Late Night Haggard Battles | Age of Empires 4 Team & FFA!

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all right ladies and gentlemen how you guys doing it's time for some age and tonight we're going to be getting a little crazy we'll be doing some team games as well in tandem with the ffas that we all know and love but firstly let us open up with a FFA match so I'm going to be playing in one and then we're going to do I think some uh Team games so some folks in Discord wanted to do that so we will fire it up so the game is up Lobby is open it's called Palpatine's game uh currently my name on here is Palpatine let's get this we do no delay yeah no delay is fine and aside from that what else do we want to do you want to do some funky Maps we could open with the water map we could do a meme map if we want to lots of choices lots of choices for sure a little mountain clearing action is always pretty hilarious all right so we got a lot of the locals in here seeing some familiar faces some new faces all is good let's do a king of the hill yeah King of the Hill is always fun and since I'm extremely out of practice probably going for English would be a good bet this is a sweaty Lobby it did get pretty sweaty for sure it looks like Dandy may have stepped out there not sure but uh they will return a funky water map or Turtle Ridge so you just want pure suffering then it sounds like you just want you just want this to be to be tough quickly turn uh have a lady coming over and need some smooth lines a married man it's kind of the opposite Dylan you become like less smooth longer you're married oh man dude yeah it put me in a in a tricky position here all right let's go for the English I it's like there's a lot of great players in this Lobby and I know I can survive a rush with English so I just need to figure that out all right screenshot just in case it crashes so we know the players in here and good luck have fun all right let's fire it off yeah Dylan it's really the opposite man no I was never smooth anyways I was never smooth yeah all right here we go no crash loading into our first match I'm going to be on the English on King of the Hill so we got Factory on the byzantines myself on English batala on the Japanese quill on the byzantines hre serona DRZ on the Japanese Jean De Arc on the French and ivory Bard on the Roose see my wife comes in with the smooth comments she knows she can attest to how smooth I am she'll tell you all the all the Forbidden Secrets hey thanks for becoming a channel member greatly appreciate it welcome welcome to the Dukes of haggard and it is go time it is time for the English to Feast we're going to spread the glory that is weather spoons across all of the old world hey Bo how you doing man welcome to the stream welcome welcome all right so let's see if I remember how to play this I'm a little bit Rusty at age I haven't played in a while since the last stream so we need to do this oh what the hell's going on there we go perfect all right let's do this do this have you getting there and uh all right outstanding little bit Rusty but we'll see what we can do I just got a new mouse in I haven't I haven't I've been using it off stream a little bit I might I might switch to it on stream here if this old mouse is hagger but I wanted to get used to it before I played games on it on stream but we may make a uh oh wow someone's really close to me okay that's got to be nny Ori there we go yeah we got the king mode oh Nanny's going to donate some sheep I guess yeah are we going to get them no it doesn't look like it okay we came close we're English though so at the end of the day it doesn't really matter too much you know the Sheep situation we're going to be switching into early farms and 2gc and all that goodness so all right so let's fire this up yeah yeah yeah like so all right age after dark oh that's actually that's a great name that's solid should probably drop off this one cheap if I had reacted a little bit quicker we for sure could have gotten the kill there so that was a little little disappointing but the rest will hopefully come off here at some point uh so we could do 73 on gold to get a bit of a quick age up we're definitely going to go 2 TC probably not going to go for the English king I just I just always lose him dude he just always gets karate chop s could be peaceful but the problem is with King Slayer mode being peaceful isn't really a good idea it's definitely um any you're setting yourself back okay there's another batch of sheep so I've really just gotten like no sheep you might even have to go for the early berry bushes not that it matters too much we got hre down that direction Dylan bit of odd running out of my own house worth hey Dylan thank you man appreciate the donation hope you're well hope you're well yeah late night man late night the weather is definitely nicer for streaming in the old sweat layer I have here oh that's right we're on King of the Hill so it is King of the Hill there's a big objective in the middle so yeah it's a it's fun wion definitely makes for some epic holds all right let's just take this one sheep back to the base that we just got here and um we will soon figure out our Landmark situation all right yeah King of the Hill so we just have the one sacred site there's not going to be any Trad so anyone who wants to become a trade Overlord is going to be a little bit s uh let's get you guys in here turn in come up and we're going to go for the uh Council Hall and we can just do it like right there cool and from here we'll switch pull you guys over here to the tree line I think I need to switch my yeah this Old One's really giv out even though I'm not ready with the other one yet all right so it looks fine let's pull you guys off here do this and then we can go find some Stone we'll do stone here and we're for sure going to go for a 2tc okay what the hell is that there we go all right team part's on build order is decent and let's head this way all right so we got five on food probably a little bit Overkill hey look we found some late game sheep or late early game sheep not going to complain about that so foreign Stone should be adequate okay so we have the hre for sure going to be aging up ahead of us um relics yeah they'll be coming for relics and down here we have plenty on Stone I think yeah we'll get one more in stone here we need to go see I know Nanny's over here we have Nanny Ori over there nanny or is going to be on John dark so I mean there could be some early pressure but England is probably one of the the the worst SES to uh to pressure early they're very very good on the defense even though he might he might know I'm Rusty so maybe he'll come for it try and try and finish me off quickly there huh all right let's get you up this way let's head over this direction yeah we're doing it man yeah we're playing the King of the Hill so serona has aged up that is our hre neighbor yeah a lot of Dynamics in these games though for sure right like if you start going after somebody to get their King you know people can squeal but squealing is dangerous too cuz then somebody else is just going to come snipe your king too and you're going to be potentially getting 2V1 like alliances are definitely um they seem to be less common in this format although you never know you never know we got dto erden the proud uh proud elf love me Samari Salvatore that was that was the business back in the day and let's go see who's up here so nobody's dying yet no Dark Age rushes no forbidden technology yeah Dandy I would imagine that's pretty good I mean that's more or less what you know English does anyway so all right let's keep exploring here let's go see who's up in the corner Council Hall is going to be there you guys can jump on the wood afterwards I definitely don't like the idea of feudal aggression uh in King Slayer mode it just sets you back so far if you don't succeed you know you're just going to have a really bad time looking good we're almost ready with the second TC just need 350 we could be really greedy and go like triple TC if we want to be real ham uh but that doesn't feel like it's a great idea to me all right let's get you guys in the lumber there and we'll set up our our forbidden uh second TC here in a second okay looks like we've run out of food success so uh we're just going to grab this little sheep as he gets over here there you go that should sustain us until we start setting up Farms here which is going to happen in just a moment so let's do it just like so all right so we're going to do that and we're going to start setting up our English Farms which is my favorite thing to do and let's go see who else is around might need to make some like temporary alliances and whatnot but yeah we'll find out all right guys so the Mills are coming up and the Farms will hopefully be here soon I don't think we missed any uh any villager production during that kind of little lapse there so that's good uh let's get you here keep doing our Sim cities looking nice and then we don't need to worry about food again yeah we should be chilling from there then we just go Castle age and we get our uh we get our White Tower to protect our new Farms that we just set up that's basically the game plan I'm your worker I'm your worker all right farmers should be somebody right here yeah okay here's purple so it's going to be dto erden and on the other side let's go see what's cracking I would imagine some folks are setting up shop in the mid there's a lot of resources up there we should probably Scout that a little bit better all right so Farms are looking good there is a roost player I guess the ivory Bard so we probably should have gone for um probably should have gone for some game denial but we didn't all right so let's head over here and um looking all set so let's start switching on gold a little bit CU we want to make sure we get the goods that one's not ready to be set up here we'll do this for you and this for you get those Farms going and this here and cool so we got the middle under our clutches keep getting that beautiful English economy going here yeah nobody's moved up to the middle sometimes people get really crazy to get the stone I feel like that was more the metal and Wonder kind of defenses was more of a thing I mean wonders are still big gamewinners but it's not like it used to be it ain't it ain't like it used to be they don't make him like they used to all right it's my favorite part the part right before I get karate chopped just just setting up these nice little symmetrical Farms feels great all right let's get you guys there you can set that up should have adequate food economy and there we are all right so do we want to get the early food Gathering probably not a terrible idea considering we have like heavy Farm investment um might not be a bad idea just to set up a tower just in case I feel like we could be raided here let's get you on wood so we're going to set up a little something something here all right so nanori in the castle age probably going to be a little bit of aggression so I need to go like hardcore into the uh next age now because I could just get castle age rushed and just pay the troll to here you know that could totally happen so we need to go to the next age on that note I probably need to cancel this and just kind of save the gold for the age up here we're going to set up a tower um I can probably get in my TC without too much risk let's get you guys up there where it's a little bit safer and uh set up a farm there great all right so the two villagers are heading over here let's set up another Tower just to make sure uh we'll go Scout see if any like military is being made any sort of pressure like that as long as I survive I should have an economic advantage over most players at least the ones who didn't go to TC so let's see if that works out that way all right so the Tower of Doom is here excellent and let's go ahead and set you up and we can do that start setting up the wall serona is definitely going to be hre if they go Burger can rush you pretty hard we see food economy here for the old French for Jean dark not the French close enough though it's all in the family and um yeah do we want to hit the berry bushes we could just like throw some extra guys on the berry bushes I'm not seeing any aggression here that's for sure so we see the deer encampment okay so let's like go around the base and do like a full proper Scout okay house there we see a Barracks which probably means metad arms no problem because we're going to be setting up the White Tower in our base in a minute and uh yeah we're soon going to have the tech here all right so we see Guild Hall we see relics being grabbed doesn't look like it's early aggression though which is fine and um yeah we are getting on the berry bushes now we have an excess amount of gold so we can go ahead and do the wheelbarrow now let get the wheel barrow popping now we just need 200 food all right not for you turn uhoh they're already unless unless you're you're coming yeah I don't know they they they're getting a little suspicious here okay let's get the full wall off just make sure our little Empire is nice and safe and you guys turn in and then we can do the White Tower over here so the White Tower can probably go go like right here is what I'm thinking yeah that should adequately protect both of our farms and then we set up more Farms like under it basically is going to be the game plan we want to keep some on gold and uh let's go Scout here here here and here we don't really care about relics too much you know cuz we're we're playing the uh the old English show it's all good let's get a gate house there and for now we can get a little Gate House a little wall going here here and AC cross here okay so we see relics the cool thing is you can you can often let people you know gather the relics for you right they're they're they're out there they're putting in the work and then you can just go you know take them out and hopefully hopefully Prosper here let's get some economic upgrades as we age up and Mining upgrade as well so we have a lot of Eco upgrades White Tower will make us very safe and who's down here Castle age is usually when the violence begins in my experience you know that's that's when it gets a little bit crazy okay let's do that you see a red Scout so red Scout is chilling you guys can switch on to Wood after this and let's come down here obviously aggression is going to be pretty expected going to need more gold actually I think and the berry bushes are almost taken care of so a couple of you guys come over here jump back onto the gold let's go down this way all right team well we still got it sort of uh let's go ahead and build a little blacksmith up there and then we can potentially start getting some aggression going if we want to is there any relics laying around it looks like they is but I'm not like England gets gold like pretty easily so I'm just going to not worry about it all right so Farms let's get the Eco upgrade here our food is pretty nuts we could even go fast imp considering how this game is kind of lacking aggression there's not a lot of people getting aggressive I I I don't think going fast Imperial would be a terrible idea just going for it and getting the big the big English push yeah man I don't know I'm thinking about it it's the power fantasy surprised nobody's taking this Relic there's a freaking hre player nearby right like they haven't they haven't taken that yet what sort of foul schemes are upon us all right so yeah we're we're kind of close to imp actually we just need to get a lot more gold here and um from here we probably can start setting up some military infrastructure just so we don't get caught off guard let's go do a little bit of scouting and um for you we can set this over here we're just going to set a tower there to kind of keep tabs on things make sure we don't get ambushed or something uh hiding landmarks here is kind of a cute idea um I'm thinking I have some funny ideas actually I'm thinking about Walling cuz people are probably going to spite deliver their kings to other players right if I get too aggressive yeah so that wall is still going which is good uh I feel like there's going to be a huge hre Army breaking through any second which is going to be scary set up there uh do we need to worry about upgrades yet not quite and let's do this cool so Quill's gotten to the castle age we're setting up a little Tower here let's go kind of scout around hre down there in the bottom is going to be frightening I mean they're all frightening these are all great players so it could be uh could be anyone here coming for blood all right uh do we do that or we just go straight in I like the straight Imperial idea we already see Siege equipment coming out okay so there's a little bit of an inkling of uh of their mindset here what's going to be going down okay and then we can go ahead and get some of you guys six seven and seven and eight you guys turn in and let's go ahead and set up some more Farms we're going to need him we're going to need him yeah I should probably switch to my other Mouse yeah this one's this one's really at its last legs here all right so meded arms uh let's start producing a little bit just so I have some standing military don't want to be a complete potato here do a little Tower up there just trying to keep tabs on things it's obviously a little bit suspicious there we'll get upgrades let's just like make do like a safe push to Castle age and we'll get all the upgrades here yeah so they've gotten a handful of relics which is good uh we have some menad arms now you think you think we're going to