Latest on Israel-Hamas negotiations after newly released video shows American hostage

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out of the mid East and that newly released video showing an American hostage held an American hostage held by Hamas family members are speaking out this morning as Hamas says it is reviewing a new Israeli ceasefire proposal ABC's Tom Sufi burd is in Jerusalem with more now good morning Tom good morning GI yeah this is the second Hamas video in just four days showing American Israeli hostages in captivity with Secretary of State blink expected to travel to this region in the coming days amid renewed efforts to get a ceasefire deal and the release of more hostages this morning Israeli American hostage Keith seagull seen for the first time in captivity in this Hamas video the 64-year-old addressing the camera with his head shaven speaking under Jess at one point breaking down with emotion telling his family I love you very much Keith's Wife Aviva held hostage with him in Gaza but she was released in November after that new herass video of her husband Aviva saying Keith I love you we will fight until you return and their elder daughter Elan demanding that Israeli leaders watch the video of her dad and see their father crying out for help 47-year-old Israeli hostage amiran also seen in that same Hamas video it comes 3 days after Hamas released another video of another American Israeli hostage HH Goldberg pollen Shalom H Goldberg poen the 23-year-old seen without part of his left arm he was badly injured on October 7th by a grenade when he was taken by terrorists overnight families and supporters of the hostages protesting in Jerusalem well these are H his friends telling him to survive they're telling the Israeli government they want a deal to get him and the other hostages home in Gaza more than 34,000 people killed including 14,000 children according to the Hamas run Health Ministry the Israeli military releasing video of onshore preparations along the Gaza Coast as the US military Works to install an offshore temporary Pier so large shipments of Aid can get in and guys US military personnel have now begun constructing that floating temporary Pier just off the Gaza Coast according to a senior Us official and we're told that American peer is expected to start receiving shipments of aid in a matter of days Ranna All Eyes watching this Tom thank you for that
Channel: ABC News
Views: 33,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: News, p_cmsid=2494279, p_vid=news-109725738, Israel, Hamas, Gaza, war, negotiations, conflict, hostage, video, cease fire, Middle East, ABC News, GMA
Id: yqTsS42-rUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 34sec (154 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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