Lava Burst Shaman Rune Location: How to get it in WoW SoD

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what up what up we're here with another  Shaman Rune location video this one's   going to be going over lava burst we finally  found it um we're in Hills Brad Foothills uh   south of East Point tower on this little farm  what you're going to want to do is kill these   mud snout Shaman they are level 28 and 27 so it  might be tough if you're low level so maybe you   can find a friend to help you out that's what  I did with this Mage here shout out to the this   guy um he was he was a true homie I wouldn't  have been able to do it without him but once   you do that you're just going to want to kill  these Shaman until the thing drops um and then   afterwards you're going to want to go to RFC  the requirement is to take five hits of lava   damage so you can just sit in the lava for five  ticks get out and activate lava burst hope this   was helpful guys lava burst absolutely pumps um  see you next time hope you like the video peace
Channel: Big Cuz TV
Views: 6,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow, sod, wow sod, lava burst rune, sod runes, wow runes, lava burst, shaman, shaman runes, world of warcraft
Id: 8L_Il8_YKUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 6sec (66 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2023
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