get it somebody's going for sacred Victory and it looks like nanny is it's pretty funny it's King of the Hill I mean obviously it's not a true attempt at sacred but it's uh it's it's all good fun here let's do this and we can do this uh like so someone get him it' be funny if nobody did including myself just let it roll man all right so now we can go Imperial uh walls are being set up here some work and we can do a little bit of this check this out my favorite The Forbidden Tech yes good Anakin good extra evil uh-huh and soon it's going to be uh the technology time all right all right so let's build a couple of you guys let's take some villagers let's actually go over here can set up shop it looks like there are going to be some aralis out there all right let's get the med arms upgraded let's get this arbalist are definitely pretty good against us middle is still being uh owned by somebody there H all right so it looks like yeah we probably can drop a barer like right here it's a bit of a dodgy spot but if I can get it up that's what she said it's going to be pretty nice let's get some crossbows producing here you guys need to head up to the middle and just grab what you can is there any gold nearby [ __ ] the gold situation is actually really bad over here okay so we're setting up a barer and we're going to start Gathering here and then we need to get some uh we probably need to get some Horsemen to be honest yeah based on the Army comp I'm seeing which is mainly arbalist that's going to be very important so all right so let's get on Stone here with these guys cils are going to be heading to that gold definitely a bad thing that I don't have gold right now we're going to set a barer here so that's going to be Imperial England for us and oh we actually have a gold Noe right here okay that's great so we can just jump on that real quick barer is not going to let that wall finish we're going to just try and grab as much gold as we can out on the map grab a little bit of stone as well our food situation is amazing so we're we're cackling pretty hard there so let's sell a little bit and get the enclosures that's like the first thing you want to rush here and how are the Stables coming along pretty good but we need more gold so yeah there's definitely going to be a sense of panic I mean this is a very aggressive move um and from here we want to maybe wall this I'm thinking of like doing a wall on the southern border there yeah 33 on gold is a little bit much actually so let's get you guys over there jump on this all right Elite mened Arms we can even choose to get army tactics if we want to we're being very very delayed with our push but once the enclosures kicks in we're going to start making some Bank from these Farms as well Nanny's Army is better than mine right now 100% so we need to be cautious but we we can't sit and relax for too long right we got to get aggressive all right so we got this going I'm doing the reason I'm doing this is so the king can't uh Escape it might seem a little bit Haggard but I think there's something to it we have our menad arms Army and uh Horsemen will be coming out as well need to get those upgraded but I think Horsemen menad arms is going to be a good army comp like the horsemen will counter the arbalist pretty well and you we can go from there we can get tret if we want to oh [ __ ] yeah there's like yeah teal is Teal's getting a little crazy as well all right let's get you guys there do this come down there and how are the horsemen upgrades looking pretty okay com Horsemen and we can also get some hand Cannon now as well from our archery range there let's get some ranged armor okay this is going to be extra suspicious so we're going to go start raiding the Food Supplies Horseman Horsemen great staple unit okay we're going to need to get some Archer ranges too upgrades for the upgrade God all right so now it's going to get a little bit suspicious but we do get a raid onto the berry bushes the one thing I'm probably going to have a massive advantage on is going to be the food Eco but we do manage to get a couple of those okay so it's going to be what two villagers let's just loop around the top of the base do a little bit of very topical rating there and uh let's do a little bit Yeah more Horsemen I think we're going to just need horsemen for the horsemen Gods wow three relics that's a lot that is a hell of a lot okay let's run over here now and see if we can head them off there and we're going to want to get a uh University as well move up and see if we can catch any goodies kill the Scout real quick and you guys go there and then you guys can move up this way cool so now the arm is going to catch up there but um how are we looking age wise all right if we can get these without them reacting that's going to be pretty massive uh we have the Catapult here he's got a lot of mangoes it's very dodgy there all right so let's get Horsemen so we just got all of his Arty which is pretty bad for him you see John dark John dark is still uh Dark Age dark and let's get you guys up there it's funny I've been playing so much Company of Heroes I'm like using the wrong hot keys I'm like using the attack move hotkey from that game which is pretty nuts uh all right let's pull you guys up uh do we want to do that right now no I just think seeg work shop is going to be fine all right so you guys go to the back of the base and you guys gather up here so let's get you Elite let's do that University we need to go ahead and get the a do we want the food biolog is probably going to be really good for us here get a tower you guys attack and hand Canon ear for the hand Canon ear God and we need to keep alling this off cool yeah so overall it's gone pretty well do see a lot of these guys getting extra sneaky here so we can charge in and try and Harry them a little bit but I think we need to start Gathering Siege equipment so we're going to get you and set up a little keep right here as well I think that's going to be nice we'll do some forward operations and we have a lot of villagers here so let's just call them over and do some honestly like keep drop pressure is going to be really nice uh yeah and we'll keep Gathering we can do some Towers here and here just in case we get raided or harried all right so we got that up that's actually pretty nice for my opponent there uh let's get a couple of you guys around the side and go get this this get a cannon Tower there dive that and then you guys can dive over and get that so yeah good good counter fight here for sure the rolins are a good answer against my Army comp I don't have a lot of tools that are really good against them so I don't know if I'm going to get this keep up this is going to be very dodgy um we might need to switch our army comp into uh you know units I can deal with theirs a little bit better uh all right so we got the barer palace it should actually cover us if he gets a little bit closer the barer is going to start shooting and yeah you can see it's going to take those guys we have so many extra villagers that that's not a huge deal if we lose a couple here during this yeah let's Garrison you guys up gather up our units here get a cannon Tower and um that ralin is going to be really really tricky to deal with it's going to be tricky trixy Hobbit's for sure all right so from here we need to get more food so let's do uh this and we can do this 1 2 3 4 5 6 seven eight and a little bit of this too great all right so we got our keep let's do that get a couple of you guys come in do this have you guys here and let's build some Archer ranges all right so here we are let's get the trevet to start just knocking [ __ ] down a that is a cannon which is a little bit scary let's see if I can get a freebie on that I doubt it though my opponent's probably watching they're watching waiting oh oh we actually get a good impact on that cannon not probably not going to kill it but at least we do get it oh it was so close to dying all right if it comes back with that low HP we can we can hopefully do something about it we do have the aggression on them though which is good do we have any villagers nearby you could repair looks like there's a couple vills right here let's get them on repair Duty and um we can also set up a little bit of this okay uh hand Canon ear food is still hurting pretty bad let's go ahead and get you over here and 1 2 3 four and five and then a couple of you guys can go finish that one up yeah my arm is definitely not great against theirs but we can get some spring alss hopefully and and uh shut that down we need more Siege production at the moment all right let's do this come out here get another Siege Workshop you guys can help build that cool yeah so we're hanging in there the thing is nanny is trapped in here there's nowhere else to get gold nearby so if I can just like starve them in this corner oh man okay that's not good that's not good oh boy well there goes that idea we are attack uh sure I have to like take for peace cuz honestly this is uh this is bad okay so this king is going to book it he's going to run to the barire Palace I'll hold you to it yeah well I'm probably going to die to this [ __ ] cuz this is a backstab for sure I do have some basic defenses but uh our King did make it to the barkshire which is great so we got that going for us but that's a lot of Menat arms there I don't know if we can take all these guys okay so we're taking these the alliances have been formed oh God our King is still alive but I I don't know I felt like we would eventually you know take out Annie over here but if the hre is going to be here with the full chub man we're probably losing a lot of villagers on the farms here too okay so they're going for the TC going Landmark hunting uh let's go ahead and grab some Stone here while we're here barer Palace is helping a lot let's make some Siege equipment and looks like there's just a wild ass manganel there so we can just go take that down and then run back here A White Tower needs to do it man it's it's pretty big I I'm in serious danger but it looks like we're going to survive this fight just barely um couple of you guys can go back up this way get on that and um we're going to have to just hopefully hopefully you know be able to stabilize after this all right cool so we killed that let's do this yeah do a little bit of that cool some cheeky walls buy a little bit of this you guys need to get on food here so we're hurting bad thankfully all our static defenses are pretty good um you guys can go ahead and build a little keep keep over here and um yeah we're alive I need to hope somebody else who got kills yeah cuz we we need to focus people who got kills okay trying to do some like very light politics in the lobby yellow bug deleted oh okay that's extra evil if you ask me okay we need to keep the villagers coming to we're probably not going to finish this keep maybe maybe we will maybe we won't um we need to get this like fake wallof done over here too if we can hand Canon ear are doing well but let's just lure you guys over to the other side of the fence all right not lure but move them and you guys go over there great ay I don't know if I can take these guys let's get the tread back there cuz this is a fully functional economy versus an economy that's like kind of hurting bad you know what I'm saying all right let's get the uh walls at least repaired here we're luring them into barire range which is going to buy us a little bit of time okay you guys fight although it looks like he's over there with more stuff uh cancel that keep yes please let's pull you guys in do a little bit of that and yeah I think we're I think we're done for I I don't see how we hold here our Eco is basically non-existent we're going to set up some keeps and hopefully try and get some Farms back online let's buy some food the Haggard politics oh dude yeah that's the danger if you don't kill somebody quick enough right cuz we we're definitely probably going to be able to get red eventually but it eventually is too long clearly the hre player steamrolled his spot okay so we got another keep here and let's do another one why the hell not we'll do one over there and just fight here buy all the keeps the villagers are hustling for it yeah he's under a lot of fire he's mainly got battering rams oh that's not going to work we need just Garrison that key position is too shitty okay hey I might have to find a way to get some alliances man this is not looking good all right so for you guys we probably have to do the most Haggard [ __ ] ever two three and four build to and yes yes yes all right cool so we're just going to try and hold here basically for as long as we possibly can pop these villagers out get some repairs going do that and just get some Ed arms coming to help looks like serona is getting attacked now too is what I need to hope for for yeah okay not sure what he's talking about what is what is the one thing that would make you want peace is he talking about the sacred site not sure what he's mentioning here well [Music] regardless all right we're pulling back guys give the king to Nanny no I don't donate Kings donating Kings I think is kind of a scummy move oh God we were all beat up from our war with Nanny and then we just get backstabbed here yeah it's King of the Hill for you though Nanny can have mid I'll even help them wallet this is the this is just straight politics though like I'm not going to actually help too much here let's get another bit of another keep setup it's going to be good okay so any repairs we can do HR units are coming in in droves it's so hard to stop them here man it's so hard do we have any food back online just about yeah we don't want that Tower let's get some of you guys there about to get another keep going White Tower is going to fall any second and then we just have the barkshire palace like like Last Stand Bastion over here okay so that's going let's come up here and get on wood we're going to need some of that we have food back online here it's like a survival simulator dude um nobody what is everybody else doing by the way I wonder it looks like they're not fighting too much we'll just kite them around here it's fine we we're we're straight up in survival mode now there's there's nothing nothing else to it ladies and gentlemen barkshire Palace is our is our last hope obiwan okay let's go through and try and get that if we can do we have any producing TCS we do have this one yeah let's get these bills out and have them uh come over here so we'll torch down that ring am you guys repair this one we just need to survive you know just need to survive a little bit longer here okay we torch those Rams down we're going to torch this RAM and you guys can go over there I think we'll be able to get these Rams down let's Garrison you up Garrison and if we can get this one that's going to be really nice okay we got it down okay so Garrison great so that's going to make that a lot harder to kill and we pop out on this side do some repairs and we Garrison up again and he'll keep coming if if we can delay I'm hoping that will be enough okay oh my king is out oh [ __ ] I didn't notice I got to tease with the king I have to offer the king sweet booty and see if he'll take it all right barire come on buddy so do I go and try and sneak a wall or something yeah they they noticed my farming operation up here all right so let's get some hand is going and um is there anything else I can produce really I mean not so much those Troopers are really hanging in there dude oh they don't Skip Leg Day the H menad arms they they know how to March okay luring them away here and um do I want to come and like try and sneaky wall this maybe barer is going to be my last hold though and it's not going to last long against this this is so much pressure yeah I think we're just I'm I think we're just cooked guys I think we're just toast I got my troops here I mean the burning oil does a little bit of damage but not much so we have you guys getting the sneaky sneaky so we're going to go ahead and do this uh-huh and can we get these Rams is the question we have the handgun shooting here we're trying to sneaky sneaky some walls which is funny so we torch the Rams a little bit and then we just kind of run them in circles on your matches funny we have the handgun units I think there are some oh that's my king oh [ __ ] oh I think it's the end dude I think it's the end we did we did blockade it which is nice but that's not going to be enough Nan's coming over for the king kill go buddy go this king's got wheels bro look at him GG taking on to too hard well played all right guys that's going to be it we'll get another game in that's tough man that's tough yeah we took too many L's against uh against Nanny we lost too many units and a fully erect hre Army just rolled up on us not much we could do aoe4 has dingos it does not it does not well played well played so who's still alive in that game yeah I think most of them was nobody was nobody like fighting down there they must have been I don't know yeah The Middle's going to get fortified now Nanny's going to go for a sacred vict probably smart idea honestly smart idea all right GG well played we got wrecked a little bit it happens I should have put stone walls granted they would have gotten it eventually too but definitely uh stone walls would have been nice okay so let's go do a crate game we'll do one more in-house game and then we'll do some team games after that so Palpatine game let me change its name FFA 2 I'm going to switch my mice real quick cuz this mouse is just awful it tried its best but it's it's on its last legs ladies and gentlemen all righty looks good where