Late Night With Johnny P / Sitdown with George Lamond

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all right next guests up tonight he's known as the king of freestyle he's been on the show before let's give him a late-night welcome the Georges Lomond it wouldn't be right and you'll see my name wrong I love the way said the Lamont yeah I was gonna say that I apologize that's the way you said it Stan Island oh yeah yeah it's Lomond but still a month I have a good friend named Lamont so I guess that's how my brain connects so I was watching the parents video just to refresh myself and I'm like Lamont I can't believe I called it a Lamont you're not the first I don't want to apologize look I'm here we're glad Lamont is back so what's going on buddy nothing much man good I'm a couple of years older couple years wiser and three beautiful boys a few and life is good you know hey you can't complain today above-ground right okay now a lot of people don't know that they do know you originally from the Bronx I'm originally from the Bronx yes will you just wait you'll be starting on the island now right yeah well I mean I've been in the island for like 11 12 years you don't even know that yeah I love Shaolin master cylon was the bond everyone says you're far far away I'm like good that's where I want to be demand for the Freestyle concerts the last 25 years have been overwhelming first now the last couple years yeah I know you have a lot of concerns with a lot of thoughts you want to talk about the music business in clear the air so uh let's talk let's talk well a lot of things going on within with the concerts the difference is now that um you know back then a couple years ago we didn't have facebook we didn't have social media and you know everyone used to tell me so what are you doing with yourself what are you doing I'm like I'm I'm performing I'm traveling him I'm working I'm recording hey but we don't see I'm like nah I still there and then Facebook came out and Instagram and all those social apps and and everyone's like I didn't know it's been happening it's been happening but uh so uh yeah a lot of that stuff and you get the good with the bad with with the soul yeah you're not gonna get you're not gonna get away everyone has an opinion so uh so that's segue into that that's where I kind of wanted to talk about a lot of stuff that's going on behind the scene within the freestyle industry right now it's getting it's getting to a point where you got some people there's been a couple of incidents where some of the artists have been attacked and get a little scary well I know you I know you and a lot of the guys from you know your one your one and alike ahead a small group of them don't have a big following yes you had the billboard charlie hits and now you guys are coming back strong and it works out good yeah yeah you so all on the bill together yeah well it's like one big strong concert and yeah a lot of people don't really know they think everybody knows each other we know each other for that yeah for that moment yeah you know it's like you know you passing by your neighbor and you got to say hi to the neighbor and just keep going it's one of those things hello and goodbye but you know we have a lot of respect for each other there's a there's a nice close-knit group of a few of us from the East Coast and the West Coast that you know we hang out we we go drinking and we go to each other's family functions you know and you know we've been doing it since we were in our teens man so you know I mean we didn't what the hell we were doing we were getting jerked here left and right but who cares we wanted to be rock stars I remember those days what's that fun and and and we did have a lot of fun and you know now it's now it's it's coming full circle and you know like I said you know because of social media yeah I get to speak to my fans one along bases I hit them up whether it's Instagram Facebook you know back then we have to write a letter I just have to go to the office in Park Avenue yeah go upstairs they had a big duffel bag with letters and I would I have to make him short because we have to seal him up put him back in mail him out so that was something we did every month why is used to go out the Flyers and the big billboards and all that stuff yeah I just have to walk one no but things things nowadays a lot easier music is way different you know we we used to play records and cassettes and all this stuff in CDs now all that's obsolete I got all that stuff I know you told me you tell me he tells me yeah you got my CD gave me a CD of his band years ago I was actually pretty good and I still have it in my truck house they kept a who play CDs it goes I do it looks at you know what it is I love the CDs because you could just pull out any album instead of going crazy I don't let's just shoot me now they're selling vinyl now for like for 50 bucks yep you're already fired and higher and I keep all that stuff for nostalgia reason because it's gonna get back so when you show these little kids stay to like my son does that has no clue with that they do not waiver crap they see they see my rack they're like what is that you know think you know I go it's called like a refrigerator they don't know what to do it it's it's a button yeah I mean look it doesn't there's nothing better than getting yourself a nice double-sided album when you can open it up and actually read who created I love myself who's the drummer who is the keyboard player who's the basis who's the vocalist you gave me a poster with it you exactly remember I can fold out the liner notes you know so now listen let me assure I know a lot of with the worldly shows now everybody thinks they know everybody and everybody wants to know everybody so it's like and I only have the special package the fans come backstage and yeah that's and that in your opinion how does that work I mean what fans should be back then the ones that get back there how do they stay back there well because of having some some do it