Lauderhill Church Live Service - Oct 17, 2020

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good morning laura hill good morning to our online guests and welcome to our savage school you know we are studying education this quarter and this is all about christian education with me this morning is elder samuel muir and elder edwards let us pray before we get into our study gracious god and oh father we're so thankful for spared lives you woke us up this morning after putting us to sleep and so lord as we come this morning we pray that you would send your holy spirit to teach us and that everything that we do this morning would be a means of drawing us close closer to you father we pray that not only would you teach us lord but you will help us to remember what is taught so that as we go from day to day we can live out your law in our lives so we thank you we praise you we give you all the honor and all the glory in jesus name amen amen so let me just read something quickly here it says the law has a public relations problem this is unfortunate because the law of god who gave it have much to teach us christians are confused about how the law functions in life because of pauline emphasis on our not being justified by the law but by faith but to dispose of the law just because it doesn't function in one realm with would be like getting rid of your toaster because it doesn't vacuum the floor well it seems that people have grown content with simply knowing what the lord doesn't do rather than knowing what the lord does but those who are in properly orientated covenant relationship with god have no reason to suffer anxiety or aversion toward the law being able to say like david oh how i love the law according to psalm 119 and verse 97 provides a good test whether one is in a healthy relationship with god and the law the first commandment says thou shalt love the lord thy god with all thy heart with all your soul and with all your might if people have a problem with the law do they take issue with this law too so it is safe to say that there is enough endorsement from king david and the king jesus to give the law a chance as an instructor for life and revelation of god of the god who gave it this morning brothers and sisters friends and those who are viewing with us i want us to even look at your quarterly now and when you look in the mirror who do you see or maybe i could ask what do you expect to see there's a picture that we look at there and it seems that the the the looking in the mirror you're seeing a reflection of yourself so my question to us when you look in the mirror who do you see or what do you expect to see the memory text says you shall love the lord thy god with all your heart with all your soul and with all your strength that seems to me that your very being all of you all of me have to love the lord and then our writer interestingly give us something to think about and i'll read just a couple of things here in in warning the galatians against legalism paul wrote for if there had been a law given which could have given life truly righteousness would have been by law of course if any law could have given life it would have been god's law and yet paul point paul's point is that for us as sinners even god's law can't give life and the question is asked why but the scripture has confirmed all confined all on the sin that the promise by faith in jesus christ might be given to those who believe if the law could give life then just think about what our earth would be like if there was a law that could give life in continuation it says to love and fear god what does it mean to love god and what does it mean to fear him these are some of the questions that we have to look at and to think as we think about loving god and fearing god because most people believe that to fear god is to be afraid of him to be to be so afraid that the minute you hear his name you you tremble but proverbs 9 and verse 10 says the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of holy understanding so to fear god is to respect god to acknowledge him to worship him to praise him to honor him to give him glory to have an affection with god the one who created us we we look at proverbs 15 and verse 33 it says the fear of the lord is the instruction of wisdom and before honor is humility so to fear lord the lord is to be instructed in wisdom and then we have isaiah 43 and verse 1 says fear not for i have redeemed thee i have called thee by name thou art mine that's god telling us not to fear him not to be afraid of him because he has called us by name and we are his so as we look at sunday's lesson um [Music] we we see in deuteronomy some very interesting points according to what the lesson points out and i'm going to ask my panel to join me now and to give their thoughts as they have studied the lesson on what the instructions particularly that moses was given by god and what do we get from that how where are we as we look at this very important topic let me let me jump back to the memory verse though because there's a lot and there's a lot in the memory verse that needs to be understood he said you shall love the lord your god with all your heart your soul and your strength generally usually when we talk to one another we usually say i love you with all my heart so here we see loving the lord takes much much more than the heart it takes the soul and it also takes my strength not an assisted strength because there's some things that the human has total control over as total control over i have the choice to to to to um allow my life to be led by christ so there are certain things that i have to do to to present to the lord so that he can use it as a tool it says that here um when we talk about love and fear both things take a full unders not a full but both things take an understanding of who god is for you to love god truly you have to understand the character of god that when he loves you he loves you unconditional when you fear him you fear him out of the the the knowledge that he is god almighty and there is none like him and there will never be none like him so loving god and fearing god we must have an understanding who truly god is before any of these can be accomplished yes you know uh looking at looking at that also we can see how loving god is that because he gave his law because his law our promises if we can if we understand because if we look uh in in matthew in matthew um 20 in matthew 22 [Music] [Applause] uh matthew 22 and verse 37 where it says uh you shall love the lord your god with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind what you just said there is it is given a total surrender yeah because of love you know we we as as as human beings we get married and when we get married we submit to each other right we submit to each other and as we submit to each other we please each other because that's the way god wants us to be god wants us to submit to him submit to him because he is the one that first love us right so in other words and and and if we look also in in uh how how in matthew 20 23 verses uh 37 it says o jerusalem jerusalem one who killed the prophets and has stoned those who are sent to her how often i want to gather you as children gather together as sorry as chicken gathered together her cheeks under her wings and she would not so god wants us to want to cover us but we as a people sometimes we don't want to um we don't want to submit to him to him so we turn around and we rebel yes and and um as you as you go into that rebellious our rebellion if you will um here we see the children of israel according to deuteronomy god gave um moses some specific instructions because it was moses life was coming to an end and the the even prior to that it says in verse 12 of um of of uh youtube 31 gather the children together men women and children and thy stranger that is in within thy gates you ever hear that before the stranger within your gates yes they may hear that they may hear what and that they may learn and fear the lord your god and observe to do all the words of the law now god knew that moses time was coming to an end and he asked him to gather everybody why was it important to teach the children why was it important to have everybody at the same time so that we see that moses was dying there needed to be a continuation of leadership and the law what but what's the significance of gathering everybody what what what what is important in that well i think the importance of of of that is that everyone need to be hearing everything at the same time and not only that hearing it from moses's mouth everybody was accustomed to moses and at this time what was happening is that moses was about to hand over the leadership to joshua and and and um in in doing so in doing so he wants to remind the the the children of israel that they must obey and listen to what god has to say through joshua just like how they had done while he was he um he was among them so so in other words um god's love god's love for for us is that because remember the law are promises right if you do that you will do well you see the law is is are there all promises and we uh god want to tell even the very stranger that is within our midst that is to know his law because his law is a law of love and compassion and mercy because every time every time the the the children of israel will say what the lord says we will do and they turn their back as soon as they say it and they go and they leave this the pr is present everything is ignored and and we have to remember also that when we look at this story and where it's coming from to get to this point here they were traveling they saw the pillow of cloud that shaded them from the heat during the day and they saw the fire or the the the the light that god sent for them during the night yet when they get on the other side there was an issue they they were always rebelling but my question is do we have some of that traits in us today what do we find ourselves rebelling about when we hear the message and we we we listen to our pastors and we read the the word read lessons like this and yet we sometimes find ourselves rebelling against simple things i don't agree with this because it's not coming from me here moses moses at before he as he handed over to to to joshua joshua he said that the law is to be a weakness and why was it so important because he was saying to the people during the time you're with me you rebel so much so now that i am going what is going to happen so the my question is are we in the same category do we repel for things that are simple or whichever way we rebel against the law against god but one other thing though you know eldar when we when we look at even the rebellion of of of those people we we put up a block and we say man i if that was me i would not have done it that way morning yes oh our rebellion sometimes is the little is the little rebellion you know it's not the big coming out and putting up a plaid card and it's the little things that the devil used sneakingly objectively and and and we we don't deem it as as big rebellion we we we you know we don't deem it as anything big but rebellion is rebellion and i think one of the reasons why the gathering was so it's is to ensure it's to ensure and guarantee that that the word is passed on as is think about generation from generation to generation think about yourself as a matter of fact every one of us there should be there should be a moses there are certain things that if we know that we are going to part this life there's certain things that we need to say directly to some some members of our family and this i think is is what happened when we when we realized that for example we we're in the twilight of our days there's some information that we endeavor to to to pass on because this this information is now becoming not necessarily the information by itself but here we have two weaknesses because when i'm gone my test what is gonna be the testimony of of of or the legacy of the information that i had before i went and what are you now gonna do with the information that i has left that i have left unto you so here we see two witnesses the person that is gone and the information that is left so in each of us there should be a moses that even though we we don't see ourselves going but we have a god-given responsibility and obligation that as long as we're breathing not knowing when we're going there's something that we need to pass on yes and we must pass it on okay the point is that this this law is a weakness against who against us against us against me against you because you see the the gathering is is is the information that is being passed on is something that is supposed to be continuous right now now here it's good you're passing the mantle over to somebody else and the the bible says the lord instructed is not moses just coming up with whatever he feels like coming up with his it says moses therefore wrote a song the same day and taught it to the children of israel and gay and he gave joshua the son of nun a charge and said be strong and be of good courage for those shall bring the children of israel into the land which i swear unto them and i will be with thee now why would god's instruct or tell joshua to be strong and be of good courage because he know how hard it is to lead people because people say joshua was there and he gave and and they gave um joshua was there when moses was around and and they he sees the problems that joshua had i mean that moses had so god had to encourage him and tell him that to be be strong and and he he god will be with him so don't worry just rely upon me and and i will help you through just like how i help moses through i will help you through so so so my other question then you see the law the lesson we are studying is the law as teacher so my question is whose side are we on when we have our leaders today our pastors and we rebel against him because the message he preached from the the the the pulpit is not the the it's not end time messages or it's not um what i what i believe he should be preaching how how do we see that as it affects our relationship and our position as christian if if if i may say eldar most of the time and i think the ladies will probably confer on this but most of the time one looks into a mirror because there's some sort of inclination that there might be something not right generally if you're fully satisfied with your appearance generally you wouldn't look into a mirror so so when you look into the mirror there's some sort of inclination that listen there might be something wrong that needs to be a that needs to be effect needs to be corrected so all you do when you look into a mirror is to find what is wrong if you look into the mirror to be satisfied in terms of not finding anything then you might have a different you might have a different perspective because if when the mirror set you