(Last Days) Like The Days Of Noah And Lot by Zac Poonen

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so we will continue our study on last days in the second coming Christ we were looking at Matthew chapter 24 and when the disciples asked him when is this temple going to be torn down verse 2 and 3 and when will you return where is the end at the end of the age so he replied to both those things and he the first thing he said we looked at that last time was how that'd be a tremendous amount of deception in the last days and that is a theme that he brings forth again and again in this chapter and Paul repeats it in 1 Timothy 4 and 2nd Thessalonians 2 I also want to show you another passage in 2nd Timothy 3 in this connection speaking about the last days especially 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verse 1 but realize this that in the last days difficult times will come or as the Living Bible says it's going to be difficult to be a Christian in the last days why is it going to be why is it difficult to be a Christian is it because there's going to be a lot of persecution against Christians that will also be there but more subtle than persecution the devil comes like a lion he's called a roaring lion in 1 Peter 5 and a dragon in Revelation 12 and also a serpent in Genesis 3 in Revelation 12 so when he comes as a lion that's in persecution and when he comes as a serpent that is deception hmm these are the two weapons of Satan persecution and deception to prevent people from following Jesus so when it says here in chapter 3 verse 1 that it's going to be difficult in the last days to be a Christian persecution is one of the things he mentions it towards the end in verse 12 all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted but he's speaking more about deception this persecution mentioned in verse 12 and deception in verse 13 mm-hmm evil men and imposters will proceed from bad to worse deceiving and being deceived it will deceive others and be deceived themselves so persecution and deception two things mentioned in verse 12 and 13 are going to be very prevalent in the last days facing Christians and so when it says difficult times will come it's not primarily referring to persecution it's referring to deception and then he says in verse 2 onwards how men and this is talking about believers people who claim to be Christian believers who claim to be Christians sitting in the churches will primarily be lovers of self another of four types of lovers mentioned here lovers of self lovers of money and verse four lovers of pleasure and lovers of God four types of lovers and only one of them is right a true Christian must be a lover of God but instead of being a lover of God he's going to be a lover of himself his own rights his reputation his honor one of the proofs of that is we get so easily offended only one who loves himself gets offended one who doesn't love himself but loves God never gets offended with anything that another person says or doesn't say with anything that another person does or doesn't do we get offended because we get hurt our self life gets hurt by the way somebody treated us by what we heard somebody said about us behind our back we love ourselves so much and who worry who are we talking about now unbelievers no so-called believers who have never understood what it is to take up the cross and put self to death see because in the last days there's going to be very little preaching about the cross and death to self life it's almost unheard of in most churches today and never heard of in Christian television and so when there's no preaching against death on death to South self is going to flourish in the lives of many Christians they won't even know that you cannot follow Jesus if you love yourself they'll think you can love yourself and follow Jesus and look at the multitudes of Christians who get offended and hurt and don't even feel that that's a terrible sin mmm listen when somebody did that to me I have a right to be hurt exactly because you're an unbeliever you're not a disciple of Jesus that's why you've got a right to be hurt if you were a disciple of Jesus you have no right to be hurt Jesus was never hurt and they called him Prince of Devil's they spat on his face they did all types of things what does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus there are very very few Christians who are going to take up the cross in the last days and follow him and so it's going to be very difficult to be a true Christian because we are surrounded by people who claim to be Christians who claim to be filled to the spirit who claim to speak in tongues extra and who get hurt and get offended or are disturbed because their name was dragged in the dust and Jesus taught us to pray our Father who art in heaven be thy name forget about your own name but the last days Christians are going to be more concerned about their name for example I'll tell you do you know how much the name of Jesus is dishonored in India today but that doesn't disturb most people who call themselves Christians but if their name was dragged in the mud by somebody once boy that would really disturb them or if their little pretty daughter's name was dragged in the dust boy that would disturb them but let the name of Jesus be dishonored throughout the country doesn't bother them do you think such people are disciples of Jesus no far from it but they sit in churches they claim to be born again they claim to love the Lord that is the amazing thing that devil has done deceiving them that they love themselves from top to bottom head to foot and they think they are disciples of Jesus so we can only warn you nobody