Last to Fall in LAVA Wins $10,000 - Challenge

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water [Applause] hey it doesn't count for the host of the video though so I'm good I'm stepping in lava I'm stepping in lava guys look at this okay we are doing last to touch the lava wins $10,000 we'll let that one slide so each player is standing on a platform green yellow and red you each have three live throughout this whole entire video and I have about 10 min II James plan if you lose you have to take a color off of your platform if you lose three mini games then you fall in the lava and you're out guys be sure to smash that like button subscribe to the channel to get me to 50 million subscribers and it is time to meet the contestants hi I'm Jessica and I'm gonna win this challenge because look at my poor sad contestants competition is all right fine hi I'm Jackie and I'm gonna crush everyone today so watch out hi I'm Brandon aka waters and I'm gonna win this challenge today because I'm really good at playing games just ask to go to my left so guys its your boy Sherman the Worman I played everybody that I've ever met and I've lost a patch for challenges so I really need this one before we continue with the video here's a word from today's sponsor oh my god are you dying why it's definitely because of how dull this room is I need to turn this into a vibe I agree bro what is like this darkness dude I don't know wait dude I have just the thing what is it dude watch this ready 3 2 1 foo where is it dude look up whoa yeah this room just turned it into a straight vibe look at this this is freakin crazy all coming from this Astro lit galaxy projector look at this oh my god I've always wanted one of these - this is crazy guys I feel like everyone is bored at home right now with this whole quarantine thing going on and with this Astro lit projector I feel like it'll turn any room you have into a straight vibe and it's Loki Affleck's I mean look at this imagine like your friend or your girlfriend or anyone that you know walks into your room and sees this they're gonna be impressed right away you can find this galaxy projector I'm Astro link taught us at a very affordable price of $59 and even if you can't afford that right now you can actually make monthly payments to make it cheaper every month oh and also astral is hooking you guys up with an extra 10% off if you use KO drug at checkout tweet me pictures when you receive yours be sure to go cop one at a stroll it got us go spice up one of your rooms switch up the mood and flex on your friends I mean this is freaking incredible it just changes the whole entire mood so now it's time to get back into the video okay now that you guys have met the contestants I want you all to comment down below who you think is gonna win this and I think it's time to get into the first mini game let's do it okay lucky contestant number one Jessica of course I'm always number one we have a scavenger hunt for you there are five items written on this piece of paper and you have to find all five of these and it's gonna be time whoever has the fastest time to find their items wins the first minion here is your paper is this house yes it could be outside - jessica has to find a shoe a flower a pillow and or B and a Jackie and she has to do it as fast as she can in hopes to beat the other contestants so are you ready Jessica yes so you can grab this in case you forget yeah let me get the timer are you ready yeah three two one go starting with oh she knows we got some shoes here okay the shoe pillow pillow where do we have a pillow again no oh okay a pillow a jacket a shoe and you can go outside you could go outside 45 seconds that's not a bad time that's not a bad time come on grab it or B let's go tell the other contestants I think that was pretty good honestly that was stressful guys a minute and seven seconds you think someone could beat that for the people that live here probably though Jessica's time was a minute in seven days okay lucky number two Anthony hi how you doing good came in second all my life guys so you have a minute and seven seconds to find an ornament a hat chug rug a baseball bat and a water believe me my own house no here's the list a minute and seven seconds sorry Anthony are you ready three two one go five seconds long Sammy hey guys hey brother Chandra dude the can chug rotate out I'm drinking but it's fine I'll let go inside what what do you have left water ball baseball bat coming from your queen 37 seconds 45 where are you and time do I got it all a minute and three seconds Anthony what if Jessica's a minute and seven dude are huge so after a crucial injury Anthony came up with a time of a minute and three seconds beating Jessica by four seconds meaning that Jessica automatically lost this challenge Jessica tough luck dude it ripped I would have these pants's like seven degrees is there like a Margaret Lee next contestant we got Jackie your time to beat is a minute and three seconds the items that you have to find are a laptop so a fork banana and a dog toy okay I've been quarantined here for like two weeks now so I feel like I could do this and three seconds okay laptop so okay you're at 19 seconds looks like Hunger Games okay banana a for 45 seconds if you eat a dog - 50 seconds jack Wow guys that's the advantage of being clean you know everything is Jackie you got fifty seconds guys that is Sherman is automatically eliminated as well last but not least we got Broadus save the best for last I see all right Brandon so about 50 seconds to find toothpaste a napkin a basketball a stuffed animal and a ps4 controller I know where there's like five stuffed animal I know exactly okay hold on don't you can't think ready set go it's nice knowing you I can't give up woof a space ps4 controller so gentle and Hey 46 good no I'm not alive I'm pretty exhausted too 47 seconds Brandon is the winner of the first challenge meeting everyone has to take off their green layers you lie to them and say I got like 53 let's say you got 53 so Brandon had a time Anthony Jackie and Jessica have to take off the green layer from their platform and they're down to two lives left three two one two lives left pretty people all right it's on to the next minigame for the next challenge we are here in a very small bathroom we are gathered here today in a very small bathroom we got a bar bomb no no it's fine I did that on purpose so the last person standing in this bathroom wins and the three people who leave first lose a life hey let's all right are you guys ready no you're not gonna set the camera oh yeah we ought