Last To Drop Their iPhone Wins! / AllAroundAudrey

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- Oh, my fingers are already shaking. - Distraction Dad question. (maniacal laughing) - It is so hot outside it is sweating. - It's so close to drop. It's dropping, it's dropping. Hi guys, it's Audrey and today I'm here with. - Jordan from JustJordan33. - And. - [Both] Jake and Ty from JakeandTy. - And guys, oh my gosh, I can't-- - And Distraction Dad. ♪ Distraction Dad, Distraction Dad ♪ ♪ The best distraction you've ever had ♪ - If you guys have been a subscriber on my channel for a long time then you know who this is. If you have not, be sure to check out my super old videos because Distraction Dad has made an appearance. And he hasn't made an appearance for a while. - And he's back, baby. - Moving on. I can't believe we're doing this challenge today because we're taking all of our iPhones and last to drop their iPhone wins. We're on top of bleachers right now and we're going to dangle our phone over the edge of the bleachers. Everyone is going to drop their phone except for one person. And I'm so scared because we took off our cases so there's absolutely no protection. - Yeah, and there's no screen protectors either on any of these. - No screen protectors, literally bare phones. So this one's mine. Everyone grab your phone. So Distraction Dad is going to be distracting us along the way. He's going to ask us, each one of us, questions. If we get it wrong then he gets to put a distraction on us that makes it harder for us to hold on to our phone. If you get it right then we don't get a distraction. So it's win/win. - Oh no. - All right, you ready? Let's go hold our phones over the edge. (screaming) All right, the challenge is going to officially start in three, two, one, dangle your phone. Now you have to hold you phone in the corner with two fingers. So Jake you might have to move yours up a little. Oh, my fingers are already shaking. Oh my gosh. (screaming) Look how far down it is. Like look at the drop. - [Distraction Dad] That will definitely break. - And there's wasps up here that are already freaking me out. - The wasps are everywhere and I'm really nervous 'cause-- ahh, one just flew by. - I so badly want to lose, oh wait, I so badly want to win this challenge because I do not want my phone cracked and broken. - Me either. No, the wasps are literally swarming us and if it comes by me then I might drop just because I'm that scared of wasps. - Jake, you're not in the corner, bro. - Is that good? - We're gonna have this be fair. I don't want to lose because it was uneven, ya know? - Oh, it's already hurting, my fingers are trembling. - I know, it hurts so bad. - Okay, you guys ready for your first Distraction Dad question? - Oh no, what's the first question? - I'll start on this end right here, Team Short Stuff. In Audrey's video with Distraction Dad-- - I hope you watched it. - I hope you did too 'cause you were probably six years old. Was it winter time or summer time when Distraction Dad took Audrey driving. - [Ty] Oh, summer. (buzzer blaring) - Ty said summer it was snowing. - All right, so now I get to pull a prank out of my Adventure Backpack and prank Ty. Here we go, you can't look. - This is so scary. I know my finger, I might just drop it by accident. My fingers are getting sweaty because it's so hot outside. - I don't want to drop it, it's literally my phone. - My fingers hurt. - Okay, here's the first prank. (mouse squeaking) (laughing) - He's not even looking to see what it is. (mouse squeaking) (maniacal laughing) - What is it? (maniacal laughing) - He's got a rat. - It's called Distraction Rat. - Are you kidding me? - All right, he survived. Ready for your next round? - He's barely holding on. I'm barely, look at my fingers. Oh my gosh, this is barely on. - Audrey, don't drop your phone. Don't drop your phone, Audrey. - Mine is so close. - Don't drop your phone! - Come look how close this is. - My fingers are sweating