can change you from being a lover of self if you don't want to be free from it yourself but let me warn you there are three types of lovers who are not lovers of God one is a lover of self the other is a lover of money look at the mounted use of Christians who think they can love God and love money at the same time multitudes of believers and it's in this connection it says is going to be difficult to be a Christian in the last days because you'll be surrounded by such people and you will be infected by their sickness the infection of love of self the infection of love of money and it'll be difficult to be a Christian because that infection will come to you unless you're really strong and resisting it and the third is lovers of pleasure the great God that many Christians worship today is the God called entertainment they are more interested in entertainment they say we got to relax life is so tense we need entertainment and very often it leads to polluted defiled sexual stimulated entertainment do you think such people are disciples of Jesus the sad thing is some of them think they are because they go to a church they sing the songs they're gonna burn in hell there's no doubt about it one day they'll wake up and discover that but not many people preach about it you can't be a lover of pleasure and lover of God at the same time that's why Christians who you know I remember days fifty years ago no Christian ever watched movies there was no television it was disgraceful for a Christian to watch a movie but today almost all Christians watch movies and they it's gone down the standard of movies they watch down and down and on it doesn't even disturb them you see the reason in the last days is going to be very difficult to be a true Christian because you'll find very few people who live up to the standards of God's Word the standards of discipleship I'll tell you this if you don't look at Jesus and the standards of God's Word you can be a part of this church CFC and you'll find it very difficult to be a Christian because a lot of people around you don't have those standards we're living in a day of decline in the best churches that decline is there among the young people particularly decline the standards of God's Word are no longer taken seriously so if you're a serious young person who wants to follow the Lord my advice to you is don't look at the other young people around you look at Jesus look at the standards of God's Word forget about the others around you as you follow the Lord and that's going to be difficult because it'll be very you'll be walking a very lonely path there won't be many people who want to go with you then will be difficult to be a Christian says in verse 3 there's going to be a lot of gossiping look at the number of Christians who gossip and don't even think that that's unchristian you know backed by it against people just spend that time talking evil about somebody else if that person son or wife came along there that immediately stopped which proves that you're a gossip so there are many things like that you know the interesting thing is all these people who have these qualities mentioned here lovers of self lovers of money boastful arrogant revilers disobedient to parents ungrateful unholy unloving and so on a whole lot of them lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God all of them verse five are still going to hold on to a form of godliness I mean if these people were outright worldly that would be okay because we said with their worldly people no but these people going to hold a form of godliness means they're going to talk about holiness and they're going to talk about righteousness they're going to talk about victory over sin and you'll be thoroughly deceived these guys are talking about victory over sin and holiness and righteousness and they're worried watching dirty movies on the side can you imagine greater deception than that I mean if they were outside right in the world okay but they're going to hold on to a form of godliness but have denied the power of godliness they are take they've taken up with other supernatural powers you know look at the multitudes of Christians we're just waiting to have some preacher lay hands on them and make them fall down what's use of that I want power to live a holy life not to fall down you can get drunk with whiskey and fall now you don't need the part of the Holy Spirit for that but you want the part of the holy part of the Holy Spirit you need that you want to be holy so here are people in the last days we're going to have a form of godliness but denying the power thereof and it says here avoid such men as these verse 5 I don't want to fellowship with such people I don't care if some people say that you're very exclusive brother well I am exclusive from such people because the Bible says avoid such men as these who hold a form of godliness and are more interested in talking about movies and entertainment and even their religious activity is centered around entertainment they're not interested in Bible study they're interested in music more than Bible study music has never made a man's spiritual until today bible study has made people holy why is it people the Christians today are more interested in music than in Bible study because Bible study is not entertainment and their God is entertainment and so they come to a church that go to a church which entertains them you see they feel guilty about going to the places of the worldly rock music shows and all but they want that entertainment so they the churches that provide that it never leads them to a Holy Light never leads them to take up the cross and die to themselves and give up sin