Lay Out + Square a Structure | Mad County Barndominium Ep4

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all right we're at the next major step here  of the build and that's laying out the house   so how I'm gonna do this is I'm just gonna use  some scrap two-by-fours make some steaks and I   got I already laid out kind of the roughly where  I want the front of the house how I want it angled   so what we'll do is we'll drive some steaks in  and then we need for string lines for you know   square rectangle and then we'll lay it out and  I'll show you how to square it and all that as   we go so let's start getting some steaks in and  then I'll show you how I how I will square it up all right I got my first wall ready to ready to  put up the line so I'll just kind of basically   show you quick how I'm gonna how I did this and  then this this one right here will be what I base   all my other measurements off so this is the  front of the garage and so I kind of know how   I the angle I want it so if I get this string  line up I will base all my other measurements   off of off of this line and that way it'll all  be square so first thing I did was I put two   steaks and a 2x4 at each end a few feet beyond  the corners at the front of the garage so we'll   check it out here as you can see I put two steaks  in and screwed a 2x4 and level across there this   stake right here is the front left part of my  garage as you can see looking down but that's   relatively in the center of my board and if you  look all the way down you can see that the other   corner of the garage is also in the center that  way I have the room to move my string Line left   to right and you'll see that later on so next  thing I'm going to do is I'm going to put some   screws in these boards and run a string line down  down along here let's do let's do a quick double   check to make sure the front corners my garage  are close to what I want them to be I want it to   be outside cornered outside corners 56 feet  all right got the first string line this is   going to represent the front outside edge of  the garage and I use a bright orange line so   I can see it pretty well all right so now now  that I got that laid out I know the depth of   my garage is going to be 40 feet part of that is  I'll show you later on in in my plans I'm gonna   have a garage and then the back of my garage gonna  have a little workspace I'm gonna have an office   where I keep on my hunting gear and stuff like  that I'm gonna have a canteen kitchen and then   all my utilities that's why it's 40 foot deep  so I'm gonna from these corners rough corners   I'm gonna measure over 40 feet put up put two  more steaks and then I will put another set of   these steaks and two-by-fours over there and  then I'll get my 40 foot distance measured off   accurately and then I'll show you how we we can  square it off and get straight lines all right   now that I got these two set on the opposite  side of the garage I'm just gonna get a screw   in where I think it's close to 40 feet and then  I'll fine-tune it once once I get it all up here [Music] alright now that I got that done I'm gonna  measure since I know that string line in   front is where I want the front of my garage to  be I'm gonna measure from that line and I'm gonna   measure forty feet over and then I'll adjust  this screw so I know this end of the line to   this center line is exactly forty feet and I'll  do the same thing at the other end and then my   lines running parallel on the front and back the  garage should be 40 feet apart all the way from   left to right of the garage and then from that  point we will put up the boards and the lines   on the left and right side of the garage and then  I'll show you how to make sure that they're square all right now we'll go down to the ops end and do  it down there and work on the left right hand side   I'm gonna go back and double-check the other one  make sure it didn't move at all and then put up   the boards on the sides all right the next part is  a little bit trickier and this is how I do it by   myself if you have somebody that can help you  hold a tape measure and whatnot that could be   useful however that's not my case so this is how  you can do it by yourself so this front part of   the garage is my reference line this how this  is I'm making all my measurements off of this   front line so my back my garage I got at 40 feet  from this front line all the way across so from   outside to outside depth wise I'm dead on so what  I did is I drove two stakes in here where I want   the front left of portion of my garage to be and  I put a 2x4 there with a screw where it's gonna   be the front outside corner and that is where  I'm gonna make my measurements from across the   front so I know I'm 56 feet long so I'm going to  measure 56 feet long and put a black mark on my   string and then I'll make another one of these  to put there because how you square this is then   I will figure out what the angle is across it  so if you remember back in math a squared plus   B squared equals C squared that's that's how  you get this this building square now I don't   do that because I've been out of high school in  college for 20 years so I use an app I just put   in my length and my width and it gives