le Maroc en Africa Twin RD04 - le film - 2019 | BLKMRKT

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humanity being disposed to understand, having compassion for others, which leads to help those who need it but people who know me, know that i'm not a very a comprehensible guy with human traitor, fake, egoist, power-hungry and greedy i have a lot of different words to talk about us we're the most devastating specie here on earth , for us, and for others we're a real cancer yeah, i know, i'm not a very positive guy is it a majority ? or there is good people, who can help you without thinking about what they can take from you during my last road trip, a real question were on my mind: why this is always people with nothing, who are giving the most ? maybe the world where we're living, hide our face about what is really essential in our life ? i could start this show with the classic "start from paris at 4PM just slept 8 minutes, my GPS is broken and i'm pretty sure i forgot a lot of stuff for this trip let's go to Chartres, at Clement's House, taking the high way, going to Barcelona , 1000 kilometers after, to take a ferry to go to Morocco i could precise that we arrived just 2 minutes before they close the doors to access to the ferry but we did it and we're going to sleep a bit on the boat. i could ... but after living this adventure like we did, i must tell you this story in a different way But first, we are going to try to pass the Douane as you can see, i'm hot. During the day, we slept in front on the sun on the boat, and i got a sunstroke i was hot, cold, i got nosebleeds i was pretty bad i just wanted to go out of this boat, breathe, and sleep somewhere ! but first, we must be controlled by the Douane if you followed our adventure in live, there is something that i didn't tell you i had my drone in my bag i don't know if you know the law about drones here in Morocco, but you can't bring your drone. normally you have to report it and they take your drone. if you don't do it, and fly with it in Morocco, you can have serious problems, and some people are talking about going to jail ... and you can't tell that you didn't know, because it's written everywhere ! so now, i have 2 reason to being hot like i told you before, no GPS for this trip. Just a map, and google map sometimes, just in case, when i'll have a Moroccan sim card we're a bit lost after leaving the boat. We're trying to take the good road, but we're not sure where we are. There is cops everywhere We try to find a spot to sleep tonight we took a little track that we thought it was safe, but guys with guns where in front of us. And they weren't police officers, or military ... We are on a area where there is a lot of Marijuana growers, so we directly understand who where these guys with guns we went back on the road, and we took an another wrong direction. We had to cross a little spanish frontiers, named Ceuta. let's go for a double control ... One to go to ceuta, and another to leave this place. This is perfect ... with my drone in my bag .... we refuel the bikes, and we take the highway. We're going to try to find the good road, to correctly start this trip tomorrow this is 5:00PM and we're so tired. We stop the bike on the highway, and we decide to sleep directly on the ground ! yeah, i know, this is hard to do harder for a first night here in Morocco But sun rises early, clement is dead, and i can't ride anymore too, it's okay for tonight. i have to admit that i'm in a really bad mood... So much that i'm not really understanding why i'm here at this moment ... but i'm pretty sure this is because of my sunstroke tomorrow, we're going to find a good place to take a good coffee, to start this first day of the trip in good conditions 6 o'clock in the morning, cold is waking me up i decide to climb on the bike in order to sleep a bit more, but i can't Clement is still sleeping on the ground i walk a bit in order the warm my body, i watch the sunrise, and i wake up Clement. we're still on the highway and we have about 30 kilometers to do before arriving to the city of Tetouan. we put our bags, start the bikes, and let's go ! we found an awesome coffeeshop you know what it is, big coffee, orange juice, pastries ... and where we saw the price of all this, we took so many coffees and pastries ... Life isn't expensive here ! and we have access to WIFI, so we really took our time ! This is the first time since we started from France, where we have time to chill a bit I decided to prepare this trip in a really different way of Iceland, for example. For this one, Time isn't a component of this trip. Okay, first step of the day, going to Chefchaouen ! why Morocco ? After Iceland, we wanted to make something really different. after going on a country were climatic conditions are pretty hard, we wanted something warmer Morocco is a sure value for everyone who like riding bikes on the road , and of course in off road ! There is so many people whore are coming here from everywhere and i'm not going to talk about all the different rally raid organized here, every years ! This country is a MUST for riders ! i didn't think the north of Morocco was green like this ! but i know that when we're going to the south, the greenery is going to disappear for how long i don't know ! But thank you ! it's 12:00 and we're going to stop on this restaurant to eat something. First real stop in Morocco, first restaurant, and First tagine ! This restaurant is so beautiful .. it's about 3:00PM and we try to take the road again, under this blazing sun ! But first, police check. The first since we're here, i hope things are going to be cool -Where are you going to sleep tonight ? -Fès, i guess ... -Fès ? -Yes if we arrive there - it's going to take 5 more hours - five ? wow .. okay ! there is how many kilometers before