Launch Party: Rock the Block

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hello [Applause] yo i'm lynn gibney accu quilts chief brand product officer and i want to welcome all of you to our launch party today this is an exciting show because we're going to reveal two new block on board dies to you today that means we are introducing two new quilt blocks at the same show here at accu quilt we're always focused on developing innovative products that you will love we hope these two new dives will bring you more joy in quilting in a way that is fast easy accurate and safe so awesome i can't wait for you to see these new dies so let me quickly introduce you to your lead singers for today pam and erica we're excited to be here rock on all right erica okay we are really gonna rock the block with these new dies i know these will be dyes our top in the charts they are and one of them in particular is going to save our quilters so much time alright alright alright quilters let's get this launch party started i know we planned a great party for you today we have got great prizes exciting project ideas inspirational trunk show and special offers only available today all right ladies i'm going to let you start rocking these blocks the i'll be back for the trunk show later on have a great show all right all right here we are all right we're not waiting any longer let's see the new dies right now take root and tradition with accu quilts two new dyes and rock the block with go feather star and go weather vane the feather star block was a popular display quilt in the late 1800s but now you can easily create this piece of history for yourself because of the intricately placed triangles in this block it requires very accurate measurements to prevent distortion but using accu quilts go feather star die you will get perfectly sized cuts every single time there's no need to worry simply run it through the fabric cutter and start piecing this block on board die will quickly cut all 21 shapes needed for a 16 inch finish block in just one pass through the cutter and is perfect for creating beautiful medallion style quilts and if you're looking for a traditional block that will bring you warmth then there's nothing but fair weather ahead using the go weather vein you can strike a time-consuming cutting out of the equation this die works with all of our fabric cutters and is a great scrap buster in just one pass you've got all the shapes you need to sew this popular eight inch finish block these highly requested dies will surely be the perfect addition to your collection get them today at your local accu quilt retailer or at because at accu quote we help you cut time so you can quote more oh quilters working with these new guys has been so fantastic and so great and we have saved so much time by not cutting out these pieces by hand especially the feather star bob oh i can't even imagine 97 pieces 97 97 it's amazing all right quilters with the introduction of these two new dies we now have over 40 bob options available for you to create stunning quilts it's incredible it is all right i am sure that means we've got a great deal for all our fellow rockers to get their hands on these dies right pam absolutely all right we put together two bundles so you can pick up these two great dies together first up we're offering the go rock the block die bundle you're gonna get the go weather vein die and the go feather star without the discount these two dies would cost you 220 bucks but by purchasing this bundle today you're only gonna spend 179.99 a savings of over 39. but if you are the quilter who wants it all then the go walk on board nine patch dye nine patch die bundle is the one you need this bundle you'll get the go weather vein the go feather star the go ohio star and the go maple leaf die plus three cutting mats 6 by 12 6 by 24 and 10 by 24. normally this whole wonderful bundle would cost you 425 but by purchasing it today you'll spend only 309.99 saving you over 114 dollars miss pam that's so much money now you are going to get free shipping on both of these bundles today if you live in the contiguous u.s so don't miss out on these great savings and questions we know you don't want to miss a minute of our party today we are so rocking it but these bundles are only available while supplies last so don't delay so to get your order in during the show you can use your phone's camera capture the qr image right here on the screen it'll take you straight to those bundles on the site now listen if you don't have access to a qr reader no worries just open up a new tab in your browser go to the top of the page click on that plus sign in that very top box type in party to see the bundles and place your order that way you don't miss a minute of our rockin show that's right now you can also find these new dies individually on our website or from your local accuquilt retailer use the store locator at now that more and more stores are up and running and ready to see you yeah they're excited now cultures we know our dies and fabric cutters are investment so accuquel man we offer fast and easy financing with installments or split pay options for more information on financing through accuquil visit financing okay so let's face it for today's launch party event we needed something a little different we did we did okay so we have challenged two of our experts to dream up projects using one of the new bob dyes pairing it with cubes or other bobs now they'll also be showing us their skills as they incorporate color play into their creations it's going to be awesome it's going to be awesome all right first up we have vicki vicki is a quilter who has a passion for quilting it began many years ago when she was eight and her