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hey guys so I decided to make a second lasto mods offline video to clarify some things to make it easier for people to understand so basically uh I'll go as quickly as possible for this but uh I'll also show the mod menu also but basically and I'll show how to do this offline properly now with the new updated version so you're going to go to Nexus mods last EO mods you're Go download the last EAC mods one you're going to go download melon loader you going go open Beta over here and then download the XC have that ready click download for this have this uh file ready that's for the last EO mods it's going to be little raar file and you have M loader Let's see we have two files next up you're just going to Simply you can also pause um so basically you're going to go to your game file and it's always going to be over here install file settings browse um that'll pop up and so basically that's your steam file you're going to copy your last CAC file you're going to create a new lassy folder for instance right and so for me I have mine over here lasty modded what you don't want to do though so I have a f old version and a new version you can't have two things in the same folder it has to be one so it can only be like this so in the new folder you're just going to paste the uh new version of lasto then you're going to open up Mel loader which is right here and then M Mel noer you need to select the modded location of course the XC for it and then you're not going to do 6.2 you select like L you're can to do 5.7 and then install now once you've done that you're literally almost done all you have to do is open up lasty Mods go to install location go to your install and then your mod section You're simply going to Chuck that into there like that and then you're basically done so now here's how to basically launch it in the offline mode uh it's it's actually pretty easy um so you have your last Epoch modded file location right here uh you're simply going to copy it um you're going to go to your lasty game and remember this is your second save file location with the Mel loader and everything on it and this will bypass all the online screen and everything so no risk a ban or anything like that so here settings properties uh play full offline you're going to type in this Command right and then so you're going to do Dash and then last EO xe. exe and then we're do to do uh apostrophe and another one right there and space and then command now once you do it like this uh and yours will be probably different inall location than mine just make sure you simply copy paste lasty po XC do little things in between and the percentages at between the command so you're on play full offline now you're good to go you can launch the game your game's already updated so what's going to happen is this menu is going to pop up that means that your game's good um a lot of people were complaining about the game not working I mean uh I just did it first try um with the new modded uh update version and let me double check my OBS is showing my correct game so I'm going to show you how to do the menu really quickly so as you can see we're in the game so first off go to the game um and there's a couple of things you have to uh you're going to be correspond to the character you know menu of like you know go through the tutorial all that you don't have to do any of that um just hit Escape uh going to go to your character and then all of this right here complete main quests reset masteries if you need to add all glyphs and everything add affixes discover all the blessings unlock all the idols You Can level up god mode force yourself to have low life for certain builds change your class if you want um go hardcore you can you know change like certain difficulties Stu like that uh you have your movement speed damage attack speed casting speed you know you're just you're pretty much anything can think of in terms of like character uh enhancements items you can enh change your item drop rates of everything which is really fun um and it auto pickups pretty much everything in the area so you don't have to actually click anything anymore um personally for me I usually prefer to turn these off just to make the game more more generic and then I spawn in the items that I like to that I want to use for my build and then like if I find something better I do but you know I typically try and just like spawn in something that's going to work for what I need um and go from there and then for scenes so this is like for Bob density and everything like that for the actual Maps no need to go into that Force drop you can literally forceop any item in the entire game Parton my FR um it's astronomically awesome uh anything you need any Rarity any you know anything and then so say for instance uh I need a unique uh I don't know a unique soulfire right uh uh let's see here now not do unique Let's do let's do a basic here base item right okay so this is how you would add uh your implicits and seals you know your uh things to your items so you can add a seal to basically enhance it in a way you know what I mean um and then the app here's your prefixes and self fixes you can pretty much add anything in the entire game you can think of here and then just select that again it was a little laggy but you can select all four uh for your your um item and then it drops uh and you can do that for any um item pretty much uh well not uniques of course but like uh let's see here we get the idea uh well I do want to show you an example actually so we'll do a legendary uh do some gloves legendary okay so say you wanted to spawn something like that just choose prefixes whatever if you needed this item uh you can literally make anything your hearts desire implicits are how like scales in terms of like the number uh how high you want it to roll and everything and same thing with all the modifiers and the quantity just like how many drops uh no need to really go past that it's pretty easy to understand um but yeah just that's around with it it's fun uh and then for treats and skills you know you've got to like remove anaca anything you know pretty much like character stuff also um pathing things like uh you can do you know uh add more um mage of skeleton more you know minion options and then the coolest part about this mod of course is a head hunter so you can basically change how a head hunter uh interacts with the game here so you basically it used to be on the other one you could have different modifiers with the Head Hunter but it seems now it's a bit different uh but yeah I'm guessing it's going to yeah so no longer can you select the actual modifiers I'll show you what I mean on my I didn't even SW a good one back when you could but I can always get real old version and do it but uh anyways that's pretty much how the mod Works uh hope I made this video easy and uh you know helpful for people to understand and things like that so thanks for watching peace oh yeah if you want to see my build that's just possib so I've got a mixed build of uh literally two passive skills combined in one but hope you enjoy watching
Channel: Steele Duke
Views: 2,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ps_ZVzAHch4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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