to be you know okay if I keep throwing up in this trap so that's still count yeah and do you remember the house okay are you guys ready no no no no No oh no it pops guys that popped who's gonna leave first let's see it's gonna be fast oh my god guys this thing is fast to like is it bad I feel like they believe or know Brendan now Brendan's gonna leave watch watch why the Anthony Shelton dude Anthony's try not think about it no wait Brandon's out Brandon's out Brandon lost alive it's down to three they're not gonna last much longer I know Anthony's not gonna last Jessica just inhaled it for the first time Oh Jackie's God Jackie is gone it's down to the last two guys it's been 10 minutes since they're in there so we're gonna end this one in a tie guys it's a tie it's a tie you're good you're good so Anthony and Jessica tie and are the winners of the second challenge so here are the new rankings Jackie has one life left Jackie needs to win the next mini game our guys come next minigame we got musical chair it's an original game but this time you don't lose a life if you use yeah what we're doing we are playing for an extra life right now whoever wins this gets the pub blocks back onto their theme hey hey what the heck I hope written so there's only one song that I know that I could use that's non copyrighted oh I should just win okay are you guys ready ready set I can't look when I pause the music [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] can I pause when Jackie was right I didn't look when I paused it okay so Jackie gains an extra line okay okay Jackie congratulations you gain Oh has two lives left Jackie gulag good luck showers all right go ahead two lives left guys comment down below he think we're gonna win we got a few more minigames to go this is getting intense $10,000 on the line guys I need this dub how many did I used to win you used to win guys Anthony used to win so many of my challenges so I'm rooting for Anthony but Jessica hasn't been on my channel or like been in my videos in a while so I'm rooting for her whatever all right on to the next minigame next challenge is a tick tock challenge what everyone take them out of the wrappers take them out of everything I'll trade you [Applause] everyone put one end in your mouth I think the other way I'm taking the life away I'm gonna touch it mmm do you guys know this challenge just whoever eats the first wins have to take away all right it's time to see the new rankings boom looks like jessica is going to win I don't know it just looks like it so looks like someone or a few people are gonna be eliminated out of this challenge with the next minigame moving on next challenge is the old school classic whisper challenge so I'm gonna give each contestant 3 tries to read my lips if you lose all three then you are out ready kiss you you lose a life okay are you ready oh my god hold up let's get loud okay can you hear me what okay I hear me I can hear me the drink has a blister on his tongue oh yeah that's good okay Anthony Drake has a blister on his toe stray cats belong what Drake has a blister on his toe stray cats a blizzard in the snow Drake has a blister on his toe oh the music stop looking I know it Drake has a blister on his toe so Anthony you got it it was Drake has a blister on his toe guys so I forgot this was called a whisper challenge and I'm screaming so socks running around a pool socks running around dogs running around in the pool March I socks running around the pool blocks running in a pool oh my god guys it sucks running around a pool like just just imagine a sock just running around realistic I know that's the boy so our blocks a house is not a home without a pug onomatopoeia a house is not a home without a pug a house without a home without a pug Booker a dinosaur I know you love hooker spend a lot of time within it's just really unfortunate that he ran off into the few centuries way back and he just messed around with the wrong dinosaur and he got eaten by a dinosaur where was that Booker got eaten by a dinosaur that's it [Music] [Applause] such a great example after the last challenge here are the rankings and then there were three Jackie's gone Jackie got eaten by the lava so everyone has one life left this next minigame will determine the winner of this challenge I have loved great honor that let's go so for the last challenge we have a who can jump the highest challenge and we are gonna keep Leslie up from two rows to four rows to six rows to eight rows and whoever knocks the cups down lose this is the challenge I actually tried this with Legos and I almost broke my ankle roll that clip so we're gonna start with two rows this should be fairly easy maybe Anthony won't hop over it but we'll see go clear it was the wind next level good good okay okay level three oh I'm jumper I don't know this is scary huh oh okay all right everyone still in it next level Oh Jessica's out of the hole jelly this whole challenge is between Anthony and Brandon now I don't think Sherman's clearing it all right guys back to the platforms okay guys so the winner of the challenge is mr. Roy everyone else fell in love but just like pretend people I felt last truth so Brandon you win the $10,000 good okay okay guys I have something to tell you guys so I won the 10k Brian is gifting me $10,000 which I appreciate Brian however Anthony Jackie and Jessica I am NOT going to take this money oh and Brian wants to give it away regardless so you guys can actually split the money [Music] let me take three from Brian so you guys could all can I just keep it then cuz you don't want it no no okay let me give it to me oh yeah you guys can smoothly wait enjoy have fun good game good chat honestly everyone plays well if you guys enjoyed this video please smash that like button subscribe if you're new it let me know if you want to see more videos like this cuz I love doing like challenges and minigames so hope you have a great rest of your day hope you're all staying safe out there and other than that it's been drug and we're out you live in that Lambo I'm so hot I need a panel in Diego in the sand Oh walk around [Music]
Channel: FaZe Rug
Views: 7,018,335
Rating: 4.9304748 out of 5
Keywords: faze rug, rug, rugfaze, fazerug, last to, last to challenge, faze rug last to, faze rug challenge, last to fall, last to fall challenge, last to fall in lava, floor is lava, floor is lava challenge, lava challenge, last to lava challenge, last to wins, last to fall wins, last to wins $10000 challenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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