and overcome sin and follow Jesus but entertainment so I mentioned this this is all part of that deception of the last days see what all Paul says about this is going to be in the last days we're living in those times these things were written 2,000 years ago and we're seeing it fulfilled in our time around us I want you to also see here what Jesus said about in man go back to Matthew 24 it says here in verse 38 verse 37 for the coming of the Son of Matthew 24 verse 37 and 38 for the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah now what is the before we go to the next verse let's turn to Genesis 6 and see something about the days of Noah because Jesus said the last days are going to be like the days of Noah then I want to read that and see what the days of Noah were like verse 1 you see a number of things happen in the days of Noah and just look at them one by one first of all men began to multiply or chapter 6 Genesis 6 verse 1 there was a tremendous population boom in the days of Noah lots and lots of babies were born in the population of the earth increased at a very rapid rate Jesus said it's going to be like that in the we see it happening in our country and everywhere and then it speaks about the sons of God now the sons of God there were no born-again sons of God those days that half people could be born-again sons of God only after the days of Jesus but the sons of God is an expression that is used in Scripture to refer to angels I'll show you job chapter 1 verse 6 there was a day job 1 verse 6 job there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan also came among them those were angels the reason is the word son speaks of a direct creation of God all human beings are not direct creations of God they are born into the world through the principle of reproduction that God put into Adam and Eve God did not create each man and woman on this earth they were born through the principle of reproduction all the billions of people on earth but the angels were not born through a principle of reproduction there is no reproduction each angel was created individually by God the millions of angels and anything any you know moral being created directly by God is called as son of God and that's why if you turn to Genesis 5 well I mean before you go to Genesis 5 let me show you a verse and Luke chapter 3 and you'll understand it in Luke chapter 3 you see the genealogy of Mary Luke chapter 3 you see the genealogy of marrying Jesus himself Luke 3:23 Jesus was about thirty years of age being supposedly the son of Joseph who was the son-in-law should be son-in-law there of Eli this is Mary's genealogy Joseph's genealogies in Matthew chapter one whenever you see a word in italics in the NASB it means it was not in the original Greek but somebody put it in to try and make meaning to that sentence what is written in there is supposedly the son of Joseph the of Eli they put in son it should have been son-in-law and then that means that is the Eli was the father of Mary and then his genealogy goes all the way you see the last verse who was the son of eNOS the son upset the son of Adam who was the son of God in what way because he was a direct creation of God so any direct creation of God is always called a son of God and that's why when we are born again we are called sons of God because we are a direct creation I mean I didn't become a child of God because my father was a child of God no God directly made him a son of God and made me separately a son of God it's a direct act those who are born it says in John chapter 1 verse 12 and 13 not of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man but were born of God so that's why we're called sons of God it's an expression for a direct creation of God it's not just a question of saying I want to follow Jesus God does a work in me and does a work of creation puts a new nature inside me which I can never do that's what it means to be born again a lot of people who call themselves Christians are not really born again like that God is not gonna create a work in their heart because they've never seriously taken the matter of being a disciple of Jesus they've never repented of their sins they just come and sit in a church and sort of ooze into what they think is Christianity that's not the Son of God so when it speaks here in Genesis 6 about sons of God is speaking about these angels and these angels they don't have any sexual ability the Bible says Jesus said in Matthew 22 that in the resurrection we'll be like angels in the sense that there won't be any marriage there won't be any sexual function in heaven in the resurrection body there won't be any marriage the Angels do not have any sexual ability but you know that angels can be tempted because Lucifer the head of the Angels we don't know what's his real name but anyway let's call him Lucifer he was tempted in his heart to be proud to exalt himself and we read about unclean spirits evil spirits who are filthy and so here were angels in heaven good angels who they didn't learn a lesson from the fall of Lucifer years earlier and they looked at these daughters of men they looked at some pretty women on earth and they lusted after them they saw that they were beautiful and when they says they took themselves wives of themselves of what they choose a woman angel can't marry a woman what it means is they possessed human beings in order to satisfy their lust because they don't have sexual ability how to satisfy that lust they possessed men and made those men filled with lust and then these angels could satisfy their lust on pretty women it was like getting pleasure through somebody else having pleasure you know internet