Layout Lasercut Sheets with Grasshopper

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hello and welcome to computer applications in architecture design today we're going to be looking at how to layout files for laser cutting and we're going to use a grasshopper script in order to do that so let me show you what we're going to be working on today for one you should have a model that we can be operating on and you can begin to start modeling out what your sheets look like and in this case I have laid out a series of sheets so I do it just like this and then the other thing is we're going to be importing our Rhino contours we're going to be importing our organizing points our point grid on each sheet and we're going to be using grasshopper in order to map each of these contours to each of these points by using a move command and lastly we're going to be learning how to annotate in grasshopper so this is a function which is counting each of the points and labeling those points with numbers you're going to use this then to bake into so annotating so the order that you assemble these things in is important so and our cuts here we have on our layer example we have cut and score so take a moment at what we're doing the logic again is to convert our contours and the surfaces bring those into grasshopper bring our target points in where we're sending where how we're laying out our sheets and then we're going to be moving these surfaces in the move command we're also going to be introducing an idea of how to sort when we are comparing two lists of things it's important that we have a scene that the number of surfaces equals the number of points and so you'll see that they don't this is 2012 or 212 items and this is 13 items so we're going to show you how to use a way of sorting those information in order to get a one-to-one mapping okay so why don't we why don't we start from the beginning so you should have a so here I have my form which I'm going to be making out a sixteenth inch chipboard and I have a series of dowels that are going to support this thing now that poly surface has been converted into a series of contours you can refer to an earlier tutorial about how to use contours so I want to turn our dowels off as well let's go down here into our cut example and we'll turn off our previous go okay so why don't we go into a top view okay this looks good so to start with we're going to make a rectangle so in my cut sheet okay so start with we're going to make a rectangle 36 by 24 inches and okay so now we need to be able to separate what's a cut what's a score and what's a point so our cut sheets our laser cutter we're going to be cutting out our shapes our laser cutter is then going to be scoring the numbers into those shapes so we know how to assemble them and our points are going to be what organizes where those shapes are so the location so let's do a point here and why don't we put it in the middle and then let's let's do an array and we're going to do eight let's do six and one and so here why don't we just do every four inches every four inches okay so change our spacing here sorry this was for our number we need to go to eight and our number we need to go to ten okay so the other thing we need to start doing is sort of making sure that our points are correct so you can't put points on the edges because we would so we have margins in other words so why don't you start sort of calling why these points are okay that looks good now let's send this thirty-seven inches to the right I'll do that so let's send this 25 inches down okay so um first board second board third board fifth sixth seventh let's take a look at our our curves here so what I've done is some surfaces so all of these contours are groups of curves right because they have holes or circles for where the dowels are going through them that are unconnected so but they're all planar so that's important that these need to be groups all right so why don't we convert those two curves or excuse me convert those two surfaces so you're going to select all of those and you're going to convert them from planar boundaries okay so once you have converted your contours into surfaces let's - grasshopper so here let's bring in double-click on the model space bring in surface right click on the surface container and you select multiple surfaces and then select the surfaces to include in this list now we need to make sure that the surfaces are in the correct order so in order to do that we're going to do a point list now you'll notice you can't pull a surface into a pointless because the surface is not a point in be a point to get to connect to a point so let's we're going to be using this for location mapping as well so why don't we find a point on a surface in this case I'm going to be looking for the area center so if you type in the word area you'll get this function which will calculate both the area and the geometric center for the surface so why don't we plug that central that center point into our points and take a look at what what we have here okay so you'll notice that so what this function is doing is its numbering in order what this list is so let me look at it it says 212 at the top and what does it say at the bottom it says 0 at the bottom I can change the size of this to be 2.75 inches yeah great and I can change my view to be ghosted so I can see that well your wireframes as well so here I can see that my first my bottom is 0 okay that's good because that tells me it's going to go from the bottom to the top so the next thing I need is points oh by the way if this is in the wrong order you can right click on the surface surface container and you can click reverse here and see how it reverses it so if if yours are in the wrong order or in the reverse order you can you can use that sorting tool to flip or reverse your list so in this case we're okay the next thing I need to do is type in point container why don't we rename this as layout points and if you right-click it set multiple points let's go to the top now the order if I just select them all it'll tell me how they're laying them out so in this case it's starting in a row and then it's moving and it's moving right so that's different so if I select the things like this it will do it differently so that's important so why don't we set multiple points so if we select them all okay so it's starting here so zero and it's moving in by rows and then it's moving over right so we're just following this line okay so that looks good so then it jumps from this last point to this first point and repeats that looks great the last thing we have to do here is excuse me so let's let's go and build our function so now we have all of our Rhino elements into into grasshopper eventually what we're doing are our goal here is to move surfaces so I'm going to type in the move command and I'm going to put the geometry of surface into the move the move command we're going to use a vector and we're going to use a two-point vector because we have a base point right these centers on the surfaces and a target point which is these this grid here so I'm going to do vector two points I want to plug this one in I'm going to select from the center to my layouts now what we'll notice is that because I have more points than I have surfaces a grasshopper is doing is it's taking the last the last item in surfaces and then putting basically putting those on to all of these remaining points so let's introduce in a way of sort of making the list the same length so I'm going to type in a short assist so just to reiterate there needs to be a one-to-one mapping between surfaces and points I can if I have more points than surfaces then it's going to it's gonna have to figure out what to do with the remainder if I have more services than points it's going to do the same thing so it's going to start to overlay multiple surfaces so shortest list is a way of comparing two lists in this case list a is my surfaces plus B is my list of points and then it's going to trim the end so I'm going to take my trend and for B my layout points and plug that here and let's make sure that worked okay so there it is so my last point should be we can hide some of these earlier ones and hide these so there we go okay so the last part we have to do in our grasshopper script is to annotate so for this we're going to use a text 3d tag excuse me there are long text 3d tag there it is so the text 3d requires a location to put a marker and what what to write so the location is going to be these layout points and we're going to use our trimmed layout so we're going to do this as a location the next thing we need to do is we need to count we're going to count each of these numbers so the first thing to do is to make sure that that's 212 so let's double click and do 212 and put this into count and if we plug this in to text there we are so we can now see that there is a an annotation attached the other thing that we can do here is we can say what number to start on so if you don't want to start on 0 you can change that to 1 the last thing that we want to do is sort of make sure these are correct so why don't we do size is 0.25 inches and our justification why don't we just do as a center so let's do middle center ok and we should be we should be done all we have to do now is to bake this so if we do bake cut big score there we are we're all set thank you so much for watching and um now you've laid out your cut sheets
Channel: Austin Blanks
Views: 8,767
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: Js7OpOuQLk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 23 2018
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