arriving there ? problem isn't about kilometers, but the ground. Road is a bit destroyed, but you can go on it well finally, no pressure, we didn't took off our helmets and nothing. I really though they're going to compare our faces with our ID, but no. . We have 5 more hours to ride before arriving to Fès. So let's go we could stop before, but we didn't slept well since 3 days now, so we really want to find a good place to take a good shower, and sleep in good conditions. We really need it ! when we arrived to the city of Fès, a guy directly took us to show us a place to sleep do you think it's a good plan or not ? what do you want to do ? I don't know .. he is talking about a garage and a barbecue .. here you are in the old city, la médina. There is a parking for the bike ... Let's check his place ? And if we don't want to sleep there we take the road again, okay ? We don't know what to think about this ... let's see the place, but i already know that we're not going to accept it ... After the day we had, we really want to take the time to choose something cool for us. We didn't understand why there is so many people in the street. But the "King" of Morocco was in the city tonight. this is why there is so many people and soldiers This was incredible, you have a soldier every 100 meters, ready to fight in case of, from the entrance of the city, until the exit ! to imagine the size of the city, Fès is the 2nd biggest city of Morocco, with a size of 424km2, Paris sizes 105km2 so imagine how how many militaries were there just to protect the king we took some times but we found a good place to sleep tonight, and we can put our bikes into it, so it's perfect ! let's chill a bit, eat something hot, and sleep ! Tomorrow, we go to the national park of aguelmame azegza, and we're going to ride our first off-road sections ! Woke up late this morning (about 12:30 PM), but it's because we really needed to sleep we take our breakfast, put our equipment, and we start the day ! we wanted to arrive to Merzouga until tonight but, because of the time, i think it's gonna be a bit short ! we don't have any pressure in term of time and distance, but it's always good to have objectives we take the time to clean our bikes, we refuel the tanks, and we go back on the road we quickly stop and we take the time to eat something. After this, we're going to ride during the rest of the day and not stopping anymore thank you ! it seems like everything is fake here .. it's too perfect .. this is like grass cut with a mower hello ! you lost your tongue ? do you want an advice ? Go on youtube, and write BLKMRKT awesome ... Hello you ! You scared ? Yeah i know i'm strange, but i'm saving your life little boy ! damn i love it ! it missed me a lot man .. this type of simple ride missed me a lot ! I was waiting about this since months .. Riding off-roads like this without thinking about anything. Balou is pretty hot too so it's awesome I see that my man Balou is pretty hot too so it's an awesome moment ! time si ticking and night is going to fall soon ! We need to find a place to sleep okay this is why the little boy why telling us to slow down .. I thought he was saying hello do you have cigarettes ? Sorry man, i don't smoke ! you wanted to camp next to a river ? it's about 7:30PM .. we can stop here for today, camp here, and continue to ride this part tomorrow ? damn i want to climb this one .. this is the perfect place to camp during a night. You have to know that during the night, temperatures can go down very hard so we need to prepare ourself for tonight, and lighting a fire we take time to talk about life and others things in front of this fire, and after it we go to sleep. Tomorrow, we're riding the next part of this road, and we need to be rested somewhere in the national park of Aguelmam azigza it's freezing this morning. Advantage: you need a ew second to be waken up I take some times to watch this amazing view, light on the fire from yesterday, and we go to clean ourself a bit in the river are you okay clement? Awesome ! Let's go ! Goal of today: more than 400 kilometers, and going to Merzouga ! we don't have time to warm up ! Let's ride on this off road part ! weather is changing .. hope it's not going to rain let's go to the Jaffar circus ! something awesome on this country, whatever you are, there is always someone to help you in case you need it okay thank you man ! we start our day at the swimming pool on this morning, at the city of Erfoud all the tourist from yesterday are gone, and with got the place just for us .. let's chill a bit ! today, we go to Merzouga, the desert gates of Sahara we just have 50 kilometers to do before arriving there, but first, we're going to change the Balou's wheel he's going to ride lighter after this, and having more grip on the ground for the next part of this adventure like i told you before, we juste have about 50 kilometers to do before arriving there. But a sand storm is coming... and it's going to complicate this During day like this, the road can be covered by sand and we can see some tornado here in the desert it's hard to stay in the same line with the bike, because of the hard wind here, i queasily hurt a 4X4 it's getting harder to ride with this conditions .. We're going to stop somewhere damn dude, this is pretty hard here ! did you see tornados too ? One of them was coming on us ! balou: can you breath with this conditions ? it's hard man ! it's firing my nose ! yeah we can sit outside no problem ! i really hope that the storm is going to calm down .. let's eat something cool: a chicken Tajine ! And we back at it ! we're now at Merzouga this city is known to have the biggest dunes of sand of the country. this is where a lot of rally raids pilots are coming to train thereself too we take some informations for the next part of our trip, and