Late Night 'Jarod Miller The Animal Expert 10/3/2001 (Horrible Inexperienced)

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I don't when my next guest tonight is the world's youngest and most inexperienced animal expert please welcome jerod Miller oh my lord look at these aren't these incredible these are unbelievable I mean I love these can you guess what they are right off the bat I mean okay I don't really want to probably the most probably neatest birds we have right here in New York State and you wouldn't know it just looking at this side here they're a bird of prey so I'll put those on because I've got towns these are talons for hunting and stuff but these are active these are a little out on right now cool there now what's really neat they're all from the same clutch and you know you call a group of baby birds they're all born into cholesterol hash of eggs they're all the same pretty much the same a so two weeks just beautiful little animal they be they're gonna be they're gonna be a minute they look like they went through the dryer accidentally they've got like glint on things look like but they're really cool here we don't they look like you picked these out of the lint trap these are Sonny Bono's you pro oh wait what are you well here's to me you can feed them some meat - what kind of meat is that I think it's mouse but here we can just you me just like that here we go you put a mouse or like a Cuisinart its simulated nah no it's not this is like real chunks of matter so this is what they now real importantly the reason we're feeding the mice is these guys are actually they're gonna go back in the wild in about a year we're actually gonna release these in New York State is actually a full you know forerunner in the reintroduction of our nose which are kind of a threatened species now so there really is there's a great project on it these guys look at they're feeding each other it's amazing they're not feeding each other they're trying to eat each other's faces here if you want to feel usually what the mother has to do is do massive care first but we can just be a my right hand is holding just like you just put just pretending to eat some shredded Mouse all right we should keep moving but these are faster these are barn owls there's a your barn owls and their babies barns heroes keep hence the name bars oh yeah as opposed to the great mall owls that it lives at the gap there you go that's for you right there loves off if you want okay I might just keep mine just slap your add a little bit okay let's go that's alright don't worry about it this is such an ego and you know he'll probably live in trees Oh [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] you they're actually they're very good climbers and never cancel town I notice he's a good climber you know why when he starts to fall he dug his claws into my skull and actually this is Cody ruined my pompadour it's called the kinkajou 100a the timing on there found in um in in South America getting all sexy with me you know it's so fast an inch long tongue they eat fruit and drink alcohol and stuff and they actually do kim light broke off and actually women when i was about 14 years old I had when I was about 14 I had one these actually bite my ears a year ago when you were 14 buddy I was 14 all right I had a full-grown kinkajou acted by the air off an to go to get passive search you had your hair bitten off by one of these yeah okay that's nice maybe time for this one to go we should keep moving what's next excellent [Applause] and this is my suit I'm wearing tonight that's the second cast to pee on my back Roper got crazy here you might want to feed in that bottle cuz he's gonna watch this is you this is a beautiful little cat this is a young beautiful little cat wouldn't know what yeah well I take the gloves off cuz he might not like the gloves they here hold it doesn't like that one go and then hold maybe if you can hold that but look how beautiful this I don't know if you can see but look if you can sue my father's got beautiful spot this is my team beat poster he's a but it's amazing is that this is a little black this is actually a leopard and when you know when you think of leopards you know I see spots but this actually melanistic or a black leopard and but check him out he's got blue eyes okay that's me oh let's just take the bottle way for a second and see what he looks like I can't even see him hi there little guy [Applause] yeah yeah powerful yeah it's now my suit is wet in two places we actually flew this guy out here and we had a flying Frontier Airlines actually flew all these animals it's got a nice plugin for the airline it was great kids in this time I mean they did a great job with us we bring out these animals it was really we know I got all the time we have tonight kind of a tight schedule there no I'm sorry we don't we got a we got to get out but how can you top this yeah and we'll just almost bit my face off you clearly don't know what you're doing uh but our thank thank you very much for being here and come back soon definitely alright Jared Miller everybody we'll take a break and come back Jake Johansen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Bobblehead Conan
Views: 9,232
Rating: 4.9656653 out of 5
Keywords: Late, Night, Conan, O'Brien, show
Id: NDgKxci7AW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 0sec (360 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 28 2018
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