Last Feast of The Crocodiles (Part 2 of 4)

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she tries a pit but finds it full of bees [Music] she decides to risk the pool in heat like this the bees need water to Lyons can go without water for a long time but this one is a nursing mother she must drink maybe the BEP it isn't so bad after all large flocks of qui Lea's are in the area searching for a seed and grain as they snuck by the food and drink they're busy fluttering at the water's edge inspires the crocodiles quarantine and almost sporting enthusiasts [Music] [Music] [Music] the monitor lizards is the scourge of both ground nesting birds and the egg-laying crocodiles it's a voracious predator particularly partial to eggs the feisty plover immediately declares war [Music] during the heat of the day the sand becomes unbearably hot and burns the skin between the impalas hooves [Music] [Music] for the plumbers on their nest this is when easy access to water pays off the bird is soaking its breast feathers until they are weighted with water if n hurries up the scorching sand to relieve its meat [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the plumbers are brooding on sand that feels hot enough to fry an egg and by midday they are changing guard at the nest every 10 minutes without the constant protection of their cool wet feathers the eggs could not survive the heat the sand is so hot it's a wonder she doesn't fly down ah these Buffalo have just one thing in mind the usual watering places are dry now and they've had a long hot journey to get here [Applause] one of the calves strikes out on its own and is soon in dangerous company but these aren't the biggest Crocs in the pool and the lucky calf quickly returns to the herd the Crocs intentions are clear enough but before they can find a small enough victim the Buffalo decide it's time to leave [Music] an irritated hippo helps them on their way the drought and heat are now so severe that some animals with small young cannot supply enough milk and thirsty youngsters follow their mothers to water before they're weaned or wise enough to know how to drink [Applause] in an instant both croc and fawn vanish into the pool leaving behind two bewildered mother somewhere under the surface of the pool the crocodile lies loathe its prey waiting for an opportune moment to eat without having to share the most carefree creature in the pool is this baby hippo she frolic surround her mother in that special state that belongs to all young things she is oblivious to the dangers in her world the pool is steadily shrinking and is already too small for so many animals but the hippos can't settle fights caused by overcrowding there is no place else to go as usual now the hippos subside in an uneasy truce subdued by the day's heat and temporarily at peace the baboons relax around the pool [Music] [Applause] [Music] his PC shatters by a familiar trial outrage he's innocent but he's too close to the nest and the plumber has a good eye for trouble and young male baboons are especially targeted [Music] [Music] a sudden spat between rival Crocs sends a ripple of panic through the fool it's small wonder that the clubbers are having trouble a fresh track shows that a crocodile plowed right over their eggs this is their third nest of the season that's been lost to the crocodiles starting again from scratch the plumbers perform the ritual of selecting a site for a new nest the baby hippo is exploring her world the restraint of the crocodiles seems out of character but with two tons of devoted mother in nearby she's free to treat crocodiles with the same bold familiarity as the adult hippos do these great artists of violence are obliged to hold a kindly pose as the hippo child wanders in her playground of gently smiling dragons and slobbers on their tails [Applause] [Music] a yellow-billed kite checks the pool for an easy meal and sights a dead fish the surrounding lands is parched and bare and each night the hippos must Trek for miles to find Grace Lee other animals wander in the riverbed in search of the few remaining clues [Music] but most now a little more than wreaking mud wallows full of dead and dying fish even so the Impala would drink here but the pool is dominated by a single croc the last of a group of more than 40 that were here a month ago the monkeys won't risk it and drink instead in deep footprints the fawns attempt to drink is a small disaster now it's covered with stinking mud the mother sniffs her offspring but doesn't recognize it in this foul disguise
Channel: JaguarTheBlack
Views: 47,075,750
Rating: 3.8959038 out of 5
Keywords: Last, Feast, of, The, Crocodiles, (Part, 4), national, geography, african, animal, documentary
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 06 2011
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