this there's a snug right here you're gonna say i knew it was dear but i ain't even gotta bother with it why look into the mirror so why bother look why bother look so look with an intention that if the mirror points out that there's something that needs to be adjusted then that's the reason for looking into the mirror so we go and and correct what needs to what needs to be corrected so the law that's the laws and one of the one of the as we as we are talking about mirror one of the things that we have to understand also that the mirror of life is not necessarily the physical mirror where you're seeing a reflection of yourself it's mirroring what's in the heart what what remember thou shalt love the lord thy god with all thy heart with all thy might with all thy strength with all thy soul every part of you should be wrapped up in a relationship with the lord so mirroring what am i seeing am i am i following what the lord says but as we as we look at continue the story and it we we we can look at [Music] um joshua chapter 1 verse 7 8 god said to joshua only be strong and very courageous that thou mays observed to do according to the law which moses my servant commanded thee turn not from it to the right hand or to the left that thou means prosper with us whoever thou goes this book of love shall not depart out of thy mouth but thou shalt meditate there in the united thou mays observe to do according to all that is written therein for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous and then thou shalt have good success have i not command thee to be strong and of good courage be not afraid neither be thou dismayed for the lord thy god god is with thee with this voice brethren we we can know that if we keep the law of god as our teacher we will prosper yeah but what is prosperity what is prosperity question yeah okay we we have to look at that because prosperity in this world today is is visualized by different people in different ways okay well listen to this the notion of success is a byproduct of obedience of obedience may seem contrary to the way of success is measured in our world today because we are looking at prosperity as the achievement the accolades that we have as we succeed in worldly things it says many today believe that the marks of success are innovation creativity and self-reliance to succeed in a particular industry often requires well extraordinary talent and restaking however however in god's eyes success requires a different set of resources and what are those resources you know success comes from the word to succeed what what are we striving for even living what are we striving for in this life let's look the the question is ask it it says throughout the bible we hear of outcomes of knowing end of being god's law so name some other people if you will who were prosperous or who was successful in their their their their their relationship with god let's look at job what happened to job let's look at daniel daniel says it doesn't matter what you do we can't even look at joseph look at joseph um was he prosperous yes everything he was was daniel prosperous yes he was job prosperous and there are others and that's what we we are talking about we have to be obedient to god's law we have to keep the whole law not part that says suits us best you know remember i remember talking about law and the law of the land before i came to this country i was driving for many many years before i came here when i came and went for my driver's license how did i feel my test how did i feel it for speeding the ins the the examiner was with me telling me where to go and what to do when i got back to the office mr palmer you seem like to be a good driver but you don't pay attention to the speed limit okay so my question is did i learn from that you bet i thought i did but my first ticket was for what speeding my second ticket was for what speeding speeding third and i go there and i i said to so so did i learn my lesson apparently most of us will say well i follow the law of the land i don't do this and i don't do that but you alluded to something earlier and that we have to be complete we can't take out what we want and use what we want when we want it the law of god is complete [Music] um it says in god's eye success requires a different set you know material success is not the ultimate by-product of of of of one's um life material success i would think is a fringe benefit along the way to to success success eventually is to succeed and having eternal life along that path anything that's added on it's it's really a bonus because there's no guarantee there's no guarantee that a child of god is going to be rich but there's a guarantee there's a guarantee that a child of god will make it to heaven yes yes and that makes him rich and makes he or she rich but it comes with it right not in this life so this success remember we just read that joshua will have good success okay what did he he said have i commanded thee be strong and be of good courage be not afraid neither be thou dismayed for the lord thy god is with thee so for us to succeed we have to keep our focus on god we can't remember he said don't look left don't look right and don't be dismayed which means that which means that there's gonna which means that there are struggles it's not an easy they are that's right there are struggles you know you know not only today if we look in if we look in jeremiah 29 11 where it says i know the thoughts that i think of you said the lord thoughts of peace and not evil to give you a future and hope no no no when you think about it right a lot of us here today are living because of hope because this world the world the way it is it's just it's just zero it's just not you see and and what is happening what is happening here today god has been reminding us over and over and over again by sending messages and messages to us by his servants the prophet and telling and telling us but yet still we rebel we get we get pumped up and high and because guess what oh because we have a little prosperity here we have some of this worldly good goods we said okay well all right i have money but guess what if you want me to give some contribution to your church you gotta have the media there yeah right and i will give you whatever you want if you want me to do this my name has to be on so and so if you want me to do that that's this world's prosperity right but god has a different prosperity for us our prosperity is spiritual growth because without spiritual growth we are dead you see that prosperity only comes from god so why do god's people struggle because this is not our home this is not our home you know this is not our home jesus christ himself at a difficult time while living on earth and he's god almighty so this is not our home as i said there's some things there's something that the lord read a law with a better good and it's all for his glory and for his providence so so when we look at the life of hezekiah and his reformation what what took place let's look at um uh second chronicles um 31 21 22 21 20 and 21 and thus this did hezekiah throat all judah and wrought that which was good and right and truth before the lord his god and in every work that he began the service of the house of the god of god and in the law and in the commandment to seek his god he did it with a with all his heart and prospered now my question go ahead no i was going to ask a question so you asked all right my question would be then why are not some of the promises of the of god not fulfilling our lives and if i may jump to try to answer that question myself we must remember that there are some promises that the lord make that are conditional he said if you then i will and a lot of times i will cannot get accomplished and so the promises are stagnant god is ready and waiting and the promises are dear for taking and i will is in the way okay yes so so when we look at when we look at look at this it says whatever education venue we are in we must stress the importance of obedience okay okay and i asked the question why do god's people struggle yet students are not stupid no they're not they will notice sooner or later the harsh fact that some people are faithful loving and obedient and yet what happened disaster strikes them as well how do we explain this the fact is we can't the the lesson points out a few people it talks about john the baptist no john the baptist was beheaded as a matter of fact maybe we could say before that happened he when he was in prison i think he had a little doubt that jesus was was real because he had to send his disciples to find out if the jesus that he baptized could have him in prison and didn't even come to visit with him but not only that he's a relative so you see and yet he come bust me out of jail man he didn't even have to go he could have just closed the eyes and the ears of all the people around him yes so you answered the ques and we are seeing that in the lesson and then job job feared god job loved god he hated evil and yet he was um so sick maybe we could say he he was paralyzed he was [Music] filled with sores and all that kind of stuff and yet god was there with him but he went through those struggles yes well well well you know one of the thing is you know the devil is not gonna sit back and see god's people prosper and don't try to discourage or do something about it to let us mistrust uh god because but let me go back here a little bit off of where john the baptist is concerned right when john the baptist got that doubt where and he's sent to send to um to jesus send me his disciples to jesus saying are you the christ are we supposed to be looking for somebody else and he he came back and actually he was not confident confident that well then that he was the christ so now i am in good shape right i am gonna be delivered from this but in case but instead of that what he get back from god silence right if we look at that we look at that we look at job again we look back at job when job is going through all his trials and all his tribulations and whatever it is right and and and he cried out to god what he got from god silence right we look at joseph joseph went through a lot of suffering a lot of suffering he was thrown in jail he was throwing a pick by his own his own blood brethren he was he was despised by them and what happened right during this time it got silenced but victory comes out in two different ones of us in different ways because because um joseph joseph became the first the first um we call it there now prince not not prince the first uh well king of egypt then right prime minister yes prime minister of of of egypt okay now when you look when you look at it look at christ what happened to christ while he was here amount of suffering he went through right and eventually what happened to him he was crucified right no no the struggles the struggles in keeping the law and keeping the law and and to follow christ and be obedient to christ because one thing we have to remember that christ himself christ himself he used suffering right he because of his suffering he was strengthened you know i wanted to to point out something here it when we when we find gold gold is never shiny and looking good and pretty when you when it found it come out from the ground it is dirty and looking real marred but because of the process it went through all the struggles all the tearing away after this and that and whatever this is what we go through why god allows us to go through these things so it will strengthen us right paul was strengthened he went to a lot of tribulation yes i i was about to say that because paul paul according to to to scripture he he was one of those who he was beaten and noticed he was beaten he was stoned five times five times he received 40 stripes remember no that is not that is not the the just a little with that it's the one with the the things at the end was i beating with rods once i was stoned twice i suffered shipwreck at night and day i have been in the deep in journeys often in perils of water in perils of robbers in perils of my own countrymen in perils by the heathen in perils in the city in the wilderness in perils in the sea among false brethren in weariness and painfulness in watchings often in hunger and thirst yet he said who is weak i am not weak but all he was doing was in the name of christ and just before but imagine what he used to do to the christians i i guess that strengthened him too as he reflect on his past life but he said it here's one of the things it says without question good people and faithful people law abiding people have not always prospered at least as the world understand prosperity and hereto might be a partial answer to this difficult question a question that we seek to teach the importance of the law is no doubt going to be raised what exactly do we mean by prosperity the psalmist said i would rather be a doorkeeper in the house than to dwell in the tents of wicked wickedness there's no question that by world standard even those faithful in god and obedient in his law don't always prosper at least for now we do know our students or we do our students a disservice to say otherwise so in other words no matter where we are we are going to suffer some form of persecution and that is why jesus said that we should do what love our enemies do good to those who hate you pray for those who despise fully use you because as christians we have a responsibility to be obedient to god no matter what we go through because our tests must come we all have to go through different stages of life and jesus while he was on earth set the right example for us he set the example in such a way that if we abide by those laws and guidance and directions and commit our lives totally to him to be faithful to be fervent and to focus on him we will be able to overcome no matter the obstacles that we go through it says we should live by jesus examples so with this i'm going to ask two minutes each to give us the jesus our example okay i can start my my clothing thought though i would leave my my heroes with the word obedience that that's my punchline for this lesson obedience to the word of god and i would say that even if there is no immediate reward or benefit obedience to the word of god is utmost i would share also one of my preachers thought and he said the lord will not only move a mountain out of your way sometimes you will move it out of your way because it's in his way and there's so much thought in it which generally means that god is gonna work according to his providence and according to what is gonna bring honor and glory to his name sometime not to our liking amen yes and we we when we look at jesus jesus subjected himself in in um in luke 2 51 and 52 where his parents was looking for him they they lost touch of him in touch with him for three days and when they found him when they found him they say we've been looking