grandfather taught her to make her first quarter inch scene she's taught quilting to high school students for three years and she turns accu qogo fabric cutting system to help beginner cultures gain confidence we've challenged vicky to create inspiration using the new go weather vein die that's right it's going to be amazing next we've got shannon shannon's been quilting for 25 years and she brings manufacturing experience into her quilting by searching out efficient shortcut techniques to streamline her process her quilting pursuits include get this machine piecing long arm quilting machine embroidery english paper piecing foundation piecing and applique all the things all the things all the things today we've challenged her to create inspiration combining the feather star dye with other dyes oh man i think it's great i think they need new hair color though i think they do too just saying all right i know they're going to rock these projects using our new dies and i'm excited to see what they do but while we wait for that let's give away a feather star die and a weather vein die right now hey let's do okay all right so quilters we're going to give away two of each of our new dies today if you registered for today's show then you were entered to win and we randomly draw from all of the entrants all right so today we're going to give away the go feather star die the winner is drum roll please patty h from winchester virginia congratulations all right and our second rock star winner will get a weathervane die now this winner is drumroll please wd from newcastle delaware congratulations we want to see your finished projects i'm super excited about that too now cool did you know there are other ways to win with accu quilt that's right if you're not following us on social media you could be missing out on exciting accuquel rewards and announcements that's right we love to share guys sneak peeks promotions free patterns and you're not going to want to miss out on any of it it's all available on our social media so don't miss out well pam woods jump right in and talk about our new die the go wither bane die oh let's do i bet we have one right here i bet we do all right got one we got a block we're ready i know we'll move my drink we're all good now this is a classic block but i think it's got a rocking new look to it it does and the great thing about the weathervane die is it's on a six by twenty four die board area so it's going to fit through all of our cutters including that go me and you know what else it's a block that traditionally uses a y seam but you know what no yc none none none at all yep and when you sew all the pieces together it makes an eight inch finish block which i think is terrific yeah it is now we've screen printed all the letters are all of the shapes with letters so that you can keep track of your pieces you want to talk about shape b for a second erica b is exciting because this is a little pentagon shape it's a little bit bigger than the one that we had that came out of crossroads with crossroads this is a little bit bigger one but just like that our challenge or your challenge is not going to be sewing it's going to sew together great it's keeping track of the direction of these little triangles so make sure that they're laying out right when you're when you're laying that out so that's going to be really your challenge there these specialized dog ears they're going to show you exactly how to line everything up and remember that quarter inch seam allowance it's built right in there it is and we always say this don't we make a test watch make a test bar but you know what my first one turned out awesome it did and i used fabric that i wanted to use so it's all right all right so you can combine it with other eight-inch bobs yeah here's the block let's show them the block because it's super cool so erica there's something clever about this block it is not a typical four patch that's right it's a nine patch right so we've got three across three down but it finishes at eight inches right so that is math that we do not do in our hands but the dye's gonna do it for you and it's gonna be great and we have another dye that works that same concept right the maple leaf the maple leaf which is part of that awesome rock star bundle yes it is all right all right so let's lay this down here and let's talk about how we want to lay out our fabric right so you only need one of shape a for a block that's the dark there we go yep and we're just going to cut one of the little pentagon shapes because we want to because we want to and see i'm this is this corner here which makes you think you have a white seam none wise no y seams okay and we're just going to put two layers right here you're going to follow the instructions quilters you can always cut six layers of good cotton we're just going to cut a few for you today there you go okay all right erica what kind of mat do they need so you're going to want to use a 6x24 you could if you use a 10 by 24 you're going to have some slippage you might not get your best cut while it goes through yeah and we're going to cut with our go big today but like we said you can cut with any of our cutters yeah but pam what do we always say go big or go home yep that's right so we're going to cut with the go big and while she's cutting that out now remember we've got free block assembly directions that you can download on the website it also includes a great coloring sheet so you can work with the colors of your block get some ideas that way okay and there's a free pattern always on the packaging right always okay so here we go ready slide left all right let's take a look and look you see those specialized dog ears there it's going to make all the