Latifa Al Maktoum - Escape from Dubai

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Hello. My name is Latifa Al Maktoum. I was born on December 5, 1985. My mom is Houria Ahmed Lamara She is from Algeria. My father is Prime Minister of UAE and the ruler of Dubai, Mohammed bin Rashid Saeed Al Maktoum. He has three daughters called Latifa. I’m the middle one. There is one older than me and one younger than me. And he has two daughters called Mariam also. I have thirty brothers and sisters total. I had to say that in case this video is discredited in any way that ‘no you know there is a Latifa there and a Latifa there’ Yeah, there's three Latifas, I’m one of them. I’m the middle Latifa. My full sisters are Maitha and Shamsa. They’re both older than me and Majid he’s younger than me. And I’m making this video because it could be the last video I make. Yeah. Pretty soon I’m going to be leaving somehow and I’m not so sure of the outcome, but I’m ninety-nine percent positive it will work. And if it doesn’t then this video can help me because all my father cares about is his reputation. He will kill people to protect his own reputation. He.. he only cares about himself and his ego. So this video could save my life. And if you are watching this video it’s not such a good thing. Either I’m dead or I’m in a very, very, very bad situation. So where do I begin? In 2000, my sister Shamsa while she was on holiday in England. She was 18 years old going on nineteen. She ran away. And in the two months that she was free we were in contact and I was still in Dubai with my mom and my other sister. Where she had traveled with her step-mom and.. and all of them. So while she.. She escaped because she didn’t have much freedom in Dubai. She didn’t have freedom to do the things like you know anybody in a civilized world would take for granted like driving a car or traveling or you know just making choices for your own future. Freedom of choice is not something that you know, we have. So when you have it, you take it for granted and if you don’t have it, it’s very very special. So yeah, she ran away and the whole time she was communicating with me. I was fourteen years old at that time. And yeah, Shamsa was.. I saw her almost as a mother figure. Yeah, she’s my big sister. She’s like a mother also to me because she really cared about me. I would speak to her every single day. So yeah when she left, it was a little bit hard I was happy for her but at the same time I was worried about her. And what she did was, she also contacted one of her friends in Dubai whose name is Leila ??Harab?? and she kept calling Leila. And what my father has done is he went to Leila’s house and he tried to bribe her with a Rolex and he said we need to tap your phone to track Shamsa to see where she is. So that’s what they did. And Leila told Shamsa, she told her ‘My phone is bugged.’ ‘They’re trying to find you. Be careful.’ And Shamsa told me that and I told her, ‘Stop calling Leila. Because if you'll call her they’re going to find you.’ I think she was very lonely in the UK by herself. She had nobody else to talk to. So she talked to us and she kept talking to Leila. So yeah after two months, they found her. Basically, she was on the streets and a bunch of guys in a car just drove up they found her, they grabbed her, kicking and screaming threw her in the car and she was driven somewhere by a helicopter.. she was driven to a helicopter somehow ended up in France and from France she came to Dubai. She was drugged on the plane. It was a private jet, so nobody was checking anything. She was drugged, brought back to Dubai and basically put in this building. It’s the building, it’s called ‘Kheima’, which means ‘Tent’ in Arabic. But it’s not a tent, it’s just called ‘The Tent’ and And it’s on.. it’s in Zabeel Palace the property of my step-mom Hind. And she was kept there and locked there. And during that time, we could send her some things like clothes or whatever. So, we snuck in a telephone for her. ‘We’ meaning me and my adopted sister Mona Mona ??Al Lamara?? We were in contact with her and we snuck in a telephone, so we could talk to her. So while she was inside, she contacted some journalists in the UK and they released the story to The Guardian. I think it was around May 2001 when the story came out, I’m not really sure. The stories.. Google ‘Shamsa Al Maktoum’ and it’s the first thing that come up. Her, her escape and all of that. So when the story came out, I think they realized that somehow she’s in a communication or somebody was helping her or whatever. So the police went and they took Mona from her University and they questioned and tortured her And my sister Maitha came to my room in the evening the same day, and she said ‘Mona was taken by the police and they’re questioning her and beating her up basically what do you know about Shamsa?’ And Maitha was kind of acting like the interrogator. You know like.. I’m gonna interrogate you to get information from you. I said I don’t know anything. And.. so anyway I went and I told my other adopted sister Fatima Fatima ??Lamara?? Who by the way was kept in a cabin in our house. She was kept.. It’s another story. She’s kept in a cabin on our property, but locked up. Separated from the rest of the family because she’s naughty. Her naughty behavior. She's..She’s rebellious. So she’s basically kept in a cage in our house. And anyway.. I.. I wrote a note for her and I told our housemaid to give it to her to slide it under her door and she did. And I told her you know Mona has been taken and she’s being questioned by the police and everything. And then Fatima just went crazy, she just like broke down the window.. she.. she.. and the door. She threw this.. the metal thing outside the window. She broke it. She got out. She took a knife. She was threatening Ali, who is a.. like he is a chef.. but he is also like.. the brother-in-law of my father’s right-hand man. So he was kind of like in charge of the staff or whatever. So she took a knife and she was threatening him like ʻI want to see Mona, I want to see Monaʼ So they took Fatima. They put her in prison and they tortured her also. And then they realized that she knew nothing. We didn’t tell her because we couldn’t tell her that we were in contact with Shamsa. Anyway what happened after that, yeah so that day I kind of lost everyone. All my friends, all my.. my sisters everything. I lost everyone that day. It was.. it was very hard day for me. And of course I lost my communication with Shamsa. So approximately a year later as a 16 year old I decided that I’m gonna escape. Back then I didn’t have the Internet. I didn’t have.. I was very.. it was 2002. Internet existed but I didn’t have it, they wouldn’t allow me to have Internet. I didn’t have Internet. I didn’t have phone. The only phone I had was given to me by my friend so it wasn’t approved by my family or anything. So I decided I’m gonna escape. I’m gonna go, I’m gonna leave UAE. I’m gonna find a lawyer in another country. Like I’m gonna go to Oman. I’m gonna just go there and I’m gonna find a lawyer or something and I’m gonna help Shamsa. In the worst case scenario if they catch me, they’re gonna put me with her. I’m gonna be in prison with her, so at least I can see her and I’m happy and she knows that she has somebody with her and she’s not gonna do anything crazy. She’s not gonna hurt herself. She has her sister with her, so she’s not gonna do anything. You know.. So I was thinking either I get her help or I get to put in prison with her. So in 2002 I escaped. And they caught me at the border. And yeah like.. I was very, very naive I thought you could just go. I thought you can just.. there’s like a border and then there’s like sand or what.. I didn’t realize what the border looks like. I’ve never been to a border in my life. I didn’t have Internet to research it. I didn’t have anyone to talk to, to give me advice. I couldn’t.. I was totally by myself. I had no one. Nobody even knew what.. like I mean.. friends around me in school like they didn’t know what I was going through. I couldn’t talk to anybody about it. So yeah.. and I wasn’t allowed out. I wasn’t allowed to go outside.. like I was going to school. I would sometimes go to the family’s stables to horse ride and apart from that I didn’t do anything else and then I went home. So I did I didn’t have.. I was.. I didn’t know anything. So, yeah, I they caught me at the border basically and then they found out who I was. They brought me back to Dubai and my father’s right-hand man put me in prison under my father’s orders and then his all his CID guys, they.. yeah, they.. they put me in person and they tortured me. Basically, one guy was holding me, while the other guy was beating me.. and they did that repeatedly. I think the first time they tortured me, I didn’t feel any pain because I was in so much shock. I didn’t.. It was like somebody was hitting me through a pillow or something. I could see what they were doing, but I just.. I was like, are they just destroying my body? What’s going on? I didn’t.. didn’t even.. the pain didn’t register because I think I was in so much shock and it was a long day with little sleep and I just.. the pain didn’t.. I didn’t.. I didn’t feel the pain and it was like a half hour torture session. And then the next times I was tortured, it was for five hours and yeah I was just pulled from the bed driven to another location in the palace in the same building, The Kheima, the tent, which is not a tent. And yeah, they tortured me. I knew how long it was, because I had a watch and they told me that your father told us to beat you until we kill you. That’s his orders, your father’s orders. Your father, the Ruler of Dubai, that’s what he said. So all of this public image that he’s trying to portray human rights Its bullshit. He’s the most evil person I’ve ever met in my life. He’s pure evil. There’s nothing good in him. He’s responsible for so many people’s deaths and ruining so many people’s lives. He doesn’t care about anyone. He only cares about his image, his reputation, and he will gladly kill somebody, but he doesn’t do it himself. He just.. he.. he doesn’t do the dirty work himself. He’ll just get other people to do it. He doesn’t care. After my uncle died, he killed one of his wives he killed.. he killed her everyone knows about it, the Moroccan one. Because she was too.. her