Last To Leave NBA Stadium Wins $1,000

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I invited eight of my friends to a suite in Cleveland for the Clippers vers Cavs game they're going to be competing in various challenges to be the last person remaining at the end of the game and they're going to win [Music] $1,000 boys a thousand is on the line starting now pick who is going to win the tip off Cavs I got the Clippers I'll take the Cavs I'll take the Clippers give me the man with the fro I got the Cavs Clippers Clippers baby Cavaliers whoever is correct will be safe the other four will be up for elimination it's game time we got the Clippers up here the Cs down here here we go come on B the Cavaliers have won the tip the four of you guys are safe for the rest of the quarter you four are up for elimination two of you will be gone by the end of the quarter D we just got here we've got the bugget squad hat with bunch of different papers in here Clippers two-pointer Cavs two-pointer Clippers three we're going to mix it up everyone's going to grab one Johnny grab one I got Clippers three pointer Clippers two oh oh come on dude this just happened oh my God so the way this challenge works if your thing happens you are eliminated so the last person to not happen is safe stop the break stop the break me right now stop the break no yes no time two now Zach is up for elimination oh no way oh yeah that is a Clippers two Chris is also up for elimination no SC what yes other corner corner three John for the win let's go I've gotten so lucky that they miss these open threes Jeff how does it feel to be safe right now I feel Comfort I'm enjoying the game I'm about to catch a shirt right now you definitely want to be safe because the food is coming at halftime and we ordered so much delicious food I'm vegan you got any vegan food you're not vegan hey hey hey hey hey hey oh he's he's giving a he's giving [Applause] a that's crazy they won the first Challenge and he got a shirt that's so stupid so we are halfway through the first and they still have not hit the three I need the cow to shoot [Applause] [Music] oh Johnny is officially saved yes so the three of you are up for elimination two will be safe my friend is walking around the stadium in a white Cavs Allstar Lebron James jersey the first two of you to find him will be safe the third is kicked out of the suite and going to the top of the stadium for the rest of the game he's anywhere in this Arena I don't know where I should go but I got the credit card so I think I'm going to go get some nachos and a beer if I find them I'll text you all right all right yo I'll text you bro cute trap can I get a d Thunder thanks Jesse after this quarter people are going to start getting eliminated a lot faster and what they don't know is one of them is actually to get back into the challenge later in the video and still compete for that $1,000 oh man I'm taking a risk Nick oh I found him I found him oh my God he didn't even get that far I almost turned the other way too that's hard proof sorry chab you're too slow bro you didn't get farther than that oh brother oh yeah baby I'm back are you safe yes let's go ons Trav unfortunately I'm going to have to kick you out of my Suite but I got a ticket for you hey at the top of the stadium okay so I still get to watch the game we'll check in with you later in the quarter okay nice I I'll take it boys three people are going to be eliminated in the second quarter but one person is going to be safe and they're going to get a big seat upgrade to determine that everyone pick a player out of the Hat okay Daniel th oh he's good Norman Powell Ka Leonard I got carth lbert Isaac Evan Mobley Russell Westbrook and you don't know what the challenges Sam Merill whoever's player scores three points or more first is getting the seat upgrade and safe for the rest of the quarter all right Westbrook come on Westbrook I'm the biggest Westbrook fan Westbrook yes yes two for me all right Chris just needs a free throw or another bucket I've never seen Norman Powell shoot the entire SM Mir back to back Sam oh Jeff with the seat up Norman po MVP I've never heard of them before today so not only are you safe you got the seat upgrade enjoy it my friend you're so much br have Club access if you want to try to get some nice food and we got food at halftime which are guaranteed if you pass the halftime challenge see you lat okay I'll see you later let me get highly from all these guys what up bro what up what up what up what up oh wow this is my seat right here apparently I got to thank Norman for this seat Norman pow is the reason why I'm here I'm going to go check out the Sweet Love of food three of you will be eliminated we're doing trivia whoever is farthest from the answer will be up for elimination they will predict which team will score next if they're wrong they're getting out of my sweet that's crazy what is Kobe's career total points including playoffs oh Brothers I'm going strategize after strategize after not when you need to just after all right everyone flip 56,000 hey he was Bing out