Lathe Dog

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this video is going to be about me modifying the lathe dog to turn these parts between centers I went to the Tool Supply place on Saturday and I couldn't get the right sized one they didn't have it in stock so I had to get the next size down and I have to modify it and that's what's gonna be in this video it's gonna be kind of a almost a blog style video hand holding the camera and a few shots and this so it's a little bit shaky but uh I think you'll get the idea so uh enjoy the video okay this is where we're at I am I did I spotted all the end holes on these parts here that all the chamfers and all the parts but now now I have to rig up something to turn them between centers on the lathe now the parts the parts are kind of short and so when I bring that that our steady rest up here and the tailstock if I if I just used this chunk the parts too short and I can't and I can't get the tail Center up up in here far enough on that so I was I was going to was going to use this Chuck - its extends it out so then my part then and my parts gonna be out if you can see it the end of my part is gonna be out here when I when I'm machinist enter on here to take that hole in the part and I can get the tailstock up to it there but with with it up here with the steady rest in here that that mount for the steady rest over there in here I can't really can't really get the center up to the part so I'm thinking about how to do this and I've got these cut these two driving dogs but this one fits on the stock as it is but the problem is if if this were the stock this is a little bit smaller than the stock this is like a three inch round bar and the stock is three and a quarter but this one would fit on the stock it's got plenty but you can see my problem here that the the arm is too long and it won't catch the job so I went down the bath tool this morning and they didn't have something in between these two sizes they only have this one in stock and it fits on this 3-inch diameter and it would hit the jaw you know assuming on machine the the center close to the Chuck here but the problem is is that this here but take this over here to the material [Music] we look at one of the parts here it won't fit on the on the stock the bar cuz it's a little bit too small in the bore here if it was just uh I don't know a 1/8 of an inch bigger or so maybe or just a little bit bigger it would fit so instead of having to build instead of having to build one of these things it was cheaper to buy this this thing was like $18.00 I think something like that so that's pretty cheap but I have to machine the bore out a little bit on that which is not that big a deal of machine it but how do you hold it that's the that's the trick here I think I'm going to take this pieces you know piece out of the Chuck and go over to my storage and uh weld it just put some heavy welds on the back here somewhere you know like maybe here and here and and on the other side or I don't know weld something in between here maybe even like some nuts or something and well depart onto there and so that I can machine out this hole inside and take it to a bigger size slightly bigger size and make this thing work otherwise they've got to build a whole driving dog and that's too much trouble I think this will be easier to do so here we're gonna take it over there and go weld it up this is a big part in the lathe here pretty good-sized part there [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] kind of looks like it might work let's see so it's on there pretty good so getting kind of late in the day today I think tomorrow tomorrow we're gonna program this shape that we need to fit the stock of the parts and mill this all the way out down to here and these nuts should still this nut should still hold it on once we get it milled away then we'll just break it off of there we are in the CAD software we're gonna draw a shape to represent the programming path that we need so I'm gonna select this work plane to drawn because I know this will position properly in the cam software gonna draw a circle that represents the excuse me it's gonna be three point two five inches in diameter this this size represents the shape of the of the part I'm gonna turn that into construction lines so it's so we get an idea of what we're looking at size-wise and I'm gonna draw the actual shape of the driving dog the inside of the driving dog was 3.0 85 in diameter when I draw a construction line that comes off tangent and horizontal to that we're gonna offset this three and a half inches this is where the point of it of the driving dog was the way I measured it the existing loop point here's the draw two tangent lines to that circle up to the point so this represents the shape of the of the actual driving dog as it is right now I'm gonna select that whole profile we're gonna offset it this would be to the part but we want to offset another 80 I mean a fifty thousand swill say of an inch so we have a little bit of clearance with the wrong direction start over here you want to offset point one three five two I think is the it's 50,000 larger if I did my math right in my head and I'm gonna cut this we're gonna get rid of this profile is we don't need that and we're gonna draw a corner round in here in this corner of say 3/8 of an inch so that's the profile we want a machine now in order to draw a solid to this we got we've got to have some kind of a shape around that to extrude so I'm just gonna pull a rectangle around that get rid of the middle of this and we're gonna extrude that and I think I measured that at one point two thirty thick for the driving dogs shape it's actually a casting like you've seen in the thing already but we want