difference quilters all right erica do you want to put a little house piece together right here you i do so here's our little house piece now remember we talked about these yep you want to make sure that you're putting them together so we're going to put this together and see how those dog ears line up just perfectly yes and then when you press it out and again that means no trimming you're saving even more time every time every time and it's going to be absolutely perfect and remember the key is you're keeping your lengthwise grain to the outside right so if you get confused just think about that and this is that um corner here that always you think is a wise seam it is not it is so quilters you're going to read the instructions because it's going to tell you just sew this piece on first and then add this bottom section right because otherwise the piece won't fit together but look at how cool that is and this look at this here is the packaging so you can see the free pattern that's on the background that's right and let me get you one there you go it's all great now this is also a great block to set on point so your eight inch setting triangles are going to be awesome with this the other thing to remember is it's an eight inch block so it's gonna naturally work really well with your four inch cube and your eight inch cube yeah which part of that ready set go yeah ready set go this is the die you want awesome i love this block i do too i do too so many possibilities all right well now that we've seen a weathervane let's check in with our expert vicky to see what she's come up with so far all right vicki what are you doing from sunny minnesota where weather is always a topic of interest this new weathervane bob is so much fun and i really want to highlight two shapes shape e and shape c i would not want to cut these with a rotary cutter and this die makes it so fun fast and easy to construct this block but let's go ahead and start by talking about color to begin with you can see that i used three colors and what this did is it gave me my square on point within my block then what i did is i went ahead and changed this little corner piece to a different color and what it did it extended this flower looking block and made it look 3d it gave it that tumbling block type look then what i did is i went ahead and sewed a bunch of the pieces together so that i could play basically within this block there are three different units the corner block the house block and then the square so let's see how we can rock this block by going ahead and moving the pieces around to begin with what if i went and turned the house shape 45 degrees as you can see that completely changes the look of the block now what if i went ahead and rotated it again so that maybe the points were pointing towards the center square there you go we rock the block again and let's finish that one by going ahead and rotating our corner units 180 degrees as well and you can see yet another option for a block so what i'm going to tell you is this is a fun block to go ahead and play with moving the pieces around or changing colors you'll get a completely different look every time i also took the house pieces because to me it really looked like an extended um flying geese and i created this border or you could use this as a piece within your quilt and i think it adds a lot of interest and a lot of fun in addition i took that corner piece and i decided to sew four together look at this great star block that it made and it looks completely different depending on what colors you use then i went ahead and created a little project here so this christmas tree skirt as you can see i used four of our weather vein blocks and what i did is i removed one of those corners to create space for your christmas tree this was a lot of fun to make it was a quick and easy project and it really got me in the mood for christmas i have a lot of ideas based on all of these colors and all of these ways to rock the block so i'm going to go away now and when i get back i'll be ready to show you the reveal okay that tree skirt is so cute cute but i love the idea of making the blocks and just literally moving them around yeah we talk about that all the time how you can take those shapes and so uh some people have asked with our weather vein block can you find these shapes in the cube and the answer that is no no you cannot well let's tell you why the first thing is is because we've got a nine patch here but it's finishing at eight inches now that means that eight is not cleanly divisible by three correct so we got some wonky math going on so that's the first reason why the second reason why is because we do not have a pentagon shape that lives inside of our cubes right and remember that the math is different right because that is different system is based on a four patch system and this is a nine patch this is a nine patch yep all right here we go next erica next up is the weather vein all right or a feathered star another star oh here a feather star that's okay i feel the hair dye going to my butt all this it's okay here i'm gonna take our pieces off so we can talk so we can talk about this die this is an amazing die i cannot tell you quilters how much time you are gonna save i would not make a project with this look at this without the die so this makes a 16 inch finish block okay and how many pieces 97. don't count stunner don't count yeah it's going to go really fast the engineered dog ears are going to fit together really well right um it's just it's such a great block and when you look at it you think oh there are so many why seams but guess what just two just two just two and eric and i we filmed a video um on how to put those white seams in right so