Lateral Line - Fascial Planes - Ask Dr. Abelson

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one of us Brian Abel cinetic health today we're going to talk about the lateral fascial line now this is all about interconnections between muscles tendons ligaments with connective tissue fashion and it's really interesting we follow this line because we're going to see that this line runs from the bottom of the foot all the way to the top of the head now it's really important to see why were you going over this we want you to understand some of the connections in the kinetic chain that are used to let's say for example you have problems an ankle sprain and you say okay let's get in there and treat this and we find that you know a certain percentage actually comes around quite well but some people just don't and it's quite often because you're restrictions problems with the kinetic chain restrictions that may happen at any point but we'll get into that we're also going to talk a little about the correlation between this line and the gallbladder Meridian we'll soon see that the fascial plane or the interconnections are exactly the same positions as the gallbladder Meridian but before we get into that let's just go over the Ashland chain itself hello Doctor evangelist male announcer kinetic health I'll be outlining the lateral fashion line now that Brian mentioned so when we look at it it actually starts on the bottom of the foot so it starts behind the big toe but underneath and then it wraps around coming out behind the base of the fifth metatarsal here coming up behind the lateral malleolus and it literally will follow the peroneal musculature and the tendons all the way up to the fibular head then it goes into the anterior ligament of that fibular head and ties right into the IT band the iliotibial band very strong connection you literally see it follows that IT band all the way up to the top of the hip here then it almost fans out tying into the front the TfL the tensor fasciae latae as well as the gluteus maximus so this is what we refer to as the deltoid complex and it ties right into those hip abductor abductors censors and some of the flexors as it comes up here then you see how it starts to zigzag time into the oblique musculature of the abdomen abdominal obliques and into the intercostal muscles the external and internal intercostals between the ribs as it comes up here it wraps around the arm there's a separate line which we'll discuss at another point which is part of the arm that part of the fashion plane and especially this part here it wraps through and it ties into the SCM which is here that's the sternocleidomastoid which is on the front inside of the neck coming up into the back of the skull the other one comes from the splenius capitis muscle coming up and you can see how they crisscross here tying back into the skull and that is continuous with the scalp fashion so we look at this plane this fashion plane this part of the kinetic chain it's quite an important one that we see here at the clinic so once again running along the lateral structures all the way up and then tying in so it's quite fascinating all the fashion it's just intervals and throughout the body okay let's discuss a few of the major areas between fascial anatomy and acupuncture what i've done is i've actually placed four stars with are here on specific points on what we call the gallbladder Meridian in Chinese medicine we have lines the refrigerant lines of energy and at each of these lines you'll get acupuncture points now if we look at the gallbladder Meridian we'll see that it actually correlates directly with the fascial line here so if we start down the bottom of the foot here we'll see that we've got one right on the bottom here go bladder 40 and we'll see it's a very interesting point because this point is actually used in acupuncture for migraine headaches and we have to say to us up well how could we possibly make an effect in the head by putting a needle into the foot it just doesn't make sense that's why sometimes in certain skeptics of acupuncture will say well as make sense this must be placebo effect I disagree completely and the reason I do that is because some very interesting researchers come up back puncher when they put a needle into an area we put the needle in we steal we target we give it a little bit of tug now what we're doing that we're actually creating a national stretch they can actually measure this they have little robots that actually measure the amount of torque on this kneel and they can take pictures and see where those kinetic tissue actually goes into spiraling through it's really interesting in any case what we're doing here by creating this fashion stretch is we're affecting the surrounding nervous system now if we look and we go back to the fascial plane we're talking about interconnections between anatomical structures these are these structures we have different structures in parallel and between these different structures we have a lot of neurological and vascular structures so we're putting the needle in and we're talking it we're affecting everything in the surrounding area now all these structures come of course from our central nervous system are bringing peripheral nervous system so basically when we put a little torque on there we're affecting the entire line so that's why you can put a needle in down here and create a problem solution to a problem you have in terms of headache if we move out a little bit we'll see a point here on the side of the leg just in front of the figure later and it's really interesting because from a neurological perspective you say how could this affect different conditions well sure enough when they put us in and stimulate the area they found really good results with a lot of people who have Parkinson's disease move a little farther get to a point around the abdomen right here besides affecting all the local structures here this will affect digestion same sort of thing when people go in practitioners work on the fashion line and they actually work on some of these stretching around here they may try to alleviate to maybe a hip problem or something in there and secondarily the person will say you know once you get rid of that problem uh not my digestion is good everything everything's fine they're moving farther up and get up on the shoulder and we see this point right on top of shoulder here go about it 21 now that point is actually used for shoulder pain neck pain and headaches so now we begin to see that this is actually an inter related line of connections with both neurological and vascular Rogers you
Channel: Brian Abelson
Views: 24,298
Rating: 4.9557195 out of 5
Keywords: Lateral Line, Lateral, LIne, fascial, plane, acupuncture, kinetic, kinetic health, Fascial Manipulation, Dr. Brian Abelson, Dr. Evangelos Mylonas, anatomy trains, anatomy trains thomas myers, anatomy trains fascial lines, anatomy trains functional patterns, fascial release techniques, fascial manipulation techniques, fascial manipulation treatment, lateral line system, Anatomy trains fascial
Id: nuxTfQ15qOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 28sec (388 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 19 2014
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