Last to FIRST! Rico Abreu WINS in Motorplex Debut!

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that was wild I don't think he realizes he's going to get mobbed tonight there's a lot of people [Applause] [Music] here this video has been made possible by only Au no matter whether you're buying or selling a prime mover a tilt tray a rigid a water truck a refrigerator truck a Tipper or even a crane truck only DOI is the solution for you you see unlike other vehicle selling platforms only trucks doesn't charge the buyer a huge fee every single time someone clicks on their ad only to then pass it on to the customer instead only trucks charges a monthly fee for dealers and a oneoff fee for private sellers allowing sellers to sell and buyers to buy at the right price but wait there's more their alliance with Credit One Finance provides an inbuilt Finance indicator instantly letting you know possible repayment options and offering low rate Finance Solutions on the entire only trucks range the whole process couldn't possibly be simpler they truly are the One-Stop shop for trucks only trucks so whether you're buying or selling a truck the only place is our partner only [Music] you what's up everyone we are here at the Perth Motorplex I'm standing right in the middle of what they call the spine right now there's the dirt track right there and there's the drag strip it is an incredible facility where would you ride rather be on boxing day the day after Christmas Avalon's rained out unfortunately I know Tasmania is running at Carrick Murray Bridge Speedway at this point in time what time is it it is 2:30 in the afternoon Mar bridge is still on it is one of the best days of the spring car racing calendar here in Australia uh it's great weather it's a little bit windy here uh in Perth but I'm so glad we're here Sydney where I'm from not the greatest weather um so I'm glad that we didn't have any flight problems and we could get out of there but I'm so excited to be here tonight let's uh let's go see the guy that we're filming with [Music] tonight Rico a you here in Perth man what do you think we made it now super excited uh just got to thank Gavin everybody here at per Motorplex luch Monty Carl ding MC ding um you know for putting this deal together came over from um the states here with some friends and uh we just really are are looking to have an amazing time and just experience uh you know Motorsports on the other side of the world so um you know Perth Motorplex is a unbelievable facility uh just by walking in here in the last hour and and seeing you know the the the way the process they do things around here and um you know just like I said excited to to be here and a part of uh this speed week and uh the track looks really really cool so looks like it's going to be some exciting racing tonight are you going to get it on the gas yeah no I think just over the videos I've watched um you know it's a definitely a hammer down style uh racing here at Perth uh and I think you just got to make sure you're uh you know setting a pace to towards to be at the end of the race and you know these races can get strung out at times and you know see lots of caution so um looks like my haul are showing up yeah so we're uh we're excited you know we we got put our brought our car from over here and from uh United States and just I'm ready to go as Rico's rig arrived I got a chance to show him the racetrack track this was the first time he had seen it in person by the time his car was unloaded the lineup to get his merchandise along with a photo and signature had become huge check out the line he's got already pretty ridiculous he is so popular I don't think he realizes he's going to get mobbed tonight and probably the rest of the time he's here he was going to be busy for a while so I took off to do something else all right you can see Ric is pretty busy and I've had to run off this is actually standing over the entry where is uh this is phone one just over here but that's the entry through the gates you can see how packed it's going to be they reckon they're going to have I think over 6,000 people I've heard maybe around eight apparently tickets have gone crazy but behind me the other show screens trucks this is where all the broadcast is all set up and this is where they're setting up tonight for the host desk I'm actually going to be on 7 7 plus um which is pretty exciting so uh let's go check that out this here is where Dean Neil sits to produce the show live for 7 plus AIO yeah's AIO there whatever it and this is me with my buddy Matt Noti live on 7 plus now behind hubs welcome as I was talking on seven Ro finally got time to change into his race suit ahead of hotlaps and [Music] qualifying [Music] he Rico was not fast at all in hot laps in fact he was actually quite slow almost a second off the pace and getting passed by other cars both he and the team had to be a lot better in [Music] qualifying we're going to Snug up a bit [Music] he Rico ended up six quick in his qualifying group and almost 710 from Quick time I finished up my part with a seven coverage and made the long walk back down through the fans to his busy pit to find out what he thought about his first lap around the Perth Motoplex we got a lot better there our time pick up yeah like a 9/10 