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today we're playing do not laugh with moose myself and wait what did you do why is so small why am I so tall butter yeah III don't somebody just like yeah it covered you in butter or something they were about to cook you up like groceries or something I don't know but what I do know is tomorrow is Christmas so we got some Christmas skins for you guys yeah do not laugh let's say some expectations you make up for how small you are you know it's the time of the season you know winters here and unfortunately some of the vegetables can't grow so you know somebody somebody pulled me out of the ground real quick I gotta lay oh I guess [Applause] because it will turn out like this are you supposed to be like a buttered snowman or did somebody like so what are you up it's somebody what does anything mean you like butter again Margot buttery Margot why do you assume that everything is yellow has to do with butter this could be cheese for all we know hi Georgie go ahead you go ahead hey go what go down there before I pee on you doesn't make any sense [Music] oh my god that is like yeah that is you how detailed that is honestly it looks like a Minecraft creeper but as if somebody rubbed a bunch of boogers like you like it like a really accurate like cartoon like how is it no we're not doing that let me get a close-up dude that looks crazy eggs on your eyes beautiful alright everyone be holding a water bucket for now you know I'm just gonna leave it as that we have a tough crowd today dude we got a tough crowd to impress it's almost Christmas people aren't laughing very much ladies and gentlemen I wait just wait for it just dead it's all part of the Act all right happy holidays everyone and you know it's the time of year decorate oh my god well how do you power it yeah no I don't know what to do with this one I don't know what to do with this one hold on we should just get a 10 minute compilation in George laughing and dance what are you doing hey keep it could you keep it down wait I want to do this act with you okay there's I saw your face there's a reason this is so awkward wait wait shark shark hey hey guys look into my eyes it's like the face you make when you like slowly like one out and you just like right next you and you just like yeah yeah accidentally use my last skin skin yes okay the most interesting thing about school is about okay so um okay oh you got topic okay so guys okay oh oh oh yeah books oh I'm sorry but what the heck has happened to your for a booze won't want me to tell you I can't tell it's top secret am I seeing as Steve with a really messed up body or am I the oh no you're not seeing it shocked that's why you're not laughing yet leave the server and come back you must miss Oyl I think his theory is that a shark can't see the skin right now way as you can technically no I still okay I still see Steve how do i refresh skins or reload skins okay what are you supposed to be a villager okay I can see in your arms because your arms are all glitched out but it's like oh I don't know where are you a teacher dad are you a team I'm actually a professor and a teacher combined into one fantastic well as Steve you look like a very smart professor well buddy how you doing what's up hey hey this is my block get out of here I got my last skin here whoa I've got it's gentlemen I am about to show you minecraft skin you have ever seen in your life ladies and gentlemen I introduce the abdominal unspeakable Yeti Wow lovely yeah look buttered up again funny someone put you in the white butter I I think I think somebody did you fall in the water no no no you get the doughnut no powdered donut saw the powdered Donuts really I know this is completely unrelated but is that what go back to your head go back to where your head was flat oh my god the bowl before is that isn't that bubble so I don't know my politics Oh guys I'm not a skin no flip flip flip stop stop stop stop that laptop oh well ladies and gentlemen I think what we should do now is start a Minecraft Survival episode yes right here we have to wear these epic skills and that's it I need everyone actually difficulties completely calm themselves yes everyone can wipe the butter off and beautiful car all right so I need everyone to be happy ok ok yeah I want to be really happy ok George I want to see your scores as another skin yeah oh wait oh here we go love the cactus I am ready I am 100% ready I can almost see over the stage so yeah can you please just come on I'll just do this hey I see your creeper saved every single skin he's used and every single do not laugh so we just sound like the random are they coming towards me Oh flips me and shark out here I take an impact we're in a battle right now boy we're in a battle right now I see it how does one go in creative mode there you go just fly with oh wait yeah we hate your tail good I'm sorry I'm a good can you please stop okay go ahead yes you go right oh my god the corner here that Sam that's been mom then we have our mr. mr. Raum is a Jacke mom they call me Shelly wow you have a lot of different emotions so you're like you have like a bunch of different personalities basically I can't I can't trust you cuz one day you'll be like oh hey I'm so happy and the next day you have my minecraft hey how come I can't join yo don't have to serve I do not trust up there he goes ready ready I'm just gonna ban at a we need you guys to vote the government below who was the funniest very almost Christmas definitely yeah hope you had a happy like this see you tomorrow see you tomorrow we got some Christmas specials for you guys [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: UnspeakableGaming
Views: 1,408,653
Rating: 4.86937 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakable, mini game, mod, gaming, game, custom, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, games, maps, secret, redstone, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, minigame, how to, house, parody, troll, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakablegaming minecraft, troll smp
Id: QD26GY3fQTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 24 2018
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