don't be scared of why and one on how to do this block as well right so this is from this is actually a block from our icy hot stars and you're going to see the whole project later here it is there's the pattern we're going to see the real thing coming up all right this is a live performance yes so good all right here we go so this is go feather star it is on a 10 by 24 dive board so you need a 10 by 24 cutting mat it will fit through our go our go big and our studio cutter with the appropriate adapters and there are so many shapes there are so many pieces so many shapes and this this die quilters is why you have a coloring sheet you can download for free on our website with the block directions because it's all about the color placement and where you lay those uh half square triangles yes and truly that is the sewing that's that's that's a piece of cake for you right so just like we did with schoolhouse um when i made this block i took out little sticky notes so i knew that this was shape i and shape g and all of the things yes yep i did too i did too so really follow directions make your test block yes and at least just make a corner just practice putting them like that absolutely absolutely all right so we're to follow the instructions and we're going to lay out our fabric so it's kind of divided by color so h e and depends really the color way you want to use it right right all right again the coloring sheet is going to be really really key yes you can get super creative with this have a lot of fun and follow those instructions because why yes oh yeah i mean we're rock stars and we do whatever we want but when we first try we try would do that okay so here we go all right can you hand me that package yeah i'm going to hand you that okay all right we're going to cut that and while she's cutting that just to take a look go ahead i thought i'd open my cutters up turn it on there we go it's on oh good i mean look at the difference look at the difference between putting that through the cutting the two with the blue with just the blues and then with the red here let me pull this up so you can see sorry i pulled an audible so these look how different this looks this one just one for a winter wall hanging amazing this one they're just so cool and you get such a different look this is a great time to pull out go quilt you know go quilt is free design program on our website right and it's going to be you could take this pattern which is called icy hot stars and plug in those blues you could plug in pinks you could plug in purple like my hair whatever you want whatever you want and look same um colors different way of really different yeah super cool dye totally different looks and because it's a 16 inch it's gonna again work with our four and our eight inch cubes and companions yeah oh hey fun fact yes ma'am the center here makes a finished five inch block yeah so you could use your 10 inch cube to make um a four patch that could go in the center of your i see look at you being creative it was lynn's idea i got to give her props okay all right so here we go we're gonna slide our mat don't left boys it's humid in here today oh yeah we in nebraska can't decide if we're having summer or fall holy smokes okay okay so we're just going to move this up here and then erica we're just going to lay some pieces on here we're going to get this i keep hitting that record well all right here we go good thing it's not my cold record i keep that at home sorry all right here we go each and i know okay so we're gonna start again with that that center block and really this is a really simple simple construction and what's gonna what's interesting to me is you're gonna do the whole thing you're gonna get the whole thing the very last thing you do are your two y seams and these are the pieces on the side now you think you're going to have to do y seams on the top and the bottom but you're not just follow your directions and you're not going to have to it's just our gift to you it's our gift to you you're not going to have to do those yc's not tomorrow because i'm going to do school house which is our newest diet to try for whatever month this is one month this is september yeah um but the next week on the 22nd we're going to build one of these blocks on aq live yep absolutely okay so there we go so this is one of those corner blocks right here okay and then these you can see when you put those small half square triangles together this is how it's all going to be it's going to make magic it's going to be the color placement it's all about that color placement yep and we're going to do it here and then we're going to come here to h e which is the beginning of my name and every time i see it i think l-l-e-r okay and then this right here yep are these little shapes right here shape f and when you put it together following the directions it's like magic it is it's beautiful it is a beautiful block it is like magic how it goes together all right now this was a highly highly requested die it was over the last five years this is probably one of the most requested dies and we know quilters are going to want to get their hands on it yeah and listen i would never make this without i would never make it without a doubt i wouldn't even think about making it no pressure seems open it'll help it will okay well i think it's time to check in with shannon and see her inspiration and i bet she's got some tips up her sleeve let's see well ladies i definitely feel that this new dye has so much potential so i'm thinking about feathered star then i think to story path another one of those blocks that i really like and i think that i could put together something that is reminiscent of the galaxy or looking into the deep field of