Latto on creating Big Energy, Mental Health, being Starstruck & Who She Respects

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okay lotto first off i'm excited that you made time to stop by you know you know i'm so happy that you're here but you're so busy you just did seth meyers right i did and this was your first late night talk show late night talk show so when i got the call i'm like wait me why me i mean they like the energy he's doing what he's doing come on i'm like okay okay hella rehearsals child yeah what makes you nervous i just we wanted to like i don't know i just wanted to give them all and i'd be like i hope they like it and i don't know it's a lot at once because all this stuff is just happening so fast like i mean i've been rapping for a long time of course but it's like you dream about it dreaming about it dreaming about it and now you're doing it and it's like bam like and it's happening so how was the rehearsals were you being extra hard on yourself oh i'm so hard on myself my team know like soon as i got upset i said how did it look they're like it looked good i said show me the footage i don't believe you tell me now i'm so hard on myself but i'm a capricorn so we like them they're perfectionists like well your birthday is next month so happy early birthday thank you you are a capricorn i actually pulled up these traits that apparently capricorns have and i want to know if you agree with them okay okay let me be honest be honest persistent very very i'm that's me i'm okay i've been rapping since 8 years old disciplined it depends what it is i would say if i really really want it or i really really want to do it or whatever the case is then yeah but like with this diet i'm not disciplined not but now you had mentioned you wanted to become a vegan and then you were trying to be a pescetarian first and then where are we at now okay so this is named what happened was i was pescetarian for like a little over a year and then i had just um started eating chicken again recently but not fried chicken if that makes it any better i am not judging anybody because i remember i was vegan for three years it was just tough yeah it was hard and i was like don't it's like when you're traveling it's even more hard and then you are dependent on i would say not the best food because you're just kind of all right i'll eat all the carbs fast exactly it takes a toll on you it does it does but it's okay i'm supposed to be disciplined i'm a capricorn how about sensitive very very like but this is the thing though we act real tough but on the inside we're so sensitive like all right we got that like what's that candy and it's like a chocolate shirt but or all right i was gonna say that little chocolate oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and it has a goody thing that's us that's us really especially me with my man did he yell at me no it's because i love you and i don't know how to express myself i think we're very sensitive that's okay yeah okay how about competitive oh what capricorn and competitive synonyms synonyms so this is good all the success is what you wanted yeah yeah yeah it is dang right all of it is pretty much accurate yeah that's crazy and you said you began rapping when you were eight years old yeah eight years old like and i don't mean like you know how they'd be like oh i was rapping in front of the tv with the microphone karaoke machine no like different like going to the studio after school doing my homework in the studio doing shows like for real real deal rapping like a career how did you know this is what you wanted to do was there a specific moment that happened you're like okay i'm gonna commit myself to this um honestly i just it was something that i chose at first um like all the men in my family drag race so i was drag racing um they was lying by my age and stuff you had to be like 13 to drag race so they had bought the drag car and like all the equipment like expensive little hobby whatever so i'm doing it and then i'm like nicki minaj had came out i fell in love with nicki minaj and i loved writing i always loved writing so i think like one day i just told my daddy and i was nervous to him because he really wanted a boy he got me and my sister just two girls so he really wanted me to drag race because he didn't have no boys to drag race like all the men in my family's dread race so i'm like daddy i don't want to drag race no mom wait he wanted this to be a professional career yeah like um oh what's her name i'm sorry i'm so sorry no disrespect uh if i say it wrong but danica patrick i think yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah what like i heard he's like you're gonna be like danica patrick you're gonna be like danica betcha you're gonna be like oh i'm like yeah danica patrick danica patrick no nicki minaj nicki minaj might be like oh hey nicki nicki no really and i was so like i felt so guilty to tell him like i was so like scared whatever but i had like the most supportive parents ever like when i told him as hard as he went for the drag racing thing he went for my rapping career and now look at him it's paying off now he was managing you for a while right he was he was and then you