Laying it Out: PS and the City

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the funny thing about ultimate frisbee particularly my college team is that most people seem to want to date another frisbee person as a straight girl i've found that the odds are pretty good when seeking a partner however the goods are pretty odd at the time of writing this i find myself in a committed relationship with a non-frisbee player this relationship was spawned out of dating apps and the pandemic and it's going well and i'm happy he's taking me to his co-workers family's nantucket house where i'm surrounded by people who don't know what a scuba is here frisbee is a niche interest that i have something that makes me unique a conversation at the dinner table not a part of my personality as i've embraced as a part of the frisbee team at school my boyfriend caring and sweet as he is will throw a frisbee with me and i get to work on chasing down the disc as his accuracy is needing a lot of work he's a lefty so i haven't tackled teaching him a proper flick yet in my time on dating apps swiping and judging people based off of material metrics i realized two things one i was always excited about frisbee boys that always swiped right and two i received a devastating amount of frisbee related pickup lines from the number of boys that i matched with i had an idea research if you will on my quest to answer a question that has plagued me for all the years that i've played ultimate why do we all want a frisbee i hatched a plan pockets and i hadn't even officially gotten the podcast gig yet and we were just writing episodes to pitch to charlie in hopes of him picking up our show i figured i'd get my initial research out of the way compile data and draw conclusions from later on i reopened my deleted tinder account and crafted the perfect profile to attract the maximum number of matches a nice picture to draw contestants in a bikini picture to keep them interested followed by a frisbee picture a frisbee picture and another frisbee picture anyway the most important part of the profile was the bio hit me with your best ultimate pickup line i poured a glass of wine or four and i swiped right on everyone within my 30 mile radius albany new york tinder did not disappoint [Music] all right hello pockets uh now that i've introduced my absolutely insane project uh let's get into the whole frisbee dating relationships idea that has some that has been spawned in my head um i think the biggest observation you know that i had uh acting as a pseudo-carrie bradshaw is just that it's funny that it seems like everyone on frisbee teams seems to want to date each other and that's where i like originated this episode and i ran a poll on the laying it out twitter any of our followers may have seen it um and we had some interesting results for sure uh the first question well first i wanna i wanna point out you you said that we think that everyone seems to want to frisbee as you're saying i would say that more stems for the college scene at least from our own personal experiences so i want to put that disclaimer out there agreed agreed although i there's something to be said for all the people who played on club that have like brought their significant others to summer league and made them learn how to play as well which is you know where my poll questions came from yes so uh feel free to weigh in uh retroactively because this is a very entertaining subject for me um personally because pockets and i as we'll discuss later have our own different experiences of dating both within and with outside of the community but the first question that i asked was um if would you prefer to date a frisbee person like given the choice and the options that i gave were yes and then it doesn't matter which one poor poll makings you didn't give a no option i thought i didn't think that there would be so many strong votes against but as our friend maggs friend of the pod voted or responded to us strongly prefer a non-frisbee person so that's six people like that message there might be more um so there were at least seven strong no's in our poll that only had like uh like 45 votes yeah 45 is pretty good like a pretty solid sample size i feel like um interestingly 58 said yes so a little over half i didn't have time to run the exact statistics about whether or not this division is statistically significant but um it felt like twitter would be a good place to go to as uh we especially in preparation for hot girl summer we're seeing a massive spike in uh horny frisbee twitter once again the idea of horny frisbee twitter has always kind of confused me and i don't think i've always been in the know with it i was scottie and i were talking recently and i was scrolling through an old group me and i think it was like uh the drive back from spring break yeah a couple like ultimate players they were doing this weird quit all that weird quiz but it was like your sexuality quadrant and the four quadrants there's homosexual and heterosexual on opposite ends i'm assuming then bisexual in the top right corner right and asexual that kind of makes sense i'm an asexual on the other end it was kind of like a basic i was only like i was zero percent homosexual so sorry to all the women up there that one piece of this um and then i was only like 75 sexual total so i'm not just like horny frisbee twitter isn't for me just gonna put that out there before i rat on it but um yeah it's it was it was like a thing i noticed at the start of quarantine and now it's coming back now that people don't have to just go outside and touch some grass anymore yeah have