space so i went and nabbed some photos off the internet this one is the karina nebula off the very large telescope and this next photo similarly has colors in it that i'm interested in and i happen to have found a beautiful batik that mirrors those images look into space so what i want to do is pair this particular focus fabric up with some other fabrics and put together that feathered star and starry path in something that again looks like i'm looking out into deep space now as i'm working with this die there are a lot of pieces there are some pieces that are similar size so the first thing i do is create some templates so you'll see i have g and i i'm going to keep those with my cut pieces so that i make sure i'm picking up the right shape because i can get all wonky if i don't additionally h and e are very similar not the same they're going to make a mess of it if you put them in the wrong places so that's my tip is making templates keeping them close to your fabrics as you cut them out and just sewing this is going to be a lot of fun the dog ears are going to make it amazing and i'm certain i'm going to come back with something that i'm very happy to be able to share with you thank you okay wow brilliant we always know shannon is going to have brilliant tips for us and she sure did using those templates is awesome well she's an engineer in real life so good job and i think that that's important because otherwise wonky is the way your block is going to turn out and her nebula fabric yeah you're here all right now quilters normally have you vote on which expert project you like the best but we went crazy on you and released two dies so each expert is going to do a different die so we didn't think it'd be fair to put them head to head yeah so instead we want to know which die is your favorite oh go whether vein the go feather star or is it really both do you have a favorite it's really both it's really both okay voting is now open so if you're watching by the registration link you can just click on that little vote box right to the right of the chat section where you type if you're watching on facebook and youtube just type your answer in the comments section our team will count your votes all right now if you want to get your hands on the go feather star die today then today is the day to scoop it up because it's more than a feeling that this die is going to be hit so both of our new rockstar dies are available individually but for today only you can get the go rockstar bundle normally to 1998 for just 179.99 saving you 39. ah that's right but if you want to rock and roll on that then you need the go block on board nine patch bundle and that's what you need you get everything you see here for 39.99 saving you over a hundred and fourteen dollars think of the hair color you could buy with 114 dollars absolutely this introductory price is only available for a little limited time while supplies last so be sure to get your order of your bundle before it's too late that's right now if you want even more accuquilt tips and inspiration for dies like the featherstar in the weathervane be sure to visit our blog our go-getters mr clayton and i cover everything you need to find joy and quilting this exclusive content can only be found on the blog and quilters we always create posts that focus around our new dies so i bet the blog this week on the new dies the one today sure is awesome all right so you don't want to miss any of that be sure to subscribe and then you get notified when a new blog post goes live nothing better than live better than live okay our friends at banyan boutiques and phi go fabrics want to help us make this an awesome great party so they've provided two lovely selections of part fabric for us to give away first up oh banyan batiks are these not to die for do they not look like the ocean or our hair or our hair i love the cheeks i love the boutique just wonderful okay and i think i have some of these you know this is my little reminds me of that that nebula fabric that we were looking at this would be so pretty in the feather star i want to see what shanna does with hers yeah this is gracious is beautiful so these are good friends of banyan motifs let's turn their name right side up okay and next we have figo oh and faigo has sent us a super cool bundle too this is kind of a western theme or a desert theme so it has all the like cactus cacti it is a call of fame now i know right i should use a southern accent that would be sad okay but look cowboy boots and here's my favorite boots chicken fabric chicken fabric who knew there was such a thing this would be awesome with the grip the weather vein don't you think i think so i think so too and this is pretty looks like a little sunset yes good choices of fabric quilters absolutely you're gonna have a lot of fun with them all right quilters the winner of our first selection of fabric is drum roll please andrea y from ruston louisiana congratulations all right the winner of the second selection of fabric is big drum roll please lin b not lindy congratulations congratulations hey be sure and post the projects that you make uh using your new fabric we want to see it absolutely all right quilters we're going to be showing you our experts projects real soon but don't forget instead of you i'm standing instead of asking you there we go all the words all the words to vote on your favorite project we're doing something a little different because we're our hair is a little different some things are different and we're releasing two dies at the same time so we want you to vote on them do you like the go weather vane the most that go feather star the most or do you love them both equally you decide you decide it's like children well