this inside shape we need to program two so we can program a million profile around that in the cam software in this software we got a define a pocket thing here I'm gonna select this change our work plane to the that work plane that Y is the X they call it here and we gotta define a feature that's a pocket right there so that's our feature here you could see it right there so now we got to define a tool of some sort I think I looked on the tool changer in tool 41 I'll just make a new and male tool 41 well actually it's already defined here I must have used it before except I have to put put it in the spindle the proper direction okay now just to make this super easy because we don't want to get too complicated here we're just going to do a a million cycle that's gonna try to do it all with a pocketing cycle just to make it easy and we're gonna do a rotary face pocketing because we have to rotate the C axis to do this and we're going to use that tool so let's watch a simulation OOP one more time here you can see the Chuck back there I define the Chuck way back there just to get it out of the way we're doing this just because we got to rough the whole rod away as well that's it the part setting or it was originally clamped on I should say it's only gonna really be cutting about oh I don't know maybe an eighth of an inch of the part that most grilling I reduce the depth of cut just so we don't get too carried away and pull that break the welds or the part vibrates or something weird like that that's why I slowed the RPM down so much on the finish pass to I'm not really sure how steady that part's going to be after we machine all of this rod away the reason I'm machining this way instead of just doing a straight pocket without rotating the C axis is this machine will only travel ten millimeters - in the in the x-axis so you couldn't you can't machine a shape like this on this machine and just do it straight in because you'll run out of x-axis travel it'll it'll hit the travel limit so you have to work everything above in the plus direction on the x axis so you have to rotate the part like we're doing here in the it's not one more pass to go in the C axis if I was to zoom back and connect Chuck on you could see the chucks rotating here of course the material definition doesn't look like the part but it doesn't really matter for the purpose of programming we just want to do this inside cavity make a zero point for our C axis somewhere we're going to set a the c0 there [Music] then we're going to touch the Z off down here [Music] but we have to rotate the part around to do it as we can't jog down here then this issue you can touch the deal here somewhere is the whole part is the whole front of this smoke so we got you know we just got to go to Z somewhere here and punch it up right here make our DZero purpose of this setup okay here's the actual machining operation I'm going to switch to that what was it tool 41 I think for a member it come down here and and I was able to run I ran the first couple of passes without coolant scene kind of get an idea of what's happening here because when you'll see when I turn the coolant on it you can't really see too much of anything so I'm only taking like I said when we did the programming part and about an eighth of an inch depth of cut her pass just to I don't want to tear that thing off of those welds and have problems so I just wanted to take it easy [Music] that piece of steel I think that I welded this thing to is like a piece of commercial heat-treated 4140 in it it's kind of a it's kind of tougher than I thought he saw the sparks fly off the end mill so as you can see the coolant kind of blocking everything here you can kind of see what's happening I tried to get various different angles trying different angles with a camera to get better shots but it's just difficult I stopped to check to see what I was doing and everything seemed will be lined up pretty good so I continued going it's uh I wish I could get I don't know I wish I'd get something that would really get that coolant out of the camera but I mean this is working pretty good the GoPro little case is working pretty decent I mean you can kind of see what's happening there all right [Music] but you know with all this coolant in the machine it's kind of difficult to get a decent shot of this but you can pretty much see and it's actually it actually worked pretty good the that's doing the finished pass right there so it's almost done and it held on pretty good actually so there it is it left just a little bit right there in the bottom of the V that I had that and it actually it broke out of there the casting is supposed to be a steel casting but I don't know I broke the nuts off of here and that that actually went pretty good wasn't too bad so there's the finished machine work but you could see that little I don't know I thought that the camera was focusing on the Chuck back here it's a little bit blurry but you can see the little flashing it left there but that came off pretty easy actually just kind of broke it off with a wrench a crescent wrench finished part I don't know if this was like a cast iron or something the way those broke off of there these are supposed to be steel they say I don't know [Music] didn't know if you can see how that broke off of there [Music] when it's in the lathe that's going to go this way you
Channel: Edge Precision
Views: 46,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mazak, mazak integrex, lathe, mill, machine, machine work, edge, edge precision, turning, weelding, lathe dog
Id: ww-Z0xQQPv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 8sec (1208 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2018
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