you heard that no when people are like being weird on the internet just go touch some girls so like i'm making yeah okay making myself sound old don't reference memes from the internet in real life just don't do it there we go yeah i mean it's been interesting kind of sitting lurking and watching uh frisbee twitter go down because i have not really had a big frisbee twitter twitter presence at all i still don't um but it's fun to watch because there was that one girl on being ulti that like had like a crazy horny frisbee twitter run um like i think it was in february i just remember all the guys on our team were like thirst tweeting back at her it was like well not all of them but just just okay a select um vocal minority and um most recently it's been interesting to see this conversation about how there should be a frisbee dating app which i am very entertained by because of my own experience on tinder it's like hilarious to see people talking about like limiting it to ultimate frisbee because like i mean i guess you could meet people that pick up like in real life but real life hasn't you know been happening for a little while so um the idea that was thrown out there was a the calling it mixed but personally i was thinking match-up would be a good one like you swipe on the people that you want to pair up with i know i'm an entrepreneur someone get me on shark tank um i like that name yeah i don't know because like you were saying like you could meet people and pick it at like pick up and stuff in real life i feel like if you're there there's gonna be like a frisbee dating app you just go out in the real world touch some grass pockets and faces of meeting people in person well well you you have like a whole like dating aspect of this i have been in a five-year relationship and over quarantine i downloaded bumble bff in an attempt to make some friends and it was a horrible experience the conversations just get so boring it's like oh i like to read what books do you read this book i've never heard of the cool things i'm reading star wars books right now so that's yeah how my life is bumble bff was certainly an interesting experience i feel like yeah once again i'm gonna repeat you know touch some grass on like making friends but in terms of uh dating people from the frisbee teams it's funny uh that pockets and i have had such had two very different experiences um like we met like pockets mentioned she's been in a five-year relationship with someone that we played frisbee with she was she is one of the monogamous one of the couples that everyone seems to want to be or at least a lot of girls on the team were always like oh they're the cutest couple on the team because you might have been the only ones but yeah i feel like a lot of the freshman women my senior year were like ah it's mom and dad and we're just like barely surviving as adults honestly you guys are my mom and dad also i'm your gremlin child yeah probably it helps that you're like a whole two heads smaller than my boyfriend yep yep um and on the other side of the coin i have both dated within and outside of the frisbee community which is interesting to say the least i think talking about trying out for mixed club teams with a boyfriend is always interesting because i think one of the biggest dividers there is the fact that most teams need girls it seems like it might be easier to make a mixed team as a girl yeah funny that you mentioned trying out for a mixed team with your boyfriend because that's exactly what i did now two summers ago sponge and i were both on peep show but yeah like you said like peep show was looking for more women matching players because the what's the word there were just more men there in the area trying out so it was like easier also they the team already knew me but it was easier for me to try out than for him because i'm a more valuable asset when the women numbered and i mean i think in general there's usually going to be a bit of a gender skew in terms of like a non-cut sports team um i feel like i mean at lehigh it was not very evenly split until my junior year your senior year when we brought in so many girls that we then split into a b the next year which was phenomenal but it's just interesting to see like how those dynamics shift and how the conversations tend to like rotate around who has a crush on who on the team and all that type of drama well you say that i and maybe it was either me just being an aloof idiot or me being in such a long-term relationship i felt like i was either never hearing about all the like relationship stuff or i was getting it like weeks after it happened or maybe i'm just like a normal person that don't have all the drama it was definitely my job to keep you up to date i feel like um however one thing that i do want to mention before without getting too deep into it is especially in terms of college i feel like a lot of these like relationships are very like in a very high alcohol environment and that can get a little bit stressy and um definitely make sure that you've got like your crew looking out for you and some friends um because you know it can get a little scary especially when people get like really drunk um especially competitive with drinking games but go ahead i was gonna just add like two things to that like one like i think there's also a little bit of letting your guard down because you're kind of like oh i'm with my team nothing's gonna happen to me but like things still can't happen like you said with with alcohol wild too kind of on a happier note my boyfriend and i had i think like a very untraditional way of eating in college