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hi everyone today we're here with a different type of video we're going to be doing a layer 2 solid progression this means I can only level up and gain experience and use items from layer 2 which means that I'm gonna have to go to layer two as a power one uh which I can't do um since this is a sort of progression I'm not actually allowed to let people let me like go down with the light hook but I'm gonna add an exception uh just for the one time I'm only allowed to allow someone to send me down today or to once this entire progression and I'm gonna do that right now uh since I am level one and I can't actually jump into the void to go there and so I'm level three all right everyone um I want to first of all there's a few things I'd like to clear up first of all um this video is based on a stream I decided to stream it all instead of record it I'm going to be linking this stuff full stream in the comments so you can see I didn't cheat or anything like that also another few things I need to mention I can only gain XP and I can only use items from Layer Two and uh one other thing I'd like to mention this took me like seven hours to do so I'd really appreciate if you left a like and subscribed um it will help me out a lot and I spend so much time editing the seven hour stream in into this short video for you guys I'm not sure but like 10 15 minute video for you guys to actually watch and enjoy all right fine yeah all right we should get a um like 10 investment points from that hopefully hopefully Bro Look we've already got free parasites just from killing those that's how long it took let's see how much we get [Music] all right eight nine could we get ten can we get ten no we can't get 10 all right please perfect no yes hey all right that's perfect that's perfect let me try and get both of them to come over here I know but that's not gonna work what's that brain dead [Music] I'm trying to get them both in the corner at the same time hey there we go all right I wish that already honestly if I can kill them before the other two divers come around are we going to see what we get yeah just walk back into the corner yeah yeah yeah I love I love these ones bro okay and they get high primer on their ones for no reason okay we're good we're good all right minor inconvenience I should have leveled up first but it is what it is all right let me double up real quick oh I do have quite a few parasites on me all right let me load up fast then okay I'm gonna level up before I kill anything else I don't want to waste any time I don't want to waste any time all right health pack perfect perfect uh Brian Spirit perfect an extra 5 HP was from the deep wind blade F or something get one blade one Blade's really nice all right and then proficiency all right cool oh geez man all right all right I'm gonna kill the ones down here again holy crap bro he just strong lifted his friend off the cliff Oh my days help no I'm okay bro you killed me last time seven percent damage the monsters nine percent damage to monsters boost that's actually encouraging that's insane five percent damage to monsters I've got a cape with five HP as well all right uh once I get to power free I'm gonna use my light hook to get out so I get more XP bro why is the wind not pushing me down when I wanted to push me down all right Perfect come on let me fall down let me fall down let me fall down hey there we go that's why I love to see that's why I love this one odds all right let me get my cards real quick let me get my cards real quick [Music] I might as well get condition somewhere I guess let me get proficiency all right cool cool let's see what we get from the chest nothing nothing game breaking last time uh before my life right now like I was only level three bump we're gonna be level four by the time we get out of this all right let me kill them one at a time then might as well level up first two minutes left yeah I should go to level up I should be able to level up all right and then I'm gonna come back in without the light hook and then I'm gonna do everything again nice okay this is going a little faster all right time to do about our light hook it's going to give us a long way XP so next up all right so next time I do it I'm gonna have to make it so um also cool with everyone in the tournament has to join the server first and then I'll like put the server name I'm gonna do that next one bro oh my God bro my life just flashed between my eyes but that was closer than I would have liked it to be all right uh let me level up my get over for a little bit I can't level up okay I'm gonna level up my heavy then all right we're level four already that's good punishing blue and parameter replenishment cost wind blades I'm gonna try that like wait I'll try that in a second hold