Latest & Greatest "Pokey Tool"

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hi everyone this is carla thanks for stopping by and welcome to my channel well i tell you i have been watching some videos and i have come across the latest and greatest as far as i'm concerned and many of you uh watching have probably seen these but it's the pokey tool is that not the cutest thing you've ever seen and i use a pokey tool when i'm doing a lot of different things so this is my pokey tool that i usually use it's from tim holtz and i've had that for a few years but i mean here's one that i made and now let's just take a look if you were going to be crafting and you had a choice this this right this is much cuter right and we as crafters we like that cute stuff so i am going to show you some of the materials that i use to make this um i want to give a shout out to heart to hand creations and happy meal queen those are a couple of videos that i watched that i got ideas from and that's kind of what i used to base my little pokey tool on how i put it together what i did was um i went to a grocery store heart to hand creation said she had found these skewers at her at her grocery store and that she used those to make a pokey tool well lo and behold i went to my grocery store and backed by the meat department they had this display of lots of things to use for barbecuing in the summertime and they had racks of these little skewers turkey lacers is what they're called and in my store they were 1.99 each so i picked up several packages of these there's eight in a package and what they look like when you take them apart is let's see make sure you got the right one here is this there well these i have already tried to connect this more because when i bought these these were not totally connected so i just used a pair of regular pliers to push that in so it's uh kind of closed up there in case you put any kind of dangles or embellishments on there it won't fall through and if you look at this package again i don't know if you can see they're kind of far apart you can see this one kind of up there so i wanted to try to close those before i um wanted to make any of those and so then the other suggestion i can't remember if it was happy meal queen or heart to hand creations but one of them mentioned that at hobby lobby you can buy these uh they're called stainless steel scribe pins and there's two in a package and they are 299 for two of them however when i was at hobby lobby today they were 50 off so that made them them a dollar fifty for two so i picked up um i guess three or four packages of those and this is what they look like and they're already closed and they're longer you can see that they are longer you can see that probably an inch a good inch longer there on the end so i picked up some of those so i could have both sizes now another thing i did notice that on the skewer it's a little bit thinner it's not quite as wide as the one from hobby lobby which i'm finding i like the best because some of my beads won't fit on this uh larger one so i didn't have any trouble with most of my beads going on the skewer but i was finding that some of my bees won't go on this uh little steel pin here so that's something you might keep in mind when you're trying to decide or maybe you have all beads that have larger holes in them but anyway for today i'm going to since i've made several of these shorter ones i'm going to use the um hobby lobby steel pin to make one what you're going to need is some e6000 and some beads which i've got those already picked out you're going to need like a eye pin and i'm using a longer one little eye pins so you can make a little dangle if you want to and some beads for that and i'm also using a little bit of chain from hilby joe i got this at joann's uh i think that's about it you will need would help to have maybe some needle nose pliers these are little jewelry pliers it has a cutter but i also picked up this little neat little tool that's called the one step looper now i got mine at hobby lobby and it was 24.99 and when i went over to michael's i saw it and it was uh 34. and then when i went to where else did i go oh was it joe ann's and theirs was 39.99 so i'm like whoa so hobby lobby would definitely be your best bet if you want to pick up the one step looper and this is the neatest little thing i am not a jewelry maker i all this pretty new to me i've dabbled with it a little bit on making you know dangles or tassels or something like that but as far as getting into these little eye rings and jump rings and tools i may be calling them the wrong name so if i am i'm sorry but i'm just not that well versed in jewelry making terms so anyway i'm gonna take my e6000 and i'm gonna take my pen from hobby lobby i'm going to put just a little down here at the end squeeze just a little bit out right there you don't really want it to try and glob but i really haven't had much trouble with that and then i'm going to take a little spacer first i'm going to take this little gold spacer and i'm going to drop it down and that'll kind of give me a base now this isn't very thick so i'm not going to really have to worry a whole lot about um sliding it back and forth but you do want to make sure that you have glue on that and in fact i may add just a little more because i don't feel like i really got much on there i had to wipe that off a little there we go pull that down i'm going to pull that all the way to the end and if you this is