pornography is like this there people who watch it don't get any pleasure themselves but they get the pleasure through seeing somebody else getting pleasure the sons of God look at the daughters of men and want to lust after them and somehow have pleasure through somebody else seeing somebody else having pleasure its internet pornography not only plenty of it in the last days so when I see it I'm not surprised I know there are evil spirits behind it and that's why people who watch pornography gradually the more they watch it on you know CDs and DVDs and Internet the resistance the natural resistance that we have wears thin you know you you yield and yield and yield to temptation gradually that natural resistance it doesn't happen immediately but over a period of time I mean if you just watch it once it's still sin but what happens when you watch it once you got an addiction you want to watch it again it wears thin thin thin thin thin thin finally it snaps and an evil spirit gets in a spirit of lust and that that person is possessed with an evil spirit then he's addicted it's really serious but you know the number of believers who just play the fool with this that's exactly what the devil wants them to think ah this is not serious just enjoy yourself you'll be okay look at all the other people in the world are doing it their minds are destroyed they have awful dreams at night and later on in life when they get married the married life will be a havoc they will never enjoy sex in married life they'll be forever lusting and they won't be happy in their marriage the devil's got long term plans and he starts off with his pornography young people in their teens go into it because the devil never tells him why the wait is going to end did the devil tell Eve where her little act of seeking some pleasure from a tree would finally end with her first son murdering her second son and all the subsequent problems that came now the devil never tells anybody the future he just says enjoy yourself now forget the future that's the sin of Esau the Bible says make sure there's nobody like Esau in your midst - for a little morsel of meat a bowl of soup sacrificed his birthright our birthright is to be like Jesus Christ that's my birthright to have a mind like the mind of Christ pure humble loving to have speech like the speech of Christ that's my birthright to be to have an attitude towards women money everything exactly like Jesus had that's my birthright but I can throw away that birthright for a bowl of soup what's a bowl of soup something that satisfied my bodily need now like Eve gave up her birthright to walk with God in Paradise for the sake of a little thing that would satisfy her bodily need now and pornography is like that something that will satisfy your bodily need now and what do I throw away fellowship with God eternity in heaven I don't want all that that's all in the future you don't realize what a terrible price people are paying internet pornography is leading millions into the lake of fire it's written here it's last days cooking plenty of it look at the look at what goes on in all the internet cafes in every country in the world what that never was such a thing I mean I'm sure people have read pornographic books 50 years ago but it's never so widespread absolutely widespread sex it's going to be a big crazy thing in the last days it says here that's what the days of Noah were like and the Lord said when he saw this verse 3 Genesis 6:3 my spirit is not going to keep on striving with men forever in other words God says my Holy Spirit will speak to men once twice thrice they go to a church they listen they listen listen but the Lord says I'm not going to speak them forever a day will come when I'll say to them go into what you like I've given up on you because he's flesh I'm not going to strike I'll tell you some of you who may be playing the fool with some sin in your life and nobody in the church can catch you because you do it all alone that's fine but the I want you to hear the word of the Lord he says my Holy Spirit will not strive with you forever that's it a time will come and the Holy Spirit's a finish go and do what you like like somebody said to those who say to God thy will be done in my life he opens heavens doors to them and those who say my will be done God says okay go where people go my that's house Satan you know the origin of Satan is I will I will I will my will my will my will my will that's how the origin of Satan and the person who says I don't want your will I want my will it's finally going to end up where Satan ends up the great conflict is between my will and God's will I want to show you that in Isaiah 14 Isaiah 14 we read of the fall of Satan and we see here this is how Satan the perfect angel became a devil What did he say I want you to listen to this in Isaiah 14 and verse 13 and notice this phrase that comes so often five times read carefully and see a little phrase that comes five times you how have you fallen verse 12 referring to Lucifer you've fallen down why did you fall Satan because you said in your heart I will I will I will verse four I will I will that's how he became the devil I will I will I will my will my will my will my God says ok do your will go to hell and that's why it says the next verse he was cast down when Jesus came from heaven you know what he said John 6:38 then you see the difference between sin and holiness John 6:38 jesus said I've come from heaven not to do my will but the will of my Heavenly Father that is holiness I don't do what pleases me I do what pleases my father what did the devil say my will my will I want to do what I feel like doing you see if that's why