on something good taking a life uh which is from the deep go lunge perfect bro I didn't even get that a single time last time like what the hell all right cool we finally got gallons that's exactly what I wanted I'm gonna kill the ones down on the bomb now hey all right fool down fall down fall down bro that's exactly what I didn't want to happen all right let me try and only bring one of them at a time Oh my days bro I've got one of them I only got one of them that's good let's see what we get from the chest actually and make sure his room because I have five HP on it no it doesn't okay I actually die hold on bro you know what all right hold on I'm gonna leave and rejoin I don't want to risk wiping bro the Lantern's so far away I don't know if you can make it go far more what the hell do I need for aerogardo all right don't make me take full damage please fine God okay all right come over here come over here yeah if I if I just don't go close enough to one yeah they're hella buggy that's kind of like a new cheese method if you go like if you're not close enough to them they won't come and attack you it's like hella buggy like look he just bugs out what do I get from the chest a carriage ring [Music] oh that combo that combo is kind of nice oh I powered up uh I might get go leap then actually no no I'm not I need to burn fish man why haven't I burned that yeah it hasn't come up yet I'm gonna get no no I'm trying to [ __ ] attack at the same time I actually burnt finesse oh bro hi everyone this is obviously server but pretty much um I skipped out like at least like an hour like and a half or footage of me just going back and forth killing the dire vessels for like an hour to two hours um until I finally got level 12 to be able to finally find the boom keep on um I'm Gonna Leave You guys to see if I can kill the boom keeper I know I power it's over normal battle ax um keep in mind the boom keeper does heal 100 HP plus per second he always at an extreme rate so the reason why I'm like having to be such a high level to finally actually kill him it's literally just because of that because if I don't kill him fast enough uh within like two three minutes then I'm gonna dive into parasites um because you gained parasites while fighting to him so yeah that's the whole reason why I have to power up the power 12 exactly and get a five six proficiency before I actually fight him foreign oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay that doesn't actually do that much damage but I mean it doesn't do that much there's a whole bar what am I talking about [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [ __ ] like Years bro like actually yes oh my God I'm so happy right now oh that's like the biggest relief ever holy [ __ ] bro if I didn't kill him now I actually would have been so pissed off hold on let me grab this Oh my days I'm so happy you let me remove my parasites let me ruin my parasites all my days I'm so happy yeah yeah oh it's Union hook as well bro I'm actually so happy right now but get you need to get the girl wax in the ice cave yeah yeah yeah don't worry don't worry don't worry you're actually cracked I love you bro I love you bro okay let me clear my part size as well holy crap I'm so happy right now I can hit our bound uh like outside of the place hopefully it doesn't attack me hey you know perfect holy crap that's like five six hours of like [ __ ] grinding it's taking me to be able to actually finally do this all right let's hope we get a kiss please Stormbreaker please give me a kiss please if I don't get one from here I hope I get from the bus hey two star kiss Cave of damage thank [ __ ] I got that okay foreign oh my goodness man all right I'm finally like calmed down bro I am on the bus like I still know Evan's behind next there's some there's one more chest that I can possibly get one from uh oh yeah I'm doing the spare Quest I'll be kind of annoying [Music] oh perfect that was actually perfect all right didn't get hit by the rocks or the boundaries with the normal dialects as well all right let's kill these guys yo that I'm lagging lagging what the hell if I get the uh uh Evan spare hand X I'm gonna do the the quest to choose your enchant and then I'm gonna choose chilling and put it on it hold on all right he's doing the spare music on there okay I said we didn't [ __ ] up the Chase Law all right my Ping's decent my Ping's decent oh I mean not uh three you know these are my thing's amazing soy ping is really good the reason why it's more fun than normal percussions is because you always have that permanent wrist like if you die your business instantly wipe it's like doing uh d-bound but like on steroids this is literally the BAM bone steroids um all right all right cool let's see what we get from the chest two slow kids with pen bunch of blood