are you at M don't fall over godamn sake okay I hear beeping sounds and [ __ ] that means it's working I think you need a wizard I no we need the Italian wizard to drop drop drop bombardments uh okay I just got to untangle this here okay I think we've almost got it son of a [ __ ] dude did I really get tangled like that it's so annoying okay I think this should be adequate Palpatine's input device has been disconnected okay it actually tells people let's go for Japanese this time and the map we're going to do is going to be um a Mega random that map we played on the king of the hills really really substantial for uh getting sandwiched that player the killed their opponent really quickly it looked like all right I think we're ready good luck have fun good luck have fun let's rock it man I know smeagles in here dude The Forbidden one and Nomad as well uh is everybody off a team here looks like it let's get it this is the second game there's going to be more though Mom I'm on YouTube you are dude you're famous now yes rise Champions rise what would the Company of Heroes aoe4 crossover look like I have no idea that would be some wild [ __ ] yeah it's kind of like Warhammer fantasy in Warhammer fantasy the Holy Roman Empire has steam tanks they have like kind of world war IES technology in some regards with mortars and uh you know crazy rocket batteries so myself on the Japanese Rus is going to be dager all we have Bobo on the order of the Dragon Cyrus on the French oxidated on the English zerum on The byzantines Nomad on the order of the dragon and schmeel making his Grand debut I think smeel I think smiggle's Australian so for him that would probably be uh yeah this would be like Optimal time right this would be like the afternoon give or take you think smeel is going to get it I don't know guys I the rust is off now they they got to watch out you got to watch out I'm thinking team games after this we could do some in-house 44s I think it' be a lot of fun it'll be kind of tricky to bounce though but we we'll do our best planning to cover Age of Mythology I don't know if I will I never played the original really so maybe maybe I'll do some age mythology maybe I I never played the original I don't know 2 p.m for you Australians right on man right on I do something I do want to host though is a uh excuse me is a uh is RTS medley tournament so we would pick five RTS games and you would play best of fives and each game would be uh in a match would be on a different RTS game so we would have Age of Empires Company of Heroes Warcraft 3 Total War and um yeah we figure it out from there but Starcraft maybe Starcraft would be good too like Starcraft too I think a lot of people played that all right here we are we have the Shogun here so he's going to go do a little bit of scouting got to figure out how to play Japanese on the go uh you know what screw it I'm I'm too much of a potato I'm just going to put him in the base oh working Mouse you can hear the the fervent fervent clicks coming out there all right so what do we got around here the tricky part would be to find enough people who actually can play that many RTS games like or at least have them all or own all those right I think there's a handful of people in our Discord who would be able to um I for sure could participate but you know those are all games that we cover on the channel so Warcraft 3 has been a while we haven't done that one in ages yeah all right so I wonder I think Japan just going fast castle and storming somebody with mou Samurai the way right it's got to be Japan seems like one of the better fives in my opinion they seem very very strong oh those are villagers okay it's like trying to click on those yeah wouldn't that be fun though I think it'd be a great time and we we we could work on like a pick and ban system where um the individual who lost the last game picks the next game that's going to be played so you might be like oh my opponent isn't very good at you know this RTS game or a little bit newer to Total War or a little bit newer to age and you could like so that would make it more more fair I think cuz you're probably not going to find anybody who's like super dark lorded like every RTS game right warno I I've never tried it no I I know Japanese houses are all superill yeah I I remember uhoh smeel here we have the dreaded smeagle neighbor smeel is playing what he's on the byzantines okay all right respect to the byzantines need to go find some relics though shobi rushing somebody would be hilarious okay who's down here who is in the neighborhood precious almost ready to age up definitely going to go cor Storehouse uh I will take smeel sheep if he wants to donate them okay it doesn't look like he does you see Smigel got that quick reaction he he got he got out of there real quick like he was he was dodging it did I get him yeah SM smle making oh I don't think we got him yeah son of a gun he got away yeah it's funny all right so let's do the cor store house I don't know where like the best spot to put this I know there's like probably a met way to do it but I'm just going to do it like that all right so from here I think we can stay on these resources and just go for a fast Castle we're not going to go totc the lack of experience across games so bounce it out oh oh God no there's water oh and it's deep sea water too all right that's going to change I I feel like it's really stupid not to play this although we're kind of already on the path aren't we ja Japan does have cheaper fishing boats too so it feels foolish not to take advantage of that this is a mega random map so we can slow this down a little bit switch on to Wood switch on to Wood here there we are pro yeah it'd be fun like like Prime for example Prime is one of our age of Empire guys here that we that we hang out with he's he's like super high level at this game right he's like conqueror two or three or something and he plays Total War he's played in a couple tournaments and gotten wins off decent players you know and um I'm sure you could figure out other RTS games too I I I think it'd be a fun format I think it'd be a lot of fun okay so we see oxidated down here Shinobi or Shinobi or fun but yeah it would be pretty Jank probably all right so we'll do this and do this and this you see yellow so that's going to be Cyrus and then we need to send our next villager out to the water um probably right here is fine let's creep up that way we're going to get the cor Storehouse here we're going to have like a slightly slower Castle age but at the end of the day I think it's worth it just cuz it's it's so good uh fast Castle is I discovered water late so it's going to kind of change our game plan our approach a little bit but at the end of the day I think I think it'll work out so we can have you guys turn in jum on the F here uh let's bring the Sheep back to the base and get the fishing boats going cuz Japan's fishing boats are like dirt cheap so you can you can go a little bit light on that you guys switch here actually you guys probably go on gold after I think you are gaming gaming gaming extra hard huh all right that looks nice let's do this get the fishing boats Fe thing forgot to drop off the Sheep cuz I'm a Potato it's all good let's go drop off some uh some sheep here and people are aging up now so yeah if I was fast Castle it'd be a little bit you know if I didn't go water I might get castle slightly quicker but I think I think just it's stupid to Passat up on this that's just too good the amount of like sustained food that you're going to be getting we need to go find some other players now oh you want to mix in Command and Conquer that would be interesting huh yeah a little Command and Conquer action would be a lot of fun all right so F six on wood should be enough to sustain the Japanese fishing fleet like cuz the boats only cost 45 which is such a such a steal it's very very nice okay so the gold is being gathered fishing should launch our food up pretty quick here let's get a second boat out go see who's there and do it all right so where are we at let's go here we've been scouted by xenum and we see Smigel up in the top corner on the biz memes smigle ever the Ferocious Predator we got to watch out you know he's he's going to weasel those kings around I'm sure all right so we've gotten on water which is good so now it's kind of like having two TC the problem is sel's on water so he's probably ahead of me he's been on water longer I think he discovered oh he's way ahead of me wow okay I'm in trouble actually that's that's not good that's really really not good all right well let's see if we can catch up here let's get our little fishing nets going and you guys can get on the berry bushes let's do the toata he might come for me man he might Dungeon Keeper oh my God I remember the original Dungeon Keeper dude that is a serious throwback right there okay should avoid the supply block here more or less I know it hit us but we are power building that house so it should be okay couple upgrades coming out and we have it we did great yeah smigle is going to get castle before me he's going to be ahead smle is a worthy predator for sure yeah we we could include some like hybrid RTS games too like that are a little bit you know untraditional in that regard okay let's get a second fishing boat out you guys can go on the berry bushes he's he's eyeing me like a piece of meat I can see I can feel his eyes upon me but we're going to get castle here soon looks like some people are begging uh I could also wall byzantines what would the Byzantine like timing push be here I don't really know down we go let's get two more fishing boats cut that very very close to the age up here we're going to get the uh probably not the cryptocurrency miners I think going for the traditional yidu is going to be a little bit safer just for like Fast Cavalry production and all that all right be close should be all right let's get the floating gate right there outstanding and we can start putting some on farms here oh okay hello oh South's getting a little bit crazy o you know what going here's the thing if I go south I could maybe snipe a king cuz they're already fighting somebody else is doing a little bit of the work for me right uh the Temptation is real it for sure is all right let's get some Eco upgrades to make sure we're kind of stable here fishing is looking good but we need to save I think that might be enough fishing boats for now uh we need a little bit more wood you guys jump on there let's go see what smeagles up too he's probably aging right now too no Nomad just got feudal age what the hell's going on with him man oh dude Warcraft 3 is such a fun game but yeah no playing pug pug searching is is always tough It's always a little bit troll to be honest okay so soon we're going to get a stable once we have enough wood here smeel smeagle is going to be an elusive one we know it's a hard kill whereas down here there's two people fighting already yeah you can see he's already Walling he's very sus as the kids would say he's very suspicious holy mother of Pawns yeah yes smigle is discovering all the pawns right now mhm get that upgraded do that let's go down here and keep eyes on this conflict okay the new age has begun have you guys turn in there come back here and the yidu the first one we need to drop into a stable so we're going to do our little stable right here all right so then we can start grabbing relics too might as well let's get upgrades and is there any other upgrades I want to get immediately get the aranged armor upgrade people are reaching Castle age now 621 in Denmark I know dude it's like yeah you truly are brother we'll start trying to grab some relics cuz why the hell not not the cleanest execution of this build but should be okay and uh let's go steal some from smeel here so you got Castle age and we're going to go ahead and set up the Shinto Shrine of Doom from here let's also get a little bit of stone I'm thinking okay we're being scouted by D all looks like these guys are still duking it out down here so let's go up here and do this and yeah move our our units over here Smigel scouting me he's he's he's eyeing his prize but the mounted Samurai cometh although he's probably going to have the spears ready I would imagine okay let's get the banner guy let's get a critical mass do this and come back here then you go down here buddy come back up there and we're going to need some food now yeah we're going to need to switch onto the Old Farms a little bit how dare you so used to using these damn company of hero hoys I'm going to get stone walls this time though I'm not going to be a potato this time all right so let's get the mounted Samurai spam going couple of you guys switch onto that looks like he's GNA run away so I'm gonna get it oh that was smel Japan on water I'm doomed he's he's already politicking here he's he's trying to trying to play posum a little bit I think we can go and greet him and see what's up yeah we got house going so we're going to go knock on his door he's obviously going to have a whole bunch of uh a whole bunch of things there ready to stop us like liit an I so we should preemptively get the archers or you know what Samurai are cooler let's just get Samurai yeah come on how could you play Japan and not spam out Samurai right they're the coolest so we're going to go scouting and uh we can start knocking on the gate house and from here let's do a little bit of this he's got his own chat fract but we can oh he's got the healing which is nice let's see if we can lure him out and then get us around all right and Samurai let's get the upgrade let's get you guys on here cool so we're going to get a little bit of this so he's going chat okay um aside from that yeah we've pretty much gotten most of the goodies we got those two relics and we do have another yidu so from here we could just put it in here for Passive gold income we got the samurai upgrades coming out all is good so let's move in do a little bit of scoot attacking and hopefully we can win this he's got the long bows moving in yeah he's getting Spears but it could be a little bit too late we do cut those guys down so let's get in here and uh he's weaseling already smel is begging for help okay let's get in there and just overwhelm his numbers we know where his King is okay let's go up here and just steal gold from him and right on so yeah we can take a couple of these guys go down there get these hunt these guys down Samurai can keep hustling up and um yeah L fishing is looking good great these guys are going to get a lot of villager kills and W's going down is that on me it does not look like it all right so the samurai will be moving and smel is going to jump on me here that's fine so we can do the docks and do the docks here he's losing a [ __ ] ton of villagers though it's really really bad all right so let's gather up our units do this any other upgrades we want to do we can actually take our priest up there to heal too ah he's trying to get a keep okay we got to deny that for sure go my samurai H he's getting a critical mass of Spears now which is a little dodgy hope can get some more villager kills I mean if I'm left to my own devices I will for sure get him eventually here uh we can do some Ona too they're pretty good against Spears so are Samurai though obviously all right I think he still got some bills in there going at going at it yeah all right so we can go ahead and upgrade this to the next Manor here in a second homie got a lot of Spears and um I'm hoping that these will be able to take down his boats eventually let's go this way and um have we gotten to his gold yet oh my God they got on the wrong resource I was like why is my gold dropping oh okay that's pretty funny actually I'm not going to lie that's that's pretty hilarious let's just get on this for now and we can start torching some buildings and you guys can go like looking for freebies in the base meanwhile the samurai uh Legion can go in and do it so so this kind of is for me reminiscent of last game right like I was kind of in a position where I felt as if I was winning against one person but you know they have they have reinforcement or some not reinforcements but somebody else comes in and backstabs me right which could for sure happen here pull back and um do this it's fine so let's get our fishing Eco back online there take these down we're just looking for bar bushes and oh god dude see this is what I'm talking about though like I can kill smeel but it's probably going to take too long I didn't get those walls finished all right uh let's get these walls finished here like I'm pretty sure I just saw a big yellow Army coming this way all right yellow's got veteran Knights okay they're only veteran thank thank the dark gods but I'm getting sandwich pretty good here today team I don't know how I'm going to fend all this off with with ease that's for sure so we got to deal with this yeah it's mle's lucky day for sure he was on deathbed but this is going to be Cyrus so maybe we just make peace with smeagle though he's probably going to come for us at some point or other a yeah probably just going to build a second TC or something yeah correct I need to finish this though smel is too strong to be left alive all right so let's do this and then we can do this all right and uh from here you guys come down there and do this let's move up there and we go back into Smigel lands now he's probably had a lot of time to reinforce though which shocks whereas before he was I had him pretty much dead to rights I think all right so that's going to be nice and we're going to go this way uh get some more fishing boats you guys can jump