Latest Updates on Our NAHOA 55: The Expedition Catamaran

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so last time we left you in Grenada we just finished the circum navigation after 8 years of sailing around the world two babies one pandemic not the fastest circumnavigation uh we finally finished and we're obviously not on the boat anymore we have now jumped to real time we're going to go back to Grenada in the videos in the next weeks but right now we just wanted to give you a little update about where we're at in life what's happening in terms of the NOOA 55 our next boat and just talk to you hi so where are we where are we Ash we're here we're right here in person so we're at the Annapolis boat show uh in Annapolis and it is a beautiful city we are having such a wonderful time here it's been Sunny for the first couple days I think it's supposed to pour rain tomorrow but we've had just an amazing 2 days meeting so many of you who watch us and follow along and our patrons and it's been so so so cool to finally get to say hi to all of you who watch us and it's a real special [Music] thing we just haven't had this opportunity in so long we've just not been in the right places to get to say hi and it's it's a whole another experience it's been a lot of fun you know you put out a video and it gets you know 50,000 100,000 views but I couldn't imagine standing in front of 50 or 100,000 people welcome to the second and ual International Cruisers [Music] [Applause] [Music] Awards right so you are hosting the event tonight you w YouTube creator of the year last year and there is a lot of people here this evening who you have inspired in a tremendous this way I've been speaking to people who are buying boats because they watch you guys sail around the world this is a big deal and you're having a great impact yeah for sure right now I'm very nervous about hosting the award so I'm not thinking about that part yet I took him in before and there's like 400 seats all laid out it's like very intimidating yeah I've never how have you been getting used for this I've never ever done anything like this so I'm pretty nervous this could be an absolute train wreck could be absolute try right okay um good luck I hope it's not I think you'll handle it yeah he'll be fine yeah he'll be fine right getting nervous now there's a lot of people man there's a lot of people right have a good evening Jens see you in there nice mate well the international cruises Awards is the most prestigious awards ceremony for Sailors in the world and winning any any category in tonight's proceedings can be life-changing for those lucky enough to be finalists last year we had the honor of winning best YouTube Channel Awards and our lives have never been the same [Music] since since winning best YouTube channel last year we no longer can go into marinas without someone calling the police pause for laughter Oh did you write that next up we have the remote adventure of the year the finalists in this category all took a wrong turn somewhere down the line and ended up in the sticks in a whole world of trouble such an honor to present this award tonight the winner is sailing NOOA the viso tribe in Madagascar thank you so much everyone thank you to all the sponsors thanks for everyone here and all the content creators you guys are all amazing thank you so much for uh honoring our circumnavigation this is a huge privilege to be standing here thank you you know often you know there's fishermen around us and locals and you don't really get the sense of who's watching on the other side so it's really cool to meet some of you and it's humbling honestly to to see you and and hear your stories and how we've inspired some of you and we hope to meet a few more of you here at the boat show in the coming days we want to give you sort of a bit of a Life Update current situation and mostly about the noo 55 because it's been on our mind a lot since we've gotten uh NOOA back and finished the circum navigation yeah so let's start with a life update the kids aren't with us you got your monkey where let me seey yeah thanks B I like monkey so I go sometime see you see you I'm I'm really glad they're not with us it's not the place for two small children yeah I could imagine bod yelling at the top of his lungs and it's not the place for him the kids are home with Mom my mom and uh it's it's been really kind of good uh we've been having a a lot of discussions here about the NOOA 55 with a meeting with our our designer and we're nearing completion of the structural design phase so we've had some renders done they are really really cool for me it was incredible to see the inside come to life and um get a glimpse of how she's going to look on the outside sitting at anchor it's completely different looking at the renders because it's a you know a realistic or somewhat realistic life uh representation of the boat uh normally you look at the design in 2D um sometimes 3D now but most of the time just line drawings in 2DS from side or top view or crosssections and and now we're able to see the boat as um in its setting in its you know natural habitat as you might say cruising the world so that that's been really cool what's happened to date is we now have a 3D structural model with all the frames all the hall planting B buhe heads all the hand holds every little piece of aluminum is modeled in the 3D model and from here um you have to then go to uh shop drawings and uh also cut files so all the little