me what  my diagonal measurement should be so once I get   this front measured out and my two outside screws  on the front of the building put in I will figure   out my what my angle should be and then I will  measure from the front left and I'll take my   measurement across at an angle to the back right  corner and put a mark and then I'll do the same   thing from the front right I'll take that same  angle distance and go to the back left and then   my building should be perfectly square so I know  that's a little bit confusing if you've never   done this before but hopefully it'll make sense  once once I get it done so I got my front left   corner marked got my two posts in and I'll make  my measurement 56 feet down to the other end put   a mark on the string put stakes in and then we'll  go from there right through 56 feet so I will make   a mark with a marker right there see if I can  hold the camera and do this all at the same time I don't know if you can see my black  line but I think you can so I put   another set of those little stakes  in and then we'll do our diagonals [Music] I don't know if you can see this but I put in this  app that put in 40 feet width 56 feet length and   it gave me a diagonal 68 feet 9 inch 9 and 13 16  inches so I'll write that down here on this board 68 feet nine and thirteen sixteenths all right  so now that I know that measurement what I can   do is from each of the front corners of the  garage I can measure diagonally across that   sixty eight nine and thirteen sixteenths make  a mark and that should be the back corners of   each of my garage the reason you do it from  the front line is because you know you know   this line is good if I was to measure from the  front right corner and go back that distance   and then from the back right corner and go the  other way I don't know if I'm square because I   have no string line that I've squared up already  so I know this front line is where I want it to   be so I'm gonna make both my measurements off  the front left in front right corner and then   that will give me my marks and then I can set  my strings across on the left and right side   of the garage that doesn't make any sense put  something in the comments and maybe I can draw   it out on paper so you can better understand  it you can use this method on any any building   that you're building no matter how big in the key  with building is doing the homework up front so   you're building a square from the get-go and that  will save you a lot a lot of hassle later on down   during the build no matter how big your build  is if you can keep it square from the beginning   you're going to have a lot less trouble later  on so I'll go ahead and measure off these and   put some marks on my line over there and get  some more string lines up all right I got all   the other stakes and boards in so now I can put  my other two string lines up and then I'll make   my diagonal measurements again I actually I'll  I'm gonna check every measurement again to make   sure it's accurate but we'll see how we panned  out here but I think we'll be close you can't   actually see that orange line over there but  I can see it and being it that's fluorescent   orange I can see my mark on that line believe it  or not so what I'm going to do to get as close   as I can so I'm going to line that mark up with  that screw right here which is the corner of my   building and then put a screw here and that will  get me close and then I can fine-tune it as I need [Music] we're going to be close here Helen lines  up there but I want that string on this   side because that'll be my outside edge that  puts me 3/8 off if I leave it on that side [Music] all right well I've got all my string lines up  so now is the true test I'm gonna measure my   diagonals and then I'm gonna measure the length  and the width and see if we're still on and we'll   see see what we got so we got to be 68 9 and 13 16  see she's pretty much dead on so I I'll check the   other direction I like it actually well I got that  hook there I'll check this this should be 56 still 56 and I suppose I might as well check my width  while I'm at it since I got hooked on that side my diagonal was good my length was good see  if my width is good and then we'll check the   other the other part dead-on all right there  you have it that's how you lay out a building   or a house now that's my garage part my  house part is 48 by 48 and it sticks out   4 feet on each side of the garage just the  garage is 40 there be 4 feet on each side   so I'm gonna repeat that process for the house  so hopefully that helps somebody weighing out   if you do it that way you will be pretty darn  close close enough that you can get your posts   in and then you basically got to do all the  same things again once your poster and put   your string lines up take measurements make  sure you're all square before your frame so
Channel: MR Post Frame | Marshall Remodel
Views: 137,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Midwest, Iowa, Des Moines, House, Home, Fixer Upper, Remodel, Remodeling, Renovation, Home Improvement, Design, DIY, Do It Yourself, Construction
Id: Jwba8_jBXwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 22 2019
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