for you all over and the one thing what was his answer i must be about my father's business right and but at the same time even though he realized who he was and what he was there for and his purpose he subjected himself to his hurt appearance and went with them you see and went with them the other thing is that jesus obedience through no matter what what uh uncomfortableness or what suffering he was going through right he did nothing else but obeyed his father no matter what the consequences will be right and and and if we see in philippians 5 8 where where he suffered right he suffered and he what he does what he does he suffered but he didn't groan and grope about it he just said my you you want me to do this father i will do it right the other the other thing is under all human suffering suffering and and stuff he he uh let me see let me read john this is john eight let me look at john a quickly quickly you have um two seconds yes oh boy i should have found it before right um john 8 28 okay it says then jesus said to them when you lift up the son of man then you will know that i am he that he that i i do not of myself but of my father he taught me i speak these things and to he who sent me will be with me be with me and let me see and the father let me see and he sent me in with with me the father has not left me alone for i always do the things that pleases him amen right so no matter what it is he is set himself to obey no matter what the consequences be yes thank you very much elders and we just have to maintain our focus and be obedient to god's will to god's law and he will take care of us bow your heads with me father in heaven we are indeed grateful for the time that you have given us to share and for your teachings we pray o god that you will continue to lead to guide us into all truth and as we go through the remaining portion of these hours oh lord we pray that your holy spirit would continue to lead and to guide us and that everything that is done today will be a means of giving you the honor the glory and the praise so father help us oh god to just hear from you that we've inclined our ears to hear from you a word that would keep us going on and on in the name of jesus we pray amen amen thank you gentlemen and god bless thank you audience and we pray that we all will continue just to be obedient to god in all things amen [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] uh pleasant sabbath everyone this is indeed the third sabbath of october i trust that you have been enjoying our sabbath school so far with elders uh muir and palmer and also brother edwards it was indeed a very interesting lesson and to have their own unique spin on the lesson is also another perspective to add some flavor as we uh study our lessons weekly and before we begin the announcements you know that october is indeed a breast cancer awareness month and that's why we are always wearing pink to make sure that we are supporting the survivors and those of course who are still dealing with and getting treatment for breast cancer now a couple of things i wanted to put here as well because as a black diaspora we have to make sure that we know the facts about breast cancer and how it affects our own communities please understand that even though um black women and white women are also they do we do get breast cancer one thing about our black diaspora is that black women are more likely to get it at a much higher rate up to 40 percent than white women and black women also suffer this triple threat effect when it comes to breast cancer it is more aggressive in our own race or ethnic background and it's more likely to come back after treatment and unfortunately without that treatment sometimes we also suffer the highest death rates of course and one thing we must remember that breast cancer is not only for black women uh it also can be seen in black men as a matter of fact the statistics is that one in every 100 diagnosed cases of breast cancer actually in men well one in every 100 diagnosed cases of breast cancer actually happens in men of course so we want to make sure that as a black diaspora that we are informed about this disease and that we can take the necessary steps to make sure we are educating ourselves and educating our family and we can also fit into our health our diet exercise get regular checkups and screening as well that is something that we can do because knowledge is indeed power and the seventh day adventist you know that we do have a health message that we can also we should be following and incorporating in our daily walks as well so i just wanted to bring that to your attention before we begin the announcements for this week october 17. now pastor uh now um our elder elder palmers and rosemary palmer would like to thank our pastor as well for all he has been doing at this point in time they just want to say that they they would like to get some church family their support and their love because they had a family member that passed so they just wanted to write something just to express their thanks to the church at large and it reads like this it says we would like to express our sincere sincere thanks and appreciation to pastor gordon and the members of our church family for their support and the love that was shown during the passing of their dear sister we are thankful for the prayers of comfort the calls the messages and gifts and all the words of encouragement may god continue to be our refuge and strength as we navigate these challenging times so once again this is coming from elders rosemary and milton palmer just wanted to show some appreciation and just give some thanks to our church family for all they have done in the season of their bereavement um i do apologize i'm having some technical difficulties with my screen so once again let me just start hopefully you can hear me i do apologize for that now moving on to the from the announcement i want to thank everyone that came out and supported our social last week they had a wonderful time with that throwback social it was a great success thank you all for what you have done and have been doing and guess what listen out look out there'll be more to come as well so please please please continue to support our social events even ones that we have virtually we cannot do this without you now the lauder hill pioneer club don't forget the adventure is that you are meeting not today as scheduled at three but you'll be meeting tomorrow at 10 a.m and don't forget that you'll be meeting at church to plant your gardens please do not forget to wear your masks and you'll be practicing social distancing so once again the adventurers you're not meeting today at three as always scheduled but tomorrow at 10 a.m at church where you can plant your garden now the piney adventurous club also have a fish fry coming up november 22nd it will be drive-through style only from 12 p.m to 2 p.m the cost will be 20 prepaid orders please because we are doing a drive-through style situation so please make sure that you call on in for those orders it has rose fish or fried fish it will be served with rice and of course rice and peas and of course a salad once again this is a promotion it's to help defray some cost as we are here with our adventurers so please make sure that you call in you can call any adventure parent for more information we'll also give you more information as well but please make sure that you support and continue to show your support to the adventurous club and this will be taking place november 22nd now after that we are a y is today at five please join the zoom link very early the same id that we have been using and after a rat five today we will be followed by our first birth on the prayer line now last evening that was the third installment of the youth coming together to have their conversation with their pastor please do not forget that they have two more fridays left and they still want to hear from you i'm sure if you could talk to all of them that joined in yesterday they are telling you how empowered this has been how how informing it has been and guess what so much that they're learning and so much that they can share in that season as well so please make sure that if you have more things you'd like to talk about things about relationships dating you know just you and god and just knowing more about what to do please make sure that you join on in at 7 30 and the next session will be october 23rd and this will be our second to last meeting with the youth so please make sure that you get this opportunity to the share on out please share your thoughts and please give some feedback and please join in because they of course would like to have your part of this meeting session next friday evening now right now the varsity icam party is in progress uh podfinder club meeting will be tomorrow for each records only and that's for friends companions explorers and rangers e-tracker your i-cam per week will be november 13-15 20-20 uh right now you can get your pins and your badge and your patch and that will be 10 for that uh if you'd like to get a pain a patch shirt and also a mask that would be 25 as well and pathfinders do not forget that the best way to get more information about what is going on with your club is to always reach out to your counselors and your directors so please make sure that you anytime you have a doubt please make sure that you talk to them as quickly as possible and they will give you more information but right now varsity i can parry is in progress and then in november e-tracker icam per week will be starting november 13th and then tomorrow the part finder club meeting will also be taking place to get the the time of everything please make sure you're speaking with your club and your directors as well uh once again don't don't um don't forget that payments payments must be on our cash app and you're using that lauda hill cash up dollar sign lauda hill sda three one three twenty five dollars if you like the whole full goodie bag or ten dollars if you just want the pin and the patch now next week the 24th the pot finder department will be taking over ay their theme will be killing me softly i can't wait to be a part of this i've seen the lineup and this will be so interesting as a public school educator there are a couple of topics that is always very difficult for me sometimes to have to educate my youth about but right here with our own pastor and a panelist with pastor steve palmer and dr karen louis harvey and also health director yvette lewis you can be a part of this you know talk out about things like pornography homosexuality hiv aids and other you know questions that you have about what's going on in your society in your community as well so please make sure that this is not only for our youth but if you have someone else would like to join on in please spread the word and share the link this will be something very interactive very engaging we want to get you know young minds on board especially for them to know our own platform of where we stand with these issues especially they're in public school what they're hearing on the outside versus what we are saying as you know a christian community as well so please make sure that you join us next sabbath evening for a y where the theme is killing me softly we cannot i just can't say it enough i thank you so much for the many ways in which you have decided to give and you continue to give um you're choosing to give through our cash cash app you're choosing to give through adventist giving and you're mailing in those dollars we thank you all so very much please be encouraged i got an email today well several emails from other people outside not a part of our church they wanted to collaborate with us because they are seeing the good things that we are doing on social media can you believe it they're loving the pictures we're taking they're loving the programs we're having and these people are drawn to us that is happening because of you because of the way in which you commit yourselves you dedicate yourselves you sacrificially give each and every sabbath to our cause so please continue to do so and know that not only are you empowering us but you're also being a light to others in this world guess what they could choose anywhere tap touch click they could be on another website watching something else but they have selected to stay with us and to reach out with us because of what you are doing so please continue to give through cash out through adventist giving and through your tithes and offering on a weekly basis now feeding program continues remember we only do it on two days now the week it's a bad lunch if you come on mondays you'll get something for monday and tuesday and when you come on wednesday you'll get something for wednesday thursday and friday so once again this will take place at our church site it's drive through style and it's 10 a.m to 12 p.m we are also praying for our bereaved families the list is long the list is growing you heard earlier when i started the announcements the um palmer family also had their own bereavement but also the dixon's family the hansons the bishops the andersons the percy's smith the list is very long please make sure please make sure you're praying for them and if you have someone that you have lost please reach out to our head elder or a member of our pastoral staff they'll be more than happy to pray with you and to just guide you through this process so once again our hearts go out to those if you have lost a loved one and please make sure we we don't always can reach out to everyone but please make sure that if you reach out to us we make sure we do our part to keep you in our purse and to help you go through this process together also pray for our celebrants this week those celebrating birthdays or anniversaries continue to pray for them as well and please continue to pray for all our faculty staff and students or just workers in general who are now going back out to work as we all go back out in this pandemic pray that we'll continue to keep safe in this space now church board meeting will be tomorrow at 10 o'clock thank you to those of you who have already reached out to us and indicated that you will be in attendance please bear in mind that we will be meeting on our regular teams link and this was of course um text to you in the whatsapp group so please check your messages there for that information and the next sabbath on the 24th i'm not mistaken we'll also have business meeting as well so church board members do not forget that your meeting will be at 10 a.m on the 31st of october the children's ministries and the adventurous club they have another wonderful social plan for you in mind well this one's about food this one was about food so they'll be having a lot of eating contests a pizza cook-off cupcake eating stuff i mean all kinds of things happening please please please