test gems lovely lovely lovely lovely did we get what we wanted though no we didn't unfortunately okay hold on uh because the boots ring of pasta and okay let me just sell everything oh yeah oh yeah let me bro I almost forgot to get this [ __ ] as well hold on yo what's up all right hold on let me get encyclopedia all right here we go perfect all right I'll just jump back into Layer Two Guys I'm an idiot bro I forgot to put Brothers gems oh my goodness all right it's fine I killed him anyways all right I need to definitely get Brothers gems on my muse as this oh [ __ ] my parasites yo yo hurry up hurry up hurry up hurry up hurry up hurry up jeez how much forgot about power size bro there's so many things I'm trying to concentrate on at the same time Nemesis okay that's a shield right the PVP not really for PVE either because of young show as well I'm not bad not bad where's dead but he's like not actually dead you know I mean the game calculated in Missouri HP but he's still alive somehow bursts pause now actually that's the way it sounds like all right let's see what I get from this chest bro imagine if I actually get a row blade I'll be crazy I've already put it on this slit just to piss people off uh [Music] all right cool I can actually kill them hella fast let's see what we get from the chest uh bruh we still haven't got the second thing that we need any good monster damage seven percent I'll take the all right cool nice and easy Chaser run and I'm joking I took off my HP away because I'm an idiot I'm an idiot and I'm joking that this stuff was just lagging that's why I almost like that's why I've got half my HP bear without like I would still be foolish people No Cap no cap did we get it do we get it I'm going to address your next let me talk about my stuff real quick uh where is it here is all right there we go let me sell my stuff I don't even need so much stuff I don't have that much stuff on me actually no I do all right let me put the the shitty shitty but you you guys know what I'm talking about all right on this I'm having so much fun yeah I can kill these guys so fast now holy crap oh we got ferocity [Music] [Music] oh yeah I have brothers now so I don't have to worry about taking damage let's go but I want to see how much blood this actually gives me all right I'm gonna let him hit me and then I'm gonna use a maximum posture breaks twimy posture breaks down that's pretty good actually that is pretty good foreign let me kill this one for a health fight I didn't get anything good I'm running bro [ __ ] that [ __ ] on all right cool let's see what we get from the chest afraid to come on duh bro how have we still not got it yet that's insane holy crap I got flung high on you gluttony okay gluttony is not too bad actually uh until I get my thingy did I get it and I still haven't got it what the hell man what the hell dude [Music] all right cool one car all right perfect nice and then turn it into a um stream I mean and then turn into a video it's a safety dance that we go oh that's cool it has like a it's like a little resonance thing oh wait maybe no that wasn't the one bro it's Katie again bro that person's 100 an exploited 100 uh I'm gonna Speed Demon all right well I don't have risky Museum unfortunately was that the one that needs to remove like a hundred percent chance for the one that needs to remove I do have uh have a changing age or whatever it was uh the thing that makes me uh do less much damage but take less damage just because it gave me five HP but I might end up removing that I might end up removing that uh when the builds maxed if I have a lot of HP what do we get all right we still haven't [ __ ] got it yeah that's actually stupid nice yeah ghosts are just such a nice thing to have and it helps against ether on so much all right Chase is that nice yeah I need to check how much uh HP I have if I have like 450 of which I probably don't then I will definitely do layer to a new floor tuber and for some matter if I have that much HP or not so I'm not trying to wipe I'm not trying to redo all of this again man it is grave moon ring did I get it uh unfortunate oh six percent monster damage [Music] okay [Music] all right cool bro you know what I'm actually not scared of bundles anymore I can kill them so fast bro why do I do so much damage I'm only Power 18 [ __ ] all right we get it do we get it oh three star boots with 16 HP that's amazing that is amazing all right that's actually really good I'm happy about that I just feel like tp'd like out of the map for a second and then brought it back in I got Auto manifestation nice all right see if we get it from the chest we get it no we don't because my luck is [ __ ] and I don't think you can even drop it all right hold on oh and fight too if I am gonna use this actually all right cool we should have around