we got to teach children that's why I always say if you don't break that stubborn self fill of that two-year-old child your God before he becomes three four years old he you're training a child for hell you know all these soft fathers and mothers oh darling don't do like that there's no place for darling over there got to break that stubborn cellphone which he got from the devil otherwise you're grooming that child for hell he'll be a pain in the neck for you that son or daughter when he's a when they're teenagers and because you've been so soft on them and one day they'll end up in hell when it's too late you may be in heaven but your children will be in hell I don't want one of my children in hell that's why I decided my boys I'm going to break that stubborn self all of them when they're young that's the thing that needs to that's why the first commandment for children is honor your father and mother children obey your parents so my will my will my will leads to hell and Lord not my will not my will but thy will be done leads to heaven Jesus was tempted in all points exactly like us and it says in Romans 15 and verse 3 Romans 15 and verse three Christ's never pleased himself he never sought his own pleasure he sought the father's pleasure this is what it means to be a disciple so the Lord says come back to Genesis 6 my spirit will not always strive with man that means strive strive means he's I believe the Holy Spirit strives with us when we speaking to us in a meeting you know you're sinning you're living in sin and the Holy Spirit speaks speaks to you warns you urges you and exhorts you encourages you to give up your sinful light and you stubbornly say no no no no more in the meeting you'll say yes and then tomorrow you go and do the same old thing and come back again another meeting the Lord speaks you come on give it up give it up give it up and you don't listen you know one day the God will say my spirit is not going to strive always with this person I'll try with some of the others but I'm going to give up on this person it's terrible that's when the Devils take over demons take over that person I don't want that happen to me or any member of my family that's why I say parents pray for your children don't take it lightly that they don't have a fear of God don't take it lightly that they're not serious about being disciples of Jesus pray for them when was the last time you fasted for your unconverted children are you serious about their conversion we're living in the last days anyway the Lord said in those days you know men lived up to 900 years and all that but he's okay I'll give them 120 years more he hundred twenty years was a very short time in those days I mean in terms of today's time it may be 10 years or so that's it I'll give them another 8 or 9 years and then he during those 120 years he looked for a man who you know if he didn't find a man he would have destroyed all of humanity so he saw sexual evil was one of the things in the last days lust lust lust after pretty women and then the other thing it says in verse 5 the wickedness of man was great on the earth and every one of his thoughts of his heart was evil that means man's thoughts was absolutely filthy all the thoughts that went on through his mind unmarried people married people that thoughts were filthy filthy filthy filthy filthy perhaps some of them are religious just like Christians today they go to church they sing songs with their thoughts are filthy filthy filthy filthy filthy filthy the Lord saw that you know that the Lord sees people's thoughts it says that the Lord saw that every thought of man was filthy these are people who have a form of godliness and imagine it says in verse 6 the Lord was sorry we're thinking of what Jesus said the last days agree like the days of Noah the Lord was sorry that he had made man on the earth imagine God saying boy I'm sorry that I ever created Adam now we must remember that this is written in language for us to understand God knows the whole future and in that sense he doesn't have regret about anything he did but in human language for us to understand it basically what it means is God was terribly disappointed with the way the human wings were behaving for whom he had done so much good he had given them seasons and Sun and drain and health and everything just like he's given us but he sees him so thoroughly ungrateful thoroughly ungrateful for all the blessings they got from him the only thing Christians are like that I think the vast majority of believers are thoroughly ungrateful to God for all the goodness that he is showered upon they come nominally to church and sing a few songs and put a little money in the offering box but basically they live for themselves it's really sad God is disappointed I want to ask you is God disappointed with you he's God disappointed that he ever brought you to being born again this person is not like the other people this person claims to be a believer I brought him to the place of salvation once upon a time I even filled him with the spirit but look at him today every thought of his mind is just worldly and it doesn't live by my standards the Lord was sorry grieved his heart I believe that God is grieved with the behavior of many of his children on earth today terribly grieved I don't want to be in that number I don't want to be one of those who brings even the slightest grief to my Heavenly Father's heart I don't care if the world thinks I'm too super spiritual or whatever name they give me holy Joe or whatever they say I don't want to grieve my heavenly father's heart I don't care if I'm different from all the other so-called Christians around me I don't want to