LDShadowLady's Weird Circus! | Ep. 9 | Minecraft FunCraft

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the goose is on the loose hey guys what's up ldshadowlady here and welcome back to fun crafts so today we're starting the episode outside of my house because there's a little bit of a problem inside and by that I mean about 20 small problems yes I'm not sure how this happened but my house is full of rainbow chickens maybe they escaped from the chicken dungeon over there they picked a tunnel all the way into my basement and now they've taken over my house I don't know what happened but I need to get my house back let's see if the basement is safe it's not oh my gosh there's so many more of them than I thought they were all these rainbow chickens are so beautiful though they're like little peacocks however they must die oh my gosh look at all these eggs oh no oh oh no I'm gonna die I'm gonna die a horrible chicken II death what the heck there's a sea of chickens but they're so beautiful maybe the basement wasn't a good idea Oh up here's not good idea either come on Doge attack the chickens help me I am being chased around my own house by poultry a couple if this is happening I'm actually gonna save one of them I have a plan yeah okay I trapped one I'll be back for you later don't go anywhere now let's clear out the rest of this infestation three days later okay I think this was the last one now there was one chicken that we saved I wish I could interrogate him and ask him how he got here along with all of his buddies because I have no clue there are no signs of forced entry there's no tunneling Doge didn't see anything cuz he was too busy looking that way we may never know how they got here but the good news is I have big plans for you buddy because I have decided to build ldshadowlady circus of the unusual and unnatural and you will be one of my first exhibits rainbow chicken because what's weirder than a rainbow chicken and you will be joined by our friend from the last episode it's the weirdest frog in the world duck boy what up exactly dad boy and they won't be the only attractions in my circus we're gonna get more along the way and but first of all we need to build a circus that people can visit so I'm gonna head on over to spawn really quick and change my game-mode into creative so that we can do some building we're gonna head off this way and build the circus over here somewhere oh my gosh oh it's a girl thing oh they would be perfect for my circus we should make the circus in the forest that would be really creepy so all we have to do is build a spooky circus and then we can start filling it with all the weird and wonderful things of this world so I started by building a tent because nothing gives me the heebie-jeebies like camping equipment so now we have blue purple and green tents for the residents of the circus to live in so in these tents here we're just gonna make it look like this is where people sleep and let's get some colorful bed rolls doesn't that look cool so I guess the visitors to the circus could probably also stay here if they wanted to so right here I'm gonna build a giant circus tent but the build is complete it looks so cute and welcoming in the daytime so now all we need to do is start filling this place with all the weird and wonderful creatures and it looks like one has already showed up what are you that is so gross but so cute at the same time listen to it oh okay you stick around because you could be the star of the show we'll give you a name like naked bird everyone will love you tada is it a bird is it a plane no it's naked bird we'll work on that I feel like naked bird needs a theme tune now I'm gonna fence him in and then we need a sign to explain to people what the heck they are looking at here we go naked bird endangered species our first exhibit now let's bring in the real star of the show that boy we got to go home and get him come on dad boy ride that unicycle oh no I don't think he can get through the entrance dismount from the unicycle momentarily please make him the first exhibit when people walk in a how comes dat boy oh my gosh I really thought he was gonna jump over there I'm still not convinced that he can't escape but hey it looks like he's doing unicycle tricks or having a rave now let's update his info warning that boy is a rude boy that boy now let's go back and get the rainbow chicken to add to my circus of freaks I'll be really careful with this guy I don't want him to be able to find his way back to my house and kill me in my sleep so let's add him to this tiny little exhibit here okay if I die from this this is the stupidest death I've ever had now I'm gonna give him a name tag I'm gonna call him leader of the chicken revolution because that's exactly what he is because one day he is gonna lead the revolution and kill all the human overlords here we go oh my gosh that is quite a title oh dear I should probably add some kind of signage that warns people not to get too close to the exhibits because they will attack caution keep your distance these circus performers bite now obviously we still have a bunch of exhibits that are completely empty so we need some weird things to fill them and I know just what to get first thing I want to do is craft a