behavior was too outrageous. She was too.. I think..I think she just talked too much and he felt threatened by her. So he just killed her. Of course, he couldn’t do that when my uncle was alive, but he could do that after my uncle died. Everybody knows what kind of person he is. So in total I was imprisoned for three years and four months. I went in June 2002 and I came out October 2005. I don’t know.. do the math. But in 2003 for a week I came out of prison. They put me back home, home, it’s not a home. It’s my house, my mom’s house. They put me back there for a week and it was surreal. When I went home to see my mom I expected some sympathy? Maybe? Since prison was not a normal prison experience it was constant torture, constant torture. Even when they weren’t physically beating me up they would torture me. They would switch off all the lights. I was in solitary confinement by myself totally and there’s no windows, there’s no light, so when they switched off the light, it was pitch black. They could switch it off for days, so I didn’t know when one day ended then the next began and then they would.. they would make sounds to harass me and then they would come in the middle of the night pull me out of bed to beat me and it wasn’t.. it wasn’t a normal prison experience by any means. It was just torture. And they didn’t give me anything. I didn’t have a change of clothes. So I wore the same clothes and I would try to stay as clean as possible, but you know after the torture sessions I couldn’t even walk. So I would crawl to the bathroom to get water, to open a tap.. to get some water. I would just crawl on my hands and knees. There was no medical help at all. They didn’t care. They wanted me dead anyway. And yeah, so I didn’t have anything. I had a thin mattress that had holes in it and had stains of blood and shit and it was disgusting, smelled so bad. I had a thin blanket also was so disgusting. And I had the clothes I was wearing. And then I think in the last few months, they gave me a toothbrush, just one toothbrush, you know. So I didn’t.. I didn’t.. it was so hard to stay clean and towards the end they gave me some clothes, clothes washing.. like Tide, you know, the clothes washing powder. So I would use the clothes washing powder on my skin to try to stay clean you know. It was really disgusting. So, yeah.. so after that experience, I went to the house for one week and it was.. from that to a house with soap and clothes and this and that and it was like a shock to me. So I would shower like five times a day because I could. There was warm water. There was.. there was soap. There was a towel. There was clothes. I couldn’t believe it. There’s toothbrush. There was food like.. like proper food, not food in like little container meat and rice, meat and rice. It wasn’t like these little container boxes you know. It was food that I can.. I can eat fresh food. I was very, very anemic when I came out. I had lost so much weight. All of my clothes were hanging off me and I couldn’t.. I needed to get new clothes. And everything was just a shock to me. So I remember, very weird, but I remember when I came out to the prison for the first time even in the car, I remember the car felt like it was going so fast because I had not moved for one year and one month. So the car felt like I was in a roller-coaster. I was like wow, this is just going so fast. And when I went home having all these people talking normally to me. Normal? Normal after what I’ve been through? I don’t know what normal is anymore you know, like nothing is normal. Every time..I mean even now.. I am.. if I hear a noise I just wake up and I remember for a few years after I came out of prison whenever I could hear a noise outside the door I would just jump up out of bed, you know, I would just jump. I wouldn’t..and I would stand on my feet because I’m ready you know.. I’m ready for anything. Yeah. So yeah.. that wasn’t a good time. So after a week of being at the house back with my mom, my sister and she didn’t show me compassion at all. Actually, what she said to me was ʻYou think your prison experience was bad?ʼ ʻThere’s others that’s so much more worse than thatʼ and when that happened I felt really, really disappointed and sad. I really expected some compassion from her like any.. as any kind of mother but there was no compassion. I also didn’t get any compassion from my sister, Maitha. She didn’t, but that’s know They could have helped me if they wanted to.. but they didn’t.. But at the same time they didn’t put me inside, but they could have helped me. They could've visited me if they wanted to. They could've fought for me a little bit more. They could've had some compassion, but they kind of looked at me like ‘Oh you did this to yourself’ No I didn’t. I didn’t tell Shamsa to run away from England. I didn’t tell her to keep calling Leila. I didn’t tell her to get caught. I didn’t.. I didn’t do this to myself. My only thing was.. I was trying to defend my sister and trying to help her and that’s what happened to me So back to me being at the house. So I only stayed in the house for one week because after one week I had somewhat of a breakdown I don’t remember how exactly