this one sounds so interesting my favorite thing is going on right here is october 31st at 7 30 a.m it will be sweet savory and of course a social so please bear that in mind and please send the link to someone else that they can join on in with us as well because we want to make sure we are jam-packed online sharing in this good clean christian fund as well now family week is coming up in the month of november and there's quite a few things happening here for family week a lot of things going on the list is very very long first of all we want to make sure that you've seen the dates we're starting from sabbath november 14th and there are so many things that we want to get jam back in here for you we're doing things for our singles ministry for our couples i'm hearing that there's a couple's date night as well being planned as a matter of fact the department the ministry is requesting that families actually record a family moment probably you're worshiping probably you're playing together probably you're praying together with something that you're doing send that into the clerks by november 15th so that can also be a part of this family week showcase please make sure you stay tuned because there's so many things that are being planned for you and your family members but for right now please mark the calendar sabbath november 14th wednesday november 18th and friday and saturday the 20th and 21st of november we will be highlighting and promoting and speaking about all our families here in our water hill community now it's time for birthdays and as we celebrate birthdays what a wonderful way to have a birthday and guess what our own linda coley the matriarch of the kohli family celebrated our birthday on the 15th she turned 92 years young and she has a wealth of information to share you know the holy clan they're all over the larder hill community they just wanted you to know how much they just love her they love that you are still calling about her find out how she's doing she's doing well she was just blessed you know they're blessed and they just want to know that you know thank you all for what you have done so much love so much understanding so much grace that she has given to this family so they wanted to share that with you that this week she has celebrated her birthday and if you want to call on in and share with them please please please do so but this was coming from their own sister stadia and also sister margaret marshall as well and of course all the coley family and other birthday which is going out to romaine williams his birthday was on it was yesterday october 16th happy birthday to him as well and some birthdays coming up daniel bullock her birthday will be on the 19th anthony martin will be on the 20th and you will share that special day with our own elder marlene hunt rachelle summers will also share that day and guess what her pictures in the insert right there she will turn 11 on october 20th so happy birthday to our celebrants past celebrants and celebrants coming up in the week as well now of course we want to thank you so much for sending us your greetings and your prayer requests and your praise reports please continue to do so at church clerk at and the number is 954 667 once again thank you for being here with us and please stay tuned we have something in store for you for our weekly worship service see you after service happy happy sabbath everyone and welcome to worship we are absolutely thrilled that you are with us today my name is pastor gary gordon senior pastor of the lord of hills and the vinnie church and i am absolutely delighted that you have taken the time to join us for our worship today now i can promise you now i know i say it often but today is going to be a very special service we have a tremendous uh word that will be spoken we have prayer we have praise and we have the opportunity just to come together so i'm going to encourage us just to like this broadcast if you're new to the youtube channel don't know where you've been or if you're watching us on facebook but just do that at this time as we take the time to connect with each other wherever you're worshiping from maybe you are worshiping from out of state you're watching us online wherever you are today we want to say welcome to our worship and we know that god is going to bless us real good so put it in the comments put it in the chat greet each other connect with each other happy sabbath and if you're a first timer we want to recognize you especially now on our website we have a connect card so if you're new and you want to connect with us in that way you can also have the connect card which will give you opportunity to connect with us and so welcome to worship we are going to greet each other in jesus name and we have after that our children's story we want to remind us that this is a worship space and so i know we may have been busy we may be doing other things but let's just take this time on god's holy sabbath to be with him and to hear what he has to say to us so once again welcome to worship let's greet each other as god blesses us real good amen welcome everyone and happy sabbath we have our greeting song coming up at 19. touch elbows with the person next to you because remember this is the day that the lord has made this is this is this is the day is that the lord [Music] amen hello boys and girls today's story is about the fiery serpents have you ever been to a restaurant what was it like what was the cost and the service like did you ever eat food that you didn't like when the israelites were traveling around the desert god provided them with food it was like eating at a restaurant for free raise your hand if you would like to do that i would do you think the people were happy with what god gave them every day the israelites were getting closer and closer to the time when they could enter the land that god promised them the promised land the lord always took care of them and gave them delicious manna to eat some of the people became very impatient they were tired of waiting they started complaining to moses we don't like the food we need more water egypt had such better food than this they said that he couldn't give them good bread to eat and that it was just miserable the lord was upset with his people he had given them good food to eat and provided them with water and he always took care of them they should be content content means to be happy with the things that you have or the way that your life is without always being unhappy and thinking you should have more the israelites were not content the people did not thank the lord for what he did they always thought that they should have more the lord decided to teach the israelites that he was the only one who could save them he said poisonous snakes into the camp the snakes bit the people and many of them got sick now the people knew they need the lord to protect them they knew that they had been wronged to complain about how god took care of them they told moses that they were very sorry about all of their complaining moses prayed to the lord about the snakes he told the lord how sorry they were the lord answered moses prayer he did not take the poisonous takes away from the camp but he did something that would help the israelites remember that they should always look to him for help he told moses to make this snake out of a shiny metal called bronze moses was able to put the bronze snake on a pole so all the people could see it anyone who was bitten by a poisonous snake they could look at the bronze snake and they would be healed this would help to remember that god would take care of them many of the israelites had been bitten by the snakes looked at the bronze snake on the pole and they were made well they remembered that god takes care of his people only god could make them well they learned to be happy and content with what the lord gave them to learn to not complain about the lord's gifts the message of this story is to always remember that god is watching over us and taking care of us always be content amen amen thank you so much skyan uh for that uh story and it's it's wonderful to to think that we are now seeing uh our young people grow up virtually now they're growing up in real life but we are seeing them grow uh through the screen and through the continued ministry of those who are taking part in our program and we are still so thrilled for that now i want to say to us once again welcome to worship and we thank you for joining us here at lauda hill sda we are live on youtube and also on facebook live and so you can find us there and we are we are transitioning i want to say to you tell all of your friends they need to jump on uh because today we are we are virtual we are not in the church today but we have a wonderful uh message and a wonderful continuation of our worship service on today now i should say to you that we are constantly thinking about um the ways in which we can continue to improve our ministry here to you as was mentioned we are about seeking to ensure the very best of our technic uh technical and technology equipment and we're going to share a little bit more about that on this uh later on before we have our sermon but for now we are going to have our praise and worship and our prayer time now for our prayer time we already have some requests that have come in but if you want to put your requests in the chat please do so we want to hear from you there's also as i said again our connect card so you can connect with us in that way and so we're having our praise and worship now followed by our prayer which will be led by all the clinton maddox and we are just going to be looking forward to that and so make a request known to god and uh lift up your voice in praise as we have our praise and worship and then prayer at this time thank you these are the days of elijah declaring the word of the lord these are the days [Music] [Music] until salvation [Music] oh [Music] temple of her [Music] oh is [Music] is [Music] [Music] there's no god like [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is salvation [Music] [Music] um [Music] is [Music] that will be when we see [Music] true jesus faithful trusting serving every day just one minute glory will the choice of life [Applause] [Music] what a day of rejoicing that will be see jesus victory of rejoicing [Music] victory victory amen we're going to get um eldermatics uh ready uh for prayer and i think he is he's ready now [Music] so [Music] so [Music] i shall wear a crown i shall wear when it's all over i shall wear [Music] i'm gonna [Music] tell the story [Music] tell the story [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] i shall see his face [Applause] [Applause] it's all over when it's all over i shall see i shall see his face [Music] when it's all over when it's on [Music] tell the story [Music] [Music] i'm going to [Music] i'm going to put on [Music] i'm [Applause] [Applause] can you hear me can you hear me [Applause] let us pray [Music] stay right there [Music] [Applause] open the door look at monica texas almighty god or provider or healer or lover or savior and lord we come to you today with all or anxieties or fears or disappointments that bounce around in our minds and refuse to be quieted even as we lie sleepless at nights we worry about losing jobs and livelihood we worry about sickness and dying we worry about our relationships bad marriages children brokenness and friendships isolation and loneliness safety from this coveted pandemic and the list goes on and on and like david we utter in abject desperation search me oh god and know my heart test me and know my anxious thoughts and see if there is any wickedness or hurtful way in me and lead me to the everlasting way lord show us that what we fear the most reveals where we trust you the least and so lord today we want to boldly lay all our emotions at the cross and confess for giving you less than first place in our lives dear lord we receive with gratitude your bounty we surrender again our hearts for your residence and glory we celebrate your gifts of memory that informs us lord of the journey you took with us and how you brought us over your gift of imagination so we can make rail the hope of eternity with you we thank you for equipping us to enter the world of the ordinary the common and the everyday we're lord you cultivate saints out of ordinary people who will be available to you for service and love to their neighbors we thank you for the all sufficiency of your holy spirit who brings the light in our darkness and life in our deadness and intimacy with you to experience lord your love your grace your justice and mercy teach us to be dependent and submissive to you so that our joy will be full and you will be delighted with us lord we pray for all those whose names have been submitted for special prayer sister beckford's sister brother hoylet and family sister hill fitzroy andrew and lord all those who are bereaved we pray that your holy spirit will come to them and provide the comfort that you so lavishly promise to give us when we hurt and mourn and for those who are experiences tough times because of this covered pandemic we pray a special blessing on all those who are sick those who are providing medical attention first responders we give them all to you we give you also lord the children in schools we give you the teachers all lord who are engaged in the process of enriching the lives of our children we pray for them too and then lord we pray for responsive government government that responds to the needs of the lowly the oppressed the disenfranchised and the poor and lord we know that you are in charge so give us the confidence to believe that all is well with you and dear lord we want to ask you to just stay with us for this day for tomorrow and the day after but more so for this day as we live for you in this light of today be with this service and may whatever is spoken and celebrated we're down to your honor and glory we pray in christ's name amen amen amen amen praise god thank you uh so much uh automatics we navigated our challenges there so that we could be able to hear you we want to thank god once again for the opportunity that we have to be in this time of worship and also the opportunity that we have to share together in the ministry of the church we want to thank you so much as a church family and community for your faithfulness you have been more than faithful and we thank god for you you have been faithful in your giving and in your ministry the support of those in our community in need and we praise god for that we also want to say that we have much to do there is the opportunity and the challenge that we have now to ensure that our technical team is up and running and we are up in a space where we can do the very best that we can and we we have a very special uh business meeting next saturday evening where we'll be sharing with you those