or starting to date in college because well let's what's the story here he and i were at a not a party it was like a 10 person strange gathering in a basement because for some reason nobody was like down to hang out that night so we were hanging out like i did the classic like take his hat we're fighting over the music [Music] and then i was like oh you should play mario kart with me and my two friends someday that would be so cool he's like yeah that would be so cool let's like cha train numbers and love love other annoying stuff that people do and so that was sometime on the weekend we had set up the mario kart for wednesday or thursday the following week on like tuesday he texted me we hadn't touched or anything not touching um but so because he had mono we just kind of like talked went to dinner together in the dining hall like hung out and had like a friendship before we started dating and he and i both like look up back on that so fondly because it was just kind of like a nice easy way to get into a relationship and i feel like that doesn't always happen yeah in college or even in the real world too yeah i think there's a lot of value in getting to know someone and it's kind of hard to get to know people at a party before like anything else crazy happens yeah um that's really nice though i am a big like proponent of like being friends before you date and i think also like one big thing that i want to take away from this is like your friends like your platonic friends are just as important as your relationships because honestly pockets has been there for me through i think like two heartbreaks and that has means more to me than like any boyfriend ever will so um that's a bit of a divergent from like you you know what listen to this and be upset but it's just like really nice to have a support system throughout college and if that's a boyfriend that's great but it's also you know so good to have so many different people in your corner however the main point of this podcast quick segue from my little sappy moment is that i made a frisbee tender and like i said this idea was spawned out of noticing that having frisbee in my bio on my real tender when i was on tinder not with the intention to meet people but it ended up that way um more to judge people based off of material metrics um a lot of guys really thought it was cool that i played frisbee and they asked me to go like throw a disc with them and it was a pandemic and i really was using that to not meet up with people um but i got a lot of interest in the whole frisbee thing um so i wanted to see what people could come up with in terms of pickup lines to interest me and this was one of the like weirdest research things i've done um but we've had these pick up lines for a while i have 30 and pockets has not heard any of them so she's going to help me rate face off of the pickup line alone whether it's any good um yeah scotty put in big red text do not scroll past this in our little document planning and you've been good you haven't given into curiosity so i'm excited so to start off my bio or to recap from my intro my bio was hit me with your best ultimate pickup line forgetting that to most people ultimate is like the best the greatest like that type of thing yes describing frisbee so a lot of people hit me with stuff like if you had to pick a conspiracy theory to believe in what would it be and i was like that is a fantastic pickup line because i immediately want to continue to talk to you and hear what your conspiracy theory is because you definitely have a wild one that i have not heard so i liked that ultimate pickup line but it wasn't disk related let's see someone else said ultimate pickup line hmm are you my sleep because i can't get enough of you are you my coffee because you're the first thing i need in the morning either of these working how about if i say you're really cute someone else also did not understand the assignment those are all lame sounds yeah i'm hating on these people i haven't had to be in the dating scene in so long and even when i was well my whole point of tinder is to uh get bad pick-up lines and also screenshot profiles to send to your friends um so you are more than welcome to hate on people because we also don't i don't even remember who sent me these i deleted my tinder so long ago i only had it for this one research thing um two people sent me well here i am what are your other two wishes so by now i've realized that i do not want that that people are not reading they are not understanding the assignment so i have to add frisbee into my bio ultimate frisbee pickup line so more people knew about frisbee from my area than i thought um and some of them got really creative such as being with you i'm going to be shouting disc up all night which is a fun and funky day because if you slur it you know you sound like yeah but it's it's not bad like he he he he knows he knows an idea of how to play the game you know i liked this one it was it took me some took some critical reading for me to get this one i see that you play ultimate frisbee maybe we can get dinner and play ultimate frisky ah that took you some critical because i had to say it out loud and i did not say it out loud the first three times i read it i was like what is this word he's trying to send me and i said it out loud and it was funny um we've got some more people that have some knowledge of frisbee i must be a cutter because i'm catching feelings which he followed up with oh he said i have no further knowledge of ultimate frisbee except for handler and cutter but pretty good pretty good for uh some people don't