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warning the following video features stunts and activities performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals do not attempt to recreate or reenact any stunt or activity performed in this video [Applause] [Music] what's up guys welcome to the vlog welcome back to my channel I'm Carter Cher and today I had a wild and crazy video for you today and we drove out here a couple hours to the middle of nowhere check it out the view is amazing the video today is so crazy it's not something we could do just in the backyard of the house so we're out here at a very special place to film a very special video and because it's so crazy we are upping the prize money from $10,000 to $100,000 have you ever seen $100,000 cash money guys check this out this is insane oh each one of these stacks is ten thousand dollars and this is what we normally do for prize money but this box has ten of them in there it's absolutely crazy so guys you can tell what we're doing today is probably by the thumb that untitled but everyone else they don't know what it is just yet so let's meet the contestants for today's challenge I know you guys ready to get this thing started yeah let's do it what's going on first okay everyone just gather your thoughts organize yourselves remember keep in mind that today's challenge the prize money is a lot larger a hundred thousand dollars so I know today's challenge is gonna be a little bit more wild and crazy but just stay with me because if you win it's going to pay off so everyone grab each other's shoulders Liz we're gonna do a single-file like a train we're gonna walk you to the child stops hair and there we go so everyone okay so we're just about to enter the cage guys things are about to get real instead everything in the second security game I keep them coming they're gonna be oh you guys smell that are we going to a bathroom or something keep on coming guys just stay quiet Liz don't make too much noise why this time you don't make today's y'all you might hear the other things you make us do sorry for your video yeah this is this is more your chance to win a prize money I feel like I'm gonna trip on something no no you'll be all right just watch your foot almost wait I lost stove Liz well okay guys so we are at the location Rohan's getting them all set up and the challenge is about to begin behind me is a lion cage inside there is a huge adult lion and they have no idea where they are right now but they just know that the prize money is going to be huge and they're gonna find out exactly why the prize money is so big because today's video is literally gonna be wild and crazy hey guys but you guys you need to be quiet hey what is seriously quiet you're seriously wanting to be very quiet inside voices because it's it's sleeping right now dude let's keep it that way what is it just buy it this is crazy no sweet-sour big step coming up big step coming up we're going in something one to be taken off stay quiet guys stay quiet stay calm stay calm guys so don't do don't make any sudden movements we were doing last to leave the lion cage wins $100,000 guys just stop playing around seriously there's a lion right here get me out of here I don't want to do this $100,000 on the line here I don't want to do this get me out please you don't give me the first one to leave I want a senior okay we're gonna go to the heap don't push me in front of the line Hey why you pushing me another lion get out you go just that's how you have to do it just go this way fun so peaceful honey you don't have to leave me okay this you realize okay that's the gate if you step out you lose okay so Liz just left she didn't last very long she was absolutely terrified of the lion that means there's only three of us left Brian stove do you know you're wrong for this you could leave any time there's no pressure I'm not gonna leave I'm not leaving I'm scared of like spiders and bugs so guys the lion's name is Zuri and he knows his name so if you say it he kind of starts coming closer to you Zuri that's fine no I don't think so okay first want to touch the red ball wins first one is Steelers red ball you should have said his name so much Ryan Murray stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop we've been in the lion cage for about a 15 minutes or so I think it's time to start doing a few challenges with the lion I think that's gonna make things a lot more interesting leave now just like lastly the trampoline we're gonna go through a challenge one by one if you complete the challenge you get to stay in the running and stay competing in the challenge but if you fail the challenge you have to leave the cage and eliminate yourself and I think it's perfect timing because it looks like the Lions getting ready to take a nap so I think the challenge the first challenge is touched a lion challenge well can you do that yeah so the challenges were just got to go and you said to touch him anywhere anywhere Oh anywhere yeah are we allowed to do that can we touch the line that's the professional yeah no your thoughts on that yeah I've been around them for several years and I wouldn't be doing I wouldn't recommend it no I don't think that's at all what he said he didn't say don't do it I said I would not recommend it which sounds like we should do it all right guys moving on with the challenge number one the lion challenge if you don't touch it hey you don't have to touch it you can just leave the case you have to eliminate yourself and leave the cage if you touch the line you