decided obviously to switch it up a different direction which happens yeah it does it does and it's not always the easiest because you know it's it's family at the end of the day but you know what's better i feel like family holds more weight than any others family come first so i i wanted to protect the the relationship before the career you know what i'm saying like how hard was that conversation and wait how did you get yourself prepared were you practicing were you like okay this is what i'm gonna say like how long did it take before you decided i'm gonna have this hard conversation with my dad dad probably took a child i don't even know um i can't even tell you a time stamp it took so long i love my daddy to death i really do and i really feel like i wouldn't be where i'm at today without him um he he believed in me before any of this you know like so it was very um nerve-wracking and i was like heavy heart that day heavy heart but i do love you daddy i do did you cry a lot a lot it wasn't just one conversation either it was we you know we family i mean my daddy we twins so it's heated then it's crying and it's not talking to you then it's like just checking in on you know what i'm saying so it's a roller coaster it still is a roller coaster what is what do you think has been his biggest concern for you to just go off into the world make decisions on your own yeah obviously great things have happened yeah but what would you say was his biggest concern honestly i feel like my safety you know this industry is oh yeah raw uncut you know um so i feel like my safety in the music business and then like he watched me grow up like i've always had my daddy in my in my life in my household you know so just me becoming a woman like protecting me from men and protecting me from the industry like just my safety overall i think it just drives some nuts yeah yeah you still have a long way to go you started at a young age yeah yeah i do i do i do and hopefully he gonna be with me you know just not as a manager but daddy daddy cheer me up that's all that matters yeah yeah so that's nice okay okay do you remember the first check or moment that you realized okay this is going to be my career i am making a living creating music you want to know something though like i've been making like small money since i was a kid like i remember like getting like 100 features in like sixth grade stuff like that okay especially in sixth grade that's a lot of money i don't have no bills like baby take me to route 21 take me to rainbow baby what's up great stuff like mom we've been involved baby i was i was making hundred dollar features um then in high school i used to throw these parties and then i started making a little money for real i was throwing these like teen no id parties ten dollars ahead was packing that thing out and um then again my parents always supported me just let me walk home with all the profit but my daddy would be helping me like he would be like the security guard at the door my mom would be fake security too chad so this is always what you wanted to do it really is it is and it's crazy because at that age i kind of took it for granted because it was a lot of times where i would want to go to like the skating rink or my friend's birthday party something on the weekends and my daddy would be like no you got a show you can't you can't go and i'll be like y'all so mean but now i'm so grateful because he was like you're gonna thank me later and i'm like dang i'm thanking you now right i love you daddy this is good and you're still so young i am i am i feel like a freaking og because i just didn't seen a lot and been through a lot at a young age but everybody always be reminding me like you a baby oh wait i am young it's okay i can make some mistakes i'm young i got time to fix it and when you were on the reality show the rap game yeah you were so young then i was 16 16 16. i was 16. i think i was like um [Music] 17 by the time it aired like fresh 17 but i was 16 like when we shot it and stuff what fifth grade what was your best memory from the show i think um hmm my best memory i i had a lot of good memories on the show honestly it was it was a fun experience i think the best memory was probably meeting the brat because my daddy a little hip-hop head child so the bread was he always a little bit meat in the bread because i just feel like my my childhood became one i'm like oh this who was always on the tv the bread um i love r b so jagged edge i make jagged edges maybe i would trim it out no is that the song like you listen to when you're in love is that what i remember that from your mtv yes listen good luck charm is my favorite song period ever ever ever it just it's my childhood nostalgic to me i just i love that song over nikki it's it's my favorite song but nikki nikki you still hold a special place in my heart but jagged ass dude got my favorite song yeah what was the hardest about doing a reality show um i think just like distinguishing reality from reality tv especially at a young age like that like you fall for a lot of the little traps the producers throw at you and stuff like it would be a lot of times like i hate that it looked like i hate watching episodes