even know that so that's pretty good um three separate people sent me you must be a cutter because you're too hot to handle i think that's one of the ones remember they were probably circling around a few years ago where someone put like frisbee valentine images on twitter that's probably one of those cute but i understood the assignment but you know you can easily google that was just trying to pass class i have the next one was hey there it's funny i used to play and i can't come up with nothing so you can't clearly english your vote grammar is not there um but he thought i i he tried you know it was there at least he's like hey he shot his shot i play he's the guy sitting in the back of the class i'm making now class terminal i like this i like i like the classroom analogies um next we have i'm catching everything you throw back at me which original original i haven't heard that before props and i guess you know the general frisbee catching and throwing it's pretty good i mean any sport you can catch though that's just in general oh no actually i'm taking back i don't like this one as much because this could fit in for every any sport i'm catching anything you throw at me okay no goodbye um quit stalling you can violate my disk space any day he did the terms he used he used terms and he knew what they meant um he used a glossary yeah he got two terms that's more than anyone else so far so i don't know as far as like weird sexual innuendos don't love those as a for pickup lines but i did ask for a pickup line so he he did the assignment yeah next we have hey scotty how's it going i love frisbee but i never played on a team twitch i said in my head because i didn't really respond to any of these what do i say to that how do i respond where do i go with this conversation you know how do you know you love frisbee yeah so this one left me more that would left me more more questions than responses um number 12 said i've been over here i'm saying number 12 because that's what it says on the list i've been over here stressing about a pickup line for like a week when in all reality you're looking for an ultimate frisbee related one meanwhile who the f in the world has one of those lol who waits a week to write to you if you don't have it just give up and say hi you'd think you know also he couldn't come up with anything after a week even just using yeah just like google and then like okay it says that like you can ignore my request more than like insulting my request so he gets a 0 out of 10. no stars yeah he's getting kicked out of university boom classroom analogy next we have are you dtf down to flick of course that's that's another one of the ones that i think was circling like twitter the valentine's ones but i like it this is the turkey because it demonstrates knowledge of the sport we're really like rating these we're doing like oh my god this is a little off topic but towards the beginning of quarantine i sent a message to like some of our friends there and stuff because on tick tock they were doing that like powerpoint trend i was remembering for people that don't know you are a participant for people that don't know there's this trend where people just like make a powerpoint about anything and they have a powerpoint night with their friends and everyone does their powerpoint presentations for each other well i set that up one night in quarantine because cohen is rough being in home alone there's not much else to do um and i created my own rubric for it like like one through four or whatever and i wrote even like student demonstrated limited lack of blah blah blah blah blah blah and that sounds we should have made a rubric for this live and learn yes i got to make another tender when i get to new york all right uh next pickup line we have um i was trying to think of an ultimate frisbee pickup line but i think the situation is more like disc golf like it's kind of surprising how compact this thing is and what am i supposed to put it in there it was an okay idea and it was an okay execution but i feel slightly creeped out by it yeah yeah same like the id like you said the idea was there curious anyway you play ultimate do you know of any pickup games in the area sir so he really hit me with a pickup line because he also he wanted to play frisbee with me sir it's a pandemic sir there's no prisoner also it's february right in upstate new york yeah sir so what are you doing yeah there definitely wouldn't have been any indoor just dropping around in the snow no no um next we have you make my heart fast count okay pretty good okay i feel like we're doing that thing i feel bad for just the audio only listeners we're doing that thing where you make like the the frowny like like the flying face [Music] yeah um so if you ever hear us pause that's the face that we're making we're thinking um next we have hey with two eyes i don't have a frisbee sorry dot dot dot but i do have something else you can do zero face is he gonna throw his dick at you is that what he's insinuating is he gonna catch these hands catch these hands for that like weird joke like weird horrible joke so um i felt like i needed a shower after that one um i like frisbee but i've never even heard a pickup line about it oh i didn't try he didn't want to come up with one he didn't want to impress me i feel offended but you know what he likes frisbee so what can you do um we have wouldn't want to catch anything other than you which is okay but then you consider during a national internet pandemic applies international um during a pandemic catch jokes are little on the nose don't you also on a dating app std