get to stay in the cage and stay child stay in the challenge no stove so Steph you said you're all brave and feeling good won't you go for it well I was feeling brave when I was standing in the corner away from the line now I'm I got to touch it all right so I guess I'm up oh no no there's not it's not happening right now no no no no he was laying down I'm gonna wait until he comes goes oh let's do that front paw so you got this oh he's so soft oh my he'll flee doesn't get up oh it's actually pretty calming stove actually didn't touch them we're likely to come to the lion and you just touched it oh I'm just glad he didn't wake up and I thought you're gonna get eliminated for sure on this one me too but okay so stove he's still safe I'm safe right I think you're up next just cuz you're holding the camera doesn't mean I you're up next I actually don't I really don't want to do this This Is It this is a once in a lifetime opportunity when do you get a chance to touch a real lion like this I don't want to go for it well it's like they're howling is happening because I'm afraid he's gonna hear something and pop up this how'd you do it you just nice and easy you just reach out and just touch him Ryan guys you're gonna have to give Ryan some luck he's he's kind of nervous for this one okay Ryan yeah all right right you got this nice and easy put that all have to do did you touch it yeah okay you did it yo that's actually if his paws bigger than my head big paw okay so Ryan officially completed the touch the line challenge you're completing it you need the camera get in there I guess this is my partner sir Carter talks big game let's people actually do it though as long as he doesn't wake up I think we should be okay okay let's see this is perfect time for nap times I think it's a perfect time for the challenge okay well here goes it goes nothing let's touch this line oh I'm touching it look at his claw in there oh my gosh he's got cool huge claws you know I can't believe we did it okay challenge one is down three bodies still standing in the lion cage what's challenge number two yeah I can't believe we all touched the line yeah hey it's actually did their paw Paw's review the policy aging head like claws they're like that big and they just come out like this thing is is huge for the second challenge with the lion we're gonna step things up a notch because we're gonna bring some raw meat into this cage and see what happens you know you can't bring raw meat in here to the lion what seriously if you bring Ravi in here he's gonna wake up and be hungry we don't want the line hungry Karner the lion there get real well actually we're gonna wait until the lion wakes up for the next challenge right now the lion is sleeping you can see he's in a deep sleep so we're gonna wait till he wakes up and that might be a few hours so until then you can kind of hang out and wait for the second challenge to begin so the plan is to wait for the second challenge with raw meat yeah we're gonna wait in here with the sleeping lion until wakes up hungry yeah but again you don't have to do it right if you want to leave dude you can just go right out the front gate no cost to you and you're out at leaves me and stove and the running and you want to do that or you guys can just hang out and wait for the line to get his beauty sleep she's doing right now it looks beautiful and we'll do the second challenge bring some raw meat in here [Music] Carter Carter what's up guys I think you should get out of there isn't this video awesome I'm in alignment now Carter I'm serious this is crazy I don't think you should bring food in there I don't think you try to feed him because once the line smells the meat it's like blood and water for shark it's just gonna go crazy yeah I know but that's why this next challenge is going to be so cool when we bring some raw meat we're gonna feed the lot and while we're inside his cage this is the way the next challenge is gonna work we have a really long stick with that fork taped to the end and we have some piece of chicken we are going to feed the line some chicken if he eats it you pass the challenge so I'm just gonna try to wake him I'm not gonna try to wake him up some more firstly not yet to wake him up with the smell of that chicken then he's gonna be hungry so good luck good luck I'm sorry mom smells it misspelling it run you got this he's gonna wake up tired but that was awesome I just found a life so Ryan on a closer look he didn't actually finish the piece of chickens I drop on the ground we picked it back up though so we're gonna try one more try one more time if you can get to eat it then you'll pass this test that was a lot easier good boy be careful run okay stop you're up with snow you're up you got to feed the lion Ryan did a very Ryan pass let's see if you can pass I'm up oh come on oh my god okay I'm sorry I'm sorry don't tease me oh okay oh good just overnight already fed Zuri Carter's up the trick is you gotta put it in front of his face but don't tease him just give it to him yeah I definitely want to tease him too much definitely not chicken bread her nose zero once oh okay so we just spent the line which means we pass ticket test we all were able to feed them Ryan fed them twice I think you really like that chicken I just hope I don't look like chicken to him right now don't say that he's gonna just be quiet series doing good so Ryan just left Stover but you stayed Larry to my lane nope stove this lines a lot bigger than I thought it was when it was laying down hungry don't move Liz don't move