pieces are going to get put onto one piece of paper making the most efficient way to cut out all those pieces from one piece of aluminum and there's still a ways to go with that but um at least the structural model is complete and the structural analysis has been done and it's sort of brought to light all the things that we haven't specified yet on the new boat and it's been a real it's kind of like eye opening when you walk around you're like oh look at all these vendors oh I guess we're going to need some of this stuff a lot of things go into a boat that's like it's everything from electrical systems um navigation systems to dingies and Outboards and toilets and insulation heating cooling uh water maker you know all of these things let's go into it and what we've done is is is we've designed the NOOA 55 to be the ultimate boat for long-term Cruisers and what we're seeing here at the boat show they're they're amazing boats but um often times you know putting the water maker in is an afterthought or putting in you know a washing machine might be an afterthought and and that's not what we're trying to create here I've had a lot of fun looking at the other boats and seeing all the F like you know the finishes and the nice things and that's like kind of where I want to get to foot controls we are on the h8 well we I say we lightly cuz it's me I'm all alone Ben's editing a video and we've got no time left at this boat show and um it's the last morning it's Sunday morning and this is the Ford Cay on the hh66 and I finally got to go come aboard here and I've um been set loose because uh I I was chatting with Seth for far too long so um this is what a 66t racing boat looks like so this boat is totally paired down it's purpose built this is a race boat and I don't know if any of you have raced before but I used to race and uh I used to race monoh holes and I was often on a Santa Cruz 52 and uh they would take all the panels out and doors off and everything so Racers fanatical Racers this is this is a boat for that wa check episode that is cool carbon P fiber sinks check these out they're actually j-shaped so they go down and then they come back up um I don't know something like this so yeah they provide like 50% left so j-shaped like this 50% lift so this boat will lose half its displacement when we when they're actually like I guess foiling on those foils crazy isn't it let's touch on some of the features that we've been working on over the last couple months and kind of give you an Insight of where we're going with this boat okay so do you want to talk about wine glossing it's like a glass and it holds wine and it has oh I should get one so this is a wine glass and wine glassing on a boat isn't much different than wine glass a wine glass basically it's taking the holes and flaring them out a little bit so that it creates a little more volume in the hols and basically what we have done with the NOOA 55 is flare out the outside of the Halls called wine glassing we've wine glassed I don't know it's a weird word we've wine glassed the Halls to create a little more volume um in the holes because it is a performant boat uh the hols are kind of narrow and uh we wanted to just get a little extra space so we squeezed in a desk a little more room for the beds and a little bit more room for things like washing machines the thing with wine glassing though what you have to remember is that underneath the waterline the hall is still narrow and then above the waterline 50 mm or so above the water line it starts to come out like a wine glass and the beauty of that is that you have less surface area wetted so less drag um but you're still getting the interior volume of the boat and you see that going on a lot of boats out there now uh some might be more like a bourbon glass instead of a wine glass um where kind of sticking with the wine glass yeah we might be more like a white wine glass andless like a red or bourbon yeah so that was a big change the other big change has been um for example the back platform uh on most catamarans the hall or the area between the back pontoons is underutilized so AF of the AFT cockpit between the back steps there's there's literally a huge area that is empty when the dingy is down and you're at anchor so we have had David dilas our designer uh come up with some sort of system where we can flop down a platform uh when at anchor and the dingies down and uh be able to walk around across the back of the two pontoons and sit on there and fish from there or get ready for a dive and those kind of things tight from there yeah I think it'll be fun I think it'll be fun for the kids too so I think it's like it's just another platform for adding more space and livability when you're at anchor and uh that's where you spend most of your time so it's really really good to come up with things like that uh to help make that more fun yeah it's a fun platform um what we have done as well is Loop uh a gentleman by the name of Shane Young from he has a channel called young Barnacles and if you haven't if you haven't watched them you should go check him out he is a wealth of knowledge he's very detailed gentleman uh who's actually currently working for one of the America's Cubs boats but we've looped him in because I think what we have to say is like we're coming from a lagoon Catan we're not going to pretend to be performance experts we're not we haven't sailed around the world on a performance boat but what we can do is bring in experts like