about 400 health I'm gonna try and kill Ethel all right we can finally get monster monsters as well oh uh is there any point in me game medallions on the way um I only need five now I'm not gonna I'm not gonna look for medallions guys so I'm only gonna get five medallions uh just so I can also cool uh uh get the damage boost yeah the damage boost nice time for the Moment of Truth The Moment of Truth the moment of truth I see Do we wipe or not I hope or not but we'll see foreign that's a good sign that's a good sign to a good run all right he doesn't like [ __ ] tons of damage to me because I have like new health all right cool [Music] [Music] all right second floor unlocked already foreign [Music] that's so annoying bro all right there's a whole pack at least yeah look how much damage that Health packs do to me as well okay two three no I hit that off back off the edge [ __ ] bro that's annoying put it down oh we have ghosts so that should be easy yeah nice nice how many hits all right three hits that's good that's really good that's really good [Music] all right use the burn mute all slam yeah okay I'll take that I'll take that can I hit him three times all right cool cool all right still one morning [Music] all right cool she's going well so far bro let's go and have really well I'm guessed I already hit my bunch as well this is going hello can I hit him again please the [ __ ] all right cool just going so well so far I'm actually happy as hell I am so happy I'm still full HP man imagine if I had heroism right now I'm down wait what why did my ghost not activate that's kind of weird maybe I didn't dodge any of his news all right let me not talk to you sooner right it was going well and I just lost half my HP I think ghosts didn't activate it because I didn't dodge the move I think I was running too far ahead that's my fault that's my fault hey what apparently clearly more I was just an ultimate again okay I don't think I can get a decision one order I don't know I have conditioner on it yet all right cool nice nice yeah cause I'm really fossil girl I can like literally Dash ahead of his ultimate so I need to be careful that I don't do that because [Music] I might just normally roll it like this instead of uh yeah I'm gonna do that actually instead wait how's it not frozen yet no what one did I miss [Music] bro what went oh right here okay nice okay it's doing this ultimate again I'll be able to freeze them it's fine no ultimate for you bro no ultimate theme all right cool perfect perfect I need a healthy pack I'm really [ __ ] Lou but for now I need to kill him all right there's two healthy packs or health packs over there I don't really want to fight two of them and that's the only Annoying part all right I'm gonna stop damaging him early just so I can actually get the hit kills on these guys without him attacking me as well I'm not trying to wipe my safety comes first my safety comes first all right cool my safety comes before killing him I have all the time in the world to kill this guy as long as I don't wipe all right cool [Music] I have all the time in the world all right I want to make sorts of normal deutsches attack oh yeah that's that's easy as [ __ ] that's easy as [ __ ] power up real quick I don't know if I can I don't think I can I've still got 11 points left quite a bit actually yeah that was pretty decent that's pretty easy [Music] I need three more four to shoot three more and then I can finally [ __ ] get access wait did I do the one on that floor yeah I did I think I think I did [Music] all right all right father Burns please please please oh [ __ ] bro I hate the [ __ ] replays that burns on the floor all right he's freezing again nice all right cool now we just Spam left click and hope for the best he's probably half Health by now probably half health I do do a lot of damage like I can free shot the health packs which means that I can probably kill him in like three or four turns which is really good keep in mind that deal will do I deal more damage to ethelon than I do to the spare guys as well he's lagging a little bit yeah he's lagging a hell of a lot those Burns took like 10 years to find me and I just powered that perfectly and it didn't Parry up [Music] what's my ping bro yeah I have [ __ ] 90 ping bro my ping is usually 30. that means the sub is lagging not my Wi-Fi bro um I'm not gonna explain it again but I'm just gonna say it simply bro server ping is different so you're like Wi-Fi ping okay hear me Oh my days all right look at the burns bro they come so slow I feel sorry for people that experienced that like 24 7. like a laggy [ __ ] I feel sorry for you guys because I want to die right now whenever I have 100 ping I want to die all right here we go full straight fight I got mostly bro I got like has like a 200 ping average Oh my days