grieve my heavenly father's heart because he's done so much for me He gave His Son to die for me that's why and that means something to me I don't know whether it means that much to you but it means a lot to me I don't want to cream it says it grieved him in his heart and finally the Lord said I'll just blot them all out verse 7 everything but there was one man he says I'm sorry that I made them verse 7 but there was one man who found favor one man whose thoughts were not filthy one man who was not lusting after pretty women all the time he was different you know this other thing it says here about the in the King James Version it says the earth was filled with violence violence there was such a lot of violence since it says in verse 11 corrupt and filled with violence violence means there was terrorism people were killing each other they for a small fight they would take a dagger and kill them take stones and blow out their brains and sex and terrorism and violence the days of Noah evil thoughts how to hurt others how to rape women and how to take advantage of pretty girls in this the days of Noah and Jesus had to die I want to tell you 2000 years ago the world was not like that when Jesus was speaking in Israel there was such a sense of reserve and modesty and there was no pornography those days and he and people would have listening what are you talking lord I can't imagined it I said a world where people are just people going ok I religious people yes but religious people are going to be filled with lust and pornography oh now Lord it can't happen I can quite imagine the disciples think it can't happen I can't imagine a world like that can you imagine it today filled with violence hatred and the earth was corrupt but God found one man I want to say to you my brothers and sisters if the last days are like the days of Noah he's also looking for one man and one family it wasn't just a man to his family it was his wife we don't know much about Noah's wife but I'm sure she was you know considered unsociable by all the other ladies of her time because she was not interested in the type of things they were interested in she was not the stylish type like them she was more interested in prayer and in bringing up her children at home in a godly way and not just going out and making money as a profession she was different no I was different here he was preaching the Bible says in Hebrews 11 no as a preacher of righteousness he was a preacher of righteousness what did he preach holiness imagine in such a world me show you that verse that two verses concerning Noah that we need to see Hebrews in chapter 11 it says in verse 7 by faith Noah being warned by God about things not yet seen in reverence now the first thing you see about Noah is he had a tremendous reverence for God I tell you this very little reverence in today's Christianity it's all froth even a lot of these modern charismatic choruses I find this very little reverence in a lot of them the old-time hymns had a lot of reverence in them but this frothy superficial singing the same line ten times meaning nothing this is a tremendous lack of reverence in today's singing in today's preaching it's all jokes and jesting and Noah had reverence they're going to be a few people like that in the last days who have a reverence for God they're going to be very few and with that reverence he prepared an ark for the salvation of his house this man was desperate to save his family that's the other thing you see about him he wanted oh god I've got three sons I want all of them to be saved I don't want them to get into this pornography and lusting after women like all the people around them I don't want to get them to get involved in violence I'm sure he was pretty strict with this with his three sons he was a firm father his word was law in that house Shem ham and Japheth they trembled when Noah spoke they dare not disobey Him boy we need fathers like that were concerned for the salvation of their entire household and he condemned the world he made it clear to all the people in the world I have no interest in all the things your running after I'm not gonna live for that it's all going to perish I he didn't know it was going to be hundred twenty years but he knew it would God had told him is all gonna perish God's told us it's all gonna perish do you believe it the world is passing away the Bible says in 1 John 2:17 but he who does the will of God remains forever who believes it no I believed it so he didn't live for the rotten old world he he had to eat and drink and sleep and earn his living he did all that but he didn't live for this world he condemned the world and thereby he became an air of righteousness which is according to faith the other words I want you to see his 2nd Peter chapter 2 where also it speaks about Noah 2nd Peter chapter 2 it says here Noah verse 5 2nd Peter to find Noah was a preacher of righteousness he was saved along with seven others and who were the seven others mrs. Noah Shem mrs. Shem Japheth mrs. Japheth ham and mrs. Han that's it it's just his family what a man he was he made sure that his three sons married god-fearing women they were not easy to find in those days they're not easy to find today but he made sure he said oh god I don't want these sons of mine to just marry some pretty stylish girl who will ruin their lives I want them to marry god-fearing women and he looked around prayed and God gave in that wicked world maybe there were only three you think there were only three god-fearing golden is his sons got all three of them that's great imagine if you have three sons and in the world they're only three god-fearing girls and your sons get