Lawrence reacts to Trump post attacking NY criminal case jury pool

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we have breaking news about defended trump at this hour he appears to have violated a judge's gag order on mentions and attacks of jurors in his case on donald trump's social media website tonight donald trump repost did something posted by the eight pm host on fox jesse waters jesse waters says they are catching undercover liberal activists lying to the judge in order to get on the trump jury and there's donald trump himself posting that on social media tonight posting it for the jurors in his case to see calling them liberal activist emma liars donald trump calling his jurors who have already been seated liars because what just he was referring to there are the jurors the seven who have already been officially ceded on that jury that's who he's referring to the then he's saying that they have lied their way on to the jury donald trump is endorsing that those words are the same as donald trump writing them himself that was donald trump's choice to violate his gag order tonight possibly in the very worst way in fact definitely in the worst way he has violated this gag order so far this is a severe test now of what judge warmer sean is prepared to do with donald trump violating the gag order in the worst possible way by attacking specifically attacking the seven jurors already seated in this case treasurer shawn has already tolerated which is to say not acted yet on the claims by the district attorney that donald trump has violated the gag order in other ways but this is by far by far the most severe way donald trump can violate that gag order by going after the jurors in his case is case this is by donald trump by any interpretation juror intimidation this is specifically aimed at intimidating the seven people already seated on that jury and anyone else who might be seated on that jury that when you're seated on donald trump's jury you will be attacked you will be publicly attacked by donald trump and his allies in the news media this is the challenge but a warmer sean judge on the sean is going to have to deal with immediately in this case he has paused the his timing on hearing the the question of violations of the gag order already but this one with jury selection in process ready to resume tomorrow morning this one it seems impossible to see all the judge can wait on that we'll discuss that in a moment of with andrew weissmann it's always important to remember something about donald trump and the way he lies because no one proves just how much donald trump lies better than donald trump and he did that again today and this time he proved that his lawyers are liars too donald trump has claimed repeatedly that the manhattan criminal trial that he must now attend has kept him from campaigning for president his lawyers have falsely represented the same thing publicly judge one marshawn said at the outset that there will be no wednesday session and the criminal trial of donald trump's son donald trump knew all along that would be no session today and today when donald trump had no obligation in court anywhere in the country donald trump did absolutely nothing the crucial electoral college state of pennsylvania is only an hour away from donald trump's manhattan apartment at trump motorcade speed president trump president biden was campaigning once again today in pennsylvania but donald trump did nothing nothing no campaigning at all maybe don't trump spent the day napping in a more comfortable chair in the courtroom chair but he has reportedly managed to doze off in this week donald trump's criminal defense lawyers spent the day honoring once again what a catastrophe it would be if donald trump attempted to testify in his own defense because today just trail bragg and his team of prosecutors in a required filing in the case revealed all of the issues but they would use to attack donald trump's credibility in cross-examination on the witness stand if donald trump justifies they noticed submitted to judgment sean says quote the people here by disclose a list of all misconduct and criminal acts of the defendant not charged in the indictment which the people intend to use at trial to impeach the credibility of the defendant if the defendant chooses to testify that people intend to inquire regarding the following the first item on that just turns notice was the case one by train general tish james against donald trump in which donald trump is now word to pay three hundred fifty-four million dollar judgment that just to try to describe the case this way quote defendant repeatedly and persistently falsified business and underlying records conspired to falsified business records issued false facts financial statements conspired to issue false financial statements and conspired to commit insurance fraud by fraudulently misstating the value of his assets for economic benefit including the trump tower triplex pipe overstating its square footage by nearly three times now every member of that manhattan jury knows either exactly what almost exactly how many square feet their apartment is none of them could overestimate the size of their men heart manhattan apartments by three times no juror with a studio apartment thinks that they live in a three bedroom apartment those facts used against donald trump on the witness stand would the devastating but the district attorney would present more in cross examining donald trump and attacking his credibility defendant testified truthfully under oath when he claimed that his public comments about the judge's law clerk for instead about a witness court held as a trier of fact i find trump's testimony rings hollow and untrue the defendant intentionally violated court order by making public attacks on a judge's law clerk despite two prior court orders not to do so court fine defended ten thousand dollars defendant committed repeated and persistent fraud in the transaction of business by fraudulently the stating the value of his assets all of that is just from that one case that the train general one against donald trump and of course the district attorney intends to use both of the e jean carroll cases against donald trump if donald trump takes the witness stand star trump testifies in the case just returning would refer to the e jean carroll cases in cross-examination this way quote jury awarded e jean carroll eighty-three million three hundred thousand dollars in compensatory and punitive damages for defamatory statements defended made about her defendant sexually abused e jean carroll a jury awarded the plaintive two million twenty thousand dollars in compensatory and punitive damages on her sexual abuse claim the district attorney will also use a finding in a lawsuit donald trump filed against hillary clinton quote court sanction the defendant and ordered him to pay nine hundred thirty-seven thousand nine hundred eighty-nine dollars in fees for filing a frivolous bad faith lawsuit the court held quote he is the mastermind of strategic abuse of the judicial process and he cannot be seen as a litigant blindly following the advice of a lawyer the district attorney would also use the criminal conviction of the trump business people versus the trump corporation quote trump corporation and trump payroll court convicted of seventeen felony counts of scheme to defraud conspiracy criminal tax fraud and falsifying business records in connection with a scheme to pay unreported non-cash compensation to top executives including allen weisselberg and the district attorney would use another civil case against all trump won by attorney general tish james quote defendant illegally allowed his twenty sixteen presidential campaign to orchestrate a fundraiser for the donald j trump foundation director strub you shun of the funds and use the fundraiser and distribution of the funds to for the defendants political campaign a court or a defendant to pay two million dollars for breach of fiduciary duty and waste defended stipulated to the dissolution of the donald j trump foundation to resolve claims by the new york attorney general to breach of fiduciary duty and waste failure to properly administer charitable assets improper political activity unlawful coordination with the trump political campaign and repeated and willful self dealing transactions donald trump's lawyers we'll surely oppose every one of these cases being brought up at trial judge one marshawn will hold a hearing on this issue after jury selection is complete that hearing could occur as early as friday donald trump is by far the stupidest republican presidential nominee in history but he thinks and in many cases he may be right about this that his voters are stupider than he is and that's why he complained today about only having ten pre-entry challenges to use against potential jurors in the jury selection process the trump defense and the prosecution have each child's already used six of their ten challenges with seven jurors seated in the case with an additional five jurors necessary to complete the twelve person jury plus six alternates yet to be chips today on social media donald trump sent i thought strikes were supposed to be on limited when we were picking our jury i was then told we only had tap but nearly enough donald trump's lawyers have known or should have known from the day donald trump got and i did a year ago but for the crimes he is charged with every defendant in the state of new york and every prosecutor gets ten peremptory challenges tab if donald trump won out on fifth avenue and shot someone and murdered that person then he would get twenty pre-entry challenges for a class a felony twenty there is no place in america were any defendant gets an unlimited number of peremptory challenges that doesn't exist but donald trump believes that his voters are too reliant leslie ignorant to know that the trump voters who do know that all of the trump voters who have been criminally charge for their attack on the capitol on january six they learned that the hard way there are places but you would get less than ten challenges many place the state of arizona in its infinite wisdom under the control of the republican state legislature is the only state that has decided to give criminal defendants like donald trump exactly zero pre-entry challenges
Channel: MSNBC
Views: 553,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lawrence O'Donnell
Id: kAlTLOdK4Y0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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