910 we're up on the right part of the race I just think will help me a little bit just like on and being able to some and then my rer definitely feels more stuck these tires they like to be like throttle throttle percentage like manipulates the angle of your re so I I got to do a little bit better jobit when I commit have a car toac designated areas around the if you do have a car please follow all instructions [Music] leem there's a lot of people here oh there a lot of people what do you think man uh that was cool we just we got to work on our car a little bit um it's just it's really difficult to come to to places like this you've never been to and uh to be able to you know it's such a hammer down Style Racing and especially these WB tires are you know something I haven't raced on in 10 years so too hot like a little hotter than you used to just you just got to pick up on things a lot quicker you know but this is you know the old Rico a would come here and crash on the first La of hot Labs trying to run as hard as I can so just uh you're good don't forget if you want a gold silet so just yeah no did they do any track work yeah just put a little bit of water on but it'll uh it'll With the Wind we've got right now it'll um it'll it'll blow up crowd yeah yeah and they're still coming still coming yeah they're que and up which is cool so uh just very very good we'll get better they wanted the Americans on the infield for the opening ceremonies I mentioned in a recent video how most drivers and teams don't follow their racing formats too well and well if you don't believe me here's some proof what are the Heats like eight La Heats yeah what you got to do yeah I started like eight you done it's points just get to Fourth and you're probably in the front dash like a front dash and a mid pack almost went down I qualified like I was fifth or something or fifth in your heat he was like fifth or sixth then you'll start fif in your heat you call four I think fifth no they only they only invert quick time no top four second is always don't know my my he had some good guys in it I had King shot I think Williams and engl engl engl rips yeah those are all the best guys here after the national anthems played and a quick interview it was time to head back before the Heats rolled out you better hang on these are wild I couldn't believe that all the fans were clapping to see me but Brock zos only cared about whether or not he got a sprinker hub t-shirt think they're clapping for me clapping for you bud that's why that's why we weren't waiting they're clapping for you all right you bring my shirt yeah man all right as soon as we got back R jumped off the you and went back to signing autographs and his team started making wholesale changes ahead of an important heat [Music] race needs to finish in those top four he needs to really make progress I think he likes the RAC trck but he knows like he said when we spoke to him before he knows that the old Rico would have gone out there and probably tore up but they've made some bar changes in the rear they've changed the gears they've reblocked the car they've made so many changes to this car because it's not quite right but I can't wait to see what he does heat races let's check it [Music] out [Music] doing good R gu Ric ran third in his heat race after narrowly missing a wreck on the second lap but his best time was now only 3/10 off the pace meaning he was making big games already I always love listening to the way Americans talk about race car setup these guys have done a lot of it over the years and know their stuff a bar off the corner you LIF it all it all kind you over on the right sides it's got to go around the bottom I'll be in trouble but I don't see that happening here between racing talking with his crew through meeting fans and chatting with fellow drivers Roo was flat out the entire night but we needed to get an interview I'm down here in the pits with Rico Abu Rico you just had your first heat race here at the Perth Motoplex what do you think uh just uh you know just really based off momentum um you know and track position is pretty Keen here and just being able to have a great start so um you know this is a different tire who your tire concept that I'm used to more of a growth Tire uh that so so it's just acclimating to that and getting up to speed quickly uh which is uh is important to finish all these races so there's a little bit of Chaos in the beginning of these laps and it's just important for my team and I to focus on the feature in those last 10 laps and setting oursel up and putting ourselves in position so it sounds like we got into the dash and it's another opportunity for us to work on our car and just uh really thankful for Gavin and P Motorplex to put a package together for us to come and uh race in front of the some of the best fans in Australia you're used to racing at so many different tracks over in the USA your team made a bunch of changes different gears I think some Wing Changes bar changes the car must have felt completely different are you comfortable out there on this racetrack yeah and and it's important that we make those changes even if they could be bad um in the right direction and that's where you pick up on things and uh develop the the environment quickly out