jokes he's got a twofer well and he wants to catch my frisbee your heart my heart we have some real smooth talker over here telling me you can be my frisbee you keep getting thrown around by guys who don't know what they're doing but you come to me if you want to score and i was like there's so many problems with that analogy one you want the frisbee to be tossed around by a lot of guys two like if it's thrown to you like yeah you caught it for the goal but you only did half the work if even what about what about the guy throwing the assists he wants to have an origin with you that's three yes three the implication of me spending all my time wasting my time going to all these different guys that are not worth it he doesn't know me he knows my swag not my story yeah that guy but like in a way that we don't like him not that i would find him to go score you know catch these hands next we have i'm as bad at flirting as i am at frisbee congrats dude you suck at two things like what what redeeming factors do you have you started off with like two negatives there homie you want a participation trophy no next well next is i don't have an ultimate frisbee pickup line but hey tons of heart eyes okay goodbye emojis boring i was like thank you thank you i did like make my tinder a little bit of a thirst trap in the with the intention of you know drawing as many matches in to make them like just up the number of pick-up lines that i got or possibility i'd get pick-up lines but i'll guess i'll just take the compliment i don't know let's see normally you're supposed to have a disk space between each other but how about we make an exception and then when i didn't respond he followed up with how does six feet apart sound we got a we got a socially distanced king over here we got someone that didn't use the word violation in a pickup line [Laughter] i'm still thinking back to that one guy that he really used he's like let me violate you as a pickup line that's gross ew well that's tinder for you um we had two people tell me that i am their idea of a dangerous play i don't know what danger i'm bringing to the table yeah but that's an okay one it's like they open the danger they're planning on doing to me they open the frisbee rule book and they're like oh this one sounds flirty and then went with it it's it's a medium you know let's see i don't know much about frisbee but you're the best catch i've ever made i feel like that one was used before right we've got a lot of catch jokes we've got a lot of like i want to catch you you can catch me if you catch if i catch you i'll score but yeah a lot of a lot of catching jokes you know let's see i don't know any ultimate frisbee pickup lines i usually just wing it and hope you catch on oh you want to know what he could have said i usually just chicken wing it and then that's right and i mean like wing is a position at two but that's like yeah i like i really don't know how many layers of joke this guy was going for but he had catch too we should have been counting the number of catches in here drink every time and then just black out at the end of it i don't know if we would make it through all the pickup lines all right so this next one i actually responded to because i this is when i started the project um i decided to be very drunk for it um and i was like getting a bunch of responses because i was swiping right on every single person and this guy sent me don't waste this match because the moment you let me fly away i won't be coming back around and i was like on my third glass of pinot noir that night were you drinking wine because that's all my mom buys and i wasn't about to buy my own alcohol so i read this and the little emo in me read coming back around and immediately thought green day when i come around which is a song and i don't know why my brain made that connection but i don't know what drunk where drunk scotty goes because she's a crazy person so daddy doesn't know scotty doesn't know um so i responded to this guy and i said is that a green day reference and he said lmao no it's my attempt at an ultimate frisbee pick-up line and then i did not respond um cool so i feel i feel bad for the guy he tried i got confused all around a mess sorry homie i wish i could have done better by you it was a better it's a better one than violate your disk space so yeah that one really that one goes in the bad bin i couldn't think of a better term for that so next we have call me a great frisbee play because i'm an absolute catch uh he was kind of there he should have done like call me like yeah an absolute frizzy play because i'm the greatest yeah the greatest is great because just a catch huh yeah and like i get i mean it's another catch joke so drink and lastly is my favorite um i guess technically i only had 29 if you guys are keeping track but i can make one up to get us to 30. um i can't count so math is hard um this guy messaged me ultimate frisbee dot dot dot what the hell is an ultimate frisbee lmao and i was like why are you so angry i did not respond but when i did not respond he got upset that i did not respond so he had to follow up and say do i die if i lose is it like mortal kombat or nah lmao i need some lessons and i was like with an attitude like that i'm not gonna teach you i'm not gonna entertain explaining to you what ultimate frisbee is because you came in angry and upset and i don't like that energy yeah to be fair a lot of people have the issue with like a lot of frisbee players have an issue with the name ultimate because it does kind of make it sound a little bit like pretentious also like something you play in middle