we're going to find a place to sleep for tonight you know that we're starting to do something bad for us dude .. yes, i know but it's your shit ! yeah, but i'm not here just to watch them .. Well, we're here, so we must try to ride the dunes ! Let's put the bags down, regulate the pressure of our tires, and let's go .. well this is working pretty fine !! damn.. this is was something man .. its was the first time we were riding on the sand, and i mean dunes sands and there is a big difference about grip at the begging i was relax about the situation. But the fact that Clement was stressed about it started to put a little pressure on me we start with an handicap .. we ride with 2 big bikes.. plus the fact my rear tyre isn't in perfect conditions .. we put off the luggages we had on them but they're still heavy. We deflated the tires (0.8 bars) We can't ride the dunes we want and we have to admit that we sucks on riding dunes. We never done that and we have everything to learn about it ! 2nd thing you have to know if you're riding dunes, when you start on them, you have to bring power ! More power you have, better the bike will be on the dunes i felt like i was sliding on the sand more than rolling on it if you've never seen a Desert this is something you must see in your life. and if you can come to ride here with your bike, just do it ! this is an incredible place woke up in front of the dunes this morning we take the time to eat something during the breakfast, because with the ride of today, this is certainly going to be our first meal of the day clement put some honey on his lip. This is what i told you last time, honey is awesome to repair things like that this man who work at the Riad shows me on the map, where we have to cross the part of the desert that we're going to do today. some part have a lot of "tech tech" to cross some of them more easy than others in fact if these bike can ride everywhere some area are going to be more difficult than others, just because of the weight of the bike this dude propose to me that if we have any troubles in the desert we can call him, and he is going to come to us to help us. he perfectly knows the place. this is a detail, but i have to admit that's touched me today we are going to ride a part of the south. and if i'm right, this is an old part of the Paris - Dakar we try to find the good road by talking with others guys, in order to not being stuck in the desert. like i told you before, this part was taken by pilot during the old Paris - Dakar (the real one) you have to know that this race started to cross Morocco for the first time, in 1993 but this is in 98-2001 - 2002 ... this exact part was taken by pilots the goal was to go down in direction of the Mauritania the race continue to cross Morocco with intermitence until 2008, before being exported to the South of America shit ! just where i just not wanted to be ! what's that ? melon ? excellent ! i have no access to raise the bike finally wind goes down. This is definitely better than yesterday or during this morning but we have a big new problem ... the heat .. Man .. actually in the desert we have more than 50°C ! And we're not in summer ! So juste imagine if you're here later during the year .. we refuel our camel bags before starting the day. We have more than 3L per person i hope this is going enougth but with this heat, every movement you make , this is an enormous consumption of energy and water. we are on a vicious circle. More you're pushing, more you need energy and water, more you're drinking and more you're tired ... mental is very important too. You have to relax a lot .. i mean, trying to relax .. but i have to admit that im starting to be angry, because we're not crossing this part like i would we have to relax, think about the situation, and taking the good decisions. This is the only way to pass it Damn ! fuck this shit ! just after this dune there was a spanish family. They give us some fresh coca cola the dude at the Riad this morning told me that at this precise place, we have to go on this place we have 2 option to go there. 1st going on the left or on the right the spanish family came back to told us that it's difficult ton cross by the right place i wanted to try by the right, but Clement wants to go on the left ... We take the decision to go on the left i'm stuck under the bike . I can't move my leg ! Hopefully, Balou eared me and came back to help me new problem, we have to cross this little dune. But we can't take speed to cross it you see the road ? when you're in the corner, put some power and when you're on the other side, come here to help me i have to tell you something. This is the first time that i feel my body like if it was dead. I mean, mentally i know i can do it, but physically, my body doesn't want so i wanted to drink some water in order to calm down.. But when i tried .. Nothing .. no more water ... I start to be a little anxious.. not a long one, but just something to doubt a bit but this is at this time that you have to have a strong mental. You have to put in your mind that everything is gonna be all right and you can do it so you calm down, you breath, and you find a solution. i have to tell you that we have no idea .. We try to rest a bit, and we're going to put these bikes out of the dune after But few minutes after, we find 3 4x4 which are coming... And all of them talk french ! let's see if they can help us ! you can trust on him is made Paris - Dakar I trust on him ! I see 4x4, i see straps, i'm confident don't worry about it ! when you crossed the dune make a sign and i'll stop the car ! Imagine he breaks all the front of my bike ! when he is going to push we have to raise the front of the bike it's way simple with a strap ! yeah you too.. it's better ... where is your gps ? In my pocket but i see on the map a