back really yes i hate watching episodes back but when i do see clips and stuff i hate just how how i look in the confessionals and stuff because they'll ask you a question about somebody and then me i'm just so gullible i'm just answering the questions so it'll look like you're repeatedly talking about people and stuff i'm like but that's why i'm like so hands-on with my career now like i'm very anal about everything like no this this this i put my two cents in on everything because i don't want to be portrayed as nobody but me also if you don't control your story someone else will exactly exactly in this industry child they're going they're going to make it they will tell you who you are before you can say who you are right or you before you even know who you are that's right and and it's good that you know this at a young age and it's good that you um hold on to that don't let that go yeah you know trust your gut that's important oh good you can't being a female and being young is just it get rough at times so like literally i had my wuss out moments pray call my mama calm down my sister too my sister oh my baby sister child that's my go-to who is would you say your sister's who talks sense to you if you're old yes for sure i call her for advice on anything like i'm like brooke i'm about to cuss that around this what happened xyz she like no what you need to say is that okay okay you're right you're right you're right isn't it interesting that you're so good at making music you obviously take such pride in your pen game but communicating sometime when it comes to just talking to somebody else or expressing yourself it's it's different than writing a song it is because i'm very like um what's the word am i saying um empath i'm gonna end your empathy so i feel like guilty like i don't even wanna tell people like no i don't like that or like you know what i'm saying i'm still learning to like have my voice my own voice and because i think having my opinion is like hurting somebody feelings but it's like you gotta tell me like even like with my glam team i just now like getting into the like comfort zone to where i can be like i don't like that you know what i'm saying yeah i used to be like running to my manager like brandon i don't like my hair just the other day that happened oh my god not with keto not with keto you're yeah more comfortable saying what you want yeah yeah like learning to like you don't you're not hurting people's feelings by being honest all the time right and sometimes it's not about what you say it's how you say it exactly exactly and that's a hard i feel like that's a hard thing to really get down oh yeah oh yeah i'm still going to be learning that probably for the rest of my life especially being a female in the industry they they quickly call you oh she a [ __ ] oh she hollywood she died are you don't read comments do you read comments i do don't i do i do i know my team probably back there like did she do that she do i understand wanting to glance at it here and there but sometimes you just you kind of need that voice of reason to remind you hey right get back on track yeah stay focused because it's a lot it's very overwhelming yeah i think it's just because i'm young like the internet instagram is live you grew up on it you know i can't get off of it but i am learning like you know i see that like the effect it has on my mental like you know what i'm saying like i will read comments and just get engulfed and just like overwhelmed and just and i'm like okay let me just swoosa get off and i go to my mom and my sister and they help you again yes that's important yes yes sometimes it's breathing techniques sometimes it's just hey let me put the phone down right let me walk away a lot of times that's really what it is just putting the phone down right putting the phone down because as soon as you log out the app it's over with all that stuff is not real life right so how do you take care of yourself yeah you know are you doing that or are you i'm still learning how to do that too because it's it's a lot at once and i'm young i'm just i feel like i'm still learning myself and i'm learning how to be an artist and i'm learning my my place in this industry i'm learning my place in the world you know i'm saying you just kind of like growing up in in in this business but growing up as a human being at the same time you know so i don't know i like i go with my mom and my sister i keep bringing them up my mom and my sister like we'll be at the house like holidays we're together like um halloween was like carving pumpkins and stuff like that's that's my like wuss out time that's my wooster time i feel like they are my meantime like when i'm with them i'm me you know a lot has been happening yeah you know i mean other than us being in a pandemic for a long time now but a lot has happened for you this past year i know you decided to change your name why was that important for you i feel like okay well let me say this um because a lot of people think that i named myself that and i really didn't i started rapping at eight years old and i was given the name and i didn't know you know at eight years old i don't know what the hell they mean i don't know