Latinos react to Thank God I Found You - Cover by BuDaKhelxKat | Mad... We are on it! ♥😮😭

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feature friday the freshest uh this is a video that's been requested a lot uh especially i don't know like it's been very eagerly spoken about we have spoken to daryl before um and he kind of spoke to us a bit about this video and this released i think on it wasn't christmas day i think it was no it wasn't new year's eve yeah new year's eve and they obviously has buddha kale has a boy michael and the and daryl and uh katrina yeah like a turn of lard is in here so yeah let's have a look at a lot of people like very eager for us to check this and there's a lot of surprises and things like that i'm really looking forward to it i think i have an idea what's going to happen because we obviously spoke to him a bit about it but he didn't really spoil much so and i i just i just love this song and the concept of why they're making this track is so like i thought it's so important so relevant i thought what a great way to you know give thanks and and finish such a troubled year you know reflecting the good things that you had and the good people that you know helped you push through it the hobbies and the new things that you discovered throughout i think i think it was a really nice reflective way to like close up the year and you know it's never it's never it's never overrated to give thanks and especially to the reasons that helped you push through it's such a troubled time the message here you you told me he said he was someone along the lines of the people that sort of made 2020 less of a painful journey journey and year because it wasn't very difficult especially for singers uh it was very rough everybody everybody but particularly the gigging culture and people that were doing concerts and and artists even though you know they can still have other shows and stuff like that but it was very difficult adapting to that type of stuff and the fact that he's uh being awesome to to i don't know say thank you to all these people and his friends and family and and other creators and stuff that is lovely it's fantastic i'm really looking forward to this oh we have to it is done you get it oh there's mariah carey as well now it's a nice filter oh my god [Music] that light blue is hot shut up those harmonies that was a big boy man he's tall as hell oh my god i'm going back sorry world you're listening to it again [Music] oh that is clever as hell that's beautiful oh that's gorgeous those gorgeous work this year may not have been the best for all of us but with our loved ones whose support and love continue to ignite our passion we are still here striving to become better facing whatever obstacles life may bring what a dear jerker god i haven't even listened to the song [Music] [Music] this is daryl's studio though right [Music] oh my goodness she's so awesome [Music] okay here [Music] dude there's so much happening vocally speaking it's just nuts you get obviously i love the layering of the vocals as well because i think you got like at least the boys are like doubled doubled up so you hear it it feels like a whole choir and then you also have from the unison uh vocal line but then you also have the layered harmonies and basses and and and triplets and stuff that are happening on top of it it is so musically complex i and to be honest i wasn't expecting any less because from last the last thing katrina did in her channel that like no her gospel gospel right gospel cover i was like jesus and then obviously you see what daryl's been up to and then when what [ __ ] and kell have been up to and then obviously when you put them all together you know that this is what's bound to happen because it's just so great all of them got such brilliant musicality and brilliant understanding of the song's needs and requirements it's just fantastic [Music] listen to those bases oh hell yes yes sir yes sir [Music] [Music] as well the katrina adds such flavors such [Music] brilliance her harmonies at the top are brilliant they're very subtle though but they're so beautiful [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] crazy [Music] oh my god i'm sorry go back to that arrangement i'm so overwhelmed when i'm guessing perhaps mention sorry not ben superior mike mike shapiro benjamin's that guy that makes him you're a psychologist well he's not psychologists he's like he makes those videos with her he's got a news channel oh yeah yeah the the uh yes the guy that speaks really fast yeah yeah and he's oh he's got an opinion about everything no no no no no it's mike shapiro the percussionist the really good percussionist he's awesome um can we go back to the arrangement actually amazing thanks for that fun fact um the arrangement i was so overwhelmed by the images and bringing emotional charge to it all i'm an emotional person you'll get me teary with nothing like a video of a puppy i'll cry for you but this this arrangement musically speaking mixed with this freaking clips from everybody else magical i love how they waited for like the song to come to like build up on that climax just to throw little emotional digs at you i was like oh okay are they right now like daryl bugoy michael and katrina the best quartet in the planet i would say so i don't especially especially when you see what they're able to do live well there's still a lot to discover but more now they must be some of the best quartet singers in the play definitely they have to be like basically speaking they're so freaking no do it to have my picks like i'll still choose any of them working alongside but like you know i have my act moves i have a uh other people you also have like the little mixed girls very talented singers you have some of some other bands in the world you know that are forced like for example um uh who do you have that are for you don't have many quartets actually no you do um uh there's also these girls from fourth impact they're pretty good they're definitely these yeah fourth impact and yeah but quartets are is exactly it's a tricky number when they collaborate like that you usually get trios because stories are easy to follow you get three parts three vocal parts everybody jumps on a part and it's easy to me and i i have researched this extensively