onto wood after this that's what she said okay do we want any mounted Samurai mixed in sure why not okay he's got a decent little army now yeah it's like he got time to recover there and now he's got a respectable Army I don't want to fight in that that choke point though that's ugly cuz that's just like favoring him all day he must have lost at least 20 villagers earlier right at least okay let's do this get the mounted Samurai to come over there and yeah he's got crossies and stuff we're definitely going to lose this this fight not not the war of course but uh maybe we can get through here yeah maybe see we can find here in the base I don't know if he's what he's doing for olive oil and stuff but if we can come down here and find some of these I think just going imp and just getting a bunch of utu would be at this point like a good idea all right so let's get on these guys do a little bit of harassment there okay he's losing even more villagers and we'll keep these guys piling in yeah more and more vills are getting karate chopped Army needs to go up to the corner to just distract him these guys run out here and now we just go we we just straight up go Imperial here the drons of Doom are are certainly cackling but I think we're okay we have we have the little arrow ships there okay so let's get you guys down there you guys can go back into the the wood line we just go imp yeah there's a lot of crazy fights going on around the around the map that's for sure oh perfect here's more bills his economy has to be in shambles though it can't be good it's it's it really can't be [Music] good yep he's losing more vills here losing more villagers over there I wouldn't be surprised to see yeah see it end here for him soon especially when we get imp oh this is like long distance okay teal got population increase enemy destroyed nomad's landmark and here and here do a little bit of this and tan gushima is almost ready Cool all right so let's get the tan gushima gunsmith and we can go put it up here okay let's do this get into the wood line here you guys we are going to want Samurai and Archer [Music] ranges okay and the samurai can come down here a little bit of this more villager losses are being taken all right right on so now do we want to Jack some Stone you know Japanese castles are pretty damn good so why the hell not uh as far as this goes do we want to get any upgrades or anything like that pretty sure we have some more um we can do this for villager production all right so we're going to go be annoying in the corner of the map here so we have the elite stuff coming out let's get upgrades for the upgrade Gods probably need to wall the middle too just to make sure nothing gets too crazy over there so we're going to try it and then we'll have the tan gushima here in a second which we can start Mass producing the uh utu all right team and uni okay so I suspect there's going to be some scariness coming here we haven't killed anybody yet we've been a little bit slow in the draw but overall it's been okay um we got the walls coming there we know smeel has like his proxy dock oh man there's some other powerhouses guys we got to get this we got to get this going like soon here I'm definitely switching up to Farms as well uh it's going to be what 1,200 and we do have stound being gathered good so yeah all right so the Ona are coming don't really care too much about the fishing boats going down and more more rather get this wall up and uh utsu did I just lose some guys oh he's got like a little land snake party that's pretty funny all right so yeah we should be okay definitely want to get like a keep near the base I think if we can little something something there we saw land snakes moving through the trees the Ona won't be like super good against them but yeah we definitely need to get a farm transition here oh he's all the way down here okay let's get you guys down here it's just going to be a safer area and then we can do a uh an upgrade there to get the final Tech come back down here oh oh that's not good wish I could make those villagers go loose formation but sadly I don't know if I can we're going to have to just fan them out like this he's just trying to buy time but yeah he's lost a lot more than we have I'm pretty sure could be wrong all right so we deal with those land snakes the wall off is going to get it I think it will okay he's got his Scouts no problem and the land snakes Mel with cool back out to the farms you go little buddies and uh yeah and we just gather our dread Legions get our forbidden utu technology get some loose Towers up here we go push ah he's got a couple guys here definitely going to need to get some keeps though what are these just random spearmen and stuff and utsu yes please we got a couple of zutu coming in he's going to dive him but we just run him back a little bit towards our our big business he's still Castle age so the longer this fight goes the better it is for us all right smle pressing he's on the Run Bona all that goodness and where were we on gold I could have sworn I had some guys did they get killed down here I don't think so I think they just got oh they got caught in transition that's right yeah they got caught while they're running over there all right uh uh and utu let's deploy some more utu cuz they're really good right certainly going to try it out and you come over here to this gold need a couple houses so he's got an imperial age he obviously wants to work up here but we can't have thatu should kill this really quickly and yeah just just a little Scout harass nothing too serious even upgraded all right we don't have a good critical mass yet though to really like alpast strike him so we need to get that if possible doesn't seem to be any sense to go tie barns or anything like that he's doing some very very basic raing here which is good I love to see it and you guys can get the Japanese keep of the Gods right there just to make sure we're okay and some raiding here in the back nothing we can't switch over there and let's just deal with this and in the meantime we can take a couple of you guys to go in knock down some walls and get into the base all right what do we got here okay yeah just going through the barracks no problem we'll get this keep up in a second yep you guys help with that and then we should be safe from there and yeah I mean the drons he's trading drons for my fishing boats they're both they're both dying basically so he's over there poking a little bit he's trying to see what he can find okay should finish soon let's get this put some houses there get a little Canon placement here get you guys knocking down the gate house what is here yeah a couple units cool I'm genuinely curious what kind of Eco damage we did before you know I wonder if it was actually serious or it was very like topical it felt it felt like it was pretty damn good you know it felt like we did a lot of damage but you never know could have been could have been you know insignificant really more fishing boats and you guys go here we're definitely going to need to set up some more farms and let's deploy some utu have them mow those guys down get those dreaded Scouts and a couple of you guys pop out go over here where's my Shogun by the way still in the TC Okay cool so now that we've dealt with that little like harass we can start moving up so we're going to go ahead and set up another layer of walls to consolidate our lands now we just do the uh death push basically we got to we got to go in and deliver the killing blow which hopefully we'll be able to I suspect he's caught up on some technologies let's get our Samurai Elite as well and now we're going to just knock on Heaven's Door here and do this what are this couple land snakes that's fine all right smeel just got Imperial age so he's definitely behind on Tech but I don't have any like super crazy upgrades yet so maybe he's going to be okay who knows yeah the utsu numbers are pretty frightening and once they get in the problem is they they really get in there all right do a couple of these have you guys get this you guys get up in the Farms there okay keep uing things you Samurai do your thing there let's get this keep mowing it down let's disconnect theist system as well we got the walls coming here but yeah he should be in some trouble if his ruler is sitting in the Town Center I can probably utu it out okay so let's blast this he's losing a lot of Eco here but we need to focus the Army yeah I mean this is cute and all but what what's it actually going to do not too much okay so from here uhhuh how we looking in the base pretty good mostly archers and whatnot his ruler is not in there uh he's got a keep back here which hopefully we can just utu out so we're going to start nuking it yutu op little bit of a raid here but I'm hoping our Shogun action can fend that off it's it's a good play from him it's definitely good oh there's a jeweler okay [ __ ] all right so we got the smeagle smeagle as expected is not easy prey um yeah tough stuff well played smle yeah he didn't have too many places to hide as rulers that's for sure he was definitely trolling me hard here on the water uh we need to explore trade routes see what that kind of looks like now we don't need to do these walls anymore cuz this is not the new the new Empire border is probably up here somewhere so who's still alive um we have a handful of players still kicking this place freaking sucks that farm placement oh God these Farms are so ugly I can't take it we got to switch those I'm sorry guys yeah it's all that it's fine Eco sitting at 96 uh we can get up to 250 now do a little bit of that what is Empire actually look like over here going to need some Sables too cuz you need to be able to defend against uh Siege Sables help a lot probably some Siege workshops 2 all right so that's Blue's the the Border blu's Empire is over there okay so we know that let's take this over here and um we can go ahead and start a wall like so thinking and then up here the middle is secured no it's not actually no we didn't never finish that smeel was trolling us too hard and I think blue is mining over here so we need to go put us out to that let's get upgraded Spears in case we need to transition to that basic archers is good Horsemen is good and let's go see kren it looks like a lot of elite archers so let's go over there see if we can head him off okay yeah classic Roose Army got some got some scary Knights there yeah okay so this is an important area for blue we need to we need to cut this off we need to cut it off right now get a tower going there um the south is completely safe for now uh let's mix in some of these head off these bills get some basic Horsemen in the mix upgrade that and then we probably want to get yeah we have the we have the castle there we're going to encounter the Roose Army here very very soon like very soon four five six 7 and eight it's only a matter of time okay here they come okay let's do this you guys guard the Back Field a little bit Yeah here we go we got them all in front of us definitely going to need to mix in some Spears though in order to do well here Focus down the Cavalry I think I'm losing this fight I think the St here are too Chad so we're going to we're going to pull back and we need to get a spear composition yeah we need some Spears yeah he's got a lot of good Cavalry and we also need to get some of our like Army tactics type stuff let's get that and you guys go in the corner here we have so many villagers idling right now not idling but not on the proper resources okay we need to get that gold Inc come back online here get a little Cannon Tower there and prepare to defend if need be all right going to go all that middle part off we have the stone being gathered here and let's go look into some of the upgrades here as well so we have all our religious characters right gather them and um maximum number of yidu blind of side of all buildings and then Chino PR Health healing rate okay I would imagine blue has gotten a kill too I I think blue also has so I don't have smeel base unfortunately so we're going to go ahead and wall this and try and create a bit of a safety net up here hand Canon ear and let's get some Horsemen they're you know reasonably good against Roy all right what are we missing military wise yeah we need more Archer ranges all right team it's coming together this was definitely going better than the last game you know yeah Smigel land snakes were really troll dude he snuck I think he killed a lot of workers I didn't see too I'm pretty sure he did I think he gave me the wiener a couple times there to say the least we need to get this Army like po pop capped out here uh do that then we can just get a little Stone Tower there to keep tabs and uh cool so now we got the gold going trade we have trade here so we could do like back corner trade um let's actually do that and go see what they're doing here I don't know if smeel has any um you know good trading options oh here we are okay okay let's sneak around the Army here looking for St T basically but if we just switch okay he's got he's got a fair amount of units let's just keep running by as long as it's like occupying him okay we can get into these bills that's going to be more cost effective the dreaded utsu blobs are doing damage and um we do have more infrastructure now with hand Canon ear is coming as well yeah so he cleaned up a lot I don't know what his economic situation look looks like we have 28 of those bad boys I feel like there's like a psychological effect to to the utu too when you hear them shoot it's like all powerful even though it doesn't do as much as a handgun he's actually just right here guys if I just break him like once that's going to be pretty big okay get some more Spears take you guys where do we have spear or wood line right there need to get fully upgraded we got the little Tower of the Gods over here as well and uh yes you guys we need to get some wood Samurai Mount Samurai why not he's like purple don't do it do it I have to I have to encourage the bad behavior here I think a keep drop I feel like this player doesn't have a lot of um answers against a keep drop right yeah economy is 131 which is pretty bananas so we could take you and you guys maybe and do like a little little sneaky sneaky play here I think a keep drop would be pretty Savage actually uh we need to get those guys upgraded to Elite we're going to be incorporating them into the army okay we're having a stand off here show him the salary man yeah yeah oh sh how we looking down here yeah let's get the mining upgrade Siege works could be reasonably helpful okay so we got the the dudes here now oh that's right yeah we need wood for these don't we forgot about that okay we're going to try and pull a quick one on him here see if he's watching if we can get a keep up and then like push him from said keep that would be really nice I think we're going to be able to get it up that's what she said turn said do it Bruce is too [Music] op I'm taking advantage of the chaos right now uh yeah okay so might have enough for one more Japanese keep we're like I'm telling you if we just get like one utu we should do utsu drops into his base it would be pretty Savage actually that would be pretty Savage all right uh where are utu at so we have what 28 of those bad boys attack round rousar a lot that walls what cheating is this okay we're knocking our way through that's so crazy that Japan doesn't need those it's nuts okay let's Pile in I'm pretty sure his King is just sitting in there ready to be ued into the shadow realm okay let's keep moving in here he comes okay pull back and pull back and we're going to just get up on his walls here and attack and then you guys can come in and drop another uh keep here and if we can get this o I don't think he's going to let me get it is he going to let me build it here yeah probably not yeah nice H flank there that was very good he he he foiled my plans he came from the gate house I didn't see it coming all right but we do have a lot of reinforcements coming I think we can sustain the grind I don't know what his Eco looks like Okay so let's gather kill these gather up and now we can drop another keep here s's going to need to index into some Siege equipment right how's this fight going yeah the utu definitely don't trade well into the stes but we do have the rocket keep doing it ah he's flanking hopefully we can stabilize that yeah he's not going after the keepy building which is good he he took the uh juicier of targets oh come on Infantry come on villagers I think we're not going to finish it so we just pull back all right Retreat turn fight keep scooting and shooting with the utu we did manage to save some of the bills which is good let's get some basic archers our gold is kind of offline right now let's get you guys back on this gold if we can thin these try numbers a little bit that's going to be doing some serious work for us uh let's get these guys fully upgraded and I'm tempted to like just like put a wall there or something yeah those guys are getting cooked see if we can creep in there and finish that building okay get on you guys pull back going to sneak some bills in there if we can do you have any bills nearby we do have some yeah that's way more than we need all right you guys are going to come up here help we need to get some forward Siege production like battering rams and stuff come on villagers oh get the keep up okay that's going to be super annoying for him uh what is it 125 gold for that cuz these keeps are just going to start picking off units methodically and then I think we yeah he's switching into Horsemen which is good so then we can