the fight started, but I just kept screaming that I wanted to go see Shamsa and I couldn’t stop screaming. It was like.. I can’t explain it. I literally just kept screaming and screaming that ‘I want to see Shamsa, I want to see Shamsa’ ‘I want to see Shamsa’ and that ended up like I was physically trying to fight people. So they were holding me and I don’t remember who they called. They called the police, but at some point there was some men holding me again. And then there was a Doctor. I saw a Doctor and she injected me and they took me either in a car or an ambulance, I don’t remember. I think it was a car because I was just screaming. I couldn’t remember. They tried to tranquilize me. It didn’t work the first time. They put me in the hospital. I remember them putting.. sticking things on me, tranquilizing me again. And then I just remember flashes of like.. being in the hospital bed and waking up and seeing people trying to feed me and then you know.. like waking up in the bathroom and then waking up like I lost some time then I lost a few days. I had no voice because I lost all my voice from all the screaming. So yeah.. and then it took me a while to.. I don’t know how much they tranquilize me or what they gave me, but I lost some days. And then yeah.. then I spent one week in the hospital and.. with no voice and the nurses there were very, very, very good. And they were trying to make it as normal as possible for me like not, not to treat me like a mental patient you know.. because I’m not a mental patient. I told them what I went through with my very weak whisper, I could.. I could talk to them and tell them like what happened to me and they were really good and they tried to make me feel normal. And anyway so after one week in the house and then one week in the hospital, they put me back in prison again. So in total I spent three years and four months in prison. And I didn’t know how long I’ll be in there for. They just told me you know your father said we’ll beat you until we kill you and that’s it. And yeah, they didn’t manage to kill me. They wanted to but they didn't manage to. So when I got out, the second time when I got out of prison, I.. I of course I.. I just.. I hated everyone. I didn’t trust any people at all.. like for me all people were bad, all people were not to be trusted, all people they were just against you, you know, that’s how I felt. So I spent a lot of time with animals with the horses, with the dogs, with cats, with birds with just different kinds of animals. I would spend my days with animals and then I would go to my room and watch movies or something, but I wouldn’t interact with people. I didn’t have anyone I trusted. And then I.. yeah, so it was.. it.. it took me.. I don’t know.. I don’t know how many years coming out of prison to fully fully recover from that experience. I don’t know. I don’t know when started to be more normal. I don’t know if I’m normal now. I mean it’s something that that really changes you, you know, makes you lose trust in people. The summer of 2017 is when a lot of things changed, that kind of pushed me to.. I can’t wait any longer for Shamsa to get better, so I can take her with me. I realized you know this took me almost ten years to realize that me being here is not helping her at all. I can’t help her here. I need to leave. And that’s the only way I can help her. That ’s only I can help myself. I can help her. I can help a lot of people, just to leave, being here.. I cannot help her at all. So.. and also in 2017, I lost a good friend in the summer and it made me see how life is so.. so short. You know. There’s no guarantee. It’s just, just.. there is no reason to keep waiting for somebody to make a change or somebody to be ready. There’s no reason to keep waiting just go, you know.. just make the big step go. Shamsa will be fine without you and once you’re gone you can help her. So I need to make this video. In case I don’t make it. It’s not gonna be in vain, somebody will have some footage. I have to.. I have to remember to say everything because this could be last video I make. I don’t know what else to say. I don’t know what else to say. They will for sure will try to discredit this video and say it’s a lie or it’s an actress or something for sure. I don’t know what else to says about me. I’ll just say more information about me. I went to Dubai English Speaking School when I was a kid and then I went to International School of Choueifat and then for one year I went to the Latifa School for Girls. And then yeah when I got out of prison, I was horse riding, inside Zabeel stables. And then I was scuba diving in Fujairah and then I started skydiving at Skydive Dubai. So there’s a lot of people who can.. who know me. They know my face. They know how I talk. They know me. So even if they try to discredit me, I hope some of my friends along the way would say ʻI know the Latifa and that’s really herʼ and you know Anyway I look like my sister Maitha. I look like my brother Majid and they’re both famous figures. So even if they try to discredit me, I look like my siblings. So.. And I’ve also given copies of my passport and my certificates and all of that stuff, which by the way.. I