the the the trio is available in the world right now that i saw commercial you know they make music that it's commercial not not not like um not those um because you get trios that are very competitive and like yes yes yes you know that do like the different type of singing more gospel type of stuff and some stuff um but commercially speaking they are some of the best in the world right now buddha kill right yeah all three of them and i think the reason why they're so good is because they actually are great soloists in their own career i agree but when they collaborate like this katrina and and all three guys she brings such a beautiful light i feel they're i think they might be the best quartets in the world right now they bring and she brings such a beautiful tone because their individual textures vocally speaking are so remarkable but she brings such a beautiful like just a cherry on top to a great sundae you know what i'm saying just like but is is just fantastic what they did is just brilliant brilliant oh my god yes oh hell yeah oh that's me what that was me i saw myself here [Music] that was you in the background you were just jamming in the background [Music] i happened right after that beautiful riff so i don't mind going back how cool is that i'm wearing that video which maybe a lot of people that sort of dude we're on that video that's pretty cool yeah it's awesome yeah yeah but these are sort of people maybe that have reviewed their stuff checked on your stuff i don't recognize any of them that's awesome that's so nice of them i because you obviously told me that they were getting you know i'm totally freaking out i'm gonna play cool no he had this plan but i didn't know you know coming toward the end i didn't know who's actually going to execute it that's lovely i'm freaking out okay oh that's nice they they're like yeah he didn't have to do that going back to the riff that's very nice hell yeah [Music] wow it's just such a nice video though oh somebody's fans are stuck [Music] uh pets and stuff [Music] what the hell guys [Music] so many things happened in this year so many good things [Music] oh that's sick [Music] they just might be the best quartet in the world oh it's so good i recognize some so i think all the youtubers in there i could be tripping i don't know i i'm a little mushy oh that's very lovely for him to do that i mean i know oh that happened i'm just saying i know i know this was meant to be like the end of the year but what a beautiful year like way to begin the year it's a very lovely gesture just just to remind you that there is good in this world that amongst the ugly there's a lot of beauty and among the struggle there there's the battles that we won and and the good things and the happy moments and the their little pearls you know the love life throws at you it's important to know i think sometimes because you kind of just you know you give those for granted but it is important to know that that that people affect people and that positive actions create positive results and and and you can impact someone regardless of how how bad they're having it or how bad of a year it has been you can still have a positive you can still be a shine of light a shrine of light in a room full of darkness you always can and it's just been really difficult last year to highlight those moments because you have been getting hit left and right with uppercuts and left hooks to the face and a hurricane and then everything just seemed to be really bad and then the birds singing and the sun shining lost its impact but it still happened hugs still occurred kisses new babies were born new people were coming into this world we discovered beautiful music and creators like all of them and things in this year things occurred you know so it's very lovely that they they have wanted to finish the year highlighting that message i think what a beautiful way it's it's it's gorgeous then shout out again to mike shapiro for because i know for sure that he arranged those drums drums drums and percussion because man oh man let me just go through the list so uh arranged and produced by teddy cathy back first time i see his name so awesome stuff daryl mike shapiro and katrina velarde uh vocals arranged by jared johnson jared johnson daryl mike shapiro and katrina i love how mike is so involved you can totally hear his influences especially on the vocal overlaying in the in the beginning because that that tempo was really tricky there and it all it only comes from percussionist perspective that canon and and and and overlay of voice you're a bad attention to what he the way he's uh he arranged commitments in stuff with katrina all the time you can clearly tell he was very very involved in this yeah um ardi de guzman address de santana in the base mike shapiro the drums of course lead and background vocals bugoy daryl michael and katrina background vocals jared johnson okay right so there was someone else there was someone else very nice um mastered by aria mastery lovely stuff man came up brilliant and the cameras dude camera operator jr bessa eduard amante pro head jin assumption i mean it's just insane video production ecs films okay then darrow's studio special thanks to the artists and all the people who sent their video clips oh very nice good stuff nice that is so freaking beautiful gorgeous gorgeous work i am so so you know honored to have been a little pebble on such a beautiful ocean oh good you already press like yes i did i already pressed like i was already there brother that's brilliant it's fantastic i also i also saw that it was trending in the philippines so fantastic work this is amazing the stuff well yeah let us know what you thought about it and uh maybe who we missed that maybe we didn't recognize the stuff like awesome stuff
Channel: Waleska Herrera
Views: 262,703
Rating: 4.9736776 out of 5
Keywords: budakhel, bugoy, daryl, khel, kat, khel pangilinan, bugoy drilon, daryl ong, katrina velarde, one sweet day, thank god i found you, cover, covid, pandemic, collab, mariah carey, joe, ariana, bieber, 98 degrees, rnb, philippines, pinoy, budakel, Waleska & Efra react, Latinos react, Feature Friday, Feature Friday plus podcast
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2021
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