a tip i picked up from i think it was um part-to-hand crafters you can take if you have too much glue you just take a little card and kind of wipe that off and it won't look real globby there so i'm going to put that there next thing i'm going to do i'm going to take this pretty pink bead and it's got a larger hole so that will fit just fine but i want to add some more glue on here put that on there so i can kind of drop this on drop that down and i do i'm going to add a little more glue under that and kind of run that bead back and forth a little bit and turn it around so i can try to get some of that glue make sure it's on the inside to hold that pretty well then the next i'm going to take this is kind of a kind of a gold kind of faceted little bead and i'm going to take this do the same thing add some glue that's a longer bead so i'm going to add kind of long but you do kind of have to watch or it doesn't want to glob up that hole is not real large so it's probably going to glob up on me a little bit so i'm going to hold it down here and i'm gonna try to go back and forth with that kind of turn that around that looks pretty good take my little card i can see a little extra in there might take that off little chunks okay so now we've got that like that i'm going to take some more glue add that over here and next i'm going to add this pink faceted bead and i'm going to do the same thing i try to turn it as i go try to move some of that glue up in there the best i can then take my card clean that off and now i've got it looking like this i'm trying to keep this flat with the flat of the top i mean i don't know how important that is it's just kind of what i'm going to try to do okay and then for the next one next one i'm gonna add more glue here and i'm gonna take this clear faceted bead i'm gonna slide it on it's got a large hole which i like that and then you can kind of move it around as you're going on to get that glue on there and then just kind of press it in and next i have another pink bead and that's got a pretty good size hole so we're gonna you can see that there that's gonna fit on there nicely take that kind of run it back and forth let's move that around and that looks good i don't think i have to worry about cleaning that one off it looks pretty good i just want to make sure i want this to be [Music] flat with this then the next i'm going to put is a pearl a little pearl and it's got a pretty nice hole on it too you can see that i'm just going to take that slide it on back and forth twist it around there we go and last i'm going to add one more now i've seen some where they've taken the beads almost totally to the tip and they really look pretty but for me i don't think i want it down i like to have a little more working now this is really i think shorter than i made on my skewer ones but um i think i'm going to leave it like that and i'm going to take my card i think on this one see if we've got a little bit of extra in here you know where i've got the wrong bead sorry i've got some beads i thought that doesn't look like the other one that i've got on here so i'm going to take this one i want this one on there okay let's take this one there like that that doesn't look as clear as the one i have on the top there there we go all right so we're going to need that to dry just a little bit and while that's drying just a little bit and i would say with e6000 it's better if you can let it just dry overnight you will know it is definitely set so anyway that's what i've got with that so far i think that's pretty and it's probably about an inch on the bottom maybe not quite an inch but we're going to stick with that i'm going to lay that over here so that can kind of be drying and we're going to work on the dangle now for the dangle i'm not going to be using any glue for that so i'm going to put the lid back on my glue let's set that aside i am using a long um eye pin and what i'm gonna do with this get these back over here i think there we go i'm going to take i think what i had first i think at first i had this little pink one so i'm gonna slip that on you can see here there's that one and this is the eye pin so i'm just gonna that in there that come down for the next one i'm going to use a pearl it's a little pearl go in here so we've got that so far and next i've got this long kind of pink glass bead now this hole is small enough i've got all that e6000 on my fingers i don't know if you can see that well enough but i don't know if you can see it at all actually that hole would not fit on a uh the pen that i got from hobby lobby so the skewers are nice for that and uh the last one i'm gonna put on is this little faceted clear one i think that's i'm gonna put on there yeah i like that so what i'm going to do then with that i'm going to take my one step looper you can see there's a little hole right in there you just take this eye pin kind of thread it through here and you go through that hole and you bring this all the way over you can see what we're doing here and get it in my hand better okay i want that be pretty tight and then all you do is you just push the handle together and it cuts your eye pin and then you've got your little get it out there you've got your little loop yeah let's see got that loop in there there we go and look at that it's perfect and then you don't have to try to twist and twist try to get that to be right so i love that love it love it love it now what i'm going to do is take a jump ring i'm going