because it's so hot outside. - It's so close to dropping. - Noo! - Jordan, yours is so on. - No my fingers are sweating, and the screen is slippery, and it doesn't have the case on so it's even more slippery. And it's hot outside. - Give me a question, hurry. - Okay Audrey, are you ready for your Distraction Dad question? - Yeah. - All right, in Distraction Dad's video what brand of sunglasses was he wearing? - What? - Oh, is it Oakley? - It was Oakley. (screaming) Got it right, I get to move on. - Oh, no. - Jordan. - Guys, guys, look mine's gonna drop, mine's gonna drop. It's coming, I can't adjust it, it's slipping. No Dad, you can't touch it. - Save it, save it. - No, that's not part of the challenge. - Audrey. - It's literally gonna drop. It might just drop at any time guys, oh my gosh. It might drop by accident. I shouldn't have had this loose of a grip on it. I regret all decisions I've ever made. - Are you ready Jordan for your Distraction Dad question? - I'm nervous, I have no idea. - Oh don't drop your phone, don't drop your phone. - She's got a good grip. - I got strong fingers today. - In Audrey driving with Distraction Dad what was Distraction Dad doing in the street? - Before she answers, if you guys know the answer comment down below. Let's see if you can play along with this game. - That was so long along. I literally can't remember. Was he-- - Guys it's dropping, it's dropping, it's dropping. (screaming) - [Jake] Ohh, Audrey dropped her iPhone. - It bounced. Audrey, it bounced and hit the corner. - [Mom] Oh, Audrey's phone is gone. It's probably cracked to pieces. - I didn't even want it to drop. Like I was holding on so tight. - [Jordan] It literally bounced in the corner. - [Mom] Ty's like struggling, Ty's struggling. - Oh, like my fingers are so sore. (high pitched yelling) - What's the answer? What was Distraction Dad doing in the street? - Was he dancing? (buzzer blaring) Oh no! Oh no, I can't remember. No sledding, he was like sledding. - Ahh, I was sledding but you got it wrong. Okay, here we go for some Distraction Dad. ♪ Distraction Dad ♪ - [Audrey] Put it on her finger so it's harder. - No! How am I gonna do this, this is ten times harder, my thumb's cramping. - Put it on her arms. I just want everyone to get out now. If I lose, then they can lose. - Oh my goodness, my muscles are cramping. Why'd you do that? - My fingers are all cramped. - Oh my goodness, oh, that made it so much harder. It doesn't look like it made it harder but literally my fingers are pulsating right now. I'm not kidding. Oh my goodness, why? - I so badly want to go down and check my phone. - No literally if you watch-- No, it's slipping, it's slipping! Okay, if you watched yours falling it hit the corner, and it bounced, and it flew, and I think it hit the cement underneath it. On the screen maybe. - [Mom] Yeah, we can't see it anymore. - No, it's underneath the bleachers. - I think it might have hit the cement. - I can barely see it. But it's flipped so I can't see the screen. - It's flipped, so you're gonna have-- Ohh, hurry! - Distraction Dad question for Jake. Are you ready Jake? In Distraction Dad, the second video I appeared in with Audrey, what did Audrey make? - I really want to say slime. - No! - Not slime. - I made a popsicle. - What? - Fire and ice popsicle. - Oh yeah, that was the really, really spicy popsicle. I remember that. - So for getting it wrong, I'm still going to reward you with a treat. Here is a piece of candy. - It's fire candy, isn't it? - Here's your candy. - Jake, how are you just casually holding on to your phone? Like how is that so easy for you? - Bottoms up, Jacob. - [Audrey] Is it hot? (laughing) - Bacon. - [Mom] Bacon? Eww, enjoy your bacon. - Enjoy your bacon candy. (maniacal laughing) - [Audrey] Ty is kicking the fence. Look, he can't hold on any longer. - This is so hard. My fingers, oh my goodness, my finger's white. It's lost feeling, it's numb right now. - Jake got his question wrong, Jordan got