LAST TO FALL IN THE POOL WINS $1000 *Version of Mr Beast Challenge

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[Music] the Rays have the break-in let's happy the doors unlocked first [Music] [Applause] yeah you're going out and by the massive ladies I'm gonna get a pizza I'm not gonna say he do I swear I'm not gonna be doing hiring a sentient donor because I made my decision and I think it's about this immense toothiness practical assess for three three plus of Amarra drinking he should I give the folks playing of the practical one the practical one no the practical says the girl who's Pete but that's like but that's practical I'm getting this and this sword I need this look at this high fashion folding landscape [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] cranky Justin and now he's super keyblob all the flotation devices and yeah he's just strike them like so the Batak with Mama sometimes makes an angry husband thumbs up and legends look how much fun it is to play these things out [Laughter] [Music] I don't know which ones dogs with my phonies I have these flowers they like took a little bit sure the leopard one with you or the cupid things with flowers wish I wear Papa the leopard okay so I just found out some good news I have a cup holder in my floaties so it can have red drink in it places big is right now looking at some Easter I'm gonna put some bow stomach then he got in his record [Music] [Music] [Music] if you form will stray why why try again to Brody yeah oh sorry that was for traumatic effects do it [Music] [Applause] [Music] why non-free to God who's next let's see how good the technique is very gracefully will you cry can you get lost me at my fashion lounge yeah come on I reckon I could last for that I really why not and your earrings matchi floaties yeah held reckon you can ask and however long your can you get lost I've heard the loss for like 24 hours really yeah this is like a bid please don't I'll spray this at you artisan attention doesn't our love breads drink and I was like these cases doesn't taste like normal so why'd you have a second drink because Mustang on top of your flighty for 10 seconds 1 2 3 [Music] 503 okay you still need five four three just got no hate for one second two [Music] and my love and my creative [Music] biggest agony loss really hard the boy has to learn to lose so saver has no so doesn't go bad or sake is like crying she feels bad could be eat and knows why but that's what's gonna learn to lose [Music] hey Liggins sorry for my bad Lisa just don't hate on me cuz I'm about visa but now we're going to go get some Henny Penny chips and some sandwiches for my sisters because they're probably pretty hungry and so probably already complaining that he hasn't made much today what but now let's say I get any penny jigs and the Zambia's and let you just hurry now I'm so embarrassed right now you should go house wearing my Calvin Klein Lumbees yeah look at the back he's wet looks like you so I'll try to show off well technically your life if you want but now that you're not it well that is one tough lady to in the change buddies and sucking with the chain [Music] [Music] are you feeling goodness all right what about you so I can last about another two hours on this thing I'm gonna win for sure I can feel it this time I'm gonna win how do you feel inside I really want mosquito packet that he's hanging on the head it's time to get some hot chips what ship is my favorite thing for the UK legends relaxing you got any money you got any money thank you we've got the Henny Penny chips there's only one thing love to do and that is go to the pool and you and make some lunch you know same thing okay do you Skype who do you thinks gonna win I think biggie disco primordia [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] no matter the place and just saying that YouTube guidelines I'm a boy so you know you keep glad my aunties and boys well do you know what it heaps I think the chance a high do just wait for back hi put your plate up if you want to be sprayed I really want to be probably what they want to be sprayed then I'm gonna go make him a deal and I'm gonna say whoever gets out can have the rest of these kids these chippy [Music] [Applause] yeah if you keep your eyes closed we're gonna bring you a surprise if you guys don't keep the eyes closed you don't get a surprise [Music] [Applause] you understand [Applause] [Music] [Music] last one to fall asleep you lost it's not wonderful into the pool hey feeling how long do you think you can last for as how long do you think you can last fall look at them they're still out there beings I know I really want to go home I wanna go home and then he added a video you think thank you no are you thinking I don't think that we should attempt them I didn't have anything else hmm what do you think now's his favorite chocolates would be from here from here do the surprise he likes you hate spiders a breath we're getting nerds winners because she loves nerds and then we're gonna get push Bob what chocolate will be used to attempt saber of the challenges like coca-cola yeah let's get some coke she's gonna get a bag of lollies [ __ ] biggie this is not enough when you like more stuff oh boy it must gummy pizza what we're doing stop tease no let's say day with all of this that's definitely gonna get tempted out now you're gonna have to carry their little he just dropped them all again for like the second time now that we gonna get him here we go what I can't hear you would you say over the door we know you guys are starving though we've got he's down the fifth thing we got your collar but [Music] maybe so inhale just call it a toss thence I've gotten the proper challenge and the legends won't be happy because I want to see like the winner what anyway but like stays on their foot but in the battle wins in the battle Wiens the 1000 we're gonna cut the weapon dad finally figured out a way like how we could end this challenge battle and this can be of use its shield is and may be used to help the paddle I reckon [Music] [Music] [Music] this money is [Music]
Channel: The Norris Nuts
Views: 20,264,040
Rating: 4.8218575 out of 5
Keywords: sockie, biggy, naz, last to fall in, last to leave pool, pool floatie, last to fall in pool, falling in pool, last person to, last to challenge, faze rug challenge, last to sink, last to sink wins $10000, last to wins 10000, last to wins 10 000 dollars, last to wins 10000 carter sharer, last to sink carter sharer, last to leave the pool, last to fall into the swimming pool, faze rug challenge videos, faze rug last to leave challenges, faze rug last to leave the pool, sabre
Id: UlvuMvKkg5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 18 2019
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