don’t have possession of my passport, they won’t give me my passport. My UAE passport is never in my possession. I just got a photocopy of it when I did my.. oh my.. when I got when I did my GCSE exams after I left prison, I did some exams and they required passport copies. I took a picture of my passport then and also when I did my tandem rating for skydiving, the FAI? I think that’s what it’s called.. they require some medical clearance and which requires a copy of your passport, so I managed to copy.. the copy of my passport. They wouldn’t even give me my passport, but they gave me a copy of my passport. So I’m not allowed to drive. I’m not allowed to travel or leave Dubai at all. I can’t. I haven’t left the country since 2000. I’ve been asking a lot just to go traveling to study to do anything normal. They don’t let me. I have to.. I have a curfew when I go out and I come back home.. I have to be back at a certain time. They.. my mom she always like she needs to know exactly where I am. The drivers report back to my father’s office where I go etcetera, etcetera. We have assigned drivers. We’re not allowed to get into anyone’s car. I have to go with the driver. The driver has to know exactly where I am. Yeah, so that’s my life basically. It’s very restricted. I can’t.. I can’t even go to another Emirate without permission. I can’t. So I have to be in Dubai. Yeah. So, yeah, even if they try to discredit me, I have a lot of data that they can’t discredit me. Well, they will try and then they will be discredited. So, yeah, this is going to be my last video. I hope it isn’t.. I hope I never use this video. I hope this video just gets deleted and we’re all okay but this video needed to be made. I don’t know what else I need to say. So what I’m hoping for after I leave is that I get my passport and I have freedom of choice in my life and I can help Shamsa from wherever I am. I can say give her her passport. Let her travel. Let her see me. And I think that’s the only way to help anyone including myself. I don’t know what else to say. I can talk about a lot of things that I’ve seen in my life. When..when I was six months old, my father’s sister wanted me. So she took me away from my mom. So I lived for the first ten years of my life in the palace believing that my aunt was in fact my mother and I would visit my real mother only once a year. I would never sleep there. I’d just spend the day and go to the palace at night. And when my younger brother was three months old, my mom also gave him. Well, she.. she that one was more voluntary because she didn’t want me to be alone, so she gave my brother to me, so that we’re both together. So yeah for the first ten years of my life I was living a lie then I discovered who I was and then I went to live with my mom and I was fighting to go live with my mom and Shamsa was fighting for us to go and live with her. So I always saw Shamsa as this person who rescued me. So I was trying really hard to rescue her, so.. But so far I haven’t been successful. I know what else they’ll probably do. They’ll probably tell Shamsa to make some video talking about how I’m a liar or try to discredit me or something like that. For sure they will try to do that.. knowing them. Of course, she will. She has no freedom. She can’t do anything you know. She’s.. right now she’s.. she has a psychiatrist with her and she’s surrounded by nurses. They’re in her room when she sleeps. They take notes of when she wakes up, when she sleeps, when she eats, what she eats, what she says, the conversation she says, they watch her, take her pills, they make sure that she takes all of her pills, these..these drugs to control her mind, I don’t know what they are. And so her life is totally controlled. Oh yeah in the summer also what happened, which I should have said is, Shamsa was discovered with a few mobile phones. So.. my mom and my other sister they got paranoid that she was gonna try to contact the journalists in England again to talk to them about her situation or whatever, try tarnish my father’s reputation basically. They were scared of that. So that’s when her situation got more controlled. That’s when the psychiatrist was brought in to stay with her full-time. She’s already dealing with psychiatrist but never somebody who was staying with her like.. like as much as she is now. And full-time nurses with her all the time. Basically like walking around with a cage following her you know, so she has no.. no freedom. So basically yeah I think.. I think what they will do is they will try to use her to discredit me. That would be amazing because.. yeah they will..they will try to use her to discredit me. They will never be able to get me to discredit myself because you know.. they’re not gonna take me back alive, so that’s not gonna happen. I don’t know what else to say. I mean this..this has been like a crazy almost two decades already since 2000 it started. We're in 2018 now, it’s been.. it’s been really, really crazy. A lot of people.. a lot of people’s lives have been hurt, a lot of people tortured, a lot of people lost their lives, a lot of things happened... you know He.. He covers up a lot of murders. He doesn’t care, my father. He’s