LAST to drop their BACKPACK wins $10,000 - Mimi Locks school supplies challenge

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guys make sure to StayTuned Julian because after this backpack challenge there's gonna be a huge surprise video doesn't end there the last one thousand dollars school edition so excited I really hope I win so what we're gonna do is choose a color from this back with that color we're gonna have the dress color and we're gonna go to the store and buy school supplies with okay guys we're here in target and I'm gonna give you fifty dollars each and five minutes to pick your school supply and remember you can only pick the school materials in your color that you chose are you guys ready I found blue have any ratio so that's cute anything that's like blue and I just run this back over here guys look what I got I found pens about this your time is up Gabi are you ready yep are you ready you this super good and now we're gonna go to the Tower of Terror who's gonna win the $1,000 we are back here again but not with our phones we're gonna be going there with our backpack and let me tell you it's me raining here a lot so there's a bunch of my videos I feel like there's something wrong okay guys we're up here and we're ready to hold the backpacks but this time it's gonna be even harder guys because the backpacks are really heavy the iPhones were super light so this is probably not gonna last as long as the iPhones but the winner is gonna get $1,000 are you guys ready one two three yay all the backpacks are there you guys are doing great just stay there the hands are getting sweaty guys because it's super humid here I have to switch my hand you can't switch hands unless I tell you sorry yeah are you guys holding up five minutes already went by do you want water guys I brought some things that we're gonna do to them like crank them I have some something so we're gonna ask them some trivia questions again and see if they don't answer right then I'm gonna prank them with that or give them a challenge your your water's okay I'll open it for you they're still there with their backpack guys guys I brought the water gun again and I think it's gonna be really good for them because it's super hot here they might even not answer right just to get water on them don't you want to get water on you it's already like 30 minutes and oh I guess you guys are getting tired we're gonna start with a trivia questions okay I'm gonna ask you a trivia question are you guys ready name a character from [Music] sorry look what I have here guys this is kind of fun but it might make them drop it we'll see guys I can't believe you've been there for an hour that's amazing I would have never thought that you could have even held it for like five minutes so I'm really proud of you and I think you might get some muscles today okay so the next trivia question who wants to go first okay Ilana the Beatles music band featured how many members four good job okay you pass okay Gabi your question is what is the color on the top of a rainbow good job Gabi okay who painted the Mona Lisa Leonardo da Vinci good job how many members are in the group BTS [Music] you dropped your backpack are you okay did I scare you I'm sorry if no problem I actually don't think anything broke so you can go get it and you can keep it okay thank you you're welcome is the backpack okay what happened oh no I'm sorry I'll get you another one there's a giant hole right there they ripped wow I didn't think it would actually right I wouldn't think of repealer I'm sorry so now you can help me okay guys so are you ready for your next trivia question yes let's go with me me first okay your question for today is what school did Harry Potter attend Hogwarts okay guys we're here and they're still holding their backpacks I can't believe it they're super super heavy and eats us right here and she's gonna ask them next question which is for Gabi what is the capital of London yep you got it right good job okay Ilana what is the planets closest to the Sun brains not working so like um I don't know Venus what Venus its Mercury Ilana sorry you're gonna get a challenge right okay your challenge is that you have to throw your backpack in the air and catch it with your other hand are you ready okay go get it you can still keep it there's two girls standing here me me and you heavy and there's Alana with her backpack you can come upstairs it broke Wow oh my back theyĆ­re like actually ripped off we have two girls standing here and we're gonna see who is gonna win let's do the next one yep okay what is the leaning tower yep you got it right okay your question is what is the largest country in the world oh no it's Russia Mimi I'm sorry you lost and you're gonna get some caramel syrup on your face and it's super sticky here so I don't think you're gonna like this it's sticky and sticky [Music] don't go anywhere remember at the beginning of the video where I said there was a huge surprise you guys have been asking for this challenge for such a long time the