Lazarbeam hacked our Among Us server...

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oh god okay well we're starting off strong today okay we're starting off starting off strong today oh jesus [Music] christ oh no alex is gonna know leonard's chasing me around appearing out of nowhere dude he's freaking me out just keep your eyes on him i don't know what happened there the body is in the in shields and i'm pretty sure the only other person i saw was tanner where did you go through now yeah so i was literally just with luffy before lights went out i think you saw me alex instead of tenna oh okay okay interesting it is interesting oh man okay that oh i what am i doing dude i'm throwing so hard holy [ __ ] chad i had to stop did i just swear to god weird am i crazy dude what happened i don't know like i swear i don't know what you're great craig i fixed like you're confused i don't know that he's true he was on in a place that shouldn't be moving weird just happened no wait what service are we on what service we're on right now yeah keeping you safe it couldn't have been me dude that too dead couldn't have been me crazy okay [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] that is not how i expected that to go i'm just going to be honest with you we we need to kill alex we need to kill alex right now oh [ __ ] he's going to get me voted pretty sure it wasn't crazy i don't know if you've heard our crew now just so we don't lose the game yeah but just so we don't lose there's still two imposters i'm pretty sure it's either bad or tanner yeah let's shoot let's see that's my battery okay i'm voting fine i'll vote as long as you're back i literally could not have been imposter i got cleared by craig oh now he's dead interesting he is also now dead yeah all right that's a good call let's go call we go we go what the [ __ ] is leonard voting me out for no [ __ ] reason dude i swear to god every time i play with lennon he always thinks it's me and then fifty percent of the time it is me okay fifty percent maybe less every time i play with leonard i get voted out i saw a wedding on i'm pretty sure i saw lennon run through a war by the way i'm sure i saw latin run through a war does not matter legend last time i checked landon is not a [ __ ] imposter i'm i'm the imposter where did laden go where the f where the [ __ ] is lennon where where is he i i just saw him pop out of a vent he [Music] just venting right in front of me he was also floating through walls london was just renting right in front of you dude here's here's the thing i'm actually not the imposter right i'm straight up oh no oh god are you kind of look like one like yeah but look i'm not the imposter i promise you you can vote me out but when you lose this game i am not the imposer yes you know what i'm skipping let's just see what this oh my god is he hacking laser beam hacking is that what's [ __ ] happening well i know he's not imposter because i evidently am the imposter does he know i'm imposter is that why he voted me out did he know is he is he hacking is he a little hacker boy is that why he knew that i was imposter and wasn't afraid to vote me out is that [ __ ] why not cool laser beam not cool laser beam hacking exposed video um this is an ex laser beam exposed video by the way it's time to expose laser beam for everything he's done laser beam exposed for hacking question mark no he took my yellow ah he took my yellow chat he took my yellow oh god he took my yellow [ __ ] okay well i guess we're doing a normal [ __ ] round this time all right well hopefully we don't die to someone who who's running through walls that'll be nice if we can avoid that today apparently apparently it's just a hacker lobby am i gonna get banned if i'm in a hacker lobby if that if there are any among us devs watching i am not i am not a willing participant of this i am just an innocent bystander doing tasks i am not involved with this hacking or glitching abusing i'm not involved with it i'm not no i no no no no no he's in the [ __ ] this is [Music] of the uh the button he can't even make up an excuse [Music] i'm gonna skip i should have ran to the button i should have branched the button i should have [ __ ] ran to the button i thought he was just innocent again and he was just hacking how do i what do i do against that i'm getting i'm getting war hacked i thought i thought i i i thought i'd never have to face it again after stopping playing csgo i thought i'd never have to face war hacks i didn't think there'd be war hacks in [ __ ] among us i'm not gonna get involved with illegal activity that's not my thing not getting involved with it basically i saw laser beam venting you know it freaked me out and i ran out because i was like okay maybe maybe he's imposter maybe he's not i don't know but i was like that's weird so i left oh i don't think they like me venting his crewmate you know oh my god did he actually get bad oh he's innocent he's just venting like he did last round and i got stabbed i was like okay well maybe he's not that's what i like mine says you were banned from the room yeah really that's funny oh my god whenever the game feels you're doing weird [ __ ] it's just like we'll just kick them out i just want everyone involved to know that i had i had nothing to do with the hacks so you know whatever uh whatever punishment gets dealt out you know i'm not we're not involved i played the first one really i'm not even really a part of this i'm just kind of well yeah i don't even know this guy i'm just putting a random code and then yeah i'm just here you guys are the people who get called the principal's office and think that they've done something wrong let's see what we can do here if i can just speed run these [ __ ] tasks we'll be fine don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me lana's gonna [ __ ] don't can we don't don't eat don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't ee [Applause] that was bound to happen wasn't it over here jogging up here buddy right here jiggy body's right here jug just up jiggy no zug body is right you're literally looking at my body guys over here everybody over here okay it's gg it's game over man it came over chad any any time you see someone hacking chat anytime you see someone hacking flying through walls you just smile you just smile and wave boys anytime you see someone float through a wall double killing breaking the game you just smile you just smile and wave i really hope someone gets that meltdown really kind of hoping someone gets the reactor okay really kind of hoping somebody gets the reactor really kind of hoping that [Music] okay who's not the reactor [Music] you
Channel: Bazza Gazza
Views: 1,635,612
Rating: 4.9168372 out of 5
Keywords: among us, lazarbeam, crayator, loserfruit, among us hacked, hacking in among us, among us glitch
Id: YtebQtRxQ88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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