LCM & HCF in Telugu||part 1||lcm hcf shortcut method in Telugu|| rrb&ssc ||@vaasuonlineacademy

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foreign explanation suppose foreign foreign multiple okay it is LCM my hcf antenna highest common Factor okay full form okay put four and a six no four six okay four six which is suppose foreign foreign [Music] so it look s multiple Sunday six tables or not six ones okay foreign foreign Sunday [Music] 36 on the common okay next foreign Academy so 12. is the answer okay LCA maintain the renditionally um same with k CF okay method sorry NT factors on 20 foreign factors that's it factors okay factors it is next um foreign [Music] okay example numbers foreign hmm number is so um okay okay number so dividers okay next is foreign foreign foreign okay 100 foreign okay 20 25 100 okay 25 Forza 100 okay 10 tens are 100 okay okay is foreign [Music] quantum Apprentice summary foreign okay next is 5 square into six that's it either answer then simple question is foreign into six okay and with yeah okay on the um seven two double zero foreign okay foreign next is the answer so friends only two methods foreign foreign
Channel: vaasu online academy
Views: 498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lcm and hcf tricks in telugu lcm and hcf in telugu maths tricks in telugu, maths shortcuts in telugu, lcm in telugu, hcf in telugu, arithmetic shortcuts in telugu, maths basics in telugu, aptitude tricks in telugu, lcm and hcf basic concept in telugu, maths in telugu, lcm trick in telugu, lcm tricks in telugu, lcm problems in telugu aptitude videos in Telugu vaasuonlineacademy
Id: As6LNg8eeJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2023
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