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the last person to leave the swimming pool wins ten thousand dollars but not everyone gets to go in this big pool why I have a pool for two people right there I was wondering why that was there okay yeah so welcome on this one you guys think you can choose it gonna be a challenge how do you know it's almost like he's my cousin and he knows me I have a RC boat my RC boat would do trick shots out here baby I actually had no idea how to control this I was just pressing everything so the note says winner pick the big or small pool and your teammate I'll start with a teammate how about that okay easy shoes I'll go with the man I gotta deal with Anthony for this big pool or little pool my friend little pool okay I guess you guys want the small pool is it bad to have the small pool I'm confused guys hop in now that everyone is in their pool you can't leave if you get out you lose and the last person standing wins ten thousand dollars hey these challenges I have up my sleeve they're crazy for this one wait I need to use the bathroom is Mandy okay with that if you go in the other place are you serious I'm just kidding guys go she's too nervous to pee you guys ready for your first challenge no wait what are you doing bro okay Sherman for the first challenge you all need to close your eyes we don't trust you I know you don't trust me but you have to everyone close your eyes don't look huh so we're putting coins don't open your eyes for that long man hurry up this is gonna be tough to find I have hidden coins in each of your pools this pool has 40 coins to collect and the big pool there's only five coins to collect this is made even you guys have the smaller pool so 40 is fair for five in that big rather have 40. first team to collect all their coins and put them outside their pool wins go hey look at them going bro they've already found two how many have you gotten I have three you could throw them out the pool wait do you guys have four collected yeah they already have four no way they're struggling to find that last one maybe I have it in my pocket I don't know I can't buy a lot I can't either this is it guys they need one more I don't know how many they need but I can't find it they're double checking we're done you're done wait I see one right here guys keep looking come on team Jessica and Mandy found all their coins you guys went off to a good start our fifth one isn't here all right we're gonna check this drain not in here I found it it's floating in the middle and that last one I really thought they had that one in the bag since you guys won I'm gonna offer either an advantage for you guys or you could send the other team a disadvantage full send a disadvantage yes oh that's gonna hurt how are we losing to these scrubs right now one of you has to wear this jacket for the rest of the video you know how cringe it is having like a jacket on underwater I need the disadvantages bro to make it fair so there's nothing I could do to get this off maybe in the future okay go oh that hurts no way of making him float bro he looks like the Michelin Man bro good job guys for this next challenge you need to sacrifice one of your teammates and you guys have to swap pools you're going to their hood or am I you go to their Hood this is my hood you want to go in there or do you want me to go in there I need you to go in there oh wait there's water in here how much water is in there we have small pools for you you cannot step out of the small pools either do you need help okay all right hold it you did it German all right yo Sherman with no socks well let's take a look real quick why is it so warm keep in mind they're not the new team Jessica's still on Mandy's team and Sherman's still on Dennis team but we are playing Marco Polo how am I supposed to be quiet with this on it was your choice the two people who swapped pools you're gonna be the hiders oh come on wait I'm hiding I'm hiding with this song you guys are probably thinking how's this fair when Jessica and Dennis are in the big pool Jessica's gonna constantly be saying Polo so Dennis can find her whereas Sherman is not going to be making any noise so it's gonna be more fair hey I'm getting my tactic down you won't ever hear me blindfold on blindfold on and go up Polo Polo Anthony who is it gonna be you got it that was hard what the hell Let's go Team Sherman and Dennis won that so now you guys have to swap pools again so do you guys want advantage or send a disadvantage to them give us an advantage but we're not going to make it harder on them you know what you know what can we give them an advantage if you want are you sure it's an advantage bro okay I guess team Jessica and Mandy are getting an advantage is Anthony dumb this is what you guys could have had yes a nice umbrella for shade and it's 105 degrees right now so can we take it back no no for 10 minutes if I'm giving you guys 10 minutes then Sherman you can take the jacket off hey don't need to take it off okay [Laughter] you guys weren't even supposed to get that you're absolutely right thank you so much being sure me you have 15 rubber ducks in your pool and you guys have 85 rubber ducks 85. if you find the duck with an x on the bottom you're safe there's four of them the one person that doesn't find the duck with an X is out of the whole challenge you in your pool and two in their pool wait so we're going against each other now pretty much unless you guys both find the X's before they find theirs let's go hey I'm gonna help Dennis find one I already got one Mandy come on okay it's between Dennis and Mandy one of them is getting out I already checked those I already checked those over here over here come on come on Dennis come on look at the direction wait Mandy found it Mandy Jessica and Sherman are safe Dennis is eliminated where was it where was it was it this one it was this one of course the one on the other side of the pool sorry you suck and he's eliminated all right Sherman going to these kiddie pools and make your way towards that