Last Flight of the Boeing 727 Prototype airplane

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you [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well 33/5 release day and temperatures are not close thank you so about 350 fifteen cents idle let it warm up here they will go let the engine idle for just a moment and warm [Music] you why today boiling story first 727 taxi did paying field whatever for the first time in a quarter century this is the final stages of testing before the plane takes one last flight to atonement to resume flights main campus aboard field it was feared that the historic airplane would never find again F benighted Airlines donated it back in 1991 the tentative plan is to find two Boeing Field on March 1st [Applause] tip do that I've got 100 on this night yeah I hit my girl about Miami when I came back on the power feet to go how how far up is good number two number two I got two one one nighty character one nine three Oh Jackie went up pretty high and might have got two but they didn't burp so it's okay well both airspeeds looked okay okay landing lights coming off transponder my mom a speed brakes are down okay after light and seven to seven is clearly the active at alpha 10 going back to the in around 701 4.1 to 1.8 that Telfer tree we came out Delta wanted it feels normal to the left is still real stiff to the right and feeling let's just stop it yes if we just hold your do a couple piping full checks yeah ground going seven to seven we hold here and we need to do some flight control check you Hank off radios infant's father okay we are set and what's underneath it out here the livers firebreaks it an order no resume on that I hate the bone it's a Chan children stick we have a 15,000 pounds total google plus 1/3 or I can take that shot so to speak selectors check terrible that we don't have any idea Joe's pressure Heraklion communicate and remya door closed engine bleeds are open here on the entire titlis and Mile Creek in fact I'm so angry sure my Google store check is complete really ready more they want terrible that okay set up open [Music] and to rotation oil bushes coming up [Music] oil-pressure lights out barely capital with the Soliman here those [Music] thirty let it get out okay [Music] [Applause] love control hums of three lumps okay yep The Breakers occupy set the central of a dream or a very pressure for on Halloween a rotatory switch is in wintry for bugs you want one-sixty I got sunny right when I our legal briefing really at home for under not stopped on roughly short half an hour that sort of a before we go any far we making ready in turn help over the turns out about 25 fish zero-one uniformity pickle 1:6 right for the last time and take you over the departure you know Fargo problem suppose really [Laughter] [Music] Cody my faculty [Music] [Music] say bye Joe with mind-blowing [Music] okay I'll flip it [Music] come on [Music] [Laughter] [Music] just like the simulator [Music] [Laughter] three of one time Oh No [Laughter] [Laughter] on the back amendment process The Telegraph see the fire trucks here [Laughter] - Jacque - yeah I'll say I take back everything I ever said about you two you okay got it that power last shutdown flashed shut down forever [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] she endorsed she will slumber contentedly a new pavilion the miracle of flight still resides in her graceful wings and in her body and their planes heartbeats still [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Bob B.
Views: 141,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Boeing 727 N7001U Final Flight Museum of Flight Bob Bogash
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 18sec (1278 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2019
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