school gym class at the same time the ultimate and then when we just call it ultimate because like frisbee is a trademark term actually like it's the frisbee is a type of disc yep well this is what they talk about on deep look they get really into it they want to call it disc sevens which is not catchy sorry charlie but to that end like to your point that is the issue that i ran into and i was like oh if i just call it like ultimate pickup line people got confused they hit me with their ultimate pickup lines and i don't know i don't know if i think pick up line in the definition it can't be very it isn't very good but yeah we should just go the disc golf route and call it like discs disc soccer every other sport you can run with the ball except for like kind of basketball well renaming ultimate frisbee is beyond the scope of our dating episode let's do it now let's change it um all these pickup lines have inspired pockets out of all the pickup lines with that one towards the beginning that was the cutter one i forget what it was i must be a cutter because i'm catching feelings yes that was my favorite kudos to that guy um you should be you should be dating him now just kidding but it's props to that guy if for some reason you're out there random dude from upstate new york hit us up who does not play frisbee so i don't know how you would find this podcast you inspired him he was like this girl's so hot gender's so cool she didn't respond to my pickup line i have to find her by doing the only thing i know about her which is playing frisbee good thing i'm moving yeah but that's um that's what i've got for pick-up lines and uh my my fun time on ultimate twitter tinder well using my tinder as a ultimate frisbee i don't know i don't know what i'm trying to say here but um it was it's definitely interesting to see how people react to it being a niche interest as opposed to you know the whole cult wanting of ultimate frisbee wanting to stay within themselves yeah speaking of it being a niche interest like pickup has started again not to get off track no you're good but they do the same they do the thing where it's like say your name and a fun fact about yourself my fun fact is that i play frisbee and i'm not going to be walking up because i have a podcast with old tv pay attention to me i'm not gonna do that to myself i can be like i am important i'm an important frisbee personality what in reality so i'm just like uh i have a cat that's my fun fact we need to get you like one fun fact that is not frisbee related i don't do anything i'm boring i was gonna say you have a podcast we already rolled that one out i'm not telling people i have fun guys it's like the most obnoxious thing that you could do oh no it's a struggle out here guys however i think my voice is important speaking of being an ultimate frizzy personality uh you guys out there that listen to this if you have any better ultimate frisbee pickup lines hit me up i'm responsive to pick up well by responsive i want to hear them i'm entertained by them i don't scottie's a taken lady now but my relationship status aside i want to hear more creative stuff and i bet that people actually that actually play ultimate have some really good ones um then maybe if we uh make this ultimate frisbee dating app you can use them there really impress people also um if you want to if you want to talk to me about starting up this dating app i got no coding experience but i i got a name that's all i got i could do basic java with who um what else what else is there anything else um in terms of the whole ultimate frisbee dating experience and interest that we wanted to cover no my like i touched on i've been in a relationship for five years it's been nice it's been easy breezy beautiful cover girl no but i'm one of the people that is that is strong on the it's nice to date someone that plays frisbee and um if i didn't date someone that played frisbee i tried to get them to play just because i like i wanna i like sharing common interests with with my with my partner but i also i understand the other side of the coin where you want to have your own thing well actually that was the other laying it out poll thanks for bringing it up is uh if you've dated someone outside the community this response got 30 it's got 30 responses um would you teach them how to play uh 27 and it was just said yes and only 70. yeah it was a strong yo which is interesting because i mean just thinking about the adults i guess we're kind of adults now but not really but that we're adults and we're 23. we're we can almost um rent a car but there were like people that were married on our club frisbee team and a lot of them both both sides played frisbee so or you know got their significant other to summer league and all that so if i should get my boyfriend to come to wildwood we'll see ah he's not wildwood is probably the worst first frisbee experience you could ever have unless you're like a crazy type of person and you love just like getting wasted in the sand and running around after a piece of plastic that you really don't understand and getting well the pros of wild wood and roped in are they the rules aren't as tight um so like all it'd have to do is if you catch it don't move just give it back to me i've gotten into some verbal maybe not altercation so i've i've had words with people at wildwood about rules and such not me enforcing them but them enforcing them on me and then me being like banana i've had yeah sophomore year pockets didn't understand that you can't contest a travel call i was a big to a lot of people because of that no yeah [Music] well this uh