plans and we look forward to talking together about that we know some of you have already begun to give and we thank you for that as we begin to look at how we will ensure we don't know if truth be told how long we will be in this space and so we have to ensure that by the grace of god we are optimizing all of our technology for that purpose and we thank you for your support of us in this endeavor we also want to remind us that as has been mentioned next sabbath afternoon we have a very special focus of ay a pathfinder ministries will be leading out and we'll be looking at very critical issues of hiv aids and homosexuality and pornography these are real issues affecting our young people and our church actually and we're going to be having discussions with that we have uh local members and also pastor steve murphy uh from uh washington dc good friend of mine from the uk and he will be sharing with us he's a pastor and also a licensed therapist and we're looking forward to him presenting with us and as mentioned we also have uh the family week that is coming up in november and we'll share more about you about that and uh next week we have an exciting announcement we have a very special guest that we're going to be having on the 30th and 31st uh dr eric walsh um some of you will know him uh previously from loma linda california and now in connecticut he will be presenting for us over that last weekend so we have a lot that's coming up and we're excited for that but most of all we are glad that god has given us today and we have no more than that but we take we are encouraged by the fact that we have uh today so i want to uh welcome our speaker uh for today uh she is uh none other than uh dr danette blake now she currently serves as the the pastor of the new dimension seven administ church there in new york in northeastern conference and god has used him mightily to develop equip and empower disciples to fulfill god's divinely ordained purpose in their lives and in community she has a bachelor's degree in social work and master's degree mdf of divinity and a doctor of ministry from andrews university pastor blake continues to expand her knowledge of the vastness of god's remaining love and her passion is a real passion and you will sense that as she speaks to us is to proclaim the unchanging love of christ throughout this changing world she has many texts uh that give her encouragement and courage to forge ahead fear not isaiah 41 and verse 10 i am with you be not dismayed for i am your god i will strengthen you yes i will help you and i will uphold you with my righteous right hand now i have to say that i i met dr blake when i was in the uk she doesn't remember me i must say she doesn't remember me but she was a speaker at a prayer conference and uh she gave a mighty word and this is often a sought after speaker and so we're absolutely thrilled that she consented to squeeze us in and speak to us today and i can promise you that god has a rich blessing in store for us as she speaks to us but before she does we have um uh selena dinard who will sing for us at this time after which the next voice will be that of our speaker for today dr danette blake here he god's servant you are my strength strength like no other strength like no other reaches me [Music] you are my strength [Music] strength like no [Music] [Music] reaches me you are my strengths [Music] strength like [Music] you are my peace [Music] reaching [Music] oh oh you are my face and it reaches me me you'll lift me [Music] me oh [Music] me [Music] [Music] my stress me [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] loves me [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] you are my strengths [Music] [Music] well good morning good morning good morning good morning and a blessed sabbath morning to all of god's people wherever you are joining and worship from i know and believe of a presence of the lord god is with you all and so i bring greetings to the lord hill sunday adventist church yes from my church you know i mentioned church it's amazing while i'm here speaking with you i've got a speaker in my church today just minister into god's people it is such an awesome thing to know that we can connect in so many different ways uh just to uh worship and while we may not be able to see each other face to face it is awesome to know that you're hearing me bless the lord for technology pastor garden i just want to bless the lord for you and sure i may not really remember the face but you know i i can make up for that god bless you though i thank you for the invite and it's a privilege truly to minister with you and to god's people today and i pray that god's blessings will continue to shower down on you and your family and that indeed you will consistently constantly feel and sense his presence with you as you go through ministry so again i say greetings to all of god's people won't you pray with me as we get into the word of god this morning majesty of heaven you're such an awesome god we thank you so very much for your grace we thank you for your mercy we thank you for your blessings and even now lord i pray that you'll speak through me to us as we worship you today may your people sense your presence in a mighty mark and powerful way in jesus name i pray amen amen amen if you will turn with me wherever you are to your bibles the book of ruth chapter one ruth chapter one it's a very well-known passage we know it all together we usually say those words wheresoever you go i'm gonna go turn your bibles with me to ruth chapter one we'll read the first few verses and the bible declares in the days when the judges ruled there was a famine in the land so a man from bethlehem in judah together with his wife and the two sons went to liver for a while in the country of moab and the bible said the man's name was eliminate his wife's name was nahomi and the sons his sons were melan and killian and they the bible tells us that they were from bethlehem judah and they went to mohab and lived there the bible said the man at elimelech nehomie's husband died and she was left with her two sons verse four they married morbide woman and so the bible tells us that after they have lived there for about 10 years both of nehomi's sons also died and nahomi was left without her two sons and her husband and that's where we pause for the moment verse 5. now when we read there was a famine in the land we know the story is off to a very bad start bethlehem the parcel of land that god promised to abraham and his descendants we are told that the word simple means house of bread it was a land that was supposed to be flowing with milk and honey but now we are told that the land of bread the house of bread the land of milk and honey was ravished by a famine famine in the land was so severe that this family decided they needed to go somewhere else in order to survive faced with a prospect of economic instability they migrated to moab where there was food you see it was bad enough for them to have left the promised land in search of a better life but it was worse that they should have chosen mohab as their new home it was you see barack the king of moab who hired balaam to curse the israelites it was the woman of moab who seduced the israelite men to indulge in sexual immorality and to worship their gods causing the lord's anger to burn against the people of israel it was the moabites of whom the lord commanded israel not to make a treaty or fred of treaty of friendship with as long as they live in other words they were not supposed to mingle they were not supposed to be friends with the moabites but the bible tells us here that it was to mohab this very place that there seemed to be the curse of god arresting over that nehomi's family relocated to in search of a better life no doubt of course no doubt so many of us ourselves we find ourselves moving from place to place relocating here and there in order to find some form of economic stability for our families and i understand so no doubt i believe that nehomi's family did not intend to stay in moore forever they intended to return when the famine was over but the bible said in five short verses in five short verses we are given a description of a devastating litany of tragedies that left nahomi a child lest widow death callously cheated her out of the security of marriage and the joys of motherhood emptied and drained of everything that gave a meaning to life nehomi was left a childless and a childless wither brother the desolation of her bereavement is captured by these words in verse 5 and the woman was left of her two sons and her husband everything that gave meaning to life was suddenly gone from the homing she went in search of a better life they left the promised land to escape famine but was overtaken by death and mohab instead of becoming a happy place became instead a grave a place where their homie had to bury her husband and her sons i understand it sometimes we're trying to find you know better mentor a better life someplace else and oftentimes we run into these attractiveness these overwhelming problems that we begin to think why did we leave we begin to make uh feel the regret of leaving a place that we were so accustomed to going to somewhere that we thought life would have been better and all of a sudden we are left broken miserable when everything has fallen down i can only imagine that homie hmm you see often our escaping from one place to another is simply exchanging one form of misery for another you see the narrative this morning shines a spotlight on the plight of god's people living in a broken world a plight that started at the fall and spiraled through the corridor of time to this very present moment ever since our wandering out of eden or in eden ever since adam and eve went against god's rule in eden and migrated away from god going after what we were tempted to believe would make life better ever since that time the human experience has been filled with tragedies and trials and troubles ever since adam and eve move away from god said planet to go after what they thought would make life better life on earth has been a litany of destruction and disasters our safety security and stability are often disturbed and disturbed by the ever-present threat of political instability the social injustice of racial disparity economic uh unpredictability violence and crime natural disasters diseases and virus yes copenhagen death and dying life on earth life on earth life on this earth is sometimes most of the times filled with all manner of tragedies and difficulties in the midst of these executives and difficulties we are faced with the challenge of surviving life's adversities that oftentimes seem unbearable these are the moments when we come face to face with the tragedies of life when we lose out on certain things in life when we lose our loved ones when our jobs are gone and the opportunity to provide for our families are taken away from us when there seemed to be nowhere out these are the moments when many of god's people are prone to give up on god to wander away from god when we are faced with challenges like these famine in the land our source of financial stability moved away from us go on move from under our feet our stability or are are threatened these are the moments when god doesn't seem to be moving the way that we want him to or responding to us in the way that we want into these or the moment like the songwriter says we are prone to wander going to leave the god we love when the cheerful songs are hushed by the crash of sudden and threatening storms and the days of blissful prosperity are crippled by affliction after affliction we are tempted to relocate from our spiritual place of safety to a place of easy solutions [Music] when the place of comfort becomes a place of discomfort whether spiritually or physically we are tempted to migrate to a place where we believe that life would be better when the change when change or circumstances deprive us of the usual conveniences of life we are tempted to break ties with our spiritual root and to seek survival in our moab after 21st century when god seemed to withhold the reign of blessings from us a migration from god relocation from god becomes a very easy thing it is easy sometimes to move away from our spiritual roots when things are not working the way we believe they should or when god it doesn't work on our behalf the way we think he should it's easy to migrate away from what we have known to be a place of stability with god when things don't work as we hope we are ever so tempted to relocate from god to the land of temporal prosperity and earthly comfort but often as i mentioned before escaping from one place to another is simply exchanging one form of misery for another for there is no place on earth where there is no trouble there is no place on earth where we are going to find life forever a rosy and wonderful in the midst of a sinful world in the midst of a broken world we are surrounded by troubles and tragedies and destruction and disasters one after the other and we've got to understand who we serve and who we trust can god sustain us in the midst of our pandemic can god sustain us in the midst of our joblessness and in the midst of our homelessness can we trust this great god hmm i try to tell somebody this morning that no matter how difficult your circumstance may be the safest and the best place to be is in the will of god no matter how horrible your circumstance may be with jesus in your vessel you can always smile at the storms that are raging around you no matter how many times the challenges of life throw you off balance you can trust that jesus is working through all that befalls you yes the bible tells us in romans 8 28 that all things hallelujah all things not some things not maybe all things but the bible is clear the bible is certain that all of things work together for the good of those who are called according to the purposes of god and those who love jesus yes that god works he works for the good of those who love him those who are called according to his purpose that's the god we serve he's not a god who will left us hanging when life is hanging us by a thread he's not a god who will leave us by the way when everybody else walked past us he's not a god to see us in the midst of our suffering and look and says hey i don't know what i can do there's nothing i can do no no no he's a god who will stand with us in the midst of our circumstances in the middle of our trials in the middle of difficulties the bible is clear that this great god works all things together for the good those who are called by his purpose those who love him and so we find in the story our story this morning the only story is our story doesn't matter male or female it's just our story as long as we live in this life as long as we live on this a sinful world on earth rather and in this fallen world indeed as long