there all right the correct answer is 39,2 183 AJ you are the farthest on the correct answer who will score next I'm giving it to the Cavs all right if the Clippers score he's eliminated from the booth oh man bro 56,000 is crazy LeBron's only in the 40s you got to put that into consideration like he went out there he created a whole or for himself you should add at least 20,000 points all right it is the Clippers ball Paul George at the top all right let's go Clippers to harden James all the way oh he makes it AJ you are kicked out of my Suite bro you got to go to the top respect Trav is lonely up there give him some company I got you got you all right we're going to make it interesting we're going to do a true or false question so multiple people could be up for elimination true or false the Lakers have won three NBA Defensive Player of the Year [Applause] Awards all right let me see your answers we got true true false false false the answer is false yes they only have one it was Michael Cooper who is going to score next uh the the cabs Clippers Clippers oh cool lock it up oh mismatch mismatch honey get out of here you have been eliminated that's GG I'll see you later see you these are the seats as you can see I'm literally all the way at the back it is so high up I literally missed a whole Quarter walking up to these seats it is so far I'm also next to the wall I'm pretty lonely right now I can't wait for someone to join me we'll see who it is is next I think it's going to be Johnny or Justin that's my guess you know what let's switch to a Jeff can see what he's doing right now oh little Chairman's clothes and there's snats in here so you can get some chips you got candy oh that looks great and there's a bunch of alcohol you could get we got AJ to come join you bro you know I just wanted to make it easier for them started at the bottom and now we're here yeah okay I mean yeah technically it's the top Tech we're at the top we have our next victim who do you think is going to be next I think probably Zach is probably next Zach's next he was giv some bad answers okay I think it's going to be Justin or Jeff not Jeff Jeff's not even in he's he's at the court side what yeah oh brother oh you didn't even know that's just so good I'm not used to having this access and I'm very alone by myself there's only one seat but life is good all right boys this is the question how many points did LeBron James score with the Cavaliers oh damn he was in Miami hooping but then he came back I'm just like trying to think of how many years LeBron played with the Cavs in his two stins versus all of the years he played in Mii miam and La then let's see the answers 20,000 23,000 23,000 I swear to God I didn't look 22,500 the answer is possible it's been a great a great time hey a pleasure playing thank you thank you thank you all right there's 2 minutes left I got my [Applause] canoli we have a new member guys they got me on my own game they got me trivia wow hatrick is a Trivia Goat and he got out that's insane that just goes to show how hard the trivia questions actually are I wouldn't know it's time for the halftime challenge we're going to be doing a scavenger hunt and the winner is going to get the seat upgrade and be safe for the whole third quarter you have to take a picture of someone who's wearing a jersey that's not Cals or Clippers you have to find a subscriber and I'm going to give you each a jersey you're going to have to trade this jersey for any other Jersey the first person to do all three of those things is safe and win subscriber picture with no C and trade this jersey oh what up are you subscribed to jesser absolutely yeah I found a subscriber oh oh got to take a picture with him oh I'm so losing this challenge can I get a selfie with you sir please oh damn it Jeff yo you're you're subscrib to Jester right of course I am all right thank you bro appreciate it oh you got the Kyrie you want to trade yeah for real yeah oh bet my man traded me to KY for the brand new dawn Jersey swapping with this man let's go thank you bro and a cat a jersey all right yeah hell yeah I got a Lakers jersey well the boys are doing their scavenger hunt the food just got here we got the chicken we got the ravioli what is that eggs omelette what is that D you're already back yeah congratulations let's go you are getting the seat upgrade again I'm running but I ain't running I'm running but I ain't running won Jeff look at me you're not eliminated though you're still safe bro Jeff's already been back Jeff was so he didn't leave the stairs Justin you were in The Challenge I didn't even know you were in this I legit walked around the whole St I forgot Jess was in the challenge he took so long look at me I'm the chosen one I'm going back to my seat I am so excited all right boys two of you are going to be eliminated in this quarter each of you grab one all right what does everyone have flippers two Cavs two Cavs three all right this time the first two of them to come true are safe the third person is eliminated you have to be kidding me they've been shooting good yeah stupidly