minor tangent aside yeah i think this i think that wraps up yes what we wanted to talk about dating yeah and uh next time we see you guys i think we'll both be a new oh fox is going to be in new york with me and we'll record there so um yeah yeah for anyone watching the the video version of this i'm finally back in my own apartment we have the classic little frisbee wall behind me and then now scotty's the one in a different yeah all my stuff's packed up i moved to new york in two days and aft at the time of recording this i will be in new york by the time it comes out so i'm in my parents room um this is where i've chosen to record but big exciting things are coming that would give you guys like a fun episode to kick off hot girl summer um maybe think of maybe a little bit of carrie bradshaw action because you know that she would have a podcast instead of writing uh a column for sex in the city so uh yeah until then and yeah right now we're gonna take a break but before that a word from our anti-sponsor for the first time in this podcast history by that i mean um my boyfriend had a bad experience trying to park in new york city and he wanted to rant about it so we're letting him come on [Music] thanks pockets and scotty this week's episode of laying it out is brought to you by parking in new york city if you've ever wanted to be an idiot like me and reserve parking at a destination before arriving there through a third party app then listen to my advice now the other night pockets and i were planning a trip to new york city to see the brooklyn nets play the boston celtics at barclay center for the first round of the nba playoffs but we didn't want to deal with public transportation from my hometown to the arena so we decided to use this incredible unbelievable new app for ios and android called park with park we were able to browse through all of the unaffiliated parking garages near the area to see where we had the greatest chance of getting scammed out of the lowest dollar amount we selected a garage a few blocks away for around 20 bucks which is a pretty good price but when we got there the truly excellent garage attendant not only audibly grimaced at the fact that we reserved using park he also told us that we were at the wrong address than the one that was booked on our phone of course like a couple of dumbasses on a time constraint we decided to look around for a different parking garage that didn't exist for about 15 minutes before realizing we had been scammed and lied to in the end we settled for a closer garage that cost 45 so if you want to try park use promo code lay it out at checkout to add an additional 50 to your parking expenses it really helps the show that's l-a-y-i-t-o-u-t thanks to parkshit for sponsoring this episode and ruining my night back to you pokken scott [Music] all right welcome back listeners thank you sponge for that insightful rant um to finish out today's episode we just kind of wanted to talk about our personal return to play activities because one of us ching ching ching me over here has actually gotten to play in 2021 yeah so um i guess my experience as of the recording of this i have played three games of ultimate since the pandemic shut every down everything down i've done two games of pickup in the philly area they're having a philly women's pickup which has been a lot of fun um i think i tweeted out after my first game of playing in all caps i didn't puke um the story behind that being the last time that i had played ultimate in 2020 i had vomited because i ran too hard a classic blunder yeah my my brother and i um we are our classic um move is just vomiting because we tried too hard in like gym class or something i think it was he's he's three grades below me so we were in high school together and during a pacer test his freshman year i guess like he like he was the best in the gym class but then he also vomited at the end of it and then everyone in school had to tell me about it it's really funny you say that and this is like totally off topic but i guess it's kind of like in theme for like a dating episode i did that i tried too hard in my ninth grade ve class and i ran like way too fast for the 100 meter dash because we were doing the track unit and i my stomach hurt afterwards and i went to my bio class which was the next period and my friend was like dude you should either go to the nurse like you look like you look like like you look like you're gonna die like apparently i was like green and i looked good about to throw up and i was like i feel like i'm about to throw up but no i'm not gonna like i'm not gonna miss class so i sit down and buy a class and relevant to the story as a fact the kid i sat next to in my bio class i had a big crush on he was like the first kid that i had like a real crush on and i was like oh man like i feel pretty like pretty bad and like i feel like my throat is like oh don't throw up on me so of course i did [Music] like technically i guess i threw up on my binder which was in front of me and like he claims that i got some on him and he called me pukey for the rest of the year and um i stopped liking him pretty shortly after that like the relationship did not pan out but that is i've been there oh no well luckily i didn't have that experience this year hopefully you also won't vomit this year it's a fun year 2021's a year of no puking okay 2021. um well yeah i've played three games of ultimate philly um has been having a women's pickup every tuesday which i've been going to it's been a lot of fun i was getting my ass whooped though by some amp players uh there's also someone wearing a