Lauren Daigle - Dealing With Loneliness

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[Music] I think loneliness comes in many forms and fashions busyness is something that clouds the outside perspective of loneliness busyness does not constitute as having it all together and having people around you that you never get to experience or engage it just for a moment of loneliness you never have that happen because you're so busy have you ever been in a room full of a million people and you feel completely isolated and by yourself that is the reality you feel lonely in moments where you can't relate to someone who's standing side by side or that best friend that you've had your entire life and all of a sudden your lives are completely different I would say to all the people who are experiencing loneliness don't run away from it but instead press in and say okay this is reality for me how do I overcome this with you God how do i how do I see myself worth because that's where it starts to lead is that you're no longer valuable and that you will be subjected to this for forever and that's not the truth those are just the two lies that kind of man hate themselves around loneliness so I would say press into it instead of deny it and say ok God in the process of this I'm not going to deny it because I don't want to go to outside vices but instead I want to plug into you and and I want you to teach me how to overcome this the only thing that matters now is everything you think [Music]
Channel: 883WAFJ
Views: 52,091
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lauren Daigle, 88.3 WAFJ, loneliness, Augusta
Id: aZTr4DRacQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 51sec (111 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 18 2018
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