locked in caps three all right Z is safe I knew that was going to happen bro hey you can get it right here oh with the cut that's Plumley yeso oh that's a three oh unlucky Mitchell all the way Donovan with the bucket Chris you have been eliminated from The Suite you made a good run but it's time to go hate the Clippers stay safe stay safe easy up there see you later alligator he def hit his head on the ceiling I know Jessica told me to go to nose bleeds but nah it pays to have NBA League Pass just chill and I get a live view I mean what's the difference and I got a nice drink right here dude I'm living to determine which of you is getting eliminated we have five players here you're going to rank them from the biggest shoe size to the lowest whoever gets the most correct is staying in the suite since Donovan's only like 62 63 he's got to have the smallest Yao Ming probably has the biggest like I'm going to go here and here I think I got it right all right oh my God what are you thinking right here yeah lowest for sure Donovan Mitchell at the lowest has to be I'm going go darkk at Four darkk number four I go him jannis number two Yao me number one biggest I mean he was the tallest he the tallest he was the tallest all right Zach you got zero right what it goes Brook Lopez yeah Ming Donovan Mitchell Giannis dur let's see if Justin got any right they both got zero we're going to a rock paper scissors all right best of one rock paper scissors to make it to the fourth quarter Justin you have been eliminated oh all you had to do is get one shoe correct we have just made it into the fourth quarter and you're probably thinking how are they back in the sweep well I invited them all back because one of you is coming back into the suite I got a challenge for us up there okay so I'm here with all the eliminated people we're going to be playing last to miss on this jesser mini hoop right here whoever wins is coming back in let's turn it on it has LEDs it lights up all right we're going to shoot from right here all right Johnny with the first shot yeah I it's harder than it look the feeling changes it someone could match him nice oh oh oh Patrick uhoh you going let Travis Advance he was out first he was literally was out this was my plan all along first out tobac this was my plan all it is down to three I got to eliminate one of you before the final challenge we're going back to our favorite trivia Will Chamberlain has the most minutes per game average in an NBA season what is that average I came back for this was the Warriors record again 739 there 739 yeah 82 games but there wasn't 82 games back then how many games were in the season you guys ready wait no let me see your answers .2 there's 48 minutes in an NBA game questionable we have 35 Jeff 40 the answer is 45.8 Travis you're up for elimination who is going to score next oh if you're wrong you're out we'll go with the Cavs Cavs all right so the clier score he is eliminated again well kaai scatch reverse misch what kind of you have been eliminated again draft came back in for like 1 minute and he's out again it's crazy it is down to two and there are 7 minutes left in the game to determine who's going to win the $1,000 it's going to be decided on who wins this game G now I know you want the Cav Zach right or left right right Clippers that means Jeff is C okay the Clippers are currently down 10 points will they come back 12 12 points my bad let's go oh yeah oh yeah step back no no way single digit lead James Harden takes another three-point right here and misses Kawai gets in the [Applause] L yeah oh my goodness hey you got to respect he just Bo to ride somebody 7 seconds on oh in and out in and out come on baby I need that thousand that's a lot of diapers this is like the final this is literally the finals a hook shot yes Kaw Leonard chill out why's got 30 right now the CL are actually making this comeback it's crazy oh yeah Corner oh that's the best player on the team Norman hey hey I'll give it to him Norman pal I swear God oh my God go yo and one go it's about to be a three-point game we up four just need a bucket here I he got oh midrange shot might be over Donan [Music] Miss and another bucket and it's over goodby the Cs are going to win this game Jeff congratulations thank you so much you win the thousand you're the last one remaining in the suite hey big shout out to the Cavaliers this was amazing big shout out je all the boys for coming down YouTube apparently thinks you're going to love this video it's suggesting it for you see if YouTube is correct we'll see you in the next one peace
Channel: Jesser
Views: 1,834,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jesser, last to leave, nba, last to leave nba stadium, last to leave challenge, jesser last to leave, jesser nba, nba challenge, nba new season, jesser nba collab, last to leave challenges, basketball challenge, clippers, cleveland cavaliers
Id: FBgPLQreWjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 13sec (1033 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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