the history behind it i don't know nothing you know what i'm saying so um i think it's just a matter of me growing up and becoming aware of it doing my research just being told different things and i'm like wait huh so i'm like let me go let me go look that up myself because if that's what this mean and that's what the weight that this word carry this term carries even historically i'm like it just don't align with my values my morals as a woman as a human as a black woman you know what i'm saying so i'm like maybe i maybe i should listen to y'all but from the jump i did not name myself that you know what i'm saying so i grew up and had my own values and changed it changed it what's been the hardest part so far being in this industry and you still have a long way to go yeah yeah yeah yeah but so far at this moment when you take a moment to reflect what would you say has been um okay but you've learned a lot yeah it's the hardest part probably probably just stay insane that's too general isn't it no i think i i personally i understand what i'm saying when i say that yeah because you could be in your head too much you could start to feel like you're kind of out of your element yeah you feel like wait am i doing things is this what i want or is this what somebody else wants are they they want it for me oh my god especially since i've been doing this for so long i had a point where i was like am i doing this because i love this or am i doing this because this is all i know but i do love it we get to the conclusion i love it but yeah just stay insane like the comments the the fast-paced lifestyle um it's just it's a lot it's a lot just stay insane really when it comes to your work do you feel because you're critical of yourself and obviously you have a team around you yeah if you make a mistake you're not afraid to say hey i made a mistake oh no not at all not at all not at all like i'm very vocal on twitter like um i did the vmas and i was so nervous i was so nervous and then we had a boot malfunction oh my gosh that just so i was like i feel like i didn't give him my all so i went on twitter like hey baby should this thing this happen but it is what it is and we just gonna turn up next time they was like um they kept telling me like yo breath control your birth control i'm like oh baby i'm about to go to the gym so it ain't nothing next time gonna be the best time baby so how would you be amazed it was so fun i was so nervous okay so boom this was my first vmas attendance my first vma nomination and my first vmware performance all at once so i was like boom boom boom like so i was super nervous and then the boot malfunction but i wouldn't i wouldn't trade that opportunity for the world i was like they want me little me yeah yeah where were you when you got the call who told you hey lotto the amazing they want you to perform i really don't remember where i was but i know it either my manager or my project manager kayla told me and i probably was like okay like every time i just be like why me like i don't know i don't know why i'd be too humble i know that's all that's really how my manager be like why not you right this is something you've been doing since you were eight yeah this is all that you know that you've always talked about and you're manifesting yeah know what's happening i i just said that on twitter the other day i was like because what made me something some one of my fan pages maybe they posted something something and i was like oh my god y'all like i really manifested this hard work though let's it wasn't just thoughts no yeah no i and you know what when people always they you know how you do interviews and they'd be like what's your advice to an upcoming family i'd be like baby right there that's that's it like you gotta really believe in yourself and don't just believe in yourself in the bed laying down every day like you gotta go you gotta go don't wait on nobody you pray yes pray but work hard at the same time people just be waiting for stuff to happen you gotta get up especially in the world like this generation like this baby these girls is on my ass these girls it's a new rapper every day like you cannot you gotta go you gotta go get it don't be scared don't wait on nobody go get it yeah and there's a lot of work to be done it is it really is even like when i signed to the label like man my manager had to talk like we ain't gonna wait on them we gotta go we gotta go that's how it's supposed to be that i tell everybody this anytime i see them not that my advice matters at all never wait on a record label don't wait on a team for things that you need to get done because ultimately it falls on you yeah and they got a whole roster of people yeah they're not just working with waking up thinking about lotto now this deal is somewhat new last year you signed this the year before last last year was um okay so boom i signed in december nobody knew then we announced it in march so nobody knew but yeah okay so how is that experience going for you so good i'm not gonna lie like i love my team shout out to everybody on my team i ain't even gonna start naming names come on forget people and i don't want nobody exactly i ain't i ain't taking no to no