the worst criminal you can ever imagine in your life and he has this image of so modern and all this bullshit. I have thirty brothers and sisters. He doesn’t.. He only puts the pictures and he has his public image like he’s a family man, that’s all.. all bullshit. He doesn’t. It’s just PR. He has a son in Lebanon that he never sees. He saw.. he met him maybe once or twice and he gave him a handshake.. you know when his son came to Dubai. He’s.. he’s neglected and so many, so many of his kids. He’s not a.. He’s not a father. He’s really, really disgusting, really disgusting human being. Yeah, the way he lives his life and the way he treats other people It's not what’s been portrayed by the media, his media. Remember in Dubai, the media is controlled as is much of the Middle East. I don’t know what else to say. I feel like if this thing kills me or if I don’t make it out alive at least there’s a video. It’s sad that it’s come to this point that I have to make a video, but I have to. I don’t know what else to say. trying to think of anything, everything, what else can I say about my life. I don’t know what else to say. I really hope I don’t need this video. And I’m feeling I won’t need it. I’m feeling positive about the future and I’m feeling like it’s a start of an adventure. It’s a start of.. of me claiming my life, my freedom, freedom of choice. I don’t expect it to be easy, nothing is easy, but I expect it to be the start of a new chapter in my life and one where I have some voice where I don’t have to be silenced and I can talk about myself, I can talk about Shamsa. I can talk about what happened with us. Yeah, I’m really looking forward to that. Yeah, I don’t know, I don’t know I’ll feel just waking up in the morning and thinking.. I can do whatever I want today. I can go wherever I want. I have all the choices in the world like anyone does. That’ll be such a new different feeling. That would be amazing. I’m really looking forward to that. There’s only so much you can do when you’re trapped in a country and trapped by all these restrictions. There’s only so much a human being can do. I’m looking forward to that and I’m looking forward to Shamsa having a better life. I’m looking forward to a lot of things. Yeah, I really feel like this is a start of just a new chapter in my life. I have no reason to stay in Dubai at all. I have no reason to come back here. I have people I love, but they can come see me. You know the people in my family who I care about, my friends, they can come see me wherever I am. And that’s also hard because I don’t know where I’m gonna be after this. I don’t have.. I don’t know where I’m gonna be based. I don’t know where.. where I can live. I don’t know anything. I don’t know where I’m going. We don’t know. I know where I’m stopping. I know where..where I have to be for a while, but I don’t know where I’ll end up. It is kind of nice also. I have all the options then, hopefully. Yeah.. did I forget to say anything? What do I talk about? Do I talk about all the murders? Do I talk about all the abuse I’ve seen? Do I talk about.. what? I don’t know what to talk about because that would be a very, very long story. I don’t know. I should, shouldn’t I? He’s responsible for a lot of deaths. He is a major major criminal, major criminal. There is no justice here. They don’t care, especially if you’re female, your life is so disposable. They don’t care. He’s even burned down houses to hide the evidence. He’s burned down houses. He’s crazy. I think it’s time that he faces the consequences of all the things that he’s done in his life. He will. He will definitely face the consequences. No matter what he does to me, all the torture.. everything, I’m not scared of him. He doesn’t scare me. He’s pathetic Pathetic human being. And he’s gonna face the consequences of everything he’s done not just to me, but to everyone else. He will face the consequences. Yeah. Okay, I think there’s nothing more in me to say now. Hopefully, I don’t need this video. Any final words.. Any final words.. Thank you to all my friends and to the people who really care about me and to my.. to the family members who do care about me, you know who you are, not all of you care about me, but some of you do. Thank you to those people. And if I don’t make it out, I really hope there’s some positive change will happen from all of this. Okay.
Channel: Free Latifa
Views: 599,138
Rating: 4.7924199 out of 5
Keywords: #FreeLatifa, Free Latifa, Sheikha Latifa, Latifa al Maktoum, Dubai, UAE, human rights, yt:cc=on
Id: 6hy1LBtHtK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 37sec (2377 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 07 2019
Reddit Comments

here is a petition you can sign and donate to. after my quick research other than petitioning, social media and pressuring the UN seems like we cant do much.

we need 1000 more signatures. idk what that will really do, but remember there are women in the world who cant afford choice because of where they were born.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/pinkhorselol 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2019 🗫︎ replies
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