Last Day Of Chopping 2023!

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good morning everybody welcome back to another video today could potentially be the last day of chopping for 2023 we're gonna do the second day of our second cut of alfalfa here and we have probably less tonnage to chop more acres to cover than we did yesterday so I'm gonna have to drive a little bit quicker to get that done hopefully today goes good and we can knock this last bit out to cover the pile maybe six o'clock this afternoon I'm not gonna say that would be nice because that just means we have less feed but kind of would be nice kind of would be nice we'll see just moseying on over to the vet room to get our inoculants turn the GPS on right away that always takes like 10 minutes to connect to uh satellites that way we can use it as soon as we get out to the field well that's our second pile let's put a black stuff on there I wonder what that is and you found the filter chop it is literally just right up here super close it's gonna be uh easy for trucks to keep up this morning which is good chopping away this morning we've sent eight loads to the pile and this field is probably gonna end up being about uh 30 percent or one third of what the field was that we chopped yesterday so quite a bit lighter I don't know there must be a deeper ground water table here or something whether your falfa just can't get in the water as good as the other fields so pretty interesting also along the tree lines usually in a barley field you'll notice that the crop is the heaviest right along a kerrygana line or or bigger trees and that's because of the moisture that's there from the snow drifts and the winter melting but I noticed with the Alfalfa it's less so so I I kind of think almost just an idea I had this morning that Alfalfa Tap Root is competing with the root system of the trees and not getting as much moisture as it would maybe in the middle of the field so just something I noticed today thought of maybe maybe that's got something to do with it but just chop it away speed shopping today well that's a good spot I need some more of that I just had lunch I sharpened knives on the chopper again got about four swaths to go in this field and then uh another field after the ceiling's still cutting there so that'll take us a few hours probably five six hours maybe so if nothing else goes wrong we'll finish around six or seven o'clock this evening just dropping the last few swaths want to put the camera here so I can show you guys how rough the field is in the tractor this is probably four years old we're at the Alfalfa and just so many moles in this field they make a bunch of lumps and it just goes so rough you have to look at either smoothing it out or ripping it out to planting something else here next year because this is just brutal there's hardly anything coming out of the spout to the chopper but it can't go any faster push more crop through because it's so rough I'm scared that spout is going to snap right off brutal we're gonna leave those two swaths to make small squares out of which means this is the last swath of 2023 cylaging kind of happy kind of sad I love chopping last bit of silage just watch it go through the chopper That's All She Wrote I'm sure Reese is happy total of 11 days of chopping for the summer which is excellent means we put up a decent amount of feed five days of alfalfa one day of Rye six days of barley silage I think that's 12 days of chopping maybe we only did five days of barley silage pretty sure we did 11 days anyway lots of chopping this year covering this pile should be quick there's only like 45 loads of Feed in there right now so just grabbing plastic thank you [Music] it's a little baby file we got two small rolls of plastic that we're gonna try and fit over [Music] well that's a small piece I don't think that's gonna work [Music] oh not even close no still double you could just go double over this one yeah but that one doesn't really go to the bottom there otherwise it'll just that one yeah that's the pile we made yesterday not too bad we're just grabbing dirt right now so we can put it on those two pieces of plastic [Music] and she's covered it's probably the biggest chore of the entire year for us is putting up feet we have the most people working the most pieces of equipment moving around at the same time and uh 100 done now so pretty cool obviously there's still a lot more to do before winter comes a ton of Menorah hopefully a lot of straw to bail and Hull so uh look forward to it let's get her done I'm gonna put the Drone in the air get a shot of all the silage on the yard it's mostly for the bank you always like to see how much feed you put up it gives them quite a bit of comfort when you put up enough feed [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] man it is not even 8 30 yet and it's already uh the sun's going down man it's uh Summer's starting to slow down that's for sure it's definitely noticeable now but uh we're at our canola field our quarter of canola this is the only quarter that we have and this is kind of our baby now that everything else is harvested the peak fields are kind of crap the canola is still looking phenomenal and uh we're just keeping a really close eye on it Dad was out here two days ago he said and uh it looked like grasshoppers were starting to eat the pods off man we're so close to getting this crop into the bin and then the grasshoppers get in here and they just start munching away and uh I doubt you guys will be able to see it but if I look into the crop I can just see a bunch of grasshoppers sitting on the canola plants here and if you look closely they are definitely munching away at our pods you can see right there at the tip of my thumb that was one pod that's another pod that's another pod this one right here is the whole side is chewed out down here these pods are wrecked unreal what these grasshoppers are doing to this canola on this plant it looks like every single pot is has been munched on that is scary guys let's see right there the bugger he jumped away oh man look at this grasshopper just a that thing is a beast you guys can see them yeah that's what's doing it um dad said he did walk in there a little bit and uh if you get a little ways into the field there's less damage supposedly but uh these guys are definitely doing some damage okay I see a spot where we can reasonably walk in over here so I guess the sprayer was left on here put too much chemical down toasted this canola so I don't think there were many grasshoppers here to start and that's how usually it works they go to the edge of the field from the ditch where the grass is and then they slowly work their way into the field so usually there's not uh the whole field full of grasshoppers that's what we're looking for oh I can see someone walk through here that's right Dad so I'd say we're 100 feet in now scope these pods out I still hear the Grasshoppers are jumping everywhere yeah these pods are damaged not as bad though definitely not as bad still uh concerning I'm sure the middle of the field is a little more safe though but uh maybe that's going to convince us to drop this sooner than later we are going to swath it even though I am pretty sure it's a straight cut variety we're just gonna swath it anyway I was just driving past our neighbors canola field here this is on top of a Knoll so it's probably the lightest spot in the field but look at that one plant has one two three four five grasshoppers on it holy moly and look at this plant's literally like you can see all the canola grain in there it's just I don't know if the Grasshoppers are after the actual canola but they're munching away what a sad looking canola plant stupid freaking grasshoppers but anyway that is gonna be it for today's video thank you guys so much for watching I'm super happy to be done all the chopping and uh I'll see you guys tomorrow I guess
Channel: SaskDutch Kid
Views: 46,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dairy farming, dairy cattle, farming in canada, canadian dairy farm, dairy, farm, farming, farm vlog, farm vlog channel, farming selfie, holstein, holstein cow, holstein farm, cow farm, farming milk cows, tractor, seeder, combine, crop farmer, land farmer
Id: kUjyTXtyfPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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