just use our utu from a distance and uh let's do this build a little dock here cool you guys build a dock and you guys help build that dock just let him just perpetually use lose units at the keeps we don't have to commit too hard here although we should keep getting Samurai all right we need to get the powder upgrade too by the way uh gunpowder yeah a buff ouru Legions all right so from here we can go ahead and get some atunes maybe just the rocket ships and let's go see what's going on up here see if there's any funny business I I I don't I doubt it but there could be um let's go ahead and repair that if we can repair it repair it how is he damaging that did he make a travet or is he he's literally just torching that keep yeah he's just torching it so we got a couple vills running to repair oh he pulled back oh that's very fortunate for me wow he's going to let me repair he almost had that keep killed but okay he ends up getting it anyway so it doesn't matter well played all right so let's get Siege workshops do that I'm lucky that I'm not being attacked from somewhere else I suspect there's equally difficult fights going on elsewhere the utu numbers okay he's got some te equipment yeah he's got some of that so the tabun is coming pretty epic yeah he's holding well though he must have some good Eco oh oh hello okay so my idea wasn't completely stupid he takab air shooting here I think Teal's killed two people I think he's got I think he's got big population let's make some Rams get the banded ram upgrade as well and uh the here oh yeah let's get some those yes Anakin yes yeah yeah the re balquin will melt a lot of his army for sure cancel that we did we just got a lot of his wood bills too which is really nice the atab will just chill here and do some damage he's got his tret of the Gods doing it okay let's get the Rams pouring in um and for now you guys can go ahead and seal this little Gate House here I think that will block it fully we still have gold going which is good our eco's at 132 not as good as I would like but it's all right oh hello hello let's get back get back back back back back back we did lose one that sucks yo zutsu probably need to start yeah see I did I get the wall off I think I did it's pretty funny oh no he can still get through there okay LOL I got wrecked uh the spring hold reol have arrived we're going to see what kind of work they can do here we still have our warships I mean he's mostly Archer based so if we can start getting some mangoes for bins things like that I think he's just dead oh hello let's get out of there come on aake bues keep shooting things call for a backstab from purple I don't want to alert people to the like the fact that I got them on on the ropes here you know what I'm saying makes me a little a little nervous let's just hit the wood pasture in the meantime that that King though yeah okay so Teal's looking pretty good all right so the ralins are going to start mowing down a lot of this Army I think yeah he's he's taking some LS in these fights okay let's get the utu scooting up starting to knock things down and you guys come over here yeah takab are doing great let's pull you back pull you back and attack I I wonder if Blue's gotten any population increase all right so we're moving here he's doing great okay so let's keep knocking it down what do we got in the middle the ralin Chads are hanging in there I feel like we need to up our food game although I'm pretty sure this one isn't fully upgraded okay we got to do that soon okay let's Get You On The Archers let's get you guys to start nuking these Siege pieces maybe couple Horsemen sneaking around the back get extra sneaky sneaky oh we need to kill these like ASAP kill that too yeah he managed to get something to destroy my uh my goods but not before we put a big dent in his base like a a huge dent all right that felt pretty good couple of you guys need to go back there where's his King oh his King is right there [ __ ] I'm so close to it man I'm so close that's what she said okay it looks like the cries the cries for help have chilled out a little bit which is good um I have you guys so let's go get on the uh two three four yes and try and get a little bit of a party going there all right so we need to keep knocking down these houses here Samurai these guys let's get the Rams going uh deploy some utu his numbers are getting very thin like uh once they get thin enough I'm going to make a a push for the uh for the king all right did I kill that spring all that did okay he's got some reinforcements coming in but the RAM L is is starting to pick up here which is good oh man the food yeah we we just need more food economy don't we purple might swoop in and try and steal the kill it very that that's definitely something that could happen here all right Rams keep keep it up I could make some proper forward infrastructure I don't know if I need to though yeah I don't know if he really needs to okay let's gather let's gather keep these Rams sweeping through he's really running out of space uh purple is just Mining and cackling o is it just no it looks like there is someone keeping purple on us on the other side okay that's good all right so let's get the legion to move in do this and we're going to go for the utu snipe since his arm is a little bit out of position here we're going to just see if we can get it real quick even though I don't have a ton of bosu here right now now it's still enough maybe to okay we're going for it we got a lot of dudes here okay let's see if we can get him we're going to watch for the king he might jump into the keep I need to watch okay where is he okay where is he come on give it to me there he is there he is there he is he was so quick all right so we're going to try and get him here now there was his his reaction was so f pass I literally had no chance to get that King but he's just going to hop to the other TC now okay we need to watch him again where is he going to pop out there he is there he is get that son of a gun a he's so fast all right how many T sees and keeps does this guy have to hide in oh we're going to get you this time I clicked him oh oh Jesus dude oh my God he was so SL slippery dude that guy was like trying to catch a trying to catch a wild hog all right so what's what's this player doing huh let's get on that you guys get on this uh all right uh how many kings do you two have I bet it's similar to me I got a politic now or do I just go for Teal's king or or purple I got to like keep them keep them occupied while I prepare like a doom push okay so let's get a couple vills um where do we have villagers here we wanted to do the middle trade that was the game plan I remember yes although it's being kind of guarded which is dodgy so we're going to go down here and see where the uh King is right now God damn all the way in the corner here H that's got to be a tough one I think I I think like uh wandering might honestly be my best bet uh yellow's been dead for a while oh but we have a huge opening right here jeez that could have been a disaster okay what are we getting trolled in the water whatever we don't care about that all right so we're going to go down there and try and go for a little razzled Dazzle here um do we set up a yeah there are a couple Big Stone nodes I mean wonder is on the table it's for sure possible are they within influence or not so we need another TC over here probably and we're going to knock this down you are the lord of the corner dude Mass defense I'm I'm politicking I'm having a political war against serinium here uhhuh you guys get on the gold holy [ __ ] oh my God he's like super entrenched here look at this guy all right let's just like swarm do what damage we can try and maintain our utu numbers at least let's get a turn here just for a little cackling can we blast it that fight actually went better than expected I I was like I didn't think my little expeditionary Force there was going to do so well they did good though they did good all right so let's uh just breach block this wall up here and then we can head back we got Rams just rampaging through her fat trades also yeah he's trading for let's see what's it what's it going to be yeah looks like he's maybe thinking about doing a little one action over here let's do some onaa and we can do some yeah basic archers let's make like a lowquality army here and then when you're done you guys build that gate house it's 43 a pop on the trade which is respectable certainly not terrible we never finish this wall off it's pretty bronze let's go see if we can grab this out of the middle all right and we're pulling back here he's got all the sacred sites which is tricky cuz that means he could probably counter wonder is there a sacred side on my side I don't think so yeah I got to go scavenge Blue's base he might have had relics to let's just build a Horseman core and go looking all right so there's a little bit left here so let's just grab this it's only 800 so we'll grab that real quick then we'll move over to some of the fatter nodes which we're going to go down here purple's uh he's cackling pretty hard dude he's he's the cackler yeah trade route isn't amazing maybe we could do a deeper trade route let's see if we can get down here I I doubt it's going to be possible but we're going to try it do you have a tower down there I don't think so this is the one we really want this note here is sweet but we do have the 300 supply of the Gods now our Traders are going for what 67 a pop all right let's head down here this area is more or less secure we could do some like bronze oio walls here which is probably going to be a good idea oh [ __ ] did I run past him already did so our Haggard uh retainers here going to take these guys down we're going to get a little Tower action there and Teal's in the Bobo's in the corner I don't know if they're politicking against me I I have no idea the depths of their Alliance but I'm hoping I can just grab this fat gold before you know things get messy we do have this one up here with 3,000 uh a little bit of stone to be gathered here too how did they get here okay he's not going to let me trade over there so we're just going to have to take the Walmart trade which is fine it's better than nothing let head down this way you guys grab this gold Stone's pretty cheap right now so I'm just going to buy a [ __ ] ton cuz it's literally huge discount at this point so I'm going to buy up and that should give me enough to get the uh get the Wonder soon how many people are left Zenia myself and then Bobo okay so the next question becomes where do we build the Wonder I mean I could go up in the top corner there I could go over here and then it's just me versus um like the purple player would have to come from very far away you can see we have our bronze walls coming over there right now we're just going to kind of keep exploring pushing out all the purple stuff around here we are purging this gold from the lands that's pred damn sure all right so let's go get our Horseman and go do some proper scouting you know I never really scouted after my Conquest in the north but we have gotten a couple players which is good you know pushing in and actually getting a a hard kill on one of them is going to be extremely difficult all right so we want to get you upgraded and um do we want to get this one upgraded too it is a lot of a lot yeah I think we have enough all right we found him here he's dude purple is like spread all over the map look at I'm going here all right build it where your heart tells you well my heart would probably be wrong you'd probably just build it in the middle of your base be a man don't be afraid all right so our military is pretty weak right now we have a fat Eco though all right so let's cracking over here I I'm sure somebody already pillaged the relics we have our Odio wall so we're going to do a tower Tower tower Tower and then you can come thereafter can we trade yeah we're going to see if there's any other trade lineing around that's one of the reasons why I'm scouting right now I don't see a Marketplace up here at the moment I think I don't think smeel had one if he did he might have deleted it turn is trading 80 uh that is not true I'm trading I am trading 28 at the moment uh and 43 on some see when you give a two numbers like that it's kind of like it's too it seems too specific to be like you know a fabrication right I'm hoping that's at least how it'll be perceived and you guys is there any trade let's go Scout here and here oh he made mortal enemies with Bobo big mistake dude you never never cross Bobo okay do we have docks here oh Smigel does have docks actually yeah so I think that's just the play now we're going to do a little bit of that and come down here we just got to clear out all purple [ __ ] and then we just go to the bottom and set up a Trader all the way down in the pits of Hell yeah all the way over there all right so yeah we have cross map here that's going to be pretty sweet take all that we're still Gathering all the stone the reason why Japan is such a freaking good fesive if you get stone for all this yeah so we just trade with Smigel dock up here and um should be a pretty direct route we can make a little Gate House here to make it E easier all right perfect the docks will be ours um just scouting to see what purple's got God damn dude he's like everywhere oh yes all right sweet so let's come over here set up uh set up uh we just go to the gold let's get our religious characters to go grab these relics outstanding and I don't know how many there are but that's that's a nice find right there all right hey and we found a gold node too that was untouched that's really nice that's real nice isn't it okay so now we're going to reoo our change or our trade so let's grab all our Traders control group this one and they can go up to here all right that's going to be a Money Trade route right there that's going to be really nice and you guys gather up on them take as much gold as seemingly possible I think we got all our Eco upgrades I might have forgotten something and textiles will be somewhat helpful I suppose all right so those villagers going to get Catey chopped um and I think we may have found the last of purpl shenanigans now wonder spot over here Bobo is I think trying to kill purple so maybe maybe like wondering in this corner wouldn't be a bad idea they could go for like Landmark hunts Hunts on my base which might be tricky to defend on two fronts okay he's running over this way and um we need to maybe do a little bit of this so we're going to do that I actually like this idea a lot I think it's decent so we're going to see if we can head these guys off keep them from trolling me here this guy's just getting his jollies off isn't he okay he's going to squeal about my trade now for sure his villagers have discovered it and we're getting 88 traded pop we're going to try what happened to the walls here I could have sworn I just spill some isn't that weird okay and aside from that let's get our Heman have them shut down the middle sacred how many relics did this man have oh he had a bunch actually oh wow holy [ __ ] okay now we're now we're cooking as they say so we're going to bring him back here and get a Shinto Shrine up there and we need to go get more religious dudes to uh go over there and grab those yep that's really good so now we dispatch to the sacred sites we get ready to wer and that's going to be yeah it's definitely a gravy train of trade it really is I don't want to antagonize teal you know Teal's got to be the homie here uh we can build this here right sacred sight's being taken down just doing a little bit of territorial control okay you stay there and control that buddy how we looking Yep looks like he's got more stuff down here turn capping uh decapping it's a horse I I have to you know have my a word in all these little politics here you know oh he's got some houses here okay so we're going to have to do little janky janky wall [ __ ] yeah are we going to be able to build a Wonder back here kind of doesn't look like it is this damn these damn houses all right so I think we just got to delete those houses somehow so attack and attack and attack and attack and then I think we'll be okay caught him in a lie right his opponent is is his homie is going to think he's lying now and the two Relic Masters are on their way I'm going to take him to the back corner because it's nice to have Wow's on your uh on your wonders all right you guys do that get as much as you possibly can you guys come down here and yeah there's got to be some some Mortal wombat going on with those too I think they're I think they're in a serious [ __ ] fight and uh let's grab some of you guys come down here we need to start setting up infrastructure over here uh all right dude Bobo wants blood he can taste it I just have to be a troll you know just like just like random mainly just random ass [ __ ] okay looks like somebody did somebody show up and take a relic while I was gone that's weird could have sworn there was another one there but it is what it is all right so we got a [ __ ] T of gold right now um and you guys Army is not of the greatest quality we are being attacked by Bobo here we can yield this to Bobo and go get this gold yeah Bobo Bobo does not want us there so we need him to be remain remain in kind of a state with the other guy right all right so those guys are gathering we got a lot of villagers heading down this way trade is adequate and what do we got here The Horseman are trying to find a way around but it's not really possible let's go get this Tower here maybe he's going to see my my Jank Army let's start building