all right Let's uh Dodge this entire ultimate me again with a single button all right cool [ __ ] man cool [ __ ] 120 pink is my average I feel sorry for you man yeah my average is like 40. that's my average so when I'm getting 100 ping which is like double to one super it's like hell for me bro oh my goodness what I'm trying to say is that I'm spoiled bro I'm a spoiled King user bro I'm spoiling the department of Internet I've always had a good internet well not always actually I had really [ __ ] in it when I live in my mum that's besides the point that one hey oh he's already dead whoa no way it was that easy holy [ __ ] I didn't realize it was gonna be that easy bro I give you so much damage I do so much damage holy crap I do so much damage how much would I get 14 okay how much HP do I have yeah 416 okay that's actually decent now that is actually decent all right let me uh repair my almond real quick all right nice well the run's pretty much over what I need to do is uh get a bell and then I'm pretty much Max the kill this Bounder real quick oh man come here come here I hate this goes to see as well like it it makes your screen flash red as well like it's just not a good inch on well it might be a good intro but I don't like it bro it's not nice and chance I have I'd much rather not have it all right so we get bro still are you actually kidding me we still haven't got it yet all right we didn't get it we got a free stuff instead of there what the hell someone got the ring there and Carries ring yeah no thank you for the five code man I appreciate it though there is no way perfectly is actually disgusting I need to remove this okay yeah he was one shot he actually was one shot all right let's see what we get from the chest so I'm gonna do a little prayer um uh yeah man that's the prayer that's the prayer all right cool we got two rail blades guys we've got two rail blades shout out to all my blind people uh watching the stream right now I mean listening to the stream right now uh yeah we've got two rail blades analyze funnel tour oh my goodness bro what okay you know what um that's that's interesting I've killed like 20 [ __ ] Chasers and two [ __ ] nephrons one without a like as well I feel like it's gonna be fiber time to kill the Travis Scott bungles and there's the wind Carousel which makes them even more annoying bro like why do they add wind right here like come on game oh finally and we got two of holy okay I'm definitely [ __ ] Bell checking myself off the Chaser bro we got two of them in one chest what is the chances bro unfortunately that both zero stars but still I don't care bro we finally got it bro it took five plus hours six hours to get a singular [ __ ] evidence behind eggs singular one bro like what the [ __ ] are the chances that happening bro two in one chest I haven't got a single one yet what did you get I got two [ __ ] Evans behind like scissors I mean he's farming for like six hours and I haven't got a single one and I just got two of them in the same chest like what the [ __ ] or your luck was was stacking up was stuck on another one bro that would have been crazy [Music] oh my [ __ ] God I just got another one but it has weight on it so I don't give a [ __ ] oh you're gonna get real blade a grand sudo um Crypt light and curve blade all right thank [ __ ] I didn't get anything good hey hey Frank [ __ ] I liked how far down here that's yeah I said that I saw that oh sacred field I'll [ __ ] take that let's see what Veronica it's pretty big I don't I prefer the one that lasts long how long is it gonna last for all right this is a pretty good time oh shivering I'm cold down here don't have any clothes damn bro this shit's lasting forever holy oh how long is this Gonna Last oh my God I lost like 20 seconds yo Emma I need you to check if um my Bell's the the physical variant hit me then hold on I want to see if it's the physical variant okay it might be I think it is actually yeah it is it is nice all right everybody thank you so much for watching this video I appreciate a lot it took me like seven hours to do this entire progression I cut out quite a lot of it just because I didn't want the video to be like two hours long um so yeah pretty much uh it was already fun progression to do on stream I'm gonna be linking the entire stream uh if you guys do want to watch it just in case you don't believe me that I actually did it ordinary to you um in the description uh so yeah thank you guys so much for watching um I appreciate a lot please subscribe and like the video and have a nice day
Channel: vert
Views: 128,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: c9YCImO3mf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 5sec (2225 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 25 2023
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