her question wrong, Ty got his question wrong. Oh no, Ty. (laughing) Are you ready, Ty? Here we go for your Distraction Dad question. What ingredient did Audrey put in her popsicle? - [Mom] That's easy. - On her video where she's making a popsicle. - I'm so glad my brothers watch my videos. - This is all about Distraction Dad. - This is all about me and not about you. - Oh no, this is the Distraction Dad channel. - I don't know. - You don't know? Audrey, what was it? - It was a scorpion pepper. - Oh no, it's dropping. - Oh no, it's dropping. - [Audrey] It's dropping, it's dropping. - Here let me help ya. Drop, drop, drop, drop, drop, drop, drop, drop. - Look at his pinky, oh no. - [Distraction Dad] Drop. (screaming) Drop, drop, drop. - Wasps, oh my goodness, that was so scary. - [Distraction Dad] Drop, drop, drop, drop, drop. - [Audrey] He's not gonna do it. - Drop, drop, drop, drop, drop, drop, drop, drop, drop. You can drop, you can drop. - He didn't! - [Audrey] He hasn't dropped yet. - Oh my gosh, mine's on the edge, mine's on the edge. ♪ I'm on the edge of glory ♪ - Jordan, are you ready for your Distraction Dad question? - It's falling, it's so slippery. Okay listen, the thing is that it's really hot outside today and my fingers are sweating and it's really slippery. - I'm the only one that this whole challenge that I've gotten the trivia right. - All right, here we go. - Mine's slipping, I feel it slipping, oh my goodness. - All right Jordan, Distraction Dad, Fire and Ice with Audrey. Audrey ate her popsicle and Distraction Dad was like oh, this is like traveling where? Where did he travel to and what did he do? - Are you kidding me? I can't remember. - You don't remember? It was one of the funniest lines ever. - Well would it be Trinidad? Because isn't that an actual place and the scorpion pepper was called Trinidad Scorpion Pepper? Oh, there's a wasp. - Wrong. (buzzer blaring) - I did not know that one. - Distraction Dad said, do you remember? - I don't even know what you asked. - Distraction Dad said it's like traveling to the center of the Earth and licking the core. - Oh yeah. - [Mom] Oh Ty, you can't-- (air horn blowing) - [Morgan] Dad, this echoed everywhere. Ty, you can't, you can't, Ty, you can't. - Oh my goodness, that air horn was not good. I almost felt it. Oh my goodness, it's gonna fall, it's gonna fall. No, no, no, no, no, no. (screaming) - Mine already fell. - Slowly falling. - Drop it, drop it, drop it. - [Jordan] Where did it go? - It's face down, it's face down. We'll never know if it's cracked until you pick it up. Jordan's out. - I'm out of the competition. My phone! Oh my goodness, it literally, that's crazy. - [Mom] You have to leave them on. - [Jordan] Oh, I can finally take mine off. - [Mom] Ty's is like really, he's gonna drop it. - [Jordan] He is so close. I don't know how Jake is holding on. - Okay, you ready? - [Mom] Oh, no. - Ready Jake, do you measure up in Distraction Dad? - I'm surprised he's still eating the bacon-- - [Mom] Oh, Ty's is getting ready to slip. It's falling, it's falling. - [Jordan] Oh no, wait is Jake gonna get his trivia? - Ty's gonna drop it. (screaming) - That was not a good fall. - That means Jake won the $1000 prize. - Yes, can I spit out my-- - Jake won, oh, you don't like the bacon candy? - He spit that bacon candy off the balcony. - Oh, that was my favorite candy. - Oh my goodness, Jake won. - Guys, I think we should go down and check on our phones to see if they're cracked. - Okay, go grab your phones, go, go, go. - Where is my phone? Oh no, oh no, oh no. - [Ty] Got my phone. - Look how close mine got. I don't know if it hit the cement but there's rocks. - [Jordan] It's bad, yeah. - You ready? Give this video a like in case my phone is cracked. Three, two, one. (screaming) No! Are you kidding me? I didn't think it was that bad. - Look, that's the corner hit. - Jordan was the next one to drop their phone. - You guys. - I'm so sad. Wait, but the phone might still work. It's