more interviews but no i really do love it i say it's home um i'm a priority over there that was like one of my main concerns i'm like yeah i got a whole roster of people who gonna pay attention to little me you know what i'm saying and i feel like i feel safe i feel like i got a real team rooting for me was it a hard decision were there other people on planets like okay i have to make this is time to grow up yeah it was very hard because at first i'm like well why i can't just stay independent you know what i'm saying but i have been independent for so long i feel like i just like kind of reached that capacity like it's like okay i want to be bigger than this though and but that's fine though because a lot of people everybody don't have the same goals like some people they don't want to be a mega star you know what i'm saying they don't want to be nicki minaj i baby i i want to be like nicki minaj when i grow up so i was like i need that team behind me i need people working around the clock different departments you know i need that machine i remember one of your interviews i think it was again the mtv one yeah you talked about how excited you were when nikki had tweeted showing you love and you said you were gonna get the tweet and frame it and put it up did you frame it yet i just moved in my house so i haven't put it up but it's framed okay yeah it's framed i'm just waiting on my glam room to be finished but it's framed and all my plaques and everything won't go in there right with that because that's a black too baby if you could make your dream come true right now who's somebody that you would love to make a song with nicki minaj oh nico marache the harajuku barbie i love that you know i think it's beautiful that you're such a fan of the music yeah you're such a fan and it shows yeah and the gratitude is there yeah excitement is there and i think that's important yeah i think you you can't take this for granted because this is somebody's dream i'm living this is my the eight-year-old me that's i'm living her dream you know what i'm saying so i'll never take it for granted i'll be star striking some oh [ __ ] when when was the last time you were star struck the most recent time [Music] when was the most recent time i was star struck brandon i'm trying to look at my manager like i i'm finna stay at the okay boom oh you just said wait go ahead i was gonna say the most recent on the top of my head was i think um that was the bt awards bt awards in la i met kim and she told me she loved me and i was like how do you even know me girl like stop playing with me she was so nice oh my god so sweet and she was like just call me whenever you need me i'm like stop i'm gonna pass out like you can't be doing me like well have you called her no i i'm so i'm so like i'm weird like i got social anxiety i'm like i love you and thank you for like reaching out but like i don't want to bother you like i'm weird it's out of respect that you don't want to yeah overstep like on twitter on twitter the other day i had posted pictures from cardi's birthday party and it was like how do you go to somebody's birthday party and don't even speak and i was like i mean post pictures i was like i didn't want to bother her like i'd be weird i'd be weird but i think again it shows the excitement and the respect yeah you know like this is real legends like i met remy i met kim i'm like baby this is legends like y'all tripping i don't want to bother them okay speaking of legends i was so happy to see monica in your video first okay she still be having me just she'd be dming me i'd be like monica just be dm like what no you don't know i love mo i love mo and i don't even think she knows i really need to tell her this my daddy was her next-door neighbor like a long long long time ago yeah and i always kept that in the back of my head like i remember in school like my daddy used to stay next door to monica like girl she was a good neighbor a nice neighbor i don't even think he remembers i don't even think he remembers i think they was like probably very young child i don't know how did you and monica connect um i i think i've always followed her on instagram yeah and then one day she just followed me oh yeah moment i'm like i don't even know when or how she found me child i don't know but or did she did she know like she wanna she from the south side i'm from the south side all right girl like this is deeper than music like [ __ ] you that [ __ ] like it ain't too many girls from the south side so we'd be like you know trying to link up whatever but um yeah that was crazy she was cool as hell she she was she actually put up on me i had hit people um to make a video for me so uh wakka two chains gonna and sierra made videos for me but monica actually pulled up on me wow i was looking for the video for south side yes she pulled up on me that's special i'm terrible about i'm like girl first of all with that thing on her monica goonaka goonaka she pulled up in the hood like yo what's up and she's very sweet she's so sweet like the most genuine soul you ever gonna meet angry kicking it in a sprinter she like get home safe call me afterwards like you straight i'm at um what's the spot um spawn davis