creep cube which spawns a me creep but we're gonna need a lot of my precious items so let's fly back home tonight we craft oh I can't believe I'm gonna use all of my precious diamonds and gold on a circus exhibit and one of my schalke boxes but I think it's gonna be worth it why is there a chicken oh why is there a chicken here what the heck is this is this how the chickens got here they did burrow a hole I wasn't crazy oh my gosh they were sending reinforcements heck no this leads all the way back to the chicken dojin how did this happen no thank you did they do this on their own or is somebody controlling them somebody that wants me dead clearly but let's try not to worry about that right now because we have a circus to run I think we'll try this up here oh my gosh no what can I do for you build a house build a platform flatten an area dig down to bedrock using stairs oh my gosh she can do everything let's just make him idle oh ok Amy looks like a little Mudkip he's so cute what happens if I spot another one oh my goodness oh he disappeared I said never mind and then he was gone what's gonna happen to this one well this one stick around I kind of want to test other other things I want to see what he does let's see him build us a house here he goes well I don't know what you call this but I would not live in this house oh my gosh what's that Oh what bag no ok maybe it was a mistake building my circus next to an active gargoyle den okay we're gonna need a plan and I know just what to do we'll take advantage of the gargoyles one true weakness boats let's make two deadly boat weapons and all we have to do is trap the gargoyles in the boats which is probably easier said than done there they are they're waiting outside the circus patiently no it's not open yet stay away okay one of them is in we just need to get him in a boat get in the boat no no okay so this time I'm gonna actually try and put some water and then we'll put the boats in the water and now he should get stuck in a boat I like he didn't get stuck in the boat he's almost in it there we go he's in the boat and now I'm gonna get in it and turn it around oh no that's gone horribly wrong his head's all twisted and he's trying to fly eyes head is slowly turning that's horrible okay yes this is a suitably horrifying exhibit for my circus now where did that other one go yes now these look super freaky and all but I was thinking that maybe we should go and pick up some kind of a souvenir from The Gargoyle temple oh never mind it's full of gargoyles so let's see what we can get we got a little books we got low draw books kind of boring oh this is spooky box of eternal closure what's in the secret chests oh gold oh my goodness so much stuff what's in the other secret chest Oh creeper hearts so much good stuff and a black rune okay we could definitely use some of this stuff in the display okay that'll do you know what this water that the guy girls are in gives me an idea this one is also going to be a war exhibit but in this one we are going to try and capture one of the annoying water monsters the topi lack thing that live in the rivers is there one around there's one right there oh no you grab me okay well rest in peace me now obviously it's gonna be pretty difficult to grab one of those creatures and get it all the way back to the circus without it killing me so I thought that we could craft a golden lasso we just need some gold nuggets and some string and then we should be able to just grab every animal and then transport it wherever we want so I'm gonna test it out first of all on a sheep something nice and safe that won't attack me so I grabbed it and now I'm just gonna leave it over here it worked now how the heck am I gonna grab him without him grabbing me I'm just gonna keep clicking hope you like it's a hostile mob wait you're not allowed to get hostile mobs in the lasso oh no okay new plan we've got to lure him all the way up there using nothing but water oh my gosh she's fast he's fast he's fast oh don't wake him get your butt in the display come on you stupid thing oh he got me now he is trapped how does it feel now the shoe is on the other foot how ironic a trapped topi lek I love seeing these monsters trapped okay so we still have one more exhibit over here that we need to fill with something it needs to be just as weird and wonderful as bird so here's my idea we take a golden masu we grab a cow we just pop the cow in there and then we punch it oh oh my gosh it did it you saw it or bow otherwise the moon will glow and we have a haunted cow and the sign says this is what happens when you punch a cow seriously so now all our exhibits down here are full we just need to start working on the upstairs currently we only have a rainbow chicken so now I want to find some more creatures for the upper floor of the circus but this time I'm looking for something a little less creepy and a little more adorable oh my gosh I forgot these little things existed they're so adorable I am gonna take a couple of these and put them in the circus we've got a red one and a pink one oh we found a desert Oh what is that this has to go in the circus group I have no idea what this is but I'm taking it now all three of my lassos are full oh my goodness I wanna tame this goose do I