as we are here nepal missouri will always be the story of god's people living in a sinful world we all face difficulties and we are all tempted to move away from one thing to another in order to find more prosperity or more stability whatever it is more safety doesn't matter we're always moving always relocating always trying and it's all right it's all right to always try but always remember that leaving one place to the next doesn't mean things will always be the way you imagine so we find a homie in mohawk live in the land of bethlehem and then we find her now alone sons are dead husband is dead and we understand it well with all the males in our life we know it we know the story and even now in some many different places with all the men in her life gone naomi's life was worth next to nothing she no one values her because her value was what was was calculated on her husband and her sons being alive now that all the males are taken what does she have left what is there and so with the complete collapse of our world we find this woman sitting in the rubble rum the the rumbling room ruins rather uh the rumble for pain or the rubble for pain of our situation all messed up at this moment in the midst of our tears we find we're sitting in the midst of our pain in the midst of our destruction we find our sitting the one happy woman we find her sitting in the middle of pain with what it seems like no hope of recovery i can't begin to imagine i cannot begin to imagine what nahomi must have been going through have you ever been in a situation where the person you depended on may be lived for basically the person that has been there with you and for you for all these years is suddenly taken away you're left alone a beloved child is taken away by death a beloved spouse suddenly gone from you how do you move forward you prayed that god would spare their lives and didn't seem as though god even answered how how do you continue to do service and to trust this god who doesn't seem to respond to you in the midst of your pain you lost your job and you've got bills to pray and you've got families to take your children to feed the rents to pay and the mortgage to pay and where is god did you not faithfully return to him what he said you were to return did you not faithfully return the tithing offered did you not faithfully serve him in in in the church and give all that you could of yourself and your time but god allow these things to happen why and how could god as we sit in these moments struggling to find answers it is here that is difficult to to really understand when it tells you that god loves and that god cares and that was about to say cast your cares upon me for he cares for you it is difficult to bring it together when you are in your pain and there is no comfort can you think of the homie can you put yourself in her place son's gone husband gone she's left alone with nothing i mean absolutely nothing in a strange land she's not even in bethlehem where at least maybe there's some land and so on and so forth she is in a strange place i mentioned it before a society where a woman's value was calculated on the men in her life with her sons gone and husband gone naomi's value was zero next to nothing this is where the story's supposed to end folks it's over for naomi this is where the story is supposed to end for once the men are removed from the story there is no more story that was the world's way of thinking but i'm so glad that the bible begs to differ so the bible doesn't work according to the world nor i think according to the word the bible difference it differs from the worlds away of how a woman's value is calculated hallelujah somebody you see my life is not worth the uh of its value on the basis of what the world is thinking about me my life is worth worthwhile or is valued on the basis of what the bible tells me somebody ought to shout hallelujah it is not what people say about me that makes a difference about me or make me important or less important it is what jesus says about me it is what the bible tells me that i am my life of the words of my life is not calculated on the world's value but on the value of jesus somebody ought to shout hallelujah so it doesn't matter what i may be going through it doesn't matter what i have or what i don't have as long as i've got jesus and i've got everything i'm worse is never calculated on what we have in this world or what we don't have my worth is calculated from the life of jesus hallelujah somebody sometimes we tend to think that our value is calculated on people or things in our life but but let me tell you that our worth is calculated on the god that is in our lives so as nehom is sifted through the rubble of her pain looking for clues that will tell us something about the god who has power to help her but seem to be doing jesus help us sir the god who's got power to help her but seem to be silent in the midst of her pain won't she sit through the rubble of her life looking for answers hoping that god would respond the bible tells us in verse six the story is just getting started hey somebody when everything is gone the story is just getting started husband gone and son's gone nothing left the bible set up in the middle of a pain in the midst of the disaster in the midst of her sorrow in the midst of her grief in the midst of a strange land she heard it is good to hear something from the lord she heard that the lord has come to the aid of his people by providing food for them i want to tell somebody this morning it doesn't matter how messed up your circumstance may be it doesn't matter how far gone things may be in your life but i want you to know that as long as you listen out for that voice of the voice that often speak peace in the midst of the storm you will always hear the voice of god telling you that he has come to the aid of his people he will never oh i bless god and bless god this morning he will never leave his people alone it doesn't matter what you go through it doesn't matter what storms you may have faced and what battles you are in the midst of just always know that there is a god who stands with you in the midst of your situation she heard now that's a different sermon how on earth did she hear but the good thing is that in the midst of her pain and her suffering lost her sorrow and her grief and in a strange land she heard that the lord had come to the aid of his people by providing food for them now it's proverbs 25 25 says like cold water to a weary soul so is good news from a distant land the bible said she heard that god has come through or come to the aid of his people how can i tell somebody about the faithfulness of my god can i tell somebody that god is faithful the morning by morning new mercies are seen and all that i've needed i know beyond the start of a doubt that my god's hand has provided i can swiftly say i can sweep a singer in the midst of my pain and in the midst of my suffering and in the midst of my loss in the midst of my chaos i can say that god is faithful second to mother chapter say best for me second to mother chapter 2 13 though we may be faithless god remains faithful it is lamentation 322-23 that declares because of the lord's great love we are not consumed for his compassions fail never fail they are new ever mourning great is god's faithfulness verses 31-33 says for the lord will not cast off forever and though he caused grievant will he have compassion according to the multitude of his mercies for he does not afflict willingly nor grieve the children of man can somebody shout that though we've been made into overnight joy will come in the morning it doesn't matter what my weeping tears made for hope my weeping tears may fall it doesn't matter what the devil may try to do to me it doesn't matter what the situation i may be encountered by or may be facing or maybe in the midst of it it doesn't matter as long as god who is faithful is with me because somehow he will stand up and speak bless god for god's faithfulness i praise god for his faithfulness in the midst of her pain i don't want you to miss it so i'm repeating myself in the midst of our pain there is a god who is constantly faithful and so even though we may be faithless even though we may struggle to believe have mercy somebody and even though we may mess up i want somebody to know today that god is never faithless that god is never unfaithful that god never missed messes up that he never makes a mistake it doesn't matter how far down we have gone it doesn't matter how far out we are relocated from here it doesn't matter how much we have joined it away from our relationship with him i come to tell somebody that god still looks out for your the goddess taylor watching over you to bring you back to the land from whence you have gone to bring you back into a relationship with him god desires to save you and so sometimes you may find that even when you are out there your mind just can't seem to let go of the thought and there's a god who's trying to get you back you'll always find somebody's always coming to you you're hearing something somewhere because god is talking god is saying hey i'm coming to your aid i've come to your aid let's bring you home all that somebody today would recognize the voice of god calling them back from the place that they have slipped away from god yes i know colvid has taken a toll on the spiritual relationship of god's people many of god's people have become very comfortable right now in their social distancing and social distancing for many have become a spiritual distancing from god god is saying to us today hey hear me i've come to the aid of my people god desires to bring us back into alignment with him and so the bible said and they hold me heard when we flip down to verse 22 i'm just going to take this thing and run with it when we flip down to verse 22 the bible says so homie returned and ruth her daughter-in-law with her and they came to bethlehem in the beginning of the barley harvest oops she left in search of economic stability or security able to provide food for her family to keep themselves alive they relocated to mohammed her sons married morbid wives and while she was their husband died and then soon after her sons died she's left by herself she's in a strange land but there is a faithful god who never leaves his people and so the bible says she heard while she was there she heard hallelujah that the lord visited his people he came to the aid of his people back in judea and bethlehem and so she decided to return to bethlehem from whence she came and so she did but i want us to fast forward to chapter four for me for a moment you know the story of ruth and all of that we've heard it before so i don't want to focus on the rules but i want you to switch with me and move on to chapter four and there we find the lens of the camera has shifted its focus the situation has now changed from what it was in chapter one [Music] the story that opens with three funerals that god is faithful did i say god does some strange things in some strange ways in the midst of our strange circumstances that's the kind of god i serve hallelujah somebody i feel like shout out hallelujah we serve almighty god the bible says whoops the story that started in verse one in chapter one rather opens with three funerals nahomi in a strange land now closes with nahomi back home where she should have been a wedding and a birth whoops chapter 4 verse 13. so boras took ruth and she was his wife remember ruth the daughter-in-law of nahomi where the bible said in verse 22 and at home it returned with ruth and her daughter-in-law back to bethlehem yeah the bible said boys took ruth and she became his wife and when he went in onto her the lord whoops the lord um somebody she didn't just conceive but the lord gave her conception and she bore a son that's verse 13 of chapter four now listen verse 17 the last part of verse 17 of saint chapter four and they called his name obed whoops oh bad the father of jesse jesse the father of david watch god moving to the story of ruth and the homies life i tell you the story of ruth is our story it's my story from being the receiver of calamity grieving the loss of her sons and her husband having nothing nothing whatsoever to her name the bible said what started in chapter one changes in chapter four for this widow childless widow now becomes the receiver of great blessings unbeknown to nehomi cosmic issues have been blowing in the wind all through her suffering oh naomi's story holds a strategic place in the cosmic rescue effort that was launched in the garden of eden when the first family adam and eve migrated through disobedience to satan's territory this story penned in ruth nehoma's suffering holds a strategic place in god's cosmic rescue effort for mankind the holy story is linked to the story of genesis chapter three oh mercy somebody the story that began in genesis runs through the book of ruth but not only that watch god this story concluded in matthew the story that began in genesis and moved through like a golden thread through the book of rules that moves right on through to matthew i'm telling you frogs god makes no mistake even in the maze of our suffering of those who place their trust in god and even and are wandering away from god there is a great and awesome faithful god who moves in the midst of his people and even our suffering god use our suffering for our good and his greatest glory the bible tells us in genesis 3 15 then we find the promise of a savior i will put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed it shall bruise thy head and thou shall bruise his heel did you catch the story in ruth ruth 4 17 i read the last part look at it look at it open your bibles open your bibles ruth chapter 4 look at verse 17 look at verse 70 and keep your bible open for me keep your bible open because i want to show you something i want to show you something today the story that started in genesis and our planet the promise that was made in genesis i wish somebody could hear me today i said the promise that god a chronicler in the book of genesis chapter 3 15 the promise that god made rises through in the rules in the home is suffering god is fulfilling jesus what a mighty god what a great god then oh oh wish i wish i would listen listen listen listen to me listen i'm getting a little bit excited here because when i think of the goodness of god when i think of his faithfulness even the means of our wondering and even in the midst of our moving away from him and even in the midst of our carelessness sometimes in the midst of our suffering god still comes through for his people oh bless the lord my soul the bible says are you there i give you enough time rules chapter 4 17 the last one there is a son born to nahomi and nothing in the story that tells me that homie remarried and had a son and get you know got pregnant out of the sun the bible said rules jesus