this is a little seafood spot she like i'm at spawn dudes are you here smacking everything she's like i'm exponential if it's on you make sure you straight you got home safe you know there's not a lot of people like it's not look out it's not genuinely care right from a sincere place right right monica is someone anytime i've come across any time i've ever come across her it's just a genuine place it is and when she's with you she's with you right and i think everybody be wondering like why she cool with everybody that's why i have yet to come across anybody who don't know who and doesn't like her like on top of it right it's always been like no yeah you see what you got if i if i'm talking to somebody and they'd be like you know they don't like monica i'll be like no baby it's you it's never monica it's you now i i was reading up a little bit and tell me if i heard this right first female rap artist to go gold and then platinum out of atlanta yeah i didn't even believe it at first like i was like i think my manager told me and i was like don't have me tweet this and i get dragged because they didn't been like i said are we right i think it's just because there haven't been a lot of like limelight on the females from atlanta because there's a lot of female rappers from atlanta like um i'm a red adult i'm already one of my favorites right now i think they just the men have just been the forefront for so long did you celebrate did you who did you call when you first found out who who was the first person to call my mama i probably thought my mama or my sister what are the two one of the two i i don't know y'all i was i think i was just so stuck on like googling it and making sure i went wrong before they dragged me because i'm like girl are we no way let's make sure let me make sure before i tweet this and then shoot it was my captions for probably that whole week on instagram [Laughter] looking at hi nice to meet you i'm the um first fellow that's what they're talking about it's me it's me yeah yeah you google me yeah it's me it's me i saw a video of you i think you were in clayco right and everybody was surrounding you in this that's got a few materials what i mean that's home what that's home like that's a skating rink that i used to go to on saturdays like that that day i ain't gonna lie that was like a real eye-opener for me like i'm like dang like how i looked at nicki minaj or you know not to like up myself big on myself but it's some it's some girls from clayco who look at me like that you know what i'm saying i'm like dang i need to um cover up cause this little girl's looking at me let me just put a jacket on let me put a jacket on i i'm a role model now okay i want to talk about big energy yes this is exciting yes how did the song come about okay so it's a funny story behind this because the song was actually not gonna come about was it the clearance for tomtom clubs no actually that wasn't really that hard the clearance wasn't i was gonna they must like the song i don't know okay so stay out of that stuff you stay out there guarantee i don't believe you cause i'll get in my feelings and stuff like you know i just stay out of this when did you first hear it do you know what i mean like was it because you knew tom tom club song or was it mariah carey's fantasy like when did you realize okay yeah i like this it takes me back to this moment okay so my mom and them generation don't shoot me okay but i'm about to be real honest i was in the studio in l.a i had took probably i think i was living in la for a month and i was just recording every day so um they had i think they was like we got this song we want to play you and i'm like okay play it and it was like no no no no no it's it's not for her somebody else was like um no no she's not gonna like that it's not for her it's too poppy that her and my manager was like no play like play for her and it was like no no no he made them play it and i'm like not y'all tripping like this beat crazy and they like yeah like that's tomtom club i'm like oh no baby you gonna have to play that i don't know what you're talking about so i had to play tomtom club and my engineer he like no disrespect no this way um my engineer he like girl this was at all my cookouts i'm like well y'all gonna have to play for me because i don't know so i thought it was dope to like reintroduce even though mariah reintroduced it to her generation i think it's dope to like re reintroduce it because i didn't hear that song growing up in my household so i was like hey it's a whole generation of people that probably don't aren't familiar with it you know what i'm saying just being honest they probably gonna check me for that baby you know mariah carey's fantasy i did i see you know when you heard it but i didn't know it i didn't know that i knew it you know what i'm saying so they after they played time time club i'm like oh no it sounds familiar then they play um fantasy mariah and i was like oh no that sounds extra familiar you know what i'm saying like i knew them but i didn't know that i knew them i thought when you used the word fantasy in the song i thought that was you like you know and people they're paying homage yeah it was more like