giant dartboard Jessica and Mandy we need one of you whoever you have more trust in to beat Anthony in the soccer challenge so soccer is not for me so I'll do it hey okay make your way so you guys will each have three shots at the dart board the person furthest away from the bullseye is eliminated from the entire challenge I didn't know that's what we were doing well one of you is gone after this I want to say thank you for coming you're looking it's been a blast having you here Mandy I have faith in you will he even hit the dartboard oh okay okay you're looking good oh it looks like the yellow one is closest to the bullseye so Mandy you pretty much just have to get a bullseye easy I want you to shock the world everyone watching out there probably thinks she's not gonna hit the dartboard or unless that was just me no I'm for sure gonna make it okay a bull's eye to send this guy home thanks for coming for real no it was a blast having me oh okay that's a good first shot I feel it Manny come on again thanks for playing are you gonna root for your sister of course Josh you got this it is down to Jessica and Sherman for the ten thousand dollars so we have one last Challenge and this is super intense so we have a cage sunk to the bottom of the pool with a ton of colored balls in there Jessica you have 10 keys to go through to unlock the lock take all the balls and put them in these color coordinated bins okay Anthony will be doing the same in his pool but he will have less balls and less keys because the pool is way deeper the fastest time wins ten thousand dollars and Jessica you are lucky number one that Loki felt like Joe Rogan this is gonna be intense man this is what Joe Rogan does like for his birthday party right one your head goes under the time starts and let's go oh it's too late already she has to go through 10 Keys though she's taking her time out there dude she's not looking good 35 seconds she still hasn't found the right key I think I found the key but I can't get it open hey that's good though in less than a minute you found the right key did you unlock it it wasn't the right key he never has faith in me like that who cares you never ask me how I feel about it got it can she get the freaking cage open it's always how much did Sherman win never how was Sherman she got the cage open she needs to take all the balls out you can do whatever you want me I think she's gonna take the weight out are you sure the phone timer goes that high up I got it out oh smart tactic right there go go go go go go go a minute 42. this is a fast time I'm impressed I'm impressed oh man oh it's hard to run in the pool okay you're dropping some out of the bins what am I doing on time two minutes and 12 seconds this is so much harder than it looks there you go there you go two minutes and 30 seconds this is gonna be hard yeah you know those balls are gonna be everywhere bro oh every ball she drops adds five seconds really dude there's still so many in there three minutes and 20 seconds you're almost there Jazz come on with my shorts I think so this is it I'm done so four minutes and 26 seconds but let's count the balls that she dropped plus five 431 plus five 436 and I know she dropped one more oh yeah right here plus five your final time is four minutes and 41 seconds I give you mad props for that thank you that was actually hard it seems really hard Sherman to beat four minutes and 41 seconds so keep in mind you have the bigger pool so we had to put less balls because if they go everywhere it's going to be harder to collect and you also have less Keys okay the cage is sunk in the middle and your bins are here are you ready yeah I think you need to take this off I already tried swimming under with this and it doesn't work it's only fair how you feeling now Sherman this is it a little bit too nervous that's rare to hear from Anthony as soon as soon as it starts Ready set go okay I feel like he's gonna be confident and beat the four minute time for sure so where the cages right now it's about five feet deep he's gonna pull his weight from the cage I feel like there we go he's working Anthony's at 50 seconds right now he's got it Brian over here having his back he's got it I root for him I root for everybody I wonder how hard it is to actually get it unlocked I'll tell you how is it hard okay minute 41. did you got it you got it no oh he's dragging the cage towards the bins guys there is a 40 pound weight in there it's not light let's go Sherman the only bad thing about bringing it here is now he's in the eight foot you're at two minutes and 20 seconds might be able to win honestly dude it does not sound good for you homie needs to stop playing video games for 12 hours a day oh he got it okay the balls came up you got this Anthony come on blue green red yellow red uh-oh he's having a hard time grabbing them dude that was the hardest part and look at that there's still balls left in the cage three minutes and 20 seconds put them in your pants I think he is he's putting them in his pocket why am I helping him we're at three minutes and 41 seconds in less than one minute if he can't get all the balls in there then he loses Come on Anthony four minutes and 10 seconds he still has the balls in the cage four minutes 20 seconds you have 21 seconds left now he has to go underwater without the goggles and get the other balls in 20 seconds that's it that's it and time you went crazy in there honestly what made you lose was how long it took you to unlock celebration you killed it you still killed it do I get to celebrate yet or what oh yeah celebrate let's go thank you so much here you go thank you so much guys Jessica won the challenge if you guys want to see more videos like this drop a like hit that subscribe button and other than that it's been phase rug and I'm amazed
Channel: FaZe Rug
Views: 5,556,091
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: faze rug, rug, rugfaze, fazerug
Id: pVUBm7ZAheQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 04 2022
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