did i tell you up front that muhammad that god told his people in the book of deuteronomy that they should never have friendship with the moabites yet the ruth is a morbid translated or or traveled into bethlehem with nahomi oh if you're catching god right here i don't know if you're trying to see god moving in the midst of the circumstances of a world in order to bring about his salvation for his people in a lost world ruled the bible said traveled into bethlehem with nahomi and as ruth get into bethlehem with nahomi rules became married to bohazza and the bible said ruth gave birth to a son and the woman as the homie held that son oh mercy as the homie held that son in her hands the woman of bethlehem declared there is a son born to nehomi and the bible said they called his name obed watch this i'm gonna end this thing because i'm getting a little bit excited uh over here i'm getting too much excited i'm in this room by myself right here i'm getting a little bit too excited i wish i had some folks to shout hallelujah listen listen listen listen listen listen what the bible says they call this name obed orbit the father of jesse right just to the father of david but watch this watch this when you go down to the last verse right verse 22 of this last chapter of ruth right remember chapter one started with all kind of disaster and tragedy death and suffering a chapter four is ending on a different note what chapter four the last verse of rules ends with these words o ben the father of jesse and jesse the father of david why am i saying that i keep repeating that what am i repeating it because watch it watch it watch it the first verse of matthew begins with these words matthew 1 1 this is the genealogy of jesus the messiah the son of david do you catch that you didn't catch what i was just telling you you didn't catch it let me try it again so genesis 15 man sin right jenny says man saying genesis 3 and 15 god made a promise and god promised that he would send a savior yeah the seat of the woman god promised it would send a sega who would crush the head of the serpent hallelujah somebody in order to restore man to their rightful opposition possession position and yes their possession hallelujah in christ jesus and so we see rules in the midst of our suffering god allows the truth [Music] jesus in the midst of her choice in the midst of nehomi's choice relocating to moab a place that god has said hey keep keep away don't don't don't even make with these people she traveled there with her husband lose her husband lose her son but she had two daughter-in-law two daughters in law and one of them traveled back with her and out of that god allowed ruth and to marry to bogeys and boys and ruth wore a son but the woman said nahomi bore his son and i call his name obed and obed became the father of justin jesse was the father of david and matthew tells me the genealogy of jesus did you catch a picture do you catch it the genealogy genealogy of jesus david who is david the son of jesse who was just the son of obed who was obed born out of the suffering of naomi's pain i don't know what you're going through i don't know what you were going through but watch me god did not react to naomi's situation god was not unaware of naomi's situation god acted through naomi's situation not reacted god acted through naomi's situation the relocating the death the suffering the return with ruth god acted through it all to bring about the fulfillment of a promise chronicled in genesis 3 15 the promise of the savior when adam and eve migrated from god's relationship when adam and eve walked away to a strange land when adam and eve through disobedience were cast out of the garden of eden god did not abandon his people i just want somebody to know today that even though you are messed up and even though you've walked away from god if you're watching me today god is trying to tell you that he has not abundantly he wants you to come home long before there was a place called moab or judah long before there was a naomi or ruth god pledge deliverance for a world that is lost in sin and god will use oh mercy god will use any situation he can use to bring about his eternal plan he did not react in naomi's situation but he acted through it in order to fulfill the promise that was spent thousands of years before nehemiah ruth were born all through our suffering and god has been advancing his purpose of all the external circumstance that's threatened to undo nahomi god used to bring about his eternal plan no wonder isaiah 46 11 says what i have said that i will bring about what i have planned that i will do there's nothing that god has promised that god will go back on our not fulfiller he's the mighty god he's a great and awesome god he spoke what was into a distance and another thing the bible said he spoke and it was done he commanded and it stood still he is a faithful promise keeper god promised back in in genesis 3 that he was going to send the sea the seed of the woman would come to bring about deliverance for his people we watched god in the midst of his suffering in the midst of what seemed as though god may have abundant his child and even though she stepped out of prison in heaven god loved them they went out and we went out god brought them back when he brought nahomi back he brought ruth back with her and then god gave who's the son and out of that sun god continues to fulfill this promise of a redeemer i want you to know today that god works for the lives of ordinary and socially insignificant individuals to advance his purposes in this world sometimes we look at our pain and our losses and our sorrows and our suffering and we think that god has left us by ourselves or god doesn't care or god is somewhere doing something for someone else or god is punishing us oh come on let me tell you i serve a loving god a gracious god yes there will be consequences for action don't ever forget that but in the middle of our consequences remember that our god is still faithful my consequence does not change the faithfulness of god are you listening to me god will be faithful evil in the midst of my faithlessness because he's god he cannot deny himself it's up to us to trust god if you take yourself out of your relationship with god find yourself back in he won't force you into a relationship with him he will call you he will allow you to hear nahomi was in a distant land in the midst of a pain in the midst of her grief in the midst of her sorrow when she heard that god visited his people hallelujah i like that that's another sermon god didn't come right over there and he is a land he visited his people and she heard that god was in his place and has landed his church oops and to find herself back to where she's supposed to be the darkest days sometimes the darkest days of our lives sometimes you hear me the darkest days and times of our lives are often the beginning of our brightest days difficulties and trials so often are often god's our best blessings in our lives oftentimes we go through our pain and we suffer loss and we lose our loved ones and we see it as punishment from god because god in a hero's god in a safe zone so god and i keep our job god and i keep the home gardener sometimes our faithlessness have caused us to lose out on our blessings and sometimes we cause we take ourselves out of our relationship with god in being faithful to god it's sometimes things will happen we suffer the consequences of those decisions but no even in the midst of our mess god jesus still steps in to bring deliverance and think of we think of you know the difficulties of our lives you know we think of joseph's story sold into slavery accused and imprisoned yet god used the very place of pain as the vehicle of provision for his people from famine yeah joseph sold into slavery painful messed up but god used that same messed up situation to be a means of blessing for an entire people listen to me think of moses you think of moses whose life was threatened by pharaoh's decree yet god used that very situation as the means for the child's deliverance the very means that pharaoh decreed for the destruction of the child is what god uses for the child's deliverance i'm trying to tell somebody today that when we find ourselves in the midst of trials and difficulties god is still able to step into the middle of our pain our suffering our destruction our disasters our tragedies and use those for our highest good and his greatest glory challenges and difficulties do not nullify the promises of god and his goodness nor his faithfulness nor his care for his people and though you may find yourself in a raging battle struggling to survive life's difficulties know that god has not forgotten about you and even though you may now be walking even in the body of the shadow of death remember that god has not forgotten about you and though you may be in a mess right now amid losses and despair and darkness and frightening possibilities know that god is at work even in the most unlikely events and through the most unexpected agents god does not work despite your circumstance can i say that again god does not work despite your circumstances but rather god works through the circumstances you may feel down and feel somehow that god somehow has forgotten you the songwriter says i let you make me face right now with circumstances that you can't get through and right now it may seem that there's no way out and you're going under hallelujah i want you to tell somebody today that god has proven time and time again that he'll take care of you i want you to know that yeah yeah that'll be different he will do it for you if he did it for jesus he'll do it for you if he did it for moses he'll do it for you yes he'll do it again i know that my god will do it again if you just take a look at where you are now and where you have been hasn't gone always come through for you just know that he is still the same today the same yesterday the same thing as now know that god has not changed you may not know how he's gonna work you may not know when he's gonna work but i'm sure to tell you this morning that my god i'll do it again amazed of your pain the mage of your suffering and the meds of covet 19 pandemic and the meds of the loss of jobs and in the means of the loss of your loved one because of a virus or whatever the situation may be in the midst of your suffering i want you to know that god is faithful if you're walked away from god because you've been struggling to really believe that this god cares i encourage you to take a look at where you've been and where god has kept and how god has kept you and if god is willing to bring you back come back over come back into your relationship with god if you have prone if you if you're wondered away or you're thinking of giving up because god ain't coming through like you wanting to just in case things ain't working out the way you want him to to work and and he's not moving in the way that you're wanting to move just know the day that god is safer the same god the same god who did it then the same god will do it now he'll do it for you yes he will so today whatever it is you're going through or wherever you are in your relationship with them doesn't matter how far you've wondered doesn't matter how far you have slipped away doesn't matter all he's saying is i've come to your aid i've come to your aid you just gotta get up trust him and let him deal with the situation let him take you through it he will do it because he that is promised is faithful he will not go back on his promise though we may be faithless he remains faithful because he cannot deny himself so once you make a decision today to step back in in line in alignment with the god that you've come to know and love is faithful just in case you've stepped out come back and if you have been struggling about staying in that relationship with god if you've been struggling and a songwriter says prone to wonder lord i feel it prone to leave the god of love if you have feel and felt this thing you know trying you're struggling between two opinions whether to stay whether to go what to do you your home and cove it kind of gets you down and spiritually you feel kind of out of it and and things are not the way they used to be when church was open and you just can't seem to get above it you just can't seem to pray as you used to pray your life seemed to have changed god is saying to you today he hasn't changed he hasn't changed he hasn't left so if you find yourself somewhere else from where you should have been where you ought to be then like the homie return return you don't know how he's gonna work it out you don't know when he's gonna work it out but what i do know for sure is that god will work it out he will work it out however he does it he will but he'll always do it for his greatest glory and your highest good so wherever you are when you make that decision today if you have wondered away come home come home if that's you wherever you are it's just you and jesus you lift your hand into heaven and say god it's me it's me take me back if you have never served him you're viewing this presentation today you've never been baptized never given your heart to him maybe you've contemplated it maybe you've not but you're hearing this sermon today god is saying to you i want you come to me come i'll take care of you i want to give your heart to jesus won't you make a decision today that you want to surrender your heart to him have some studies and be baptized if that's you wherever you are god sees you raise your hand and when you get a chance i hope there is some way that you can reach out to your pastor or to an elder communicate to them that you want to make the decision for jesus for those of you who are in church and you're there and you're going through life sometimes knock you down but you get up know that god is faithful as long as you keep getting up he's gonna carry you through don't don't settle just let god do his business so father in heaven i want to say thank you for your grace thank you god for reminding us that a promise made way back in eden you will never stop until it is fully completed jesus came and died yes he did and he surrendered his life that we too might be saved and that plan will fully be accomplished when we are all restored to our full image in jesus and so today you have spoken to our hearts god that we ought to make our calling and election show that we ought to step back in line that we want to get in alignment with god that we ought to surrender if we have stepped away god you're saying to us today come back if we have never come to you you are saying come home because i died to save you and i will not stop until you are fully restored oh god help us to hear your cry your call your voice this morning speaking to us crying out to us saying to us come home i will take you just as you are so god for those who raise their hands accept