a naval architect like someone like chain who works with really fast boats and take some of their knowledge and meld that into our boat the NOA 55 a lot of people have been asking us why we chose an aluminum boat and uh Ben why did we chose choose an aluminum boat oh there's a lot of reasons so after 8 years of sailing around the world um I look at boat maintenance and you know it's not my favorite part the favorite part is getting to the destination and and and and spending time at the destination um look there's a boat for everyone on the market you can see it here at the boat show you got condom rans you got performance boats you got cruising boats um and and honestly for us plus the ultimate boat will be a boat that uh is an expedition style cateran takes us North takes us South takes us to the tropics and does so safely um with aluminum I think a few questions have come up isn't aluminum a problem in terms of dropping a penny in the buge and yes there are downsides to aluminum um just like there are downsides to fiberglass or carbon fiber every boat uh has different issues different ways of taking care of it if you look at all the serious Expeditions boats out there uh whether it's skip noac pelagic or you know some of the other French Expedition boats they're all aluminum boats and the reason for that is because of the material it will bend before it breaks if it hits something whether hits a piece of ice a rock a a log and through all the sailing over the years we've seen some stuff in the water um it it's probably kept us up at night and that's kind of why we're bulletproofing this boat is to make make sure that when we do hit something and you will hit something whether it's a fish aggregation device in Asia like a bamboo raft or a metal cylinder off the coast of the Philippines or logs on the on on the west coast of Canada um it it's not going to be an issue um so that's why we're going SK gruters uh we're not quite sure about mini kills uh we're we're still debating debating there's some talk about dagger boards in there we'll get to that in a future episode but uh yeah basically we want a bulletproof boat for our family we're going to be looking at insulation um and how to insulate it properly so it's not too hot and not too cold which is another concern a lot of people have um so we've been talking a lot about about that recently we we feel that for what we want to do this is the right boat for us I just want to touch on a couple little things because I think they're really crucial to a long-term cruising boat and one of them is ventilation we're thinking about air flow through the boat for example we've added some uh windows at the back of the bedrooms uh that can open to allow the wind to flow through right now on our Lagoon 410 the there are no back windows so you got like a dead uh wind space where we sleep yeah it's going to be an incredible learning experience for the next few months because um there's a lot of choices to be made uh and they don't have to be permanent because we're not actually putting all that stuff in yet but I think some design concessions are made and you plan for it and then you have to kind of go with what you've chosen so it's important to um be happy and have done your research now yeah so when when most people buy their boat there's an options list and they take off the options they want with our boat uh we're starting to make that options list we we have to create the options list before we can even take it off so that's kind of where we're working on right now and uh I guess we should touch on what's next for NOOA and the ol Caton yeah yeah a couple people a bunch of people have if it's for sale and not yet we're hanging on to NOOA someone said Oh I thought you fixed it up to sell it and I was like no no I fixed it up cuz I wanted a nicer boat all the systems aboard NOOA are ready and perfect condition near new um so we're basically going to cruise the Caribbean probably and the Bahamas um for the next season I mean you know Cruiser's plans are written in sand at low tide we'll see what happens but we have mentioned going through the Panama Canal in February don't know why sailing all the way to Australia um or New Zealand we'll see um I don't know that's we're staying put on a HOA for a while going to work from there edit from there uh raise the kids from there and keep sailing um until the NOA 55 is closer to uh completion and then we'll probably put our current boat up for sale so that's the [Music] plan and where should people go if they want to know more about the NOOA 55 or um when NOOA 410 is going to be for sale yeah everything's available on our website saling uh we have uh updated uh the page with renders of the NOOA 55 some details of what we've been working on um so you can check that out um links to getting in touch with our Naval architect as well if you're interested in purchasing one or building one so yeah check that out otherwise I think we got to go to the YouTube Booth oh snap we better get going so bye for now guys um and next week we'll see you back in Grenada and uh where we're hauling the boat out yeah um and you know where we are but we'll be putting it back in very soon yes bye for now bye
Channel: Sailing Nahoa
Views: 169,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KnRXaxc1Y64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 1sec (1081 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2023
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