molly brown like tank top there so i'm assuming they're on the team i got my ass whooped but it's been fun and um i've been trying a little bit handling i'm usually a cutter but out of shape we love to secretly and then yeah and my favorite uh frisbee that i've gotten to play this year um my good old friends in bethlehem pennsylvania the lehigh valley ultimate league um i unfortunately can't play because it's it's like an hour drive two times a week um so i didn't sign up they have a pickup list so i signed up whenever someone needs a woman matching player and just ping them so that's what i did yesterday it was a lot of fun i got to see some old friends run around on the frisbee field and the best part about it the team that i was picking up with was playing the lehigh undergrads that day yeah we beat them suck it oh it feels weird to be old and be beating the celebrating beating people that we were playing with i'm okay with it it is what it is yeah that's great i'm like so excited for you and it's great to see that like you're making taking initiative to go to pick up because that's definitely gonna like give me the motivation to go myself like obviously we talked enough about me moving in new york um i've signed up for two uh club team tryouts uh a limited swipes which is a mixed team and dino and we'll see that's just an all women's and we'll see how that goes i'm a little nervous about navigating public transportation i'm also a little nervous about thinking i'm better than i am and like absolutely sucking because i have not been like working out much at all lately um but hey well i think if it's anything like the experience i had everyone's just going to be so happy to be out there yeah they're not really going to be caring one what you're doing and then two they're probably not at their peak performance right now either so yeah yeah and that's like i'm taking solace in that fact because i was also listening to this in the fields epis the most recent ones in the fields episode and pat was talking about how that's like literally exactly how it is in brooklyn which i might end up picking up there so we'll see how my uh how it goes for that right yeah it's exciting to see like the world opening up again and like frisbee is back it's yeah it actually is like teams are i think every philly team i don't want to say every philly team i think there's just a women's opens and mix just one of each but they've all the ones that i know of have sent out tryout dates and such yeah so it's coming back it's exciting i'm so excited to play frisbee again i think it's like almost to the point where i've like forgotten that i missed it because like i just don't remember playing it so i'm excited too i on the drive there every three times that i've gone my heart has been racing because of excitement like i'm literally like i have my little fitbit on and i'm checking it while i'm driving it's hitting like 20 beats higher than it normally is at my resting rate and i'm just amped i have like butterflies in my stomach and it's not even like it's it's like that like i'm about to go to prom or about to see someone i haven't seen in forever some big event and i'm just so excited to be going back i'm so glad and it's like a puppy it is yeah but are we gonna are we gonna try some pickup when we're in new york if you want i would definitely be a lot more um confident if you were there so i will keep you updated on you know where if i figure out where it is and all that good stuff so uh keep an eye out for me in pockets in new york city next week yeah moving in moving up i'm moving out i'm terrified of cities i don't do well in crowded large spaces so we will see it'll be fun yeah no i would do pick up with you i'll even do that lame thing like i'll be your mother and be like oh sweetie let's let's practice the route to practice like take you on the bus forever the tryouts practicing waking up early you're gonna get off at this stop okay perfect i i need that type of support in my life yeah all right um so that's that's all we have for laying it out um we will catch you guys in uh new york city i'm moving out of albany new york finally very exciting and hopefully i'll have some frisbee under my belts and you guys will too um pockets is leading the charge for this podcast so never doing them before i usually wait for scotty to do things and then i also usually wait for scotty to make friends and then i slide on in there all my friends when you come visit me they'll be our friends it's perfect all right so uh in case you forgot um for this episode i've been scottie dempsey i'm chelsea parker and we'll catch you on the flip if i learned anything from college it's that no one really knows what they're doing and everyone is making it up as they go along the value of a team ultimate or otherwise is immeasurable i would not have gotten through college if it was not for my support system and as for frisbee while it's great to have someone with such a major common interest in my experience boyfriends will come and go without my friends i truly would not have gotten through college successfully they're the ones that will pick you up when you're down and always be there for the good times as well if you're lucky a boyfriend or girlfriend can become a part of that team at the end of the day we're all just looking for a throwing partner you
Channel: ultiworld
Views: 190
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: rJ7Hm4ANZ7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 32sec (3392 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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