us accept us and remove from our lives of things that prevent us from truly living for you the issues they got that rise up in our lives that cause us to doubt you or to step away guarded from our relationship with you we beg in the name of jesus the power to rise above to use those things as stepping stone god help us in the name of jesus to stand strong in christ so that by your strength and your power when it's all said and done when life on earth is over we will be able to go home with you to spend eternity with you because we've allowed you to do your work of transformation and reformation in our lives so we say thank you thank you for go to hill the members a guest a pastor the leaders thank you god but through all of this pandemic you've kept your people help us to stay focused to stay faithful in christ until that day we see you face to face in jesus name amen amen god bless you amen so we we just want you to tarry with us for a moment we just want to say praise god uh it's it's one of the the tragedies of this platform that you can't get to see the impact that your message has had and but when you get a chance uh look at the youtube the comments the the the shouts of hallelujah and amen it really touched and spoke to our heart and we we just want to say praise god we i don't know what you're like well i do but i mean the saints don't know what you like with a full congregation because my lord there was so much power in that little room and so many so many powerful points that you shared with us and just spoke to our hearts our situation that that really god uses uh suffering for our good and his highest glory god is faithful in the midst of our faithlessness and god works uh through our circumstances and and so so many more i you know seeing it in a new way and that's the power of the preach word and the holy spirit just to give us a new perspective and and once again thank you we just want you to take our greetings to uh the brethren there and new beginnings and i promise you we we want you to come live and direct in lord and heal when this is all over i know and we're going to book you to come and just maybe in the winter time we'll get you out of that that winter storm sir share a word with us so please once again god bless you please go safely and may god continue to bless your ministry thank you again thank you so much god bless you god bless you thank you wow saints of god what what a message god is faithful and and we know that he's faithful we we can look back over our lives as the song says and we can see the love and mercy the goodness of god the way that he has worked in our lives in spite of our circumstances and and i mean there's just nothing more to add other than to celebrate the faithfulness of god and we want to give thanks to god we we're thanking him for life we're thanking him especially uh for sister coley 92 years of life we celebrate god's faithfulness she can testify i'm sure over the generations and seasons of her life just how faithful god is and we want to continue to lift up those who are continuing to celebrate and to go through the journeys and challenges of their life and so we we're coming to the end we have our announcements in a moment i'm going to close out with just a word of prayer want to remind those of us who are watching online as the appeal was given we have a connect card on our site and you can see in the right hand corner connect with us contact us you can connect with us and just fill that out we want to encourage you and support you in this season this is a powerful word and for anyone who wants to make that step we'll figure it out a way that we can affirm and confirm your decision to follow the lord jesus all the way if you are perhaps viewing us from another space we want lord hill to be your virtual church if you don't have a church family and you want to connect and have a church family we would be happy to support you in that way and so please do connect with us and so we are looking forward to the continued move of god in these uncertain times we we are rapidly moving towards the end of the year we are having conversations about where what might be the best possibility of us to resume some sort of in-person service and we have a meeting with our board on tomorrow to talk about that and of course at our business meeting next week but one thing we do know whatever happens we want to keep these connections and these channels open because we know that god is working even especially in this virtual space and time and so thank you for your presence we'll conclude our worship shortly want to also remind us on wednesday night we have dynamic young pastor pastor kevin mccoy who is the associate pastor at maranatha he will be our speaker for our wednesday worship we really are looking forward to that the various other programs you'll be notified about but i wanted to let you know about that especially and then as we said next sabbath both in the afternoon especially we have our special ay and and then on the 30th and 31st we'll have dr uh eric walsh who will be with us and i can promise you that is going to be just an amazing time together so we're going to close out with prayer we want to thank you again for your presence with us and we know that god is continuing to work in our lives in this season of transition and change we want to remind us and emphasize to us the importance is going to be a program on uh on our responsibility as citizens to vote and to be engaged in this civil discourse we want to remind us that we have a civic responsibility uh to be engaged in the matters that affect our city our our county our state and our country and uh so we remind us that uh early voting uh begins for those who have your mailing ballots you can turn those in and and early voting begins this coming week on october 19th and we are encouraging us to be part of that uh and we know that we can drop our ballots off at the uh electoral office in lawda hill mall and so we will again continue to share more information and so we thank god for your presence we thank god for his word what a mighty word you need to go back and watch that if you have a friend share the broadcast with them let them go and watch it on demand that was an encouraging word for our souls in this season so we're going to close with prayer and then we'll have our announcements mighty father we thank you for the total sufficiency of jesus christ we thank you for the word that was preached to us the encouragement lord that in the strange land in a time of famine in a time of pandemic in a time of uncertainty you are at work you are no less at work lord in fact you are more evident and more present and we thank you for the assurance that we have in you father we want to pray for the various requests that have been made we think especially at this time of della who's in icu in new york a close friend of sister a hill and we praying for her lord we know that you are the great physician and it and if any can do it lord it's you and so we're praying that you would touch her even now we we're thankful as has been said uh for the uh procedure that brother fitzroy went through and we're praying for your healing hand for him as he rehabilitates we're praying lord especially in this season as you remember brother hoylaton and the needs that he has and those who are bereaved and those who are facing financial challenge law this is a real serious time but we thank you that wherever we find ourselves whatever circumstance we find you are there hallelujah and we thank you for that and so lord bless us and keep us cause your face to shine upon us and be gracious unto us and grant us your peace both now and forevermore in the name of jesus we pray amen and amen god bless you please take care and do stay on for our announcements thank you thank you so much pastor for your word of prayer and encouragement to us and once again i just have to echo the words that you said pastor because dr blake was indeed such a powerful speaker her words permeated the airwaves and i to agree with you that chad we were just spiritually and virtually high-fiving and hugging and walking with her with her moments indeed powerful powerful message you really do have to get here get her here live at lauder hill because we just cannot wait to see her in person one of the taglines that i think i'll be holding on to is dealing with relocating from god escaping or are you really exchanging one form of misery for another i mean there's so many taglines that we could actually use here as well so please don't forget echoing the words of our pastor that you have to go back and watch this message just one more time and please make sure that you're dropping that share link in your chat box to a relative to a friend because they need to hear and see this message as well from our own from from dr donette blake and these are the announcements for this week some reminders that we want to tell you please do not forget please do not forget that less what we cannot thank you enough i i say this every week and i really truly mean it i think thanking you is just the most basic thing i can do because you deserve so many more thanks thanks a million for always being faithful stewards to god's work and to god's business we cannot do this without you at all first of all don't forget that you can share this um the adventist giving app with a neighbor with a friend with a family they can also jump on in and give as well cash up is also quite popular just don't forget to give them that link to go into cash app which is the dollar sign at lauderhill sda 33313 if you forgot all of that information tell them listen what you want to give to our church please go ahead on our website laura that's a wonderful place that you can go as you get onto the website you will see the web link for the giving of the web the button that is you can pretty much select that button and go ahead and follow the instructions and you can give your donation as i told you earlier this morning that people are indeed watching they're seeing what you're doing and that is all because you are giving to us we can still come back in this format and continue to stream live with all the programming that we have weekly people are sharing in so please continue to recognize that what you are doing you're giving you're giving is actually doing much more for us as we go through the airways that touch lives in distant countries uh once again our don't forget that ay today will be at 5 00 pm the zoom link is there it's 3 9 4 3 0 9 5 6 7 is the same link we have been using just get on early and make sure that you share on in with that and if you're using a phone please make sure you put your name in that tagline if you can you can ask one of our texts just how to do that so we can share in a note of a name who is experiencing this a y time with us as well vespers will follow today at 6 30. can you imagine that in a couple of weeks we will definitely fall back one hour and the days are showing us that it is time to do so uh you go out right now the sun is setting at a little bit after seven so therefore our vespers will begin at 6 30 pm today the number to call for that line 712-451-0288 and the access code is 492-852 with the pound sign at the end of course and then tomorrow adventurous please remember that you're not meeting today but you're going right at the church side to do your garden planting don't forget to wear your masks and to watch your distance and of course bring your favorite plant that you would like to use to beautify our church as well we can't wait to get back there because by the time we get back there we will see the work that you have done with your garden planting as well and that time that you'll meeting tomorrow will be at 10 pod finder club meeting for e-trackers only is also taking place tomorrow uh the 18th uh please remember pod finders are that easy easy way for you to get information is to check in with your counselors and also your directors as well i'm sure there's a whatsapp group that you're a part of so please make sure that you are checking that link in this virtual space and virtual season you know this is one sure shot way that you have to make sure that you're keeping up with all the information that you have so please make sure that you check in um virtually with your counselors and directors so you have precise information of what you need to do as a pathfinder and don't forget that the e-tracker i camper repayment those are now being collected via cash app and it's the same cash app for the church dollar sign lord of health sda three three three one three church board members church board meeting is tomorrow at 10 a.m i have not heard from everyone but don't forget for us to meet to discuss we need to have a quorum in place so please if you have not done so please indicate you know your intentions to be present or not at the meeting uh friday night youth talk will continue with our pastor i'm sure he would like to hear some suggest some suggestions and feedbacks from you some topics you may want to cover something you may want to hear please join him at 7 30 at friday nights and make sure you bring a friend as well it's always important to be involved not only with your church brothers and sisters but also to tag along a friend as well church business meeting will also be on the 24th that is next sabbath and that will be after vespers please stay tuned for the link and of course any pressing issues as well you'd like to contact the pastoral staff as well for that as always for all links all details you're texting the clerks and if you also have any bereavement announcements please make sure that you're reaching out to the pastoral staff our head elder assistant elder dr ezra cory and also elder milton palmer please reach out to them as well so we can be here in your time of need to comfort you as best as we can as a church body and as a church family so once again we want to thank you so much for joining us today at laura hill 70 adventist church where through christ hearts are indeed united relationships are nurtured and lives are indeed transformed see you again next week as you worship with us don't forget we have live worship sabbath says 10 a.m wednesday nights at 7 30 p.m and we also have our morning prayer line we want to see you next week please make sure you're sharing the link please continue to stay safe make sure you're wearing your masks you're washing your hands you're watching your distance and of course you're worshiping with us weekly thank you for joining us today and please see you again next week you
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Views: 1,079
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: oySq3KtS86A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 200min 27sec (12027 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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