children i can find a favorite it's grandchildren grandchildren you can't pick a favorite there you go all right well let's reveal our experts final projects before the voting starts that ought to help i wonder what they've come up with vicki did you find smooth sailing and good weather so here in minnesota weather is always a topic of interest and our weather here is never predictable so i give you go wacky weather as you'll see it has a modern twist and it just simply uses the pieces of the weather bang to build it out to be a great size for a wall hanging or maybe even a table topper i hope you like it oh that's beautiful wacky weather that resembles us too oh yeah most of the country right now weather that's wacky weather it's beautiful and i love the colorway how it's completely different changed it up so much all right shannon do you have a shooting rock star thank you ladies so what's behind me is feathered star starry path and i think i knocked this one out of the galaxy it's pretty amazing i set everything on points so that got me a bigger quilt at 68 by 68 and just really focused on that fabric that i was using as inspiration and as you can see i've got those sparkly nebula type colors back there i'm pretty happy with how it turned out and to be honest sewing the feathered star was a breeze you may look at it as 97 pieces but they go together so easily with the dog ears and it really didn't take me very long to put them together and starry path has always been one of my favorites so it was just something i had to put together i hope you enjoy it as much as i enjoyed putting it together thank you oh okay that's amazing that is amazing and she didn't make just one feather star oh she made nine of them it's just so pretty it was so pretty and story path she did i think she's right i think she knocked it out of the galaxy yeah good job all right so if you were undecided on which one was your favorite i hope your expert projects have helped now voting will be closing at the end of our upcoming trunk show in just a minute now if the weather rain and feather starbox are on your bucket list then you are going to want to jump on today's bundles we have sold before we i mean we sold before we started we sold over 100. that's right and there's only so many so right if you want a bundle jump on it because first we've got our go rockstar fun rock the block bundle which gets you both new dies for 179.99 and saves you over 39. and then there's the go block on board nine patch bundle which is the one every quilter wants it's the rocks it is get everything you see here for 309.99 jamming in the savings of over 114 plus get free shipping on both our bundles this introductory price is only available for a little limited time so be sure to get your bundle before you're slamming your air guitar in the ground because you're mad that you missed out that's right well while we count your votes we're gonna move right on into the trunk show full of projects for you to create with your new dies all right lynn why don't you and your cute pink hair get out here and show us what patterns we have for everyone hope fell off she did i was back there slamming my arrow all right so first this is called monochromatic and it's the weathervane throw quilt and my good friend stephanie jacobson who lives here in omaha she's part of the modern quilt guild she made this pattern for us and i just love it i love the fact that she just used four different shades of the pink this is your new favorite color isn't it it is it is that kind of pinky pumpkiny kind of yeah yeah yeah i think it this it just really shows the patterns we're going to show here are how this uh block is so versatile right and what fabric did she use do we know we don't just these are solids they're all solids that she's used on this and it's such a i mean it's an old traditional block but it's so fresh and modern and you get so many different secondary designs it's almost like 3d i feel like stephanie would want me to have this one oh well all right okay okay so i'm wearing the next project i thought this is fun not to wear this is the azalea apron it was designed by jeannie lebron who's there you go right here in omaha yes yes so this isn't this great i mean super cute you can make this in any color palette it's got nice big pockets right so you've got a great um apron you could and you could use like christmas colors and have it for christmas yeah easter this is a pretty spring color i like that i love the big pockets on it matches my hair it does it does good to your hair kind of matches all the hairs yeah all right here's the so this really again gives you a new look for this block it's great oh and this does look lovely with your hair so this is the bloomin flowers while hanging our good friend eleanor ellen alt of handmade 3d and she used michael miller fabrics so the thing i want to point out about this it's so different than the monochromatic right the monochromatic obviously is those solids this has two blocks here's one block and here's one black but i love the pattern and the the visual effect it creates it really does and it's so different again so different and then that totally modern pop with the striped binding yeah super cool yeah i need to start using stripes to bind my quilts you do it's a thing absolutely the blue i love the blue and the the background color too kind of definitely brings out another another pattern it does yeah and there's that peachy color it's kind of the cool color of the year color yeah so that one's on my list to take later take home way later she started on the list now she has a list oh looking ahead so this is the go weather vein baby quilt our good friend bia lee from bioquilter used michael miller