this and uh let's start Walling it's a nice little corner here it's very cozy Kobo does have control of the water though it's a little bit scary it's it's it's definitely going to be a situation where we just hey you won the first game good for you good for you nice job hell yeah well played well played to you I knew you had it in [Music] you okay I think we can still fit this here yeah perfect so Bobo is I'm I'm gold turns uh conch and uh well not anymore probably not conquer Level at this point haven't played in a while I I should use that be like I'm Rusty and weak seven and then there was some Arch just here too right all right so the Great Wall offs are continuing uh we probably need to start clearing out Bobo's Towers now you got to this guy's got to chill out with these guys huh I don't think they're going to be able to coordinate the sacred sites terribly well and I don't think you can get through there okay you can't yeah that's correct we do have all the infrastructure coming up horses are chilling there let's get a gate house there and then you guys come to the middle we need to entrench this I'm thinking got that sweet cross map trade which is nice uh some big vulnerabilities in the top of the Empire let's take you guys down here though we we can leave like a small portion and we just need to wall this yeah Landmark sniping is still something I'm a little bit concerned about let's do this this and this all right I think we're like about ready to pull the trigger once those villagers arrive I think we just go for it so we're going to nail them here um and then we can start slapping down you know keeps with excess stone that we have right is anybody else buying Stone nobody else thans them Bobo's chasing my villagers that's fine uh it's a pretty big tell if I but yeah a couple Towers will definitely be a decent deterrent with some Canon placements 45,000 food is okay but it might not be enough to go two bananas cuz like I have 300 so I can delete a lot um but my wood yeah my wood count is what's really really um leaves a lot to be desired okay relics are there we got these villagers we're going to go ahead and Lumberjack somewhere we just Lumberjack him right here yeah then Bobo's going to come screaming across I would imagine these guys are mortal combating do a cannon Tower he's towering uh South South Side I am not in South I have to just make as many Haggard random you know statements as possible Bobo is probably thinking about a Wonder two which makes me a little a little sweaty here but I have infrastructure I'm ready to produce units uh it's more or less walled it's not an amazing wall but it's better than nothing and keeps I have one in my base yes okay so we're counter politicking I think it's time we just pull the trigger though right let's just like put a put a fork in this and quit playing games we'll delete our Eco when the time comes when we need to but I think I just got to go for it he says I need the gold this is it's really good they're still fighting it's really really good they're still fighting this is exactly what we want all right so let's fire this bad boy up enough games and we can slap down a keep right here cuz we know that's important and cool and bbo says [ __ ] all right so let's start marshalling an army here soon um is there any stone there is actually some Stone laying around which is all helpful we'll take that we have a [ __ ] ton of villagers back here we're literally 85 villagers deep in this all right so we got that and we're going to go ahead and uh set you up here and uh cool so we should be chilling here do a little bit of this set up another one of these we can go raiding so let's like move in and do some raiding here so yeah one of them will probably base push which is fine the other one is going to go for the Wonder makes sense to me and um cool let's actually keep this probably cut wood somewhere else cuz we're going to need this and we can we need to just use you guys to do a little something something here but we do need wood we can't quite like go woodless here yet okay so the Army here is not amazing uh we need to get the Tanana gushima gunsmith in there too so let's get this and this needs to produce some units down here couple of you guys D has left the match okay so that's nothing too big doing some little wall offs here and there to make it a little bit harder we don't have a keep up there but we should get one oh [ __ ] that wall isn't finished either somebody could just Rod right through there see my rust showing here and yeah we're just going to kind of have you guys we could do a patrol move like here and here here keep tabs he's probably going to come through this way I would wager though yeah all right so you guys we could probably delete for now and you guys we do need the wood um let's go get on this tree line and delete substantial portion of these let's get rebal quins mounted Samurai actual Samurai and handgunners so the rolin legion is on its way down which is going to be super nice we have a fair amount of entrenchments in our main base um you guys yeah we need the wood is the only thing we lack and Bobo is going to come in like a wrecking ball here soon I would wager let's do this and just get like one keep here like out in the open kind of and uh start doing some what I like to call Insanity walls uhhuh so get you guys on this and a couple of you guys will go on this the patrol is going but now we're getting a decent little army down here we got 24 of you guys probably can delete Traders are still going we'll eventually delete the Traders I think the gold is going to start going very quickly but here they come uh too late for the sacred site that's for sure and we're going to go here with the rest of you guys do this do this and do a little bit of this and a little bit of that and uh Delete 25 as well cuzz we got to start uh having two armies basically so this is going to be the Army here uh let's do that keep you guys here we can't just let him have the base for free right we can't mhm get some rol quins coming how big is this Army it's pretty good it's nothing too insane though just a couple rangi and Chads all right so here comes the party bus so we're going to go down and see if we can intercept them here how long do we have to hold 11 minutes o that's going to be that's going to be a journey all right so how's the Army gathering in the base we need to delete you guys and probably delete all the Traders as well I think at this point yeah so the Army should be swelling pretty fast here uh-huh let's gather you guys up he still hasn't Advanced through yet um oh they could actually just go right back there couldn't he oh [ __ ] okay let's see where he decides to go and back here we got an army so let's uh let's wait to meet him this is the risk of having it not be in my base right okay let's lead all these and then just push through so we need to win one of these fights real quick we have 57 on food I think we're just going to have to delete them and just go all in so we're going to run out of food very quickly but it has to happen all right oh man those those AOE hurt let's fan out let's fan out he's he's losing taking some lse too but it's not as much as I would like all right the the not the rans but the other guys are doing well this fight's going okay here looks like we out mused them so let's go Target these down looking good this fight's a little dodgier but I think our rebal quins maybe clutch it for us yeah I think maybe the rebal quins do so let's gather our units back here do some onig some archers ay yeah dodgy fight but it looks like we won it I think we won both fights so that's really good and if we can just you know not get pushed here for a while it's going to be pretty massive all right so come back up let get some of you guys and we can rebuild the dread walls so let's rebuild the walls from wherever uh this fight's looking fine we're fighting on two fronts here we only need to hold for another freaking 9 minutes that's actually really long uh maybe we do need to like res saturate our farms and oh you know what our ruler is actually [ __ ] [ __ ] I didn't even notice I totally forgot Kings were in the game so he's going to go over there hopefully he makes it [ __ ] hopefully nobody notices that all right let's go down here do this do a little bit of that a little bit of that yeah I totally forgot Kings existed my main base is like actually very vulnerable um do we have a keep back here uh we could just do like a tower in the corner with like Stone upgrades should be adequate all right oh that got that was actually really scary I I [ __ ] if one of them Scouts my king in open field uh do I just stay in the main base I feel like it I guess it depends on how this fight goes is he order of the Dragon he is all right so let's gather you guys up here the king is making a run for it he's almost like cleared the dangerous area so let's go up here and then here oh yeah yeah dude that was really scary all right let's pull you Horsemen down to help out uh we will probably be okay here so let's get on the Range units get these spring ALS and start focusing these and seven do this five you guys are going to go hopefully keep this order the dragon Army busy Where is My Ruler all right does he have sprin again he does all right so let's get you in the corner and the main base fight looks okay there will come a time when we will need to abandon one of the Frontiers obviously that King's hustling yeah cuz if I leave him in the main base like it's it's very vulnerable I think the Wonder is like the last pocket of Defense anyways right so that would need to be the position oh my god get over here come on what are you doing Jesus Christ go get in the corner oh God there's actually like Cavalry nearby that's very scary all right let's gather you guys up go go forth my dread Legion swarm over them uh this fight's looking very precarious so we need to gather up get some bombards and some dudes for the dude God yeah food is getting dodgy that's why I have to get this food economy back online all right so let's get this this this this this this get a couple of you guys to work on this this this and some of you guys to go here here and here all right we just need to get that Siege I don't know how I stopped that order Army though it might just get there get you in the corner buddy yeah we might need to abandon the base defense a little bit this could be like the last wave of Base defense we do and then we just go all in on this corner here cuz this is I'm hemorrhaging way too much food depending on two fronts although I mean we do have food economy still going uh how's this looking all right back to the base back to the base and now we're going to start defending in the base there all right so Emperor shomu did make it to the corner we got s minutes left if we can dispatch this Army maybe we're okay like this is he's he's breaching that or blocking that which is very good and the main base I think we need to focus up here for now yeah we need to focus up here what is he saying hog hog something I have no idea what he's talking about my landmarks could hold for a minute um let's come up here here here and see if we can get a Siege and as far as the base goes I think we just are going to spam Horsemen cuz most of my Army is concentrated here now I think I could actually beat this hre Army in the choke point so we're going to try and take him there we can yeah cuz we have all these keeps and like Shogun and castles and [ __ ] they're going to be pretty formidable right the bombards unfortunately are a little bit like hard to get to okay so the fight is on here uh let's get you guys to start shooting these and uh how many bombards do we have we have the one he's targeting my bombards too fight is very heavy and uh we definitely need to get spring olds yeah let's get deployed bombards and spring Al Galore here he's on the TC he says okay that's fine don't mind that too much let's see if we can just dive that bombard there this fight in the corner is going well I think we're actually overwhelming them but the Dual prong fighting is very dodgy it's very dodgy uh we did get the bombard we did not okay we did not so I can't afford to defend on two fronts so it's going to it's going to be one of the other here that's pretty good though we definitely defeat the holy Romans pretty well um I think you guys need to go up here now like head to the main base and we'll keep the siege uh equipment here here okay so let's make some Spearman you guys come back to the choke point and you guys come down here send some Defenders up there to get the party going we don't have much to produce here now that's for damn sure my last land mark is somewhat well hidden but not super well um all right so we need to go sneaky sneaky here get these villagers out and just start trying to ninjer a pair of things and stuff a okay how long do we have 4 minutes and 40 seconds I I don't think we're going to make it we're we're hurting bad on food plus purplle here yeah so maybe building in the base so I could at least fight them 2V1 would be good is there any landmarks I can repair the IDU are destroyed the tan gushima gunsmith is like the last Bastion basically we're going to come up with a decent quality Army here you know sit for a repair there all right let's get you guys to start mowing that thing down there there there and there and um we are basically dead in the water yeah so we didn't have quite enough resources I think we can win if we just Bank a little bit longer but we did screw the pooch on that one okay he's looking for the goods now he's doing it and we have this Army coming in so let's get you guys to go after the bombards we do have some reinforcements coming to help from the other side Springs are trying their best he found it you know I think he's got us here I don't think we're going to be able to repair this quick enough the ninja repairs are there but probably not there GG well played yeah close hold close hold we greeted I should have waited a little bit longer can we get the repairs I don't think so let's buy some wood repair oh the Samurai running a distraction are they not repairing this going on guys there you go could we have hold held in the in the base though is the question maybe if the Wonder was just up here and we just hold them 2v one that would have been smarter I I think I've learned my lesson GG well played good luck you too great game by those players man that was that was a nice match good match couldn't stopped them both it was too much yeah I think it was foolish to build our landmark in the corner that was that was Haggard it just was so hard to defend so expensive the return to the land snakes I know they are let's see so who wins this fight um we'll find out I want to get more people involved so oh yeah okay it's over uh yeah purple he he's got a Wonder so that that's pretty much a for gone conclusion one on oneon-one you usually will never stop a wonder if you're you know somewhat equally skilled yeah it was a good match GG well played yeah next to the gunsmith for sure noad I agree all right so now we're going to do some team games so let me get some water yeah I'm going to go get a water and we're going to do 4v4 but just to make it fair we're not going to have anybody on mic so if you guys like join as a team don't communicate on mic it'll be a little unfair so everybody's going to be off mic you just have to type and stuff all right so Team game team game okay allow observers no delay and I will go for ah what do we want to play do we want to suffer as Deli uh byzantines are fun yeah we got choices man Holy Roman Empire is definitely great hey we got Mark in here holy [ __ ] yeah we got a strong team these every every player you see here is has gotten conqueror before so that's pretty strong already we'll probably have to switch up the teams to make it fair um zi's Legacy Jean dark I don't really know how to play Jean dark Byzantine seem pretty damn strong though let's go with iids all right so uh five spots anybody's welcome to join come get it'll be great yes 4v4 I'm going go get some water and we'll uh we'll continue this this party here all right guys what's cracking what have we got yeah I was definitely too greedy last game I was very very greedy I'm rarely up late for this yeah it's all good if you guys played in a previous game you can join this again too by the way yeah you can you can join this no no worries kyri no worries man people see that team we're going to switch the teams we're going to bounce the teams out cuz this is it would not be fair if we did three conquer players Nomads conquer n Ori I don't know about their 1 V one rank but they're very solid player so um we will see super stacked it is I haven't played a single ranked game this entire season yeah uh I did one actually yeah one 100% win rate in ranked baby that's what I'm talking about oh yeah we could do 3v3 too that's fine uh if nobody else joins we'll do threes so we shall do threes so slot closed all right so I think your avity and um so I don't know what Venus's rank is okay Platinum at least I know I I think Dandy was conqueror last season I don't know about this season yeah conqueror one okay so about my my skill level um so probably gravity uh you switch to so me Dandy and uh Venus versus sowad uh oh smeagle coming okay sounds good open spots so we'll see if we can get two more 4v4 would be very fun yeah your ravity is smeagle yeah your ravity I mean excuse me your ravity is it's Mark smeel is on his way he's going to be joining soon sounds good yeah I don't I don't plan on playing uh too much ranked offline okay so we got full house