on the racing surface with change like that and you do do more aggressive change so you know how far you can go and then you can kind of pull back from there so other than that we made some changes we're making changes again the the track conditions are changing you know with the Coastal being on the coast uh you know and the the the tide comes up the tide goes down that all affects the surface after the general 7 interview I awkwardly missed Rico's handshake Matt got some footage from around the track even venturing inside the scarfield smash repairs corporate Suite on the front stretch and before too long it was time to go racing in the dash I think this is probably the best night of my life at a Speedway I think Matt's having fun he's pretty worn out Rico is out of position number six in the a dash he got pretty lucky in the heat race with an incident in front of him we're standing on the outside of turn number four right now that's what it looks like there's a tractor coming up right now need to move out of the way there's a huge crowd here as you can see from the Drone there's just people everywhere an incredible Vibe I actually very much dislike talking up this place because I feel like I need to talk about something else and there nothing else to talk about other than this place you know the one thing that stands out is it's just incredible in every way the weather the facility the competition the TV I'm pinching myself to be part of 7 plus and just to be on the broadcast you know about a sport I I love and talk about it in my opinions and and work with Incredible people as I do with Clay riew as well and it's just it's so fun look at all those people having fun back streets packed and uh I'm excited to see what Rico can do in this Dash lucky he's in a dash get some more laps and uh then we'll see what he does in the [Music] fature oh [Music] how you feel there way better I really want to emphasize how much work this guy was doing during the night getting to grips with a new track adjusting to a different rules package talking with his crew talking with other teams who are happy to give advice constantly being asked for a photo or autograph he's a pro and fourth in a dash meant he would start the feature from p7 how' you feel in the dash uh we got better I was a bit tight there left up but we're uh that's just the dash was so important for us getting in that to be able to race and just get more laps here and make adjustments to our car so we got pretty aggressive there I'm going to I haven't watched anybody go around all night we just been kind of chaos with all the fans and making sure my car is good with my team and uh you know making sure Candace is good with the merchandise so it's been a lot of fun just kind of um being a part of a little bit of everything here tonight boxing day so just uh like I said thank thank you to per Motorplex for for putting on such a great event I know how important boxing day is for a lot of uh people in Motorsports industry in Australia and uh you know just happy to be over here racing with these guys what's the track like like it just seems everyone has to get to the top do you like that station uh yeah I mean it it it puts you in uh you know such a demanding race Pace like you have to race hard just to keep up to Pace with those guys and uh you know in the way this this tire the WB Tire how it grows and shrinks uh you know on throttle and off throttle you you see a lot of growth in you know with with applying throttle percentage and uh it just really likes it it kind of creates more grip the sidewall is a lot more durable where where you can kind of slam into the cushion a lot harder and not upset the front uh you know so it's been a lot of fun to kind of absorb everything and try something different I like I said I've never raced on this tire you know I mean I have but it was 10 years ago and hard to kind of you know Pace that against my my career and where I've you know developed As a Race Car Driver to to what I really remember racing it in 2012 and 13 so uh you know it's it's it's just fast-paced racing you have to race really hard up on the wall you know the Bottom's quite sick I think we can get down there like maybe one half a corner uh you know to on the start of the races and then you got to get right up top before we go I need to figure out how many people are here tonight because it is packed everywhere again I hate talking up this place but it really is fantastic R's having a lot of fun he just told me he said man I can't believe how busy this place is this is like the Knoxville Nationals he even said off camera he goes man this is this is like going racing with Carl lson every night um everyone's having a great time it is 20 9 right now so what's that 20 past midnight uh back home in Sydney it's been a long day for us and uh there's Rico right there he just the one car waiting to go out on track not sure what they're doing look like they're making some adjustments to maybe just to the rear bars putting some turns in or something in or out the boys another car coming let's walk walk out onto the racetrack right now look how slick it is to the top look at that I was talking to Pino prola earlier and he was worried that maybe the bottom might take a bit of rubber we'll see what happens