totally cracked, it's totally cracked. This is the worst I've ever had a cracked phone. - With this one it has glass on the back but the glass on the back is not broken at all. - It's not damaged, you have a chance. - So there's a chance you guys, there's a chance. - There's a rock right there. - [Mom] Oh, it cracked. - Okay ready, three, two, one. And there's a bug on-- Oh, oh, the rock's stuck in it. - [Jake] Pull it out. (screaming) - Are you kidding me? - Oh look, oh look, oh it's stuck. Eww, it's gum, eww! - [Jake] The rock is gum. - [Mom] Oh, gross. - It's all over the power button. - That is nasty. - No it doesn't work, no, no. Wait, wait, oh my goodness I think the phone-- - Don't touch the gum power button. - I want to see if it works or not. I think it's like, I think it stopped working from the fall. - If I'm the only one that had a cracked phone I'm just done. - Wait, mine's not cracked but it doesn't turn on anymore. - [Audrey] That's crazy. - [Jordan] What? - [Audrey] Wait, he's got another-- - [Ty] I've got a little bit. I already had one crack. - [Audrey] There are some spiderwebs. - [Mom] You got a little bit. - Mine was definitely the worst. I'm so sad, are you kidding me? - [Mom] Yours hit the cement though. - [Jordan] That's so crazy. Jake's like what. - [Mom] So mostly yours, then Ty's-- - [Audrey] And then Jordan with the gum. - Yeah, oh the sides are all scratched up. Mine hand is shaking because it's so sore from holding it. - Can I see it? - That's crazy. - [Mom] Oh, poor phone. - [Audrey] Wait, what am I gonna do now? - [Jordan] It's so sad. - [Mom] Does yours turn on Ty? - I think mine was dead at the start. - [Mom] So you don't know until you get home? - All right, so behind the scenes, they didn't know I was gonna do this but I was gonna get the winner something really cool. So the winner, Jacob, gets $1000 cash. - Jake, will you buy me a new phone? - No. - Yeah Jake, please. - [Mom] That's not the price of a phone. - All right, that is about the price of a phone. So for the runners up, I got each of them a gift. Now that I'm thinking back on it, I probably should have got some different ones, but here we go. For Audrey, I got her a new iWatch. - Apple Watch? - Her old one broke, so I got her a new one. But she doesn't have a phone so she's gonna have to get a new phone but here's a new watch. - Audrey, it's an Apple Watch. - But I don't even have a phone that I can with it. - You do, that still might work. You just can't see anything. For Jordan, I got her the latest iPhone. - Yes! - And for Ty, I got Ty, now normally we don't let the kids this young have the phones. But look what I got Ty. Here we go, it's the newest iPhone. It's got 512 megs of ram. It is right there, buddy. - No, no way! - You got your charging, your earphones, all in there for ya. - I'm so jealous. - You got a new phone, dude. How's that? Woo! - I'm glad I got my Apple Watch but now I have to buy myself a new phone because this one is crazy. - This is a mega upgrade, did you see this? - [Mom] Yes. - All right you guys, so that's it for today's video. If you liked this give a big thumbs up and make sure you subscribe. And hit the bell icon so you're notified every time I post a new video. - And go watch more Distraction Dad videos. - And watch some Distraction Dad videos so your phone doesn't get dropped and cracked like mine. We'll see you guys next time. - [All] Bye! (upbeat acoustic music)
Channel: AllAroundAudrey
Views: 713,224
Rating: 4.8887782 out of 5
Keywords: last to drop iphone wins, last to drop, last to, last one to, last one wins, iphone, drop, challenge, allaroundaudrey, last to drop iphone, last to challenge, iphone challenge, family friendly, iphone drop, all around audrey, audrey, audrey williams, allaroundaudrey last to, family, audrey and jordan, phone, distraction dad, that youtube family, fun, last to leave
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2019
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