you got it you got some promoters to a real professional that what you mean then you got a lot of promoters that don't the way it works is you can either get your average basic seating or you can pay a couple hundred bucks and get VIP seating and you get to go backstage and you get to hang out with the artists take pictures you know maybe some photos and stuff like that and we saw some stuff and that's pretty much it but there's a lot of times when the promoters don't tell a lot of the artists what's going to happen and it's not in the contract and they're selling all these tickets for a lot of money you know you know artist doesn't get into that you know this is all going to the promoters pocket yes yeah this is some problem not all of just something yeah you know so you know we got a little hip now so now we make sure that it's you know the contract or stuff like that's a big side business and a lot of mafia the rock band started but they get like say like kiss they get a lot of money for the backstage so guns and roses so you start like $1,200 oh yeah I mean talk about this kind of money no I know that there but I know yeah I know it's pretty up there with like Billy Joe's and yeah and all that stuff so I like crazy it is but people you know people want to do it you if you're a fan of a certain type of music I'd pay to go see you know a Billy Joel backstage yeah you know I'll pay you know a couple of hundred dollars fine whatever it is just to get a couple of seconds with people think it's easy not honest knowing that it depends it depends if they like it but still you're gonna do a concert than a meet-and-greet afterwards you know yeah it's hard well with us is different because we literally come on stage and we do right there so we're like sweating like pigs and we smell a little smell we don't smell good and you know we just if people want to talk to us and they want to tell us you remember you remember me from like 25 years ago and I'm like I don't know what I did last night I know tell me back yeah we're up there Johnny we got like you see the white heads coming on everything that they listed in it out our and when I couldn't even say our age is 20 years younger than our parents like so my parents say were 30 they look like they were almost 50 isn't it funny I was just talking with you absolutely right against them exactly that's just the way you see the pictures and when your uncle was 25 years old you look at the picture he looks like he's 55 years yeah you know it's like you know it is we learned as freestyle I listen to disco growing up unless it's a hip hop disco you know salsa and all that stuff and you know I used to see the disco acts and as much as I loved them you know a lot of them were pretty messed up a lot of them were doing drugs heroin yeah so you know we learn from our predecessors we knew you know maybe I might not take that stuff and put it in my veins you know just not gonna work out that right so you know a lot of the Freestyle acts and 90's acts are a taking care themselves they actually look pretty good some of them look pretty decent yeah well if you notice there's two bands from the 70s some reason they were the only ones that really survived that whole truck come on you know I mean look at the stones it'll longest-living van those 54 years about now yeah and they're like dinosaurs but they sound great they sound take it away from them but you listen good for them they're still rocking it out I mean they should be dead anyone who say they had their old doctors that used to give him blood transfusions on tour they had the best doctors coming in you know so raising man you gotta read the books mixture Mick Jagger's and Keith Richards book is really good that dude yes he's just so happy like cuz he's he's amazing now so what about these groups that come out of nowhere because they just want to jump out on the bandwagon well let me clear a business this is what happened a couple of years ago you know there was a lot of there was a big like I said it was a big surge but freestyle everybody wanted to be a freestyle like the the record companies wanted to make all this money because it was just people were just buying it it couldn't get enough of it yeah so you know young we didn't know what we were doing and so fast forward you know after 93 94 when hip-hop came in and MTV came in no more free still on the radio you know it was a few maybe a handful of stations so a lot of the groups a lot of the members who were groups female groups recording artists they said forget this I'm getting a real job I'm gonna get a real job you know the music and so they left then you had a few who stood and like myself and we you know we punched it out we did shows when no one showed up where it was embarrassing to say freestyle we didn't want to say that you know because we was trying to keep our morale up you know and you know we did we had a good five years top five years where there was nothing we had to bring down our price nobody cared about it you know everything was all about hip-hop and and all these rap group hip-hop yeah their whole thing just to go as jelly yeah all that yeah you know and you know and then what happened is it started making a surge it the the promoters just started putting more groups together and he started making these nostalgia type of concerts and people were coming they couldn't get enough and all of a sudden we were back on top again that we were you know doing Madison Square Garden radio selling out Radio City it was called to two days in a row East Coast West Coast just these concerts were just everywhere all of a sudden here comes these guys who left and they wanted to regain yeah and a lot of female groups too and solo artists as well you know but a lot of the guys trademarked their name as certain artists and they stood and so that's where the whole legal situation was going on so there's a lot of legal mumbo jumbo with a lot of groups and it's and solo artists going on right now I look at it like this I