all three you'd call that lucky not lucky because God honors those who honor him there were only three god-fearing girls in that world and Noah's sons got all three of them because of the father what an influence that father does not come as a challenge to you my brother you're a father a lot of things that your children watch on television you sit back and say I it's okay yeah yeah just wait and see what's going to happen to those children in five or six years there'll be a pain in your neck and they will bring disgrace to your family name and to them name of the Lord to the church because you see I it's okay and need some entertainment be careful young people that Devils out to get you to wear out and wear out and wear out that resistance in you till he can possess you be careful take the advice of god-fearing father's like Noah and doesn't say much about mrs. no I'm sure she was a god-fearing woman I'm sure she wasn't just yelling and fighting with Noah and telling him are you so strict with our boys known and all then that have been conflict as those three boys wouldn't have been saved look at these wicked mothers nowadays stand against their fathers when the fathers are trying to be strict with that children or vice versa yeah he was yours to hear let him hear those are the days of Noah but thank God he found someone like Noah was upright now I want to say something else about the days of Noah which Jesus said in verse 38 Matthew 24 and verse 38 in those days it's talking about the worst days of Noah verse 37 verse 38 in those days before the flood what were they doing in addition to all these other things I mentioned they were living not playing there was plenty of eating and drinking and marrying and giving in marriage what's wrong with that there's nothing wrong with eating and drinking we do it every day there's nothing wrong with marrying and giving in marriage Jesus himself attend marriage marries ordained by God but the point here is they got so taken up with these things eating and drinking let's see which are the best restaurants to go to and we must try this when you try this and try this try this guys who haven't even read the Bible ones are more interested in eating and drinking and tasting various types of food and marrying and giving in marriage and all the earthly things which are normal there's nothing wrong at all it it's when these things fill our mind that we don't have time for the things of God that's the point when the devil sees that he can't drive you away with pornography and violence and hatred and all these things okay see I can I try can spoil some believers like that but this one seems to be a different type let's occupy his mind with eating and drinking which he'll never even suspect that's going to crowd out God from his life eating and drinking and you know enjoying oneself with a lot of things in the world which crowds out time for God that's the point and suddenly one day a flood came and took them all away now I also want you to see Luke chapter 17 about the last days Jesus said one more thing in Luke 17 Luke 17 is also about the last days and he said in verse 26 as the days of Noah so shall the days of the Son of Man be they were eating and drinking verse 27 Luke 17 27 giving in marriage and then he took one more example in the same has happen in the days of lot those days also they were eating and drinking and buying and selling and planting and building now what's wrong in buying and selling we buy and sell so many things we plant and build so okay but the point is their mind was so occupied with these things you know their work and the sorrows the cares of this world we fill their mind so much that they don't have time for God God is crowded out of their life have you noticed that the devil doing that in these days my brothers and sisters crowding God and time for the Scriptures out of your life not with evil but some people he does it with evil with pornography and violence and all that but he knows he can't succeed in that area with some of you older people anyway so he crowds God out of your life by legitimate things your work there's nothing sinful in that you've got to do more work and then your relaxation and then this in that the other middle and the end of the day comes you haven't even had five minutes to sit in quietly and listen to God have you found that happening in your days that's the devil that's the devil crowding God out of your life little by little by little by little by little till finally your whole day is filled and occupied not with sin like some of those other believers but with eating and drinking and you can make that list very long with a whole lot of legitimate things till one day fire and brimstone verse 29 falls and people are destroyed it'll be the same the Sunday's of the Son of Man you know the primary sin in Sodom in the time of lot if you read Genesis 19 was again sexual sin there were two angels who came to lots of and they were really good-looking and the men of Sodom lusted after these men and lot said listen if you take my daughters who don't take these men said no we don't your daughters we want these men see how perversion has come in in the last days and Jesus said from that there'll be a lot of homosexuality men lusting after men in the last days I mean it's probably it's been there from the time of sodam which is when 4000 years ago there was almost equality it's not new but men lying with men and men women with men unnatural sex that's the point there's going to be a lot of it in the last days adultery fornication pornography men with many unnatural sex women with women just like soda and it'll go on and on it's interesting how