here okay so who is smeel is like he's he doesn't play One V one but he's definitely conqueror level um Professor fin would be rank what do we have any idea what his rank would be it looks like he doesn't really play okay he's gotten Diamond before so that's pretty good all right okay so uh let's do two yeah team up so one two three and then we would take smeagle smeagle with us okay or other team either way is fine okay so one two three and four and then finnbar Nomad nanori yes yeah he's on your team so we got myself Dandy Ventus and smeagle all good and then Nomad would be team two right or you guys decide whatever they want to do I I don't know the skill level of everybody here so we're going to have to figure it out okay just warning haven't played in a few months no no problem so we're going to go iub bids here and let's have some fun all right I dude I have not played team games this is going to be interesting so iub bids I I played them a lot in ranked that was someone I'm pretty familiar with Hobbit no it's not King mode no it's just regular [ __ ] what map did I put it on oh I didn't even see it was it Mega random oh no it could be anything well we'll figure it out this game is Allstar it might be king mode I actually don't know what settings I had [ __ ] I wasn't paying attention did you guys see what I had it's like when your favorite mus musicians make a super band so who who are contemporary super bands that we had in like the 2000s we had Audio Slave because that was Rage Against the Machine with sound garden um Temple of the Dog was in the 90s that was that was a pro jam some other bands uh Them Crooked vultures is Foo Fighters Queens of the Stone Age mixed together there are Kings it's all good Kings will be fun who cares then you got to defend it's it'll add some spice I think it'll be good no worries I think adding Kings will be fun because then there will be big schemes and you know backstabbing and all that so oh flag on the play yeah yeah I know Venus's computer really really chug in here I think he's still loading right oh no he's here uh V DC we'll remake all right so vent just just disconnected so we'll remake it same people though if you could all right so remaking here Venus with the dreaded crash yeah all right turn Team game please same people join all right uh so let's get rid of the Kings right we want to get rid of that and um we will do large tell them Large Marge sent you for maps we'll do something a little bit more fair I I want to do Islands personally I think that'd be funny but we'll do the Mongolian Heights although H we could do hill and dale it's kind of fun everybody gets their own little base all right uh Captain killer I do not believe was in here before so one two three four give me te nanori and then we just need Venus all right show hre some love I wanted to get camels though I wanted to I wanted to get some Camel people have some fun rampaging with my my mighty Beasts of the of the of the desert I don't know is Ventus coming back we're going to see if he's on the way playing in a old world tabletop tournament tomorrow which is going to be fun going to be playing the old tomb Kings of Nara which is going to be really rad playing with a couple a couple total war players actually competitive uh Total War Tournament Players are going with me it's going to be great fun uh Axel is that you all right so uh Bonsai we're waiting for someone sorry Bonsai I it hurts me to do that but we're waiting for somebody who's rejoining right now might be restarting yeah I'll give you another minute here let me know when you're ready to join by the way I'll this Co Lobby for now I feel I always feel terrible kicking people out of the lobbies man feels bad take some pictures yeah maybe I will it was fun I I won the last tournament with Empire which was pretty wild we managed to win with sons of Sigmar um that was a great fun then we played Warriors of chaos for that it's a it's a really good table top game it's so much fun I enjoy it so much more than 40K I'm sorry man yeah I feels bad Bonsai we'll get you in here one of these games I just uh wanted to get the guy who crashed back in all right you're back online let's find Ventus here so let's invite you to the match so what are the teams it's me Mongols uh jear okay so we got some Goods so team up and we will be ready to go tabletop Channel I'm aiming for July yeah aing for like mid July that's what I've been saying for a while uh one two three four looks fine and I think we're all set all right Goa a fun team let's get it are you winning yeah we're doing some team games right now some 44s which I haven't done in a while after this team game uh we're going to do one more FFA but I'm going to cue for The Nomad quick quick system so I'm going to queue into the random ffas and see see how that goes I've never done that I've never used the Nomad Q so that's what I want to do is there team based tabletop uh it's not as popular but it does play there have been some team tournaments in 40K for sure um 40K does teams a couple of ways you could have like two armies on the table or you show up with four friends and you all compete against other teams and like your combined scores like win win or lose you the tournaments what's the time we were at uh where I am at Delta is 10:45 yeah 10:41 p.m. so it's almost almost 11: at night yeah no Ally tracks with his beloved elephants that's right yeah know we haven't haven't seen him in a in a minute all right so let's see if I remember how to play this game I think they get Beres right I don't know man [ __ ] okay so let's go down here do this and uh yeah I guess we do berries cuz we are the aasd right they do berries well I think I don't know we'll find it out can you run defense is there dude these guys are like scheming strategies and [ __ ] okay I like what I'm I like what I'm seeing here let's go up in the corner see what we can find here what's that tabletop can also have free-for-all um it's called Triumph and treachery oh that's cool I did not all right so we come down here we build a house I was playing a lot of these guys last season but I don't remember a whole lot so wish me luck my friends I'll I'll try not to be a potato for you let's go down here's got to build a lot of boats in the desert yeah of course so we're on hill and dale right yeah so we have these like giant Hills um it is 4v4 which is going to be fun I'll try to get a big wallet before trade yeah I'll set up I'll set up trade um trade here yeah I'll set up trade here as I'm aging up so what have we got yeah I've been scouted by nanori evil nanori evil all right so let's set this up drop off our pitiful sheep that we found so far just the one oh man yeah I wish the I wish Dune had a spectator mode that's literally one of the reasons why I haven't been covering it as much cuz like the tournaments are so H they're really cool when you're playing in it but when you have to spectate with that janky like overlay it's feels bad you know feels bad uh do we want to go totc probably not I'm thinking FC cuz F the iids do a lot of really good FC stuff so I think that's the direction that we're going to go okay so let's get berry bushes let's head out this way we got smeagle up here and walls we need to figure out like all the areas where we need to wall yeah we'll let Dandy Dragon do all the typing that's great cuz my old man hands don't need any of that can you run defense in the Mongols what does he mean run defense does he mean like like Harry and Scout and I don't know regardless I'm going to go say hello here and now we're oh [ __ ] I'm that's how you can tell him so Rusty at this huh do this real quick it's fine not going to be a huge deal I kept thinking this was my Scout I was like I was like why is it not coming back to the base when I tell it to yeah we'll get our age up here it's not going to be a huge problem all right so from here um I think we're going to go fast castle and try and grab relics and like get some momentum out there we're going to go military wing for this age up it's so so Haggard it's going to be so delayed uh we're going to do the reinforcement Wing though it's really nice for just kind of keeping eyes on things all right so we're getting idea of the map we need to go see what's in the center as well and um let's get a couple of you guys to turn in come switch on over to gold and we can start doing a bit of this okay that's the idea yeah that's the idea so we're going to do an FC and grab some relics I mean this didn't slow down our our Castle too much just our feudal so we can definitely get there though cuz we have the uh I could do the logistic swing but I'm going to go gonna go camel yeah whatever they they'll see what I'm doing they'll see who theity back in yeah's here dude he's out for blood all right so the berry bushes are being picked clean Finbar reaches a finnbar is on the other team Finbar finar Finbar is on our team what's that I think is he where is Professor oh no he's on the other team okay okay so let's get another house being built here so let's do this go see who's hanging down here and as soon as we get this up we'll send our our beloved camel over there to go have some fun we do have some food out here need to get a proper lumber mill set up so let's see that and where oh where are they I feel like having a French player just like night grass the whole time is very strong you know I feel like that would be really good for team games look here yeah he's got stable coming up so it's going to be uh idavid is very good player he's very strong very very strong he's the pride of Scotland the the Highlander himself okay so we got anny or over here um so we're definitely going to go over there and say hello with our camel I really like that build just getting that early camel harass in is is quite nice all right so let's do this do this and gather you guys up and you'll see we're going to kind of coral these things a little bit so we're going to bump it and it should bump and then we focus it down then we go down here do the same thing bump it a little bit closer Perfect all right and we can do the same thing here and then get on that so we got the desert Raider coming over to poke and then we just go Castle age behind this is basically the idea we'll grab a bunch of relics and uh probably need to set up a trade post for the homies although no they already set one up all right worry about that then that's nice so let's just go harass the Gold Line a little French you know French don't like having their Gold Line harassed so we're going to do the uh rapid advancement so we only need a little bit more food just a little bit just the tip okay so we got a couple uh Mongol Raiders coming in I feel like setting up a wall here is a good idea but I don't know maybe we don't need it yet we'll get a second Raider in a moment and Castle AG is r approaching here yeah this is good if we just keep those workers back this is really good for us he's going to lose a villager actually that's nice okay back in the base let's connect the network [Music] here okay so a little bit of raiding going down little bit scary Thunderbolts and lightning and let's get you is he Chinese no he's playing xi's okay okay that's what it is so with where he positioned his um his business I can just sit here and Camp it actually which is nice so it's going to keep him off gold for the foreseeable future I greatly appreciate our Ally Walling that and now we need to do the rapid advancement all right we're going to go Castle here uh the wall off of Doom is coming let's keep trolling [Music] okay are we going to get raided down here probably should do some minor walls there man hom is really on point with that isn't he and we have this guy to protect so he's just going to go over [Music] here all right let's get this unit back I feel like he's done his part and we can go down here and head this off camel the desert Raider should trade with the kesik very well okay so they're coming in for a little bit of raiding nothing we can't handle with our camel Riders so we got our swords out okay and then we push in Hunt this guy down maybe he'll get one maybe probably not and Castle age and andori already got Castle age oh he's sushi so he can go faster Castle than me actually that's right I always forget sushi is like insanely fast in the castle all right but we got we got relics here I'm I'm loving Ventus as an ally by the way all these like buildups are super nice I'm going to have to get in on that trade eventually uh turn support got them yeah so we'll do some arrows which is nice this is one of our Scouts and even with the rapid advancement yeah sui Still Smoked us on the age up there okay so that's pretty nice cuz now we can go camp relics going to try and get this Con might be able to get the pick here okay trying to hunt down the old con here we going to get him he's too fast he's Too Fast Too Furious all right and let's do a couple of these upgrades and upgrades and hunt this guy down the relics are being grabbed all over the place it's a it's a wild west get this come back here oh [ __ ] we got to watch [Music] out okay let's get this desert Raider out there should be able to take down that Sushi guy then maybe we can come over here and help out big trade going down already too now we actually might be able to get some harrying here which is nice all right so we're going to take this down and then we need to start disrupting that uh that trade 100% all right so we're getting some raiding going the monk is going to keep chasing us there no problem let's go ahead and do this to get some cam Lancers we're going to hopefully be able to focus this guy down and let's get you back to the base and then you go out here afterwards pretty sure I had someone coming acoss these guys are durable as hell man yeah they're hunting we going to get him no he's too Swift all right so we're going to get this guy then and you get this and come back here sushi sushi is popping off dude all right we're going to get more camel Lancers maybe be able to steal this one maybe we can probably Camp it keep that from being taken although man another one over here yeah Sushi is going pretty hard in the relics how many have we gotten so far doesn't look like as many as I would like there's one there all right let's go pop here and get this one going to try and steal this Relic at least we'll deny some to them and Barry bushes Barry bushes bar bushes okay looks like there's some raiding back there yeah there's some some nasty raiding all right and let's get on gold Eco upgrades Eco upgrades okay you buddy are going to go over here and get this one and it looks like yeah he's he's coming to coming to try and Ward me off Professor finnbar is we got these guys let's grab that come back here do this did we get the Relic we did nice more villager picks I'll take it we need to get mobility in there for sure and perfect all right so let's just do this and you can go down here buddy camp that one and what is it looking like in the base then let's get you you need to see if they're still trading effectively let's get upgrades span you out over here got those guys and let's get you guys to switch on to the golds which is going to be more important and for now we can go get this and bring it back here okay let's take these workers down there I would like to deny this wall off if possible maybe switching into some gouls too would be a nice play that'd be really nice oh hello that's a [ __ ] T of fears okay never mind yeah we got to wait till we get some goums otherwise it ain't going to work he's doing a good job defending his ally here and we probably want to get a Marketplace so we can start trading ourselves so we'll set one up over here okay take that and take it back to the base here and we need to go get um some wild sacred sites and let's go get some sacred sites okay so can we start getting some gouls mixed in that's the [Music] question looks like there's some wild attacks in the realm I'm going to go see if I can sneak by again get some harass on the trade and uh our Marketplace should be up soon so we can start trading and you know balancing our economy a little bit all right team let's go see what we got but we do have a good amount of relics um this one was taken by Zushi so we okay looks like it's being patrolled there let's go cut off the Zushi relics and help in the North the camel Riders are you know they could be doing a little bit more work for sure uh deer pack we're going to head off to Sushi master we're going to get that which is going to be great and now um I think we can even just bounce our economy via another town center all right so let's get that and go back here outstanding all right it's going to be ours let's take the sacred site I know there's a lot of camel Lancers out on the map let's go ahead and set up a little vision out here second TC is on the way and now we can start getting some trade going here we got to eventually join the gravy train right and you get back to the base and drop this off okay so there's some Raiders in the base up to no good in the neighborhood I'm going to go see if I can still get in here okay now let's do this and they can go back afterwards I I seriously doubt they haven't welded us off already I would be thoroughly shocked okay we're going to grab that sacred now wow if we can still get in there that's going to be nuts if we actually can can you know get to get our get our pickle in there that's going to be pretty sweet they must have walled it at this point they must have it would be really odd if they didn't wall uh do probably need to get some Stone Gathering of our own oh we got in are you serious oh