Lauren Alexandria // March 12, 2020

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[Music] you [Music] are you [Music] you [Music] Jesus add to Oh huge oh you are the real joy giver the [Music] it's you [Music] see you you [Music] jeez [Music] you maimie smear [Music] what are you you these [Music] [Music] Jesus you you saw about you jeez I'm sorry what for see ya [Music] it's allowed you Jesus I'm coming back to you it's all about YOU Jesus I'm sorry Lord for the thing [Music] it's all about gee [Music] [Music] [Music] they long stripped away in a simply I mean just you operating you more than a song for this song is not what you you search much deeper through the way things of you you're looking at [Music] it's all about YOU Jesus I'm sorry love [Music] but it's all Jesus I'm sorry [Music] Jesus Jesus it's a [Music] jeez [Music] I'll reel mornings I'll be heartless bring you more I'll bring my [Music] Jesus I'm bringing my but I gave you [Music] my strength my shield you [Music] humor [Music] [Music] Jesus to [Music] to [Music] about so [Music] [Music] [Music] it's sold out [Music] it's all about you [Music] it's all about you [Music] [Music] I'm sorry [Music] [Music] it's just [Music] veining will one day be well one day [Music] - to show you [Music] do you love you like we your green nest soon will be [Music] the the Oh [Music] this goes [Music] you'll be seen [Music] main reason for it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we lived [Music] [Music] felis feel it [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we'll have the pins she's [Music] jeez [Music] the preeminence she oh Jesus it's a few [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now this first said we're gonna do the first our intercession for the salvation of Israel and the second hour we're going to Michael a worship in the word I wanna pray for the church in Israel out of Isaiah 62 verse 1 [Music] there's no mains sake I will not hold my peace for Jerusalem's sake I will not rest until her righteousness goes forth as brightness and their salvation [Music] thank you for the privilege of interception of carrying the business on your mark you only do things on your heart and bring them back to you to release your kingdom on the earth and let me just acknowledge for that evening you Jesus are not keeping silent you are a constant intercession for the salvation of your people Israel while we remember how all at to be safe God we're asking for the same way you touch the Apostle Paul would you touch us even in the room right now touch our hearts Lord we acknowledge even our own selves our hearts are naturally cold they're naturally disconnected from the burning desires on your heart it's the Lord we're asking for the impartation and a fresh understanding for your Seles desire for the salvation of Israel what we know it burns on your heart you want to return to this nation and have them receive you you want to set your kingdom up in this nation and release your glory across the earth you want to use Israel as a vehicle of your salvation and so Lord we carry your heart Lord we bring those words back to you or today out of this prayer set well we we don't keep silent lord we open our mouths will release the words out of and father we ask for a strengthening of the church and his real father we pray for the Saints initial the thousands that call on your name while we pray that you would revive them or we pray that you had gathered in but we ask that the message would of discipleship would grow clear and there would be deep roots deeply rooted in your love for those that call on your name when we ask for our friends and revive this rule yes for our friends and kids have mercy we ask for those voting houses of prayer saccade kal-el more than others father we lift them before you follow we ask them to strengthen the leadership the vision the direction father we ask that you strengthen all of their leaders law 2f1 worthy of you more to keep the first love as they're ministering in the land father we ask strengthen your church so that you in release a bold proclamation of the gospel and a vibrant love for Jesus in your church that even your church would shine like brightness even the righteousness your righteousness on the church of Israel or would be evident to all in the land father we ask for an increase an increasing measure of your glory resting upon them even from this person father we ask that you encourage them Lord where they're laboring help them to fill your eyes upon them or we even ask for confirmations we even ask during its forty day fast there'd be an increase of the water level of your spirit that you would confirm things you would send people and the right ministry assignments you it it church those that are weary and long that you extract in the week for this time father we thank you for your church in Israel and Lord what they carry the glory of Jesus we ask you in Jesus name [Music] you're asking to to say your shirts you know [Music] it's friends make us so aware of the things you want to do we pray them back to you oh it's friends make us oh where are the things you want to do we pray the back [Music] it's made us go and seals your hearts you intersessional the bhakti jealousy winds make us - we [Music] as friends made best of the things you want to do we pray the back soon as fans make us aware of the things you want to do we fade [Music] continue to pray we ask we we recognize the glory Jesus your floor in your beauty amazing qualities that you have your Excellencies