road like this few kilometers after .. what kind of road it is ? yes there is a road ! But it's a real road or something like where we are actually ? there is a shitty part like this but after it's okay this the shittiest part of the oued you can cross ok nice ! This is the part we had to went around, normally well .. being stuck in Iceland .. it's a thing, but being stuck in the Desert of Sahara... it's way harder man ! well, before we we're talking about taking on the left or on the right .. we had to take on the right .. we put Balou's bike out of the dune too everybody is okay now and we're going to continue to cross this part of the desert i learned that there is a Riad few kilometers after from our position where we can eat, drink and sleep. we're going to go there well we are on the wrong place.. this is actually the shittiest place we could be with these bikes it's always like this with us .. i'm not surprise ! yeah i'm going to chill a bit and work my tan.. do you have some cream ? if we're stuck again i'm going to get crazy well, let's think twice before doing something ! like i told you before, this part was an old part from Paris - dakar this race was created in 1978 by Thierry Sabine unfortunately he died on it the 14 of January 1986 in an helicopter accident with daniel balavoine This race were organized during many years between Paris and Dakar but with some changes in the itinerary But with time, and, i guess, some terrorist attack on french people in 2008 in mauritania, they canceled the race at the start of Lisbon (portugal) this is at the same period they stopped to race on this places and they went to South of America (2009 - 2019) this is at the same period that some Africa's countries created the Africa Eco Race in order to maintain an official race in Africa the most titled pilot is Stephan peterhansel with 13 victories ( car + bikes) and 76 steps victories speed limit at 160 kilometers were established in 2006 because of many accidents This race is, unfortunately about 60 dead peoples since 1979 civils counted In 2016 and 2019 this is the superman Toby Price who win this race. He is the first no European guy who win this race and you have to know he wins in 2019 with a broken wrist during all the race .. this dude is incredible i invite to you to watch a vey nice video about him. (link in description) man .. what situation ! We did it ! after taking time to drink and sleep a bit .. we're going to work on the bikes.. they need it ! damn man.. what the ... all the sahara is on this filter ! we meet a man who lives with different jobs, and one of them is Apiarist he sells honey here on this riad Morocco as different area with an awesome flora, which is considered like something perfect of bees and this country has the 3 better climate on the earth So there is a very good potential for Apiarist here ! this job helps a lot to fight against poverty and unemployment but like everywhere in the world, this country has to deal against climate deregulation this man propose to us to take the road with him tomorrow He perfectly know people who are selling fuel at the next place, and with him, we're going to have the possibility to totally refuel the bikes Sometimes, it can be restricted because they have to do a lot of kilometers to take gas Last night, i was exactly at the same place , in front of this desertic immensity... under a blue night sky colored by the moon light no wind, no noise, no animals .. nothing. Just me, breathing and this empty sand place.. i though about people i love, people who are missing me.. and i tough to bring someone i love here too to live this moment so perfect, where the serenity is omnipresent. i captured this moment and i wanted to put it on the video but finally i prefer not to. because we travel for magical moment like this too. Building personal memories, closing them on our minds.. To never forget, to think and coming back stronger than before we are at the middle of the trip in term of kilometers and we had to chance to meet a lot amazing people here people with the hand and the heart people who first looks like a bit distant, cold.. suspicious, but when you start to talk with them .. they're just awesome. Different from us, but real, and awesome they just have a different way of life from us. But you have to know they will do everything for you in case you need something they can also bring you a smile on your face, just by sharing a cup of tea .. or just talking and joking with you ... things so simple, but made with sincerity ..they bring so much and this is so inspiring we take the road with the cook and the apiarist. Objective for today: refuel the bikes and crossing the desert how many liters do you want ? don't really know we need to refuel completely the bikes no problem ! i loved the part where it was only sand and not really a road thank you for everything ! after a good coffee and a cup of tea with the team, it's time to take the road again they give us some informations to cross the next part of the desert. you have to know the south of Morocco is known for all the meteorites because there is no vegetation and no risk of alteration you have to know that 1 meteorite from 5 is considered like precious the most known is a meteorite which name is NWA and we're not talking about the group but we're talking about the north west Africa most known with the name of Black Beauty it contains part of the Martian ground and molecules of water 10 times most elevated than others known .. about 130 it was discovered in the south of the Moroccan desert in 2011 a similar rock was discovered in the Sahara too, years after this one. this rock was part of the same asteroid from the first one. I don't know about you but to me, this is fascinating there is some link about it in description if you want to read a bit