oh my god really wants to hang out with you I think he's I think he smells million salmon I don't know why he's so close to you but don't know oh he's growling you're all dummy right left during all that Danny yeah I'm surprised cuz he's doing so well with him and yeah kind of difficult I was getting all confident I thought he was uh look thick bright what are you doing why'd she leave dude she just shot up do you see that yeah but you fed him twice you're getting all coffee yeah cuz he was system he was like comatose just chilling sleeping and then he popped up and ran around the room it's too much stove I think we should get moving before this like you know you have be more playful now yeah I think we don't want to be in here why he does that except one more Challenge left well what do you mean and the challenge is supposed to step things up a notch it's actually a much larger more energetic animal and in order to do this challenge we had to leave the lion cage and go to the high-security cage for this other animal oh let's let's go before he wakes up yeah he's getting active right now let's go let's go Oh okay we're safe we're in the clear now we just left the lion cage we're safe were safe everyone is safe and now come on let's go I'm starving we gotta go I don't want this line waking up and getting out of the cage yeah all right guys let's go this way we got to go to the high-security cages for this next one will can be bigger than the lines well you're about to you're about to find out remember guys this is the last and final challenge the winner of this challenge is going to be the winner of the hundred thousand dollars that Rohan is holding right there cash it's a lot of it's a lot of cash guys there's a lot of pressure on this challenge I'm really nervous for this one guys because I really don't know what's gonna happen of course there's a level of risk and danger with all these challenges so this is not something that you guys should ever try at home at the zoo or anywhere there is wild or dangerous animals well let's get moving let's get on with the third challenge oh boy so we got to go into this cage now for the last one oh boy oh and I have one last and final challenge Oh tiger but this thing is absolutely awesome I wanted to show you just how big is for scale we're actually going to be doing a challenge with the grizzly bear this is what the final challenge is guys we have this grizzly bear and he is so big and we had to get licked by this thing in order to pass the challenge you have to get licked by the grizzly bear that's the challenge I mean you get licked by a grizzly bear yeah and this thing is bigger than the line looking at me oh oh okay guys so we are getting set up for our next challenge oh so this next challenge is the first to get licked by a grizzly bear wins so the way this is gonna work is we have a little bit of fruit juice and he loves fruit juice so we're gonna put a little bit on our cheeks and we're gonna put our faces up against the cage and the first one that he the first face that he licks first is going to win the today's challenge this is a grizzly bear guys it's like a massive bear this thing's probably bigger than the lion and you can see the size of his claws alright so I put a little bit on my cheek right like this just rub it on my cheek yeah that's so gross sure it's juicy roars nothing like your first there's a lot of juice so much he's sniffing like that we see how hungry this guy is I thought the line we're done with the line but now we're going to look I was excited to be out of that lion cage but this thing is so much bigger the lion seems you know more tame than this guy he's huffing and puffing he's hungry alright you have a juice on your cheek I got a lot of juice on my jaw my cheek okay ready three two one okay I'm so scared you want some more please going oh oh so cute that like I like that I want to leave last to leave his cage so he licks stove's cheek I really want this to complete this challenge okay oh he just like my shoulder oh that doesn't count it has to be on my cheek okay wipe it off give you the biggest food job everyone alright guys what a challenge it was absolutely crazy we finished the last third challenge and stove you got licked in the face first by the grizzly bear which means you win today's challenge it means you're also the winner of the $10,000 so I think he's got our wires well if you earned it but you also won the lastly the lion cage so I think in spirit of today's challenge we got a the prize money has to be given inside the line what do you mean I don't know I'm not coming we have a great spot for the prize money he's gonna get mad at me ruin come on you want that that's what you gotta grab it so uh guys let's go hey if you want the money that's just where you gotta go don't you want your money Stoke come on if you want your prize money just gotta get it it's right there for you come on so looking it just get a hand in there all right now's your chance go hundred dollars what that's it we have a hundred thousand in there one way more than no no no no no man one more than ever we're leave it's no fun today Wow all right guys thanks for watching lastly the lion cage if you loved this video don't forget to Like and subscribe and so you better watch out that Lions wake it up [Music] [Music]
Channel: Carter Sharer
Views: 7,391,672
Rating: 4.7344708 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 8sec (1388 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 03 2019
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