LATEST Cryo Soaking & Render Distance ARK Survival Ascended

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Recent updates to Ark Ascended have finally  seen some much needed improvements in the render   distance and has put a stop to the long running  cryo soaking drama. Hello survivors, welcome to   your Ark news headlines, that's right, there's been  a few updates in the last day that have improved   and fixed content that many have been talking  about for the past few weeks. Although these may   look like little things, they will certainly go  towards helping to appease players and improve   the gameplay experience, especially on the PVP side.  But there's still a long way to go towards overall   improvements. So let's take a look at what's  changed in Ark Ascended. As always survivors   don't forget to subscribe to keep up with all  the latest Ark news. Now I'm going to come on to   cryos soaking in just a minute because I want  to explain what that is for those of you that   may not have heard of the term before, I certainly  only recently discovered what it actually is   myself. But yesterday, on Thursday, Wildcard put  out some patch notes that mention the fixing of   an exploit, but it wasn't until almost 12 hours  later that they edited the patch note to include   increased dino render distance. As usual there's  no information there regarding how much of an   increase was made, it's down to the players to  experience that for themselves in the game. Now   render distance has been an issue for several  months ever since the ExtraLife event back in   November when they significantly cut render  distance to improve performance of servers   during the event. This caused players to experience  issues where wild creatures wouldn't appear until   they're literally pouncing your face. This was  tweaked several times since then, however this   recent increase I believe is a fairly significant  one. They didn't want to increase render distance   until server performance had improved, well they've  now increased it, does that mean server performance   has improved? I'll make you the judge of that. But  I'm led to believe that this has been an increase   to roughly double the distance it was before. Now  this is going to be across all platforms because   it is a server update only not a client update so  all players should experience an improvement in   render distance now. But whether it is enough  distance, well only the players can determine   that for themselves. But it is a step in the right  direction. The latest patch notes released include   the cryo soaking fix, including dinos visually  floating up to the sky. They finally fixed that   or at least I hope they have. But cryo soaking,  what is it? Well some of you may have heard the   term back in Ark survival evolved because there  was a form of cryo soaking back then. But this   one is different because it's directly related to  the recent cryopod changes. So essentially this   was a PVP issue, we all know that when you try and  throw a cryopod out without a powered cryo fridge   around it, it won't work. However, auto turrets from  an enemy tribe would still detect the action of   deploying a cryopod. Now it's not going to work  here because I am doing this in single player   and of course it's patch now anyway, but the way  it worked is if this was an enemy auto turret   when I try to throw the cryo near it you get  the notification that you can't deploy because   there's no working cryo fridge nearby, but the  auto turret would still fire at it, therefore   wasting bullets and hence cryo soaking. Players  on PVP servers would stand far enough away to   not be detected by the turret and then repeatedly  throw their cryopod at the turret from a distance.   Once the turret is empty of ammo they can advance.  Wildcard have now patched this. Dollie referred   to this issue as an oversight from when they  reworked cryopods but they didn't consider it   an exploit, it just needed some tweaking to not be  so OP. Obviously this was not something that was   picked up during the public test realm, but if this  is something that you were impacted by let me know   to make sure that it is actually fixed. Now that  particular patch was for servers and clients so   some of the fixes may not be present yet on consoles  as the client patches may not have been certified   yet. But as I say some good improvements  towards making the gameplay experience   better, but there is a hell of a long way to go  to see major improvements. That's all for today   survivors, thanks for watching and don't forget to  subscribe to keep up with all the latest Ark news.
Channel: GP
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Keywords: ark survival ascended, cryopods, cryo, cryo soaking, ark cryo soaking, asa render distance, render, distance, ark, playark, gp ark, ark asa, asa, asa server transfers, ark official servers, ark events, ark console save, asa windows pvp, ark center map, ark asa server transfers, official servers, asa scorched earth, ark news, ark ascended, the center release date, ark asa mods, mods, ark cryopods, asa cryopods, asa cryopods update, ark update, ark ps5, ark xbox, ark exploits
Id: yahzdjEmKOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 55sec (295 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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