okay, after this scientific speech, let's cross the desert ! this way are you okay dude ? Clement ! are you okay? your gopro .. it's broken it's broken ok but you have it ? it was pretty violent.. sure you're okay ? i'm a bit hurt but it's okay.. i'll have more pain this night for the moment i'm okay let's go stay cool man ... yeah don't worry wait i'm going to ask her something straight ? this way ! okay thank you ! still in front of us but we must stay on the track . Because there is others roads and if we take them we're going to go on others places ! so we stay on the first track and we have to target the mountains i lost Clement i though he was following me but no .. i hope he is okay what's wrong mate ? the bike stopped here shit .. well .. just a classic .. the fuel pump .. we repair it and here we go again ! damn man ! I love this ! what is it ? it's yes ? okay, thank you little boy ! well, let's try to climb this one or not ? damn dude !!! was a track !! This one was awesome ! i was concentrate, everything was perfect good speed, jumps .. i loved it cups of tea are arriving in the street like this ! love it ! again, a very cool moment.. drinking some tea, talking about cars, motorcycles, rally .. trying some stuff weather is getting bader and i'm not sure about the road we're taking i though it was a perfect road but it isn't. It's not a problem in fact, but because of the weather .. it's maybe not the best option ! but we can't change our plans now. We will see .. well, i'm getting a bit sick .. because we have a lot of temperature changing during these last days. My body doesn't understand what's happening there but look at the place man .. the colors .. this is absolutely amazing ! it reminds me some part of Iceland.. if you don't watched our web serie about this place .. do it ! we didn't take enough time to find a place to sleep for tonight. I'm pretty sure we're going to sleep early tonight we have a lot of kilometers to do until the end of the trip Nkoub, Morocco 21 April of 2019 we finally chill a bit ! Today was a bit hard here in Morocco, time isn't working like where we're living. e'are far away from the stress of the time The day starts when the sunshine is rising, and ends when he setting we can approximately know what time it is by songs which are coming from mosques, and we don't need anything more letting go like this is so fucking good man .. we take our breakfast out in the garden, we talk all the morning with balou, about everything... and we take the decision to go back on the road at 12:00 we're going to take more than 30 minutes to find the good road the goal for today, is crossing the Djebel Saghro, this is the red mountains you can see just in front in Tamazig, from the berbers language, Saghro means drought. Here, air is very dry, because the sea is so far away from here when i realize how big are the mountains in front of me.. i'm speechless and i take some adrenaline.. Man .. take a look at the immensity of this !! We're so small compared to this we're now taking the direction of "les gorges du Dadès" this one of the most popular place here in Morocco i don't really love popular places like this in general, but we love to ride awesome curves, so we're going to try this one i hope we're not going to have a lot of tourist there. But by seeing the time, we may have a chance .. le'ts see we met spanish guys who are riding here too. We talk together, and we exchange some tips the landscape is absolutely amazing, but i expect something longer to ride at the end this is the same as the stelvio in Italy. Amazing landscape but not the better place to ride with a motorcycle but like at the Stelvio, to me, the better place to ride with you motorcycle is before the famous part .. Look at this man .. absolutely amazing here you've got some nice roads ! But you must be careful on the road. There is so much gravel on the ground. be in mind that at every turn, you can fall down because of all of this. weather is getting worse. I think we're going to stop here for tonight.. let's try to find a place to sleep, at the bottom of this mountain my phone is out .. it's starting to snow man .. it's snowing ? well .. it turns a lot .. and it seems to be off-road .. night is falling in 30 minutes .. it's better to stop here for tonight .. Let's see if we can sleep here i hope i can go down without touching the wall with my shitty dampers Hi ! how are you ? Fine thank you ! Ok let's go ! woke up ended a freezing weather, at the bottom on the Oued Dades this morning the boss of this hotel told me my bike felt during the night check out at the top of the mountain .. what do you see ? snow .. it felts down during the night and you have to know we have to cross the mountain, now. i hope the road is going to be good and we are going to cross it without any difficulties we fix all our rev'it gears , take a breakfast, and let's ride ! since how many times are you living here ? since i was born here and at the other city how old are you ? 