video is about to start so I have to get going see you guys there hi Mimi let go of the backpack because she wanted to clean her face and she didn't realize it oh my gosh that's okay and I'm going to tell you guys something I've been on this roller coaster before maybe it's small but it's a big deal it's like really bumpy and it goes pretty fast so and might make you nauseous so it's gonna be very challenging I think from all the participants Mele is the one that doesn't like roller coasters I don't know how much she's gonna be able to handle feeling she looks like she's getting sick guys are you guys ready okay guys now we're gonna do a challenge you can't swim the hall right are you ready now he's not feeling great Mele what happened are you okay the important thing is that you feel okay okay don't worry about it you get really good Molly's not feeling well so she's gonna get out you're gonna stay here with me that's okay now we have three more contestants Mimi Cooley and Alan are you guys ready for more why are you they're really good I know you don't like roller coasters and that was actually I'm very proud of you because you held up a lot let's go drink some water so you can feel better okay [Music] guys let me tell you something these three contestants are super competitive and they all love your posters like glove so I don't know how they're gonna be there for how long it might be until night time I don't think they're gonna give up that easily [Music] you guys have done already like seven rides so that's crazy guys this is the eighth time are you ready yeah are you guys holding up okay like Alana has won a prize in one of the videos and I think only has never won any of the challenges so it would be great if she did either way I wish both of them good luck are you been doing better yeah guys the people in the park don't know that we are filming here today it's so hot here guys and it's gonna make this challenge so much more difficult are you okay yeah guys this is the tenth time your being here are you guys ready you don't feel good are you gonna try it one more time [Music] are you guys doing okay starting to feel bad though it happens what happened Mimi it's really bad I feel like I'm gonna throw up is it because you close your eyes I think so do you want to get out [Music] no I have to get out because I was so dizzy since I had my eyes closed it was like horrible do you feel better now let's go get you some water and you can sit down so you can feel better okay you're the last two on the right are you ready yeah I can't believe this guy's Alana and Mooney are tied right now we have to see who is gonna give up next I don't know guys you have gone 12 times got amazing are you ready for one more yeah guys this is the hardest challenge of them all they have to hold their breath for to pull right we have told our friend and I don't know how they're gonna do that because that is gonna make them super dizzy I think one of them is gonna get eliminated on this round eighteen times you have gone are you guys ready to do one more kind of you're not feeling well are you gonna try it one more time okay if any of these two participants give up the other one is gonna have to write one more time and they're gonna have to do that right without complaining and if they can survive that round they're gonna win $1,000 okay how are you guys doing not good does that mean that you're gonna get out okay I guess Huli you need to do it one more time to win are you ready yeah are you okay okay Ilana this is holy turn and she ride this ride she's gonna win the whole challenge are you ready yes amazing I'm still pretty cool is her last which means if she does she wins $1,000 she really ends up because to be honest I was really hard [Music] are you feeling okay Mary I wish I could go on again but lose a lot of fun enjoy I got a little bit [Music] what happened I'm on it you didn't feel good no one felt really dizzy are you okay now let's see how long she can stay there I don't know how much she's gonna be able to handle [Music] Wow holy you did so many times I think you got more than 20 now it's crazy to go on that roller coaster 20 times I can come one really wow you did really good Eddy make it to 2 times are you feeling better now yeah I feel okay what about you oh no I feel okay well hope you feel better soon hui I'm very proud of you two soldiers out we lost count like this video if you did give it a big thumbs up and subscribe to my channel I love you guys so much and I'll see you guys next time bye peace
Channel: Mimi Locks
Views: 977,745
Rating: 4.5028458 out of 5
Keywords: Last to drop their backpack wins, Last to drop iPhone wins, Mimi Locks, Mimilocks, Back to school, Back to school 2019, School supplies, Shopping School supplies, Last to leave roller coaster, Last to leave roller coaster wins, Last to leave rollercoaster, Amusement park, Roller coaster, Faze rug, Mr beast
Id: DXeKs2vvLhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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