that's nice that's going to be a huge trade disruption and the thing is we have such a good mobile Army too there Spears chasing but yeah nothing we can't we can't get in and cause some massive Havoc right now all right so let's uh go out here okay let's get in do some damage against Nanny here going to be fat let's micro these guys and do this and just come down this way so even if these units die it's still uh really really nice for us uh so let's see if we can just hunt down like important expensive units like this guy okay that's good for starters we see three relics nice Definitely some respectable Eco damage and now let's head up this way and see if we can head off some trade okay let's get a camel Lancer to help here and you drop off that last Relic there and uh in the meantime you guys can head this way let's kill the Scout cool now we switch into goums maybe even consider going Imperial here kill Traders oh oh he abandoned them oh yeah now I'm going to get so many kills on on Professor Finbar here yeah so we dealt with the harassing units which is great yeah finnbar's on the run but we're going to keep moving between players I think that's going to be good let's get some Eco upgrades Eco upgrades we're definitely going to need to switch into Farms here soon cuz we're uh we're pretty potato there oh here we go we got some of uh from your avity stuff so we're going to get some villager picks okay let's go down here and then just like Loop all the way back down in the meantime we keep on the gulan party which is going to be great fun and we switch into some uh yeah so we're we're pretty much caught now Ventus has got Imperial age but we could probably get imp here too um get some Traders we probably need to get some stone walls of our own okay we'll just put those guys on like Auto pathing so we don't really need to think about it and then we need to get some proper walls here otherwise we could get in trouble okay so there's some some some units scurrying around the base looks like Green's got a little something something okay so what do we want to do probably trade wi right uh let's see economic growth is pretty sweet though I think we maybe do the economic growth yeah okay so I definitely need a up I'm a little bit behind the party yeah cuz the 10% efficiency on all those guys is going to be sweet we do have good map control though we're doing pretty good on the map control game all right so we got 24 vills doing God knows what it looks like they've just run out of food so we're going to buy a little bit of food to tide us over and then we need to switch into Farms oh God it's so ugly I can't take it anymore all right so let's get in here and harass again it looks like our my allies are getting in so I need to go try and poke a little bit here see what I can do uh we have the Imperial age upgrades coming trade is on the way damn sheep is in the way here give it to me precious give it to me precious and give it to me precious all right so we can come down here because we can actually build some Rams just to kind of harass yeah it's going to be nice all right so they're going to work on that we'll try and get in there yeah a lot of this is very much like the rating phase of the game oh you can actually probably squash this Army here nice all right so that's going to be a freebie there that's a that's a lot and then first things first we need to get tithe barns when the time comes okay let's do this we got another eight so let's do that and okay are we going to win this fight uh the Gams are doing very well these are jugu so probably and we need to go ahead and get some more uh Barracks here cancel these and these yeah the gouls are just going super Chad mode here cuz these areu they suck against Gams all right let's keep these guys alive go grab some sacred sights and go grab sacred sights here make sure we have it we see a cab Army coming down goums are getting a little bit worn out but it's all good and now we're transitioning into a pretty good little economy here nice that c flank is pretty clutch from Blue really nice play by Dandy very very good that's big cuz that crushes purple's Army and makes it really easy for me to deal with them in the future going forward right all right so we've had the sacreds for a long time right a long long time okay let's do that and get some more Farms we got 10 new villagers right when we age up yeah the economic wi growth which is money and let's do another one here yeah we just do another one there it's fine let's get that food upgrade and we take the sacred sites again and we have probably all three sacreds right oh [ __ ] okay that's where my new villagers went so Red's coming over we got Nomad with a spear based Army which could this could actually be really annoying if we don't have a stone wall here so we need to get a ston wall there ASAP all right so let's work on that make sure we're secret and safe I think it's going pretty well I don't know about the other sides if we're having big problems uh okay we're actually being raided back here so let me ping this for our uh see if I have anything I can go back there and deal with that [ __ ] we'll send the desert Raiders okay we need to get Gams for days he's trying to get in might be able to actually yeah it's like the pathing is very awkward need to buy as much time as possible I can't click on this forsaken corner wall here for some God forsaken reason all right so you guys come hopefully you can defeat some Spearman they're probably just going to run past me though that would be this smart play yeah just go harass my base and stuff is this an ally here it is it is an ally okay so yeah the goums win that fight there's nine of them and they're going to be elite soon too all right so no no no stress we're good we're chilling that was actually not as bad as it could have been all right let's get to Gate House the Chad gulam's getting it done we see uh D's Cavalry core causing a lot of Havoc which is outstanding let's get all the nice upgrades for the goulam that's going to be our army comp mainly is probably Gams they're they are really good they're super solid unit and um let's go ahead and do this okay so that was nice yeah and we'll finish that wall in a second all right can we finish the wall please so now the Counterattack I think a nomad was definitely um pretty pretty far away there so I think it's time for the dong I think they need the erect dong yeah it's it's go time so let's set this up here they're obviously trading so are we uh let's get some tithe barns building yeah so we'll build some Siege here oh he wants to go over here okay so the dong Tower is how much oh my pop cap that what it is okay okay so we're going to gather you guys definitely going to need more infrastructure so we need some hand Cannon in production and the dong Tower requires what wood of course we need a a giant Fus Tower of Doom okay and then we want to get army tactics cuz that's really good for us behold I am dong destroyer of worlds all right so the dong cometh they will tremble at the side of my dong okay we have a little bit of danger over here but I think we're fully walled so at this point not too worrisome uh we're about to get a big hammering push here probably on this side and this Ram can go in here too all right so let's attack get you to go work on the gate house and start mustering some Defenders over here just in case they decide to try and breach through we should probably get like a keep or in and around my base somewhere so we don't get completely rolled up the dong Tower is is thick it's it's it's a problem for them we have really good quality infantry here too all right dude look at that thick weener just pushing in there dude oh yeah let's get it all right if you like turns dong like the stream wow okay there's a first for everything so let's get that let's get some Stables yeah I see that thank you I'm going to try and get back into the base here and we just push in and try and take out purple okay I saved most of them which is good uh you guys is there any gold left around here there is some down here yeah so they better help Nanny cuz Nanny's going to die here if they don't the dong is too big uh we see some reinforcements coming out let's get you guys coming down to help to villagers are moving in we just take down the villages and that will uh pop cap them which is good all right so that's one that's going down there let's get the other one looks like we've run into their uh reinforcements so we need to gather our troops back here instead and let's gather them up like so Hand Canon ear and uh you guys gather up here looks like the dong tower has fallen it did great though it was it was very it was big and proud all right so we're going to go back there and do a little bit of rating with some of these units see if we can get into the Eco a little bit and great so that's good let's set up a tower here and a tower oh wow gravity has not been Imperial age this entire time all right we're going to start getting dirty in his base here it's going to be a lot of kills back there should be at least you know five or six I would say okay so you guys move out and let's grab this and do a couple towers and then jump on there how we looking there yeah we're still all up in that Eco with some of these goums right now see if we can breach our way in before he gets the seal come on come on nice so Horseman to Elite um that is a keep that is a keep all right cool so we're going to run down to the corner yeah looks like oh nice and yeah I'm still getting a lot of gulan pressure in there let's run back no sense in losing this Army okay trades looking like we are the ones who are knocking on their door you know what I'm saying that's that's the good thing that's the the big Advantage we have is that we're the ones we're the ones Walter wiing them right now we're the ones who knock uh let's go ahead and do the biology a okay yeah my arm is pretty flattened here you need to get the elite Horsemen let's get the elite Horsemen that keep is for sure going to fall and uh let's get a cannon Tower here get a couple of you guys to come over and start Gathering some stone for more keeps and whatnot and you can see they're being raided on a lot of fronts which is good hopefully you guys are enjoying this format if you want to see more of these kind of team games let me know I I think it's quite a bit of fun okay so we're going to get a cannon Tower here which is good and um how's it looking yeah we did a lot of damage to their trade their trade's offline right now so there's like a fairly sizable window of time in which we're going to be getting goodies and they're not all right so we need to get food upgrades tooo I think I'm pretty sure I forgot all those no I actually did all those okay not a complete idiot Okay Hand Canon ear let's mix in some camels and uh just to punish the horses do I move in again do we make another dong is is it time for the dong I think it is okay yeah you can see some raiding going on on the back of the base we're taking all the gold off the map um I should be getting sacred sits for sure cuz we have map control so we should have sacreds 100% all right let's move up boys the dong comes oh there's a breach in the woods uh let's go this way though yo there's Rams coming down that way already all right great so we're going to go this way let's get some Horsemen going and get some gouls and some hand Canon ear uh the wood eco's picking up the Tower of the sultan is coming though the Sultan's fat dong is going to be approaching their base any second here okay looking good do this all right let's move it up looks like they're in right now we're about to breach I could just run through the opening which probably would be smarter so we're going to take this and we can take uh yeah Mo you guys out here why not or do they they already sealed it okay no worries we will create a new entrance with Blackjack and and all sorts of things let them ride out they're fa they're coming to face the dong dude people people need to put some respect on this thing it's pretty ferocious look at that it's just it's just thrusting into the Tower with massive girth okay so we need to get out of the choke point and just get this Nest be all right so got that bad boy let's take a couple guys down um and go here here and here and then the rest of the Troopers can just move forward directly into the base uh I'm a little bit heavy duty on gold but like being gold greedy isn't a bad thing Okay so we've encountered the enemy Army so let's go Dive Dive Dive and the dong is approaching too so you guys can come uh over here move in yeah we've almost got all the nestab bees down we just need to get this last one the dong Tower is surging forward let's get on this one gold is certainly not an issue right now that's for damn sure um okay let's get some more production so we can just really go crazy let's get back here into the the farm Eco get the fat dong moving in I think we're in a winning position the other side is approaching too and we're we've got a lot of their stuff shut down here although oh here comes the purple army okay we need to run this way then I thought we had were more up in the base than we were so that's that's a fake TC so the dong needs to go help with that it looks like red is coming in to help so that's Nomad that's good teamw work there all right and let's get you guys to do this uh get textiles why the hell not attack here we're going to go see if we can disrupt the other players Farms when they're trying to help purple out we're going to see what we can get done uh looks like he's got us blocked up here pretty good well played all right so we're going to get into these do a little bit of cooking and we killed his TC so he's going to have a harder time uh rebuilding now we're going to attack Professor Finbar here and uh yeah we need to gather up an army before we move forward here nice this is some good demolish for sure he's losing bills he is losing bills and uh these guys can they find any ways in they can oh yeah let's see our allies have gotten in on the other side too okay probably going to have to rest my hand after this this might be the last one I've been it's been acting up on me lately a little bit that's why there hasn't been as many hard RTS in CO's a little bit easier age is probably one of the harder games on my pause all right let's keep running usually when you run to a neighbor people forget and they just you uh we need to get the dong Tower come on now okay so he's moving in with a big army I've arrived here uh to help out the northern Invasion which appears to be going pretty well my camel Riders have almost gotten in we got the Dual dongs uh how many Traders am I rocking I'm rocking 22 Traders right now that explains why my armies are so small just wanted to say hey I'm glad you're enjoying it Templar Knight glad to hear all right let's move up into the base help the homies out [Music] and then we need to get on some wood all right so we're in the base I think we got it the the top is doing well smeel and Nanny Ori are doing good it looks like uh and we're also winning our side too I think all right so yeah the we're going to overwhelm this uh this Sushi Army here you got a lot of stuff and uh yeah we can just do hand Cannon ears for days so much gold uh a rest pause we'll do more next time all right nanny has fallen the relics are ours and um yeah I think that was fun one-on-one dong battle yeah I know that's for sure yeah I guess we we got some good early harass I think I think uh won we had a lot of crazy Mobility which I think was a big factor in why we won like I I I feel as if you know we had excellent trade going obviously they had no trade towards the end and um yeah it just felt good felt like we constantly had map control and movement like we had the Mongols with forward infrastructure we had French Knights all over the place I was kind of just early harassing and stealing relics I don't know how helpful I was ultimately but I think I think we did good damage I think we did let's see how does this look One V one dong battle just wanted to say yeah thank you thank you Templar night and David thank you for the donation man we did it yeah we did it was a good game poor Nanny got well of course Nanny was the closest one to me I would have attacked anybody that was there for sure yeah we certainly didn't have the best resources but we weren't bad um smeel was pretty rich but he was trading for a long time I think yeah it was good good all around all right Lads uh I'm going to rest my pause for now it's a bit of a shorter stream that was the plan for tonight I got I got to get up early I have to be up at like 6:00 am. to drive to Los Angeles to play in a tabletop tournament oh pure pain so I'm going to wrap it up a little earlier tonight but if you guys enjoyed this do drop a like on the way out if you want more sweaty age uh but aside from that we'll be back soon uh not tomorrow but Sunday we'll have something going on I don't know what maybe oh Sunday is a total war stream and then Monday or Tuesday will be Company of Heroes no maybe Age of Wonders I'm not sure we got a lot of fun stuff coming up we got a lot of good stuff all right guys appreciate you all take care of yourselves see you around Sigmar bless and uh that's going to be it for tonight appreciate you all man that was a good time and uh GG well played
Channel: Turin
Views: 34,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0dtRCNw3kkg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 166min 55sec (10015 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2024
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