have any seeds yes be my friend please yes he's so cute if i shift-click him he jumped on my head oh my gosh this is so cute let's go goose Oh No okay I think at this point I am fully laden with animals I have my three last Sue's full and a goose on my head there aren't many other places that I can store animals on my person so let's head back to the circus oh my goodness I have found another chicken dungeon that has spawned next to a rainbow chicken dungeon I had blazes down there Oh now let's get off here Oh finally we made it now let's get the goose over here this is the section that I call friendly animals that don't want to kill me let's also put the two little sprouts in here to run around these guys are sad yep oh my gosh you just pushed my goose over how could you and then over here on this side we are going to release our hippo camp oh no no no what's happening to it I think I spawned it into the wall oh that's better now what on earth are we meant to do with this thing are we minute ain't it ow can I write it oh maybe it's like a real I just have to tame it like a normal horse by sitting on it until it loves me now that we've tamed him can we use this saddle on him yes you look majestic tamed hippocampi I actually kind of don't even want to keep him in the exhibit I want to ride him around I bet he can swim through water let's give him a little ride around before we lock him up in the circus ah you know what he's actually a lot slower than I thought he would be and we're gonna start ways that ways output hello why is there a Moscow attacking me and how do I get her into the circus I'm going to die I killed her I killed them off girl I'm so sorry well at least hippocampus okay let's see if we can get him all the way over to the water so he can test out his skills this is as fast as he goes he's so freakin flower I hope he's faster in the water um nope this is kind of pathetic apparently his only special power is looking amazing back in the cage you go so we didn't actually managed to capture the muff girl here but I really want to add her to the circus cuz she was freaking cool so I'm gonna build her a special little exhibit and make sure that she can't fly out of it and I'm gonna spawn one in tada the latest addition to the Avengers muff go look at her go oh my gosh what is that I think I just found the latest addition to my circus look how slow it moves it's a dandelion oh my gosh it's jumping that is unnatural I'm gonna nametag it so it doesn't despawn and then we are gonna try and capture him next to moth girl now we have to be careful with deadly dandelion because although it does move very slowly it will attack quite viciously in fact see mud girls side kick deadly dandelion so now we only have one little space left next to the rainbow chicken over here so I thought it'd be really poetic if we had another evil chicken and we did find a nether where did my pants go we did find a nether chicken dungeon so I thought we could just pop down there kill a few and bring back some souvenirs and then spawn one in now I don't think I'm exactly ready to take on another chicken dungeon but I also don't think I'll ever be ready so we might as well today why is it so dark down there okay we're gonna need torches and the power of flight oh my gosh why do my wings not work oh my gosh my wings not working what the heck what's going on Oh No well that went about as badly as it could have possibly gone how the heck do I get down there without dying I don't even have full armor why am I doing this okay we killed a few chickens so I could probably head back to the circus and spawn one in now so we now have a nether chicken display next to the rainbow chicken and our circus is full of freaky things oh my gosh what is that what is the goose the goose is on the loose so that is it the world's weirdest circus is complete and the last thing I'm gonna do is put two chests down this one is a tip jar for me and all of my performers in case people are feeling generous and this way it's gonna be for our visitors some souvenirs for them to take home with them so let's find some trash stuff that we don't need that we can pretend is a bunch of cool souvenirs that people will want so I managed to find two leftover Disney hats some worms which I have renamed pet worm a vial of bat blood and a zombie head and I guess they can have this golden lasso as well so that's it for this episode of fun crafts guys I hope you enjoyed it if you did make sure to leave a like on this video let me know what you think of my circus I'm gonna invite the rest of the players on this server to come and visit to make sure you also check out their videos and I will see you next time [Music]
Channel: LDShadowLady
Views: 9,608,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ldshadowlady, minecraft, girl gamer, gamer girl, pink hair, lizzie, minecraft mod, custom modded, mods, minecraft crazy, crazy, fun craft, funcraft, fun, craft, boo, kawaii, animals, troll, trolling, disney wish, disney block, disney lucky blocks, disney hat, minecraft disney, hats, fail, ep 9, episode 9, circus, minecraft circus, spooky circus, weird circus, creepy circus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 10 2018
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