to need a couple of jump rings and then this chain that i've used from joanne's this is 72 inches of chain and i don't know it says 182.8 centimeters but i don't know if that's length or tells you the chain width itself i think that's the length it is looks like this and i just take off oh i'm taking off four links because by the time you get your jump ring on there with this it's going to add that much length to it as well so let's take our needle nose pliers and see if we can just pull that apart i'm gonna hook that onto my chain a little piece of chain there we go and i'm gonna hook that onto the top of my [Music] pokey tool just going to take that and just bend that together i always like to come in here and give it one of these too okay so we've got that on and then i have to push this back up because this isn't dry i shouldn't be messing with it yet but i want to show you how to do it and so next we're going to take the other jump ring right here and pull it apart and i'm going to put it on the already sealed end just so i know it won't slip through and then we're just going to add this to the other part of the chain just like so take that and just smash it together like i said i like to give it one of these too there we go and there and uh i'm looking at this you could even add a little more onto that if you wanted you could add a little charm let's see i thought i had some little charms over here i've got i think i'm going to add this little kitty cat i love little kitty cats i think i'm going to add this little charm on there let me get another jump ring um yeah let's see i want to take another jump ring [Music] let's take it apart put it on my kitty cat i could add more chain i'm gonna see how it looks without it and i'm just going to take this and attach okay i don't want it to be backwards and just bring that together and a good smush there yeah i like that now this like i said i'm going to push this back up and let this sit still so i can dry i think it's still wet enough i can reposition this a little bit there we go but isn't that cute i mean what a cute pokey tool look at that there's the top there's the bottom and then for the end what i've seen other ladies doing is just taking these earring backs um they come in different uh different little ways some have the metal on them these are just the little rubber tips and just put a little rubber tip on the end of this because these are sharp and there you've got your pokey tool now i'm going to set this aside and i'm going to show you my other pokey tools that i've made this is so much fun and it it goes so fast okay this is the one i first showed you it's kind of the purple and the green let's move this down a little bit so you can see it there's kind of purple in the green let's just put these over here here is kind of lavender and silver that's pretty see i left let me measure most of mine at least an inch because what i use these for i use them like okay the other day i was putting in plastic snaps well you need your pokey tool to punch a hole in so you can put the prong on the snap in there i use my pokey tool sometimes when i'm sewing if i need to push the fabric up in there you could use your pokey tool for that i use my pokey tool sometimes when i'm trying to pick up things you know like i don't know little embellishments and things that i can't get my fingers on sometimes a pokey tool you can use it for that and here again is a lav a lavender and white which is a pretty one there's my little charm and i also use a pokey tool like if i have double sided tape and i'm trying to get the backy golf i can use my little pokey tool to go and do that here's a simple one just some stars and some of these little um bubblegum beads uh here's one a red and gold there's that little charm on that one and here's another pink one oops getting tangled up there there's another little pink one on this charm i had a little rose that i added to that little faceted beads uh here's another kind of mint green and white the polka dots then here's one with little stars and bows a little hard at the top with a little butterfly charm on the little dangle on the side here's one this is cute i like this one with a little ladybugs and the black i didn't have any black round beads at the time so i had these little dice and i thought oh those would be cute so i just put a little ladybug with the dice on there and then this is the little tassel i added and the last one this is cute i like this one i wanted to find a bone charm but i just couldn't find ones but if i find one i might add it to it it's a little paw print it's got the black and the faceted and a little heart at the top kind of clear acrylic heart up there it's faceted and then this little uh beaded dangle on the side so anyway that's my fun little project that um like i said to me it's the latest and the greatest and you i think you would enjoy making these it's a lot of fun and like i said i can think of a lot of uses for these and i just think they're adorable and again all you have to do is ask yourself okay this ladies or this uh-huh okay well thanks for stopping by i hope you enjoyed this tutorial and i hope you try this it'll be a lot of fun for you so until next time bye bye
Channel: CarlaGetsCrafty
Views: 2,851
Rating: 4.961165 out of 5
Id: IM98iVvRy20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 17sec (1637 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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