65 65 ? Me 26, and him 27 younger i'm going to explain something to you, to understand the chance we have here in europe you have to know that every people we met since we start this trip, they never leaved Morocco, or there village and a lot of them want to see another places but here, if you don't earn enough money, or if you don't know the right people, you can't have a passport well, but they can go on some countries if they want to, but they aren't interested on these .. and you have to know, when i ear this, i have some difficulties to understand it, and how it can be frustrating for them to see us going in and out of the country like this .. without any problems i'm not telling that everyone on this country want to leave Morocco, i'm just telling that a lot of people here would love to do it one time too .. just to see how it is anywhere else from here So if you want to travel but your only problem is fear.. do it man ! welcome to the winding of the Gorges du dads here we are at approximately 3000 meters of altitude this is one of the most highest road of Morocco snow of yesterday come to sublimate the view we're like at the top of the world .. hopefully we didn't try to cross this section yesterday.. for sure we we have to be careful, the ground is very dirty and wet here .. an accident can arrive very quickly .. we crossed the mountain, and we have to find a gas station. but we're on the wrong side of the road .. we had to take on the left. The problem is, i'm going to understand this 35 kilometers after we have to go back, and ride 35 kilometers more before arriving to a gas station .. we have to relax with the speed.. we must arrive there or we're going to get stuck here in the mountains hi, do you know where can we find a gas station ? okay thank you ! but you were at the top of the pass yesterday no ? is it you first time here in Morocco ? i saw these 2 guys since 2 days now .. we drink and eat something together and we take the road again .. i can't stop watching these mountains man .. Look at this, this is like we were in the middle of the sea, fighting against waves, during a storm this area reminds me East south of France. When we were back from the Balkans in 2017, we took the Cayole pass. This place looks like that one. I'm not talking about the roads, but more about landscapes and colors in the next episode, we continue to ride into the direction of the Cathedrale of Mastfrane after a few minutes, police told us we can cross. These students were in the street because they don't have any teachers sometimes, people told us we are too much at the middle of the road, but here, the corners are full of garbage.. this is why we stay in the middle i tell to clement to stop here, i need to check the map, i'm not sure about the road we took. at our right, we've got people enjoying the sun at the bar we're stopped since .. 20 secondes, and a group of woman is coming in front of us with Tea and cakes they give us food and drink for free, just like this... i definitely love this country .. these people doesn't stop to amaze me well, we were on the good road. Here we go again ! the puddle just before this one, it was a tsunami man ! i had water everywhere ! i couldn't see nothing ! when i saw the second one i was like "okay man .. check this out ..'' when i saw you coming on this one i was like "god damn ..." damn this landscape reminds me the south of france man .. you know the east part at portugal ? Yeah next to Greece the majority of the childs are very cool but you have to be careful, some of them can sometimes heat you or trying to steal you. stay vigilant this is a minority ! But stay with this in mind night is coming and we need to find a place to sleep for tonight. We can't sleep in this city because we doesn't want to put our bike outside we can't leave the bikes without all our stuff we're going to continu and try to find a better place for tonight we cross a dam and the road it better than what i though. it's going to be pretty easy a man stopped us, he can maybe helps us once again, a man trying to help us. We can sleep to his house tonight but the problem is he got just a place for one of us. So we can't accept and we have to continue. he gives us another places to sleep for tonight we have to continue 50 more kilometers .. night is falling, and we're tired. We're now crossing places where lights are shutter down now we're crossing some off-road sections and it's pretty dangerous. but we arrived on a place named the Cathédrale . We're going to sleep there for tonight We ate talked and laughed we 2 belgium guys, a father and his son who are riding bikes too. After, we went to sleep Cathedral of Mastfrane 23 April of 2019 it was hard to wake up this morning. We went to sleep late and we wanted to woke up early because we have a huge section to ride today we meet up our 2 belgium guys from yesterday, and we take the road again, after a good breakfast they have a huge set up to ride these kind of roads : 2 stock 400 XR with a big tank and that's all. Simple, and effective. this is what we called the cathedral of Mastfrane. this is not a cathedral like we think about. This is a huge rock which looks like a cathedral we're getting higher in altitude we start to see snow at the top of the mountains quickly , we've got very low temperatures .. near 0 we wear very good gears, but all these brutal variations of temperature hurt our bodies. We don't have enough time to adapt us... this is incredible ... this is absolutely magic... this is like a cake with some icing sugar .. just what we need to sublimate the view i have no words to describe this landscape ... this is absolutely amazing. i can't see all the mountains with my eyes. I need to move my head. and look at this degrade of colors between this pure white to this brown / Black .. absolutely amazing ! what's going to happen right now was and we don't understand anything but if you look under my feet, you can see big iron bars. The bike felt on it but i wasn't so far to fall down too i wasn't ready for a shock like this. my body hurt the front of the bike and i ave difficulties to breathe during the time i took to understand what's going wrong and to breathe a bit again, a lot of people were around me. They were touching me and the bike. it started to getting on my nerves. You know the moment you fall and you just want to be alone and take time to calm down .. it was exactly this ! i directly jump on the bike and i take the road again to join Clement. today i'm in a bad mood. I've got troubles in my head, and the fact i'm always behind the bike of balou, i'm getting seeker, because of the smell of his exhaust and the