there there's the face car it's right up against the wall everyone will be here Callum Williamson will probably be up here somewhere here comes the greater man it's just a a fun night of racing can you guys see how many people people are here look at the back straight it's packed the front straight is busy I'm just it really is Christmas I know Christmas was yesterday but this really is just uh probably one of the best nights I've ever been to Speedway um yeah I just can't wait to see Rico's out of seven he just needs to stay out of trouble we know what can happen here with momentum on the top everyone fighting for the top it can get pretty aggressive and a bit nasty and it can be wrecked so stay out of trouble put himself in a good position he knows hey it's 30 laps I'm just going to be there at the [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] end [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh Jason Pride just took a big dump big wreck I should say uh here on the front Trek but they've already got rid of the car oh my God they got rid of that instantly Rico right now is in fourth he's been actually dicing with Brock zeros restarted third uh beforehand that was there was a restart before uh someone spun and uh he's looking really racy he made progress really really early made up some positions and now he's just needs to race SM [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] now I don't want to get get too excited but R goes up to Second behind Oldfield he just got past Williamson who was running the top all the way around but what roic did and he's so smart this is what these Americans do so well is they're constantly searching around the racet track and it looks like he's found something on the bottom in turns three and four he's got a lot of drive off there that's where he was making the most ground on Williamson and then slid him through one and two and now he's up into second place about to go green I think we' got about 15 laps left from what I can see I can't think it but he's fast okay just had another yellow it's lap 19 there's 11 laps to go Rico's in the lead he got by Oldfield at on the restart of that last one uh he's I don't want to get too excited but he's looking pretty good Matt what do you think Bring It On he's he is looking pretty good and I'm I'm slowly getting more and more excited I anything can happen [Music] yeah laughing yeah that sh [Music] L getting [Music] in that was kind of R come a long way some Sal Labs yeah can't give up no the researchs are interesting too F dude I a free flipping into the Grands do that grab the flag as well where we going good [Applause] bu [Applause] what do you think oh what it's all about that's what it's all about that was awesome dude up yeah that's great incredible unbelievable we got a long trip yeah we didn't think we were going to be standing here at hot laps that's not one we don't wi in the hot laps we holiday now we're going to go home after this one what fish to the night I can't believe that we're coming off the track now late models feature RAC is about to push off but we need to get off the track here comes R going the car the crew is in front of me walking off the track over here in turn three we better run I just I can't believe I mean I can't believe how he drove but just to get it done like the guy said come a long way since hot laps and that was just awesome let's go in less than 45 laps from hot laps to the Checker in the feature Rico went from very ordinary to the best on the night that's what the best spring car drivers in the world are capable of all whilst being a crowd favorite can't talk yeah you can't you got you got to get in my interview what you what you guys think that was good yeah good job send it back home now yeah send the car back home that thing's fast we should just go home just grab your night in one wood that was wild why because there's guys that run really really hard and on the edge and I think it's important that you understand just race pace and uh you know there was a couple incidents of myself out on the racetrack where somebody was racked up against the fence and I'm smashed in the fence trying to get by them and while I was leading I figured the race was over I was my race was over and um you know we barely snuck by so uh incredible night incredible fan base here in Western Australia you know lots of Youth lots of young kids and and I think that's really important for um everybody back home to understand that that the growth of this sport is unbelievable and um you know with all the conflict between high limit and the Outlaws and Sprint car racing in the United States and um you know it's it's really cool to see this positive atmosphere here at Perth Motors [Music] Flex
Channel: Sprint Car Hub
Views: 97,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rico Abreu, Perth Motorplex, 7sport, Night Thunder, Clay Per View, Sprint Car, Sprintcar, Sprint Car racing, Dirt track racing, Speedway, Australian Sprintcars, World of outlaws, DirtVision, FloRacing, High Limit Racing, High Limit Sprint Cars, Hight Limit Series
Id: 8HzfI1kg4zk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 51sec (1971 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2024
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