and you desire to put those fully in your church that your church would be pure and spotless walking in mature love with divine understanding or that would do greater works than these miracles or we're asking but for the church and Israel touch the church today let the glory that's on your son be given to them what they walk in greater glory a greater measure a greater fulfillment Lord of these scriptures Lord would you put your own self your own heart would you move through the church in Israel Lord we're asking even today there are the new church plants this year there would be an expanding a blossoming of the church just as even Israel is to fill the earth and bullet but forth and blossom Lord which you put forth and blossom in the Land of Israel through your church God released this influence the glory the righteousness the zeal of your heart through human hearts through people Lord that you've touched in mark in deliverer don't we ask for the testimony of Jesus to be clear we asked for a bold Proclamation in Jerusalem Lord we ask and we ask for the city of Jerusalem we say you will be the city of truth you will be the mountain of the Lord you will be the holy city Lord puts your name on this city and we pray for her peace we pray for her blessing it today where we bless Jerusalem from this house Lord to have all your purposes fulfilled that's written in the scripture Lord today let the church blossom and but even in Jerusalem let your glory be evident let it be seen or that people can only say it's from Jesus of Nazareth it's the Messiah it's him the resurrected one the son of man put your name and glory in that city Lord we ask today Lord we ask to glorify your church in the city of Jerusalem [Music] Oh Church shine [Music] one new man in this rayul displayed messiah reveal him my silage boring on one new in Israel Messiah to come [Music] in this trial but sire [Music] to Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] praying for awakening in the church to the promises and purpose of God for Israel from Romans 10:1 my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they would be saved father we come before you and we give you thanks Lord for the grafting in that has happened to us or the grafting into the promises Lord to the purposes of God or the things that you promised to Israel and to Abraham Lord about how you would bring about redemption to the earth Lord we thank you that you have grafted us in to the marvelous plan Lord that you had from the beginning of the foundations of the earth and father I'm asking in the name of Jesus that you would awaken the church around the globe to the promises and the plans that are still left unfulfilled for your people Israel but I ask that you would awaken our hearts with understanding with true clarity and revelation in the scripture related to the promises Lord related to the things that are yet to come and get future and father I'm asking word that the same burden that Paul had in this prayer Lord the same burden that Moses had Lord on the mountain before you the same burden that Jesus had as you went to the cross Lord Lord that we as a Gentile church would be willing and ready to lay down our lives for the salvation and the purposes of God to come to completion for your people Israel father I ask let this burden be our burden lord I confess even the laugh between my own heart Lord and the things that I read in Scripture and I'm asking Jesus would you put your plant would you put your burdens would you put your heart inside of our hearts for your people father I thank you Lord that the salvation of Israel will mean life from the dead for the whole earth Lord and we know that you will not come back until they say blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord and Lord we long for you Lord and we law your people to know you so father I'm asking in the name of Jesus let Israel be saved let all of Israel come to know you learn let the Gentile church see and and provoke the people Lord that are called by your name for their I ask just as you prophesied all the way back in Deuteronomy that you would provoke your people by a nation that did not know you invite a people whose language they did not speak Lord you drop inside years ago that the Gentile believers would be a pro poking to Israel of their salvation and mother I'm asking for the church that we would walk in that kind of love for you and we would walk in that kind of love for Israel Lord that would actually provoke them to jealousy into salvation god I ask that we would see the Wonder and the riches and the unsearchable wisdom of your plans and purposes God deposit them in our hearts and in the heart of the church around the world I asked in the name of Jesus [Music] say them yeah [Music] boldness to declare your plan we need in tenderness of ours a message of Concord and desire Jacobson trouble you [Music] Oh comfort to people [Music] that we would speak the truth in love [Music] salvation will you we care [Music] Scot we give no you care about it we care about it you Missouri we give no [Music] we give the [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Lord I'm asking even during this fast that you would put a preparation in our hearts but related to the outpouring of the Spirit that we know is coming Lord you will pour out your spirit on all flesh and father I'm asking Lord that our hearts would be prepared even in the midst of the coming glory and the coming shaking Lord that you would prepare us now to stand with your people Lord