fabrics to create this and again those solids look so pretty with this it's just sherbet colors it is and a perfect color for baby quilt right if you don't know the sex of that baby it's just a perfect color but again modern look it's just beautiful right this is the oh sorry pam this is the pattern that's on the packaging it is yeah and there's um there's a video put this together yeah i made yep and there's the block we cut out this morning and we're we're seeing on these quilts a lot of uh more free-flowing quilting i think to break up the sharp corners it really does yeah nice so easy to put together all right and then our next one oh this lovely feather star on our wall this is go spinning feathers throw quilt it's by gina jempasa of gem hill quilts and she used timeless treasures fabric yeah so i love how modern this looks right and she's added this uh sashing around the block to make these big blocks even bigger and then she's bringing it out even further that same idea to get this secondary design out into the borders of those little windmills and the outside wow and then we love this blue binding yes makes it set it off yeah right yeah and this is a perfect example of how you could totally take uh pieces from your 10 inch cube to make those solids um a completely different another block inside i love that idea it was your idea well good job isn't that nice but to customize your feather star you should definitely change up that center oh it's so pretty all right and then oh look at this here comes them this is the ghost sparkling star throw quilt this is by marjorie busby of blue feather quilt studio and this is like a medallion quilt so this just got the one shining sparkling feather star there in the middle which is so amazing and then it's the it's all about the borders it is so that border we used well we did not she used two different sizes of cubes the eight inch cube and the 12 inch cube and the companion corners yes angles angles there's the trapezoid shape um but it gives that 3d look which i think is so cool i have never seen a quilt like that i think it's just stunning yes and again she did not make that she made that center block the same as the other colors so it looks how that changes this is super cool i love it and the quilting kind of looks like snow blowing and just love those winter copper spots listen it's only september you could finish this by winter oh absolutely like in the weekend she's mixed it because she's got a print in the background this and then she's got the batiks and i used to think you couldn't do that but you can you can mix your fabric absolutely no die please there's no fabric there's no fabric please i like this one all right all right here we've got our go fractured feather table runner now this is genie lebron again who did our apron and this is so great i mean this is a real statement again we've just got the one block there in the middle right and then she's used her eight inch cubes to make the box on either side right and again that this makes a 16 inch block so the eight inch cube or the four inch cube would be a good choice to make those and these are just squares and half square triangles right there's nothing there's nothing hard about it but again that center block is solid and i love the fact that she made this table runner and added some borders to it yeah right yep so you could add more blocks to make it longer if you have a longer table good like you and this this is also i this makes me think of electric quilt as well both of these blocks are in electric quilts so if you use electric quilt or you like to design with it you can you know to have some fun designs like this one where you use other blocks you can create with your cube oh that's great beautiful and that's available on our website right electric right yeah i like how you're grabbing these from her so she listen i got to take them so she don't leave them hey [Applause] we've got now this is the icy hot stuff this is beautiful like the sample block that we showed you earlier it's designed by terry vandenbosch of lizard creek quilting and she used island batiks and okay again there's two different blocks in two different opposite colors right the white and the black but stunning great great job terry and i love the fact that it's batiks and the sashing in between so not tomorrow but next to our next wednesday on the 22nd we're going to cut one of those blocks and sew them on our aq live it's stunning yeah so order them today our warehouse do you know our warehouses already put together bundles right now right now that they can just ship them today absolutely it's beautiful so what's great about this trunk show too and these two guys there's something here for everyone right and um for me i i'm really inspired by several of these it's getting hard to choose but i think i'm going to take this one okay we'll be perfect yeah get your line modern studio ladies have a great rest of the show all right thanks thanks lynn i tell ya she is gathering more and more quilts i feel like she has a little problem i think there is but you know a lot of quilts that's a great problem to have yeah you know sometimes you just don't feel inspired but i don't think she is having that problem today and really who would with these great dyes around right that's right and remember quilters all of these patterns are available as free downloads at so be sure to download your patterns before the die arrives and you'll be ready to start your next project they are filling them behind us in the warehouse as we speak we've put together two great bundles for you today first we're offering our go rock the block die bundle you're going to get both of our new dies the go weather vein and the go