fact we have a lot of kilometers to do again before arriving to the next city ... i'm going to open the road, with an higher speed. i'll think less damn i'm fucking tired .. the bike stopped and i felt here we go again .. i though i was on neutral, but i wasn't. This is why i felt i think i bent the selector rain is starting to fall down, and we stop here for tonight. I don't want to ride anymore for today, i'm too bad in my head and on the bike. Clement isn't very good too.. we need to eat, chill and sleep. a group of french people arrived at the hotel. They're from the official forum of the africa twin in France. we talk together, and they told me they had rain since 4 days now, since they arrived here in Morocco. We had a lot of chance compared to them woke up slowly at the Illy's Casbah we start the day with a very good breakfast , and we prepare our stuffs before starting our journey objective of today, going to the south of Morocco again, in direction of Ouarzazate we wanted to pay our night in this Hotel, but we haven't enough money to do it. i propose to him to go to the bank, take enough money to paid it and Balou stay here with my passport just during the time i go there but the boss of the hotel told us there is no problem, he trust on us and we can go to the bank together Good idea, we can take the money from the bank, pay him and directly take the road when we arrived there, i take the half part of what we have to paid and i give it to him. I went back to my bike and i'm preparing my stuff and balou do the same but when the boss were gone, he came back to talk to Balou. I didn't know what were going on, but he was telling to him that i didn't pay my part Balou gave again some cash to him and mister SAID (the boss) disappear immediately Balou saw i wasn't reacting about the situation so it was good to him. we take the bike and we start our day. this is just later during the day, we understood that this guy stole us the half part of the price we had to pay for the night He was talking about respect and trust .. and he is doing things like this ? this is the kind of things that's makes me angry .. Without waiting about anything... I called him. He was playing that guy who doesn't understand anything about what i'm saying .. But when i called him again he shuted down his mobile phone.. I wasn't expecting anything about that call, and we lost "just" 70€ but i ate these kind of people later during the day, i wrote his name on google just to see. And a lot of people were talking about him in a bad way. He makes a lot of things like this .. So .. never go there man ! i never talk in a bad way about people on videos or comments .. but guys and situation like this .. i must do. So if you come here , find another place man we're now on our way to ride more than 140 kilometers of roads like this in the mountains like i told you before, we're now going back in the south of Morocco. Weather is going to be better. We're going to try to go to Ouarzazate i'm good, Balou's too. All the questions i had on my mind are gone, this is better to stay focus and ride on the road. But sometimes, even if you're good on your mind.. you can .. damn what the fuck he is doing ?! damn ! my fuel is flowing and the other dude doesn't give a shit .. help me ! damn i'm fed up about you ! look at this man ! i wanted to make a picture here ! do it man ! I stopped here to take one too go in front dude, i'm recording ! Okay no problem ! One curve after .. bam ! since a moment i had a problem with my rear brake, but with this "accident" my wheel is blocked so i'm trying something to repair it like i told you, we're now riding in direction of Ouarzazate we're now crossing the "High Atlas" and we need to stay focus on this road because it's a tricky one, but these amazing landscapes are too beautiful to not watch them .. i didn't recorded it, but at the end of the road, we can see a big light brighting in the desert this is here where we can find the biggest solar central of the world after these 320 day of sun per year, this project sounds very good this site produce electrecity with the thermodynamic technic this technique can keep warm Morocco want to produce 42% of clean energy in 2020 we arrived in ouarzazate at the end of the day. We stopped here to drink some coffee and chill a bit. after this, we continue to push a bit more and find a riad to sleep for tonight but i see that Balou is aware .. it must be because of what the dude of this morning made to us ... well, i'm going to propose to him to stop here for tonight, an chill a bit we can stop here for tonight, sleep here, and tomorrow we ride the 500 kilometers .. yeah nice idea let's go ! hi ! we find a place to sleep. Is it possible to stay here and put the bike here ? it's okay here ! Nice ! you have rooms for us for one night ? yes ! well it's time to sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a long day ! this trip is ending very soon now and we need to go to Marrakech and after going back to Tanger med ! WE have only 2 days to do it ! let's start early in the morning from Ouarzazate. Objective before lunch, going to Marrakesh i'm not a bit fan of these kind of big cities, but this is our first time here in Morocco, so let's go there. after i really would like to continue 600 km more and directly going to Tanger Med .. but we talk about this later holy shit ... man .. the road to Marrakech was so tiring ! There was so many cars, closed sections, and people .. it tired me so much. we're now in Marrakech and me had the awesome idea to go in the médina with our Africa Twin. We're riding on first gear, and weather is very hot (more than 40°C here !) we must stay focus on what we're doing, there is a lot of people here, and we have to be careful you see the parisian périphérique a hot day when you've got so much cars ? This is nothing compared to the Medina here in Marrakech, trust me We wanted to eat in Marrakech, but we decided to go out of this city and eat away. But Balou's bike just .. shut down. we try to find a better place to check the bike. We stopped on a big gas station, where we ate something too weather is colder, and we're no tired. We decided to take the direction of Tanger Med. Maybe we're going to do all these 600 kilometers, maybe not. We will see we want to be there to take the time to control our bikes , and sleep a bit before crossing all Spain and France in 2 days Balou is a bit sick and want to stop to sleep a bit. So we stop in a gas station "maaaan i'm a bit sick i need to stop ... please !!" And he is unscrewing wheels on a truck help me suckers i love this country ! Everything you planed isn't happening like you wanted .. this is definitely a country for me Yo Bryan ! he is calling me ... yes ? You need to unscrew some wheels or what ! we stopped on a new gas station to sleep a bit. I have to admit i slept 20 minutes and i'm more tired than i was before. But Balou wanted to stop. after this complicated night, we're now at Tanger Med we arrived at gibraltar and this trip is now finished. But stay here, i've got others things to tell you what a perfect moment ! Let's eat something in a restaurant. They opened it just for us ! And we can choose what we want ! i have to admit with the 900 km we've done since the last day, i'm pretty hungry ! I took everything with fish ! we found a place to sleep for tonight. It was created by 2 french people who are living here in Morocco since 15 years now we have a triple mission to complete before tomorrow ! First one, we have to find distillate water for Balou's battery Second one, finding a good spot to drink something in front of the sea Third one, repairing Balou's motorcycle ! remember that we have a ferry to take tomorrow at 7 ! about distillate water, it seems to be complicated .. So we're going to make it ourself Balou's took all the night to create distillate water for his battery we hope this is going to work tomorrow This is now time to prepare our stuffs, packing them on our bikes and going to sleep a bit. tomorrow we have to wake up at 5:50 to take the ferry ! 6:00 and it's hard to wake up for us .. We take a very quick breakfast and we start at 6:50. Remember that our ferries at 7... let's go ! problems are going to start Hi ! Tickets please ! you have to go back and take the right ticket we must go back and i'm seriously thinking about the fact we're not going to have our boat. but we started to talk with the douaniers, and we learnt that our ferry isn't on the sea .. this one never started ! He has been canceled since days now ! And we didn't know about it ! Well, we could sleep a bit more this morning ! Let's buy some new tickets, and we will try to refund these one later The douane want to control us. No problem for that, we're clean ! But i hope they're not going to tell something because of the drone ... After some minutes ... Someone is coming "hey you ! " Damn.. don't tell me that i'm going to have troubles with the drone now ..... "you can go ! " it's okay for the drone ! I wasn't very serene about this but it seems to be okay ! we take the boat and we have only 1h and a half to arrive in spain we have to be near Paris before monday, so we're going to ride all day and night long ! we arrived at Algesiras dock, we take our bikes and we directly take the road ! we're now riding since hours, and i see a police car behind us. i really want what's going wrong man .. i have no idea .. you have to pay 100 euros 100 euros ?! Why ? your light ! what's wrong with the lights ? They doesn't work ? yeah it works but not before what the .. this is always the same story with these guys in spain i try t stay cool despite this liars man ... always the same shit with them man ! And this is just because we have stranger plates balou is getting on his nerves .. Said story, the boat story and now this one .. he is getting crazy ! we continue to cross spain and france all day and night long .. when we arrived near the Pyrenees, weather is getting colder ! We stopped on a gas station ta take a coffee , and we're back at it 38 hours after an 1800 kilometers i was near where i'm living. Before going to home, i took on the left, in order to sow the last sands of Morocco and of the Sahara here in the Chevreuse Valley this is our first time here in Africa, and we can see how things are different than they're telling to us here, there is no pressure about hours and time, we are on the real exchange where the money isn't rhyming with Power Balou and me are now coming to Europe awake about the chance we have here, to live where we live, especially in France we need to be more balanced during each days First days here in morocco we were like '' what do they want ! " but we understood that the unknown intrigue, but positively and this is how we talk, exchange, smile together, and we started to create a relationship , a friend and a memory Just thank you ... to showing us that we have so many things to learn about you, by you simplicity, and your kindness shukran Follow me on instagram and facebook, and subscribe to this channel ! See you next time for more adventures !
Channel: BLKMRKT
Views: 587,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: moto vlog, blkmrkt, black market, maroc, blkmrkt maroc, moto france, road trip, travel, ride, vlog, africa twin, honda, RD04, motorcycle, adventure, moto trail, enduro, dirt bike, rev'it!, enduristan, nexx helmets, go pro, dji, drone, humanity, tizi n ouano, marrakech, detroit gibraltar
Id: smF6bbS1nQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 3sec (7623 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 22 2020
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