it rhymed with energy okay and i was just saying stuff that right this just shows you how much i don't know yeah and then i saw your post for halloween when you're dressed up as mariah carey yeah iconic rainbow album cover i was like okay yes because that's the thing so twitter had like took my words and just mixed them all up and made it like i was trying to throw shade at mariah carey i love mariah carey this is the thing i'm a little mixed girl with blonde hair everywhere i went they're like girl you look just like mariah carey girl you look just like mariah carey so i had this like little obsession with mariah carey i'm like no they tell me i look like this lady named mariah carey so i would just go home watch all her music videos that i i have like literally my mom probably still has them i made her go buy her physical albums everything like i really had this little obsession with mariah carey because everybody told me i looked like her so i meant no disrespect i'm like no no no y'all tripping so i was like i want to be mariah carey for halloween so they can know like there's no disrespect to um mimi like baby ain't that this ain't that i'm a mariah but apparently that hurt my feelings i'm like no no no no i love mariah yeah have you had a chance to talk to mariah or say hey no but mariah if you see this girl i love you so just don't listen to twitter no do not listen to twitter like i had i had rainbow album actually i think that was my mama's but she had just gave it to me like when i was like obsessed with her and um i had e u e equals m c square my i remember my daddy had like the burned version of that sorry i i really need to go buy it but um he had gave me the burn version of that like the little trunk selling it out the trunk and i played that day in the depth and um my great-grandma had died around that time so i loved baba and that since then have always been my favorite that's a that's an emotional yeah i feel like that song is like baby that need to be every funeral you know what i'm saying yes and it's so pretty i love that song now part of the lotto wien series i also saw that you redid faith evan yeah cover vibe iconic with big yeah that was another twitter inspired costume because they always telling me i look like faith evans so i was like okay well we just gonna do this one for the one time have you talked to faith i haven't yet you'll probably come across yeah i'm sure yeah i hope so i don't know i hope she liked the picture yeah i you know it's uh i love that you show love yeah that's important oh yeah it's not that you think oh i'm not going to do that because i don't know what that means i think it's okay to show love to people it's okay to say i'm a fan okay i think people just get to hollywood like they'd be like oh i'm a celebrity you're a celebrity like maybe i'm still listed from click around i'm with a little money a little getting there yeah you know i think you're good i see the the real jewelry on yeah right now this is it's not i just like i'm still listening from klekko i just like nice things just how would you say musically has inspired you the most um okay i think i'm gonna have to say so this is two completely different artists i don't that's okay i'm gonna say gucci uh when i did move up with gucci that was like life-changing um gucci had always been my favorite rapper since a kid so i think that like southern aesthetic that cool like when i'm in that bag like that cool laid back lotto that slow southern flow that's all gucci and then um nicki minaj because they're for real when you can't i always say this i think any female rapper that came out after her you can't not give her credit for her influence on your career i just feel like when nicki came out her impact was crazy oh yeah and you could see the you could see the the reinventions in in our glam and our flows and our music i watched nikki do rap to pop so i would be lying if i said that didn't make me be like oh i can do big energy you know what i'm saying so naked yeah and you can this is your truth yeah you could like and whoever's inspired you the most you were allowed to feel that way i know you have to run i have to ask about the bruised soundtrack what oh speaking of um starstruck i was so starstruck when i met haley like i was like tripping like i was stumbling my words and i was just tripping i had to apologize like girl i'm sorry i'm just star straight let me live through you right now because i had to ask her questions i'm like why are y'all doing this i can barely even speak like childhood mess like i'm singing i'm singing to her halle berry halley berry no she was so cool so humble she made a tick tock together too i was so nervous to ask her to make one with me of course she was the sweetest i'm sure was like yeah of course yeah she was like yeah and i oh this is the thing so um santana shout out to santana we did this dance right here from tic toc so i was like hallie do you do you be on tick tock she was like yeah my daughter dude whatever that so i know a little bit here and there so i was like do you know this dance she was like yeah i'll do it with you i said girl stop playing with halle berry halle berry but no i'm so excited for bruce to come