Jesus spoke about knowing Lord one of the predominant sins of Noah's time and lots time was sex and perverted sex you see after some time when man because you must remember that in every pleasure God is given man there's a thing which I would call the law of diminishing returns that means the pleasure you get out of that thing becomes less and less and less and less and less each time and so you're crazy after sex each time you get less and less pleasure from it you want more you want more to satisfy to come to that original level of pleasure you got and finally you can't get it and then you go for perversion and maybe they go meant with men and finally even men with animals it's perversion man gets so perverted and with children little small children oh there's a lot of that today perversion because man's mind has become so corrupt sex is going to be one of the big things in the last days and violence and terrorism and when these things happen you know that the coming of the Lord is pretty near and God wants to save us out of this he wants us to be a witness how different was Noah as witness compared to lots nor was such a upright man who brought up his family in a godly way but lot he also claimed to be a believer he had a connection with the greatest man of God who was living in that time Abraham but instead of valuing that connection with the greatest man of God in that country he ignored it and went after the world now if he had not known the greatest man of God in that country then at least we see oh he didn't have a chance but imagine he was related to and knew the greatest man of God in that country and still when it is seen that was terrible it's much worse when we have heard some of the most wonderful truths of Scripture and then going to sing and look at the way Lord brought up his family his wife was not interested in the things of God and his daughters he had two daughters he wanted them to get married to some rich people in who influential businessmen in Sodom and they were they all died there he took his two daughters out his two sons-in-law were destroyed and you know when he said to them to these people listen we should get out of this place it says in Luke chapter 19 when lot went and spoke to his sons-in-law Genesis 19 and verse 14 his sons Allah means the ones were going to marry his daughters his daughters were not yet married they were engaged Luke Genesis 1914 he went to his sons-in-law and to Mary's daughter and said get out of this place the Lord is going to destroy this place they laughed at him a lot yesterday you were drinking with us and playing the fool with us now you about hell and all come on man don't try to fool us you know that's what happens to a worldly Christian everybody sees his testimony he's living for the world just like anybody else anyway he grabbed his daughters and his wife and left his sons in law wouldn't listen but his wife's heart was back in lot back in Sodom and she turned round and he lost his wife she became a pillar of salt with fire and brimstone fell on her then he took his daughters and went into a mountain he thought he escaped with them but he lost them too lost them not physically but lost them too incest imagine a father committing adultery with his own daughters and the daughters instigating that can imagine how evil they became with all the living in Sodom you know they went to Sodom to make money don't forget lot went to Sodom he left Abraham because he wanted to see I go there Oh God Abraham said where do you want to go always I'll go there I'll take grab that I'll make money there and along with that money came all that wickedness on his children his daughters I don't know where Lord is today what if he managed to repent in the last minute and go to heaven how sad he be there lost his wife lost his daughters because he went after money because he didn't have standards for the type of husbands his daughters would marry it's far better if his daughters had not been married at all than to be engaged to such men dear brothers and sisters I'm talking about the 21st century we are pretty close to the coming of the Lord and we see all these things that I've said to you we see it happening in the world around us and in the church in this church you hear warnings that will protect you and preserve you so that you can be ready for the coming of the Lord not only you but like Noah your wife and your family and if you have grown-up sons and daughters their husbands and wives too let's pray that God will protect us it's bar hands before God Heavenly Father we know we're living in the last days and we won't don't want to play the fool with sin anymore we want to be careful about our friendships we want to be careful about who we spend our time with and how we spend our time we don't want to crowd you out of our life altogether with legitimate things help us to be men of wisdom to put you first in everything we have heard so much in this church help us Lord we pray preserve all these dear people sitting here many of these young people don't realize that the devil is just waiting to get a hold of them please save them Lord from that deception of Satan I pray that some people here will take a decision today that to turn their lives around completely completely towards God and a reverence will come into the lives of many we pray in Jesus name
Channel: SermonIndex.net
Views: 87,796
Rating: 4.7689528 out of 5
Keywords: Zac, Poonen, Revival, Repent, God, Sermons, Jesus, SermonIndex
Id: J0rSYHptq8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 23sec (3503 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 17 2009
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