mean if you could have if you could if you could get up there and do your thing go for it but if you can't it's embarrassing especially when you love what you do I mean I can't wait till I get on stage I might complain here and there but once I'm on stage I don't know about anyone else but to me it's just like it's like I like I don't even I don't have a script I love to Emperor I love to improvise on stage whether it's with the band or by myself because you get that energy from the crowd I mean I mean I don't know how you is when you're on your show I know you just I saw you doing a couple of things there when you hear that when you're performing like when I played that when I was to play the drums it was great well you're the backbone man you're every part of your body's moving so you got a you were the one that kept the the timing right I mean that was a lot of fun because you just you you know what you got to do you just play it you fly 10 to 20 songs and then you're done this is a little different yeah you know well yeah it is it is but you got you got to get everything ready prepare to pitch a different voice yes the right but you do feed yeah justice is the same energy you suit so I get on stage and it could be a mess the PA system it could be a microphone that doesn't have a battery and so and I got to go old school with the coil it could be whatever it could be a heckler in the crowd and you know I just you just live in the moment and have fun I think that's the best way of doing I love I love my job nah man listen les how am I sure you guys you and suave when you did that whole thing at the st. George Theatre over Selma yes yes that's what my brother bashes my but it's just funny because my brother tonight the five guy good guy family guy but like he always like you know comes to the shows every now and then with height but like once I said you know cuz he loves freestyle come I get you backstage you come hang out with us so he had a comments he was going on he had the best time that night yeah I remember it was yeah he was dead showed all his friends st. George theater is the only theater that I will get offstage and walk around people they embrace it they having such a good time besides all my friends that go so I love doing it there I think we're doing it this year as well we're gonna be now let me ask you who started who's the first guy that started this whole valley who bring us all back together well from where I could remember the first guy that that started with celibate oh I was a sound gentleman I hadn't yes Alaba tell yes you did Salib Otello was the one that said hey maybe instead of doing one act here and one act there why don't we just get like a whole bunch of Acts put them together and see what happens so he chose the Copacabana not the original Cobian banner you know the new Copacabana which was our 50 was Copacabana at the origin twenty-something right yeah yeah so and sold out sold out and they couldn't let any more people in and it was crazy and and that's what all started a couple years back before was about to wrap up let's talk about on a good note your new music and you be massing a lot of songs yes yes yes yeah a lot of people yeah yeah a lot of people now with the with the with the streaming music you know you could have people follow you on a Spotify and no that's though so I have like 35,000 people following me on Spotify so they want to hear your music yeah so you know you just start recording stuff they couldn't find a lot of the original stuff they couldn't find where does that leave love so I got what does that leave love 2.0 that I reproduce and re sang again okay I could only recently a couple of songs I'm not 21 years old anymore who has all the Masters all this lovely wreck okay could you celeb are you able to like touch them and all you do so anything with them no I have to actually reproduce it again and re remaster it against I have to rego in there you'd have to rerecord it I got it sound like I was you know younger back then and some of the songs are good better than heart that one I can't touch I mean I was just a baby so that was great yeah I can't do that one but I'm doing my Spanish stuff ya know say could do it they vas that's another one that's not on iTunes no one can find it I'm gonna remaster that and I'm actually coming out with this really cool remake I'm a huge Eric Clapton fan yeah and when you told me at the other day I was surprised yeah I love Eric Clapton and John Mayer so and John I'm a big jazz fan so I actually just finished doing the vocals today on this thing that's called old love so uh maybe I'll come back and do it I was going to say you have to come back I was gonna do it man it would be kind of cool had it now say you wasn't gonna before because people have bought ours yeah yeah we did we did it two years ago and it was a lot of fun I had a lot of great I had a great time here but uh yeah that stuff and just the touring and and the daddy job you know just enjoying life well good luck well you know this is my last season a late-night stop my new production and sometime in 2018 but when that happens you're gonna be you guys gonna be on the top of my list to come back on you new stuff you come with now come out with a bang we're going into the next decade with us through it with Johnny peso HD all right with social media the real George Lomond on Instagram George them on on Facebook and George them on on Twitter beautiful choice thank you so much George the mind everybody thank you so much have a seat for a second right George the mind a man's man
Channel: Johnny Potenza
Views: 4,006
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Johnny Potenza, George Lamond, Sal Abbatello, Freestyle, Freestyle music, Jimmy Fallon, music lovers, Jimmy Kimmel, Joe Franklin, TKA, Johnny P, NYB None Of Your Business, Dane music, entertainment varoety show, Noel, Joe Causi
Id: iwfN4u_gYqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2017
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