out like the whole idea i don't know whose idea that was but i think the idea is so dope and it was it it's crazy that that's the first female hip-hop soundtrack like i'm like damn really but yeah when i heard that i didn't you don't realize like oh wow that's crazy because imagine how many all male hip-hop soundtracks it probably is it's probably a million but that's the tone that the industry is setting right now baby these females we kicking in the dough yeah we ain't taking no for an answer were you nervous at all to crown yourself as queen of the south because you are respectful and you understand what it is you're a fan of music yeah or were you like no i'm ready it's competition because clearly you like competition right i do like competition but i didn't honestly guys i'm the truth i did not look at it like that i looked at it like more like i'm i'm stamping myself not as like i'm like uh the diminishing other people career or like belittling that career i was just more like i'm stamping myself i be tunnel vision chad i don't be worried about nobody else trina megan city girls gangsta boo it's a million um queens of the south i'm just letting y'all know that i'm one of them too you know what i'm saying so i ain't mean no harm well it didn't mean no harm you know it's a you're competitive we talked about this earlier it's the trade yeah it's in me and you don't take offense when someone wants to compete back no i mean that's the that's where hip-hop originated battling and freestyling you know what i'm saying going bar for bar well i hope to talk to you real soon yeah i know your birthday's coming up do you have any big plans i'm gonna have a big old birthday party in atlanta okay so if you don't gotta do maybe you should fly down atlanta that's where it's gonna be anyone special gonna be out there for you chad i don't know i got a lot of celebrity friends so i hope they all fought and i know that you do your best not to share you know your relationship and details but you are in a relationship i am wiped up baby so nobody can dm you at this point or i guess people can still dm your deputy but i don't even be checking that side honestly no more and why is it important for you to keep that to yourself i just feel like everything about what i do is like in the forefront i don't get to protect anything so the things that i can protect i do like i don't really post my sister like that i don't post my family in general like that because i don't want to see no bad comments about them i read i read comments about me all day it's whatever but i'm so protective over like anything i love or anybody i love so like my family my man i'm just not going to play about them and i just don't want to go to jail for the rest of my life because somebody want to play with family is them to you but you know you got to take care of your loved ones yeah and i and i the reason i asked that was because i think sometimes people think it's just like oh you're trying to not share with your fans when you share so much i think what is important is that you don't want a relationship maybe to define you i think a lot of times in this kind of world that we live in sometimes it it could be like that it's not easy on women it's not oh it's not it's not they you you somebody ex or somebody baby mama i don't want to be that i'm me first and we're going to establish that and then we can talk about the rest big energy big energy big ladder i hope all of your dreams come true thank you so much you have a great team thank you i love that you're hands-on with everything i hope you come back to new york sometime soon i know it's atlanta all day for you but you know we're all enjoying this journey and i know you want to know something before we leave yeah of course if it is atlanta all day and if you know me you know baby i'm rip atl but i really like new york a lot like i'll be talking in my accent or whatever like you know i'd be like i need to chop cheese right now at the bodega you know what is it that you love about new york what is it i love the fast pace you know like most people from the south or just what i hear most people from the south they'd be like oh it's too fast it's too busy i like it well you i'll be on the code here like you feel inspired like an energy yeah that you don't get anywhere yeah you really don't like la is cool to record when i'm on my little laid back vibes or whatever but i'll be working in new york i'll be working i'd be at it i'm excited for you i'm excited to see what you do for your birthday i'm sure we'll see pictures have a great time and i hope you have many many more birthdays thank you great thank you so much and say hi to your family i will okay mommy and sister don't forget your dad oh yeah and daddy too daddy too don't forget this could turn into a situation oh child y'all don't do me like that don't do me like that thank you so much you
Channel: HOT 97
Views: 77,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hot97, hip hop, New York, NY, US, United States,, #hot97
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 53sec (2633 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 15 2021
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