM 回答網友熱搜問題!團員覺得誰最會跳舞?允真分享創作歌曲含義 |鄉民大哉問|GQ Taiwan

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hi we're L seraphim I'm Yen I'm Kaz I'm Sak I'm and we're here to do the wired autocomplete interview has the group ever Googled themselves oh yeah all the time every time every time what does the seraphim mean it's an aness I'm fearless which is the motto of our team M very Fearless dauntless girl what does the seraphim call their fans what is Unforgiven the seraphim about okay yes what is the seraphim workout it was a workout that we did when we were preparing for the groove it was like our training workout it was very strenuous it was 100 jumping jacks as a warmup and then 100 burpees and then three sets of four different plank exercises with 25 reps and stuff it was very intense and we did that like like for 2 hours twice a day but it helped us build the stamina for our Coro bye thank you how leapin how to pronounce ler no not Japanese and for English at the beginning of her career people didn't know how to like write the in Korean so it like people would write as Le and it would be le seraphim oh my God what was that one larim oh my God how did Las seraphim form fate your seraphim documentary oh true Che it out check it out we have a documentary about our you how long did the seraphin members train o this is different for anybody two years two years I was like like I think in total like four years she was very short like six months six months wow yeah for sakur is very hard cuz she was an idol for 12 years now very wide range of okay last question how tall is the L serin members okay recently grew though she's still growing still growing me too really oh congratulations thank you so much how tall how tall and I'm 172 tallest 58 toss it toss it larapin who owned larapin Fearless era I think and also I think Sakura cuz I remember you got a lot of praise for your dance dancing yeah everybody had their own expression of fearless cuz we all that was like the first song we did together after living very very different Lives who La seraphim [Applause] zoomo or is it talking about rers so we use zoom often we called Zha from when um she was in the Netherlands so we had yeah that in our documentary but we then we also talked to n Rogers over zoom and then we also have this content segment where we debate nonsense things on Zoom so maybe we talk about that who is the best dancer in laraan oh well we have a professional ballerina in our [Applause] [Applause] group yes she's very good at dancing I'm a mess BL be's life I'm a miss I'm a miss oh yeah it's um talking about how I'm a mess yeah I'm a mess I'm still and still the best dress yeah you're last we don't dress to impress Las seraphim zodiac signs P ddy ddy miracle and I'm a tting d I'm a Libra byebye bye me bye-bye by I would hate you is hen an opera singer it's true oh my God it's true I was not an opera singer but I did sing classical music for a lot of my life so I was in like choir and stuff very famous be yes oh my God can I do it now I just had hot sauce so not the highest now kind of what does Hy Jin like huh what do I like I like many things lately I've been into um lately I've been into reading was in produce 48 oh my God 18 years yeah yeah I think it was the same age as you she used to watch me which is crazy p and Jin love you twice meaning oh what does it mean it means H I've never talked about this song in English before so this is cool love you twice is about like all the seasons change but I hope to be in your life like a Four Season always blooming flower I guess it's just like be wanting to be that omnipresent Everlasting existence it's a very sweet song mhm about my special people in my life yeah oh Saka Miaki hi is Saka Miaki a wrestler that's crazy why is Miaki hakura why so popular so many reasons tell me Google tell me Google I don't know I think it's because of her mom oh she's always hardworking and I think that is truly a big reason why she's so lovable Sakura Mii signature okay K Kaza Nakamura Nakamura who is kaz's best friend from the [Applause] documentary issue yeah what is kasa's favorite food chip she's my favorite yeah I mean abs abs for days what is kazza wearing biker short outfit New Girl New Girl Kevin cry Kevin cry Kevin cry always thank you honor bye okay yeah what is favorite color so many so many colors red blue yellow ions [Music] icons [Music] so cute smile smile po yeah smile potato you know the potato like the fries with the smile like punched into it she remember resembles that so that was her first nickname that we gave her all right thank you bye my smile this was so fun if this was an interview that we've always wanted to do so it's so exciting to have been able to do it today next time we hope that we can come as five with our another so if you're watching we love you and we hope to see you again thank you thank you
Channel: GQ Taiwan
Views: 138,959
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Keywords: cne-us, gq, gq le sserafim, gq taiwan, le sserafim, le sserafim live, le sserafim 中文, le sserafim 介紹, le sserafim 允珍, le sserafim 可愛, le sserafim 問答, le sserafim 回答, le sserafim 宮脇咲良, le sserafim 彩源, le sserafim 恩彩, le sserafim 搞笑, le sserafim 歌詞, le sserafim 現場, le sserafim 粉絲, le sserafim 綜藝, le sserafim 翻譯, le sserafim 舞台, le sserafim 花絮, le sserafim 表演, le sserafim 訪問, le sserafim 隊長, le sserafim 韓團, le sserafim 韓綜, wired, 中村一葉, 洪恩採, 許允眞, 金采源, 韓綜
Id: H4May7eLv4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2023
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