you would prepare us Lord the purpose of the outpouring of the spirit father so that we can walk in the first commandment so that we can walk as a people that proclaim you to Israel father I'm asking even in this season align our hearts with your plans and your purposes for Israel God I ask to speak to us let words and scriptures jump off the page to our hearts Lord and become part of our conversation to you and with you Lord regarding Israel father I'm asking the name of Jesus aligned our hearts with your plants aligned is with your purposes Lord until we see Jerusalem be a phrase on the earth Lord until we see Jesus come back and set up his throne in that city father we ask a lioness and prepare our hearts to stand with the Jewish people in Jesus name [Music] your [Music] I see the weight as his bride let's turn to the Lord that us feeling feels calm and I see the way love your pride let us turn to the Lord let us feel t feels community as real our eyes to see the wail of your brightness turn to the Lord this feels your eyes to see the way what he feels open up eyes see the wail of a bride don't let us turn to the Oh Peter our eyes to see the way right [Music] Lester [Music] I'm gonna continue to pray for the church and Israel specifically in Jerusalem of Isaiah 54 verse 11 oh you afflicted one cost of attendance not comforted behold I lay your stones with colorful gems I lay your foundations with sapphires I will make your pinnacles of rubies your gates of crystals and all your walls a precious stones Lord we agree with this promise but we speak comfort to the church in Jerusalem and we say there is coming a day where you will be dissolved in it you will be lifted up maybe for a mere moment the Lord has forsaken you but you have brought yourself into a place God we are asking right now that you would bring comfort to the Church of Jerusalem that you and show them that you had strengthened their inner man that they can see that you are bringing comfort that you were bringing strength and that there is coming a day where they will forget their transgressions that they will be forgiven that they will no longer be forsaken but right now we speak blessing God we speak encouragement and we agree together here in Kansas City for your purposes for the church in Jerusalem that small remnant that Paul talked about that's ever present today God bring revival to their hearts God bring encouragement to their hearts show them again and again and again your purposes your plans strengthen them with your promises that will not return void your words are yes and amen god I'm asking just as we've been singing open up their eyes of their hearts show them the purposes for themselves that you have not forgotten them that you have not forsaken them that you pluck them out of a people out of nothing and you created them a precious people for yourself you brought them into a bigger plan and a purpose and it's for your relationship with you so god I'm asking right now that she would come and comfort the church in Jerusalem in Jesus name [Music] [Music] for their spirit spirit [Music] three panes and for the spirit leaders fear them strength your spirit and strength in your church dangerous [Music] put the spirit your turn changers [Music] what I'm asking for our community Lord the church here in Kansas City God I'm asking that you would reveal to us what you see about the people of Israel what is it about Israel what is it about the geographical place of Jerusalem God we want to see Lord we want to know your heart that we can see Jesus rightly that we can look at him and through the eyes that you see him because you have a heart for Israel God we're asking that we would have the ability through the power of the Holy Spirit ordering this fast that we would align our hearts in a greater way and a greater measure that we could speak with authority and with power when it comes to the subject of Israel when it comes to the prophets and all the promises and as we study the endtime passages God we need your help God we need your discernment that we need you to open up the eyes of our understanding that we can have hearts enlightened in love and in strength and in truth that we can agree with the words that come from God Himself that we would not be resistant to the power of the Holy Spirit but that we can be ones that would flow through us into the world through our mouths got through our writing got through our actions and that we can represent Israel and that we can show the world that you see them with eyes of love and compassion and that you have a plan and a purpose for them God I'm asking in this fast this Jesus fast that you would bring to us a greater measure of what you see with Israel a greater measure of how you give them mercy over and over again mercy time and again reveal that heart to us that you over and over when they wander Lord just like what we do got time and time again reveal your love free feel your mercy God we have to see what you see that you can forgive them just like you forgave us give us a heart of mercy give us a heart of love we're asking these things your name we pray [Music] [Music] again [Music] [Music] Sears is proud [Music] [Music] [Music] we join the engine so worthy is a reason why in [Music] we so one done by who you are and I [Music] it's beautiful see [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sing for joy all you broken sing for joy our salvation this room in Jesus sing for joy see the job see burrito [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] songs