feather star without the discount this would cost 220 but by purchasing the bundle today you're gonna only spend 179.99 a savings of more than 39 but if you are the quilter who wants it all then the go rock star block on board nine patch die bundle is the one you need now this bundle you're gonna get everything you see here four dies three mats two french hens i'm sorry go ahead two turtle doves there we go normally this would cost 425 but by purchasing the bundle today you're going to only spend 309.99 saving you over 114 dollars boom drop that mic i love it all right rock on that is truly a mic dropping savings that's right 114 now don't forget too you're going to get free shipping on both of those bundles today if you live in the contiguous u.s so don't miss out on today's great savings to get your order in during the show before we run out of bundles use your phone's camera to capture the qr image and go right to the site yeah if you have no access to a qr reader no worries just open up a new browser on your computer once you're there type in party the bundles they're right there you can place your order we'll ship them today now you can find these new dies individually on our website or from your local accuquilt retailer to find a retailer near you go to the top right side of the website for the store locator and remember we have financing options right for more details listen you want to quilt now pay later there you go more information go to financing we want everyone to know the joy of quilting with accu quilt all right quilters now we're about to announce your favorite die for dies all right first we're going to give away our final prizes of the day ah two more lucky quilters we'll be receiving one of our new dies all right our third lucky winner is going to receive a go feather star die i love that one the winner is drum roll please susan c from tiger oregon congratulations do you know how to play drums can you do a drumroll no no me neither it's a good thing brock is here all right our final winner of the day is the go weathervane die and that is drumroll please kathy t from nashville tennessee look at that nashville i can't say it without a choice all right congratulations to all of our winners now quilters if you're looking for more fun and more prizes join me tomorrow at 12 noon central time for accu-quote live on facebook or youtube we're going to take an in-depth look at the new school house diets the diet to try for the month it is september fabulous yeah it's going to be great we're going to have a whole lot of fun listen i'll have different hair but it'll still be a great time hope to see you there all right quilters the time has come the team's counted all your votes it's time to announce which die is your favorite is it the feather star which is my favorite is it the weather vein which is my favorite or is it both it's which is my favorite yep you voted and decided that your favorite die is big drum roll solo please you're like me it's both you love that they're great they're completely different and that's what i love about really different right but they're both going to bring so much inspiration to your quilting to your projects oh and creativity i mean i look at that feather starting to think i don't have anything i've ever made that looks like no me either yeah so i'm super excited about it absolutely all right quilters now if you have been following our so hot summer sweepstakes then you know that the end is coming there is a grand prize of 500 inaccurate reward points up for grabs and it could be you walking away with it now it takes five registrations to earn that prize so if you are one of two if you were one or two events short then there is still a september 16th evening show wait what i know it's okay evening show and pam and i we are going to be live on facebook answering your comments that night and then our jamas in our jammas september 21st show next tuesday right here 12 noon central yeah make sure you register because that's how you win the prize that's why you win all right so be sure to be sure to join us again for a special evening show on september 16th 8 p.m central time tell them what we're doing oh my gosh we're taking you back to the international quilt studies museum and we're going to show you brand new quilts that you've never seen before we're going to talk about brand new translations that you've never seen before and a whole new different side of the museum that you've never seen before we look forward to sharing these things with you never seen before i'm so excited we had such a great time yeah we did all right cool news it's time for us to wrap up our event we have other shows to do we hope that you're as excited as we are about the creative possibilities with the new go feather star and go weather vein dyes that's right now if you're new to accu quilt and not sure what fabric cutter you might need then be sure to stay after the show and learn more about which cutter might be right for you that's right erica and again quilters thanks for joining us today i hope to see you thursday night and then next week for our project are events all about sewn projects not quilts it's going to be awesome yes so if you've been waiting for our show to end before you buy these awesome dies now's the time here's the link make sure you get your dies in your bundles before they are gone and thank you so much for joining us today and remember at accu-cool we help you cut time so you can quilt more dream on quilters [Music] you
Channel: AccuQuilt
Views: 3,090
Rating: 4.6641221 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 21sec (2961 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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