of freedom sing for joy some that'll leave me seeing the joy our redemption is in she see the joy [Music] see [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] lord [Music] yes [Music] [Music] to make sure [Music] we may ascend into the hill of the Lord who may stand in his holy place [Music] beautiful New Jerusalem the mountain of God make the way I can access who can enter [Music] [Music] you're [Music] we'll see be presenters plane [Music] in your holy place who can stand [Music] who is righteous [Music] what man can stand before you before the all-consuming fire me the burning heart jealous [Music] come on accustomed to the way to flooring question [Music] come I'd be crushed under the weight of glory what man what son [Music] can come up I'd be Kristen to the way in the process [Music] [Music] to [Music] [Music] [Music] who is not trusted outside of God was trusted a night [Music] [Music] we those clean and pure can enjoy wrong [Music] jealous [Music] [Music] [Music] there's only one man the god man Jesus Christ [Music] [Music] sinless baby tiger throws again [Music] we talk [Music] he made a living way a new and living way to the freezer the great leader the great intercessory [Music] and now throngs of worshipers come to the Father through you Jesus we may stand we may ascend [Music] the jealous love the beautiful guy we have access to seek to gain [Music] we were [Music] you repair [Music] inside his plush [Music] three [Music] [Applause] [Music] - game [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] into winter see your heart clean and pure you made ever - winter see if you lie you made [Applause] [Music] winces see [Music] you [Music] to [Music] please and for you [Music] please [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] son of God [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] you went to [Music] [Music] to intercede our planes and still you [Music] please please [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] watch [Music] eyes to me is he so any other god I swear to see for me it gives grace its [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm the grade I praised you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] see [Music] [Music] [Music] strong how strong is a blood how strong is a blood how strong is this [Music] strong [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] till you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] from the rise to the end of every all the nation [Music] [Music] see [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] lift your heads all you get lifts up you everlasting doors and the King of glory will come king will come [Music] lift up your head so you gates lift up you everlasting doors and the King of glory shall come in the gates of Jerusalem open up the gates of every human heart open up [Music] he desires to enter desires to sit on his throne [Music] nothing nothing up your heart the wedding day long on his heart has come he wants to enter with his people gage eyes [Music] but every human heart open open to Jesus king of wool and is returned [Music] the King of glory radiant in apparel daslink more brilliant light surrounds him there's a king of majesty [Music] he's like lightning brighter than the Sun and full strength shining in the glory of the Father [Music] peace love drawing up door make way for the holy Lord beeps look open [Music] don't make way for [Music] we have pierced and see you doors make way [Music] in [Music] [Music] who is this King of glory who is he the Lord of Hosts he is the king of [Music] Lord of Hosts with an army of saints and angels around billions and billions of saints and angels [Music] [Applause] [Music] if the mighty one is [Music] we vanquish your enemies Israel working words of justice [Music] he's your king Jerusalem he's the Lion of the tribe of Judah he's a Jewish man a Jewish man in glory [Music] who is this kid your king is a judgment door open gates oh boy your king is a choose the root and offspring of David he's David's air [Music] David's throne take David's throne Jesus Christ enter the city and take your throne your throne of glory promised Messiah his name is only one o Israel to fill the scripture [Music] Oh Jerusalem look at how look at how he's shy gay makes his way into [Music] blessed is he blessed are you Jesus we bless you we bless your name righteous King light shining King justice we long for your rules peel see his nail marks see his the hole in his side you have the most key this is your key oh you have the most kind Jesus of Nazareth oh this is a key this is a key you have the most kind [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] come back come to us [Music] release your glory release her [Music] release the glory of the Father [Music] we promise I open up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] come and take it's variable coming [Music] come and take your place have the preeminence Tings coming come and take your [Music] to come and take your place in the center of my come and take your place it's where you belong come and take your place in the center come and take your place of the preeminence je sais come in take your place in the center come and take your place it's where you belong [Music] it's my [Music] is my son [Music]
Channel: Jesus Christ Online
Views: 9,052
Rating: 4.9781423 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 20sec (7280 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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