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well hello GM to the chat can you guys hear me and see me if yes please let me know well hello sorry apologies for the echo can you guys hear me slash see me hi anurag sumana all right I think we're live I am good how are you guys going to be a very nice 30 minute stream we're going to talk about the course we're going to talk about the future of the channel and we're going to take a bunch of questions so that's going to be the general theme behind the course right the live stream okay just reading through the chat making sure we're good to go waiting for a few more folks to join and then we'll start cheers foreign all right I see a bunch of questions rolling in already I will get to those but before that we need to continue with the structure of the stream let me finish that and then I'm happy to take questions in the last 15 minutes of the course cool all right let's get right into it I think we have a bunch of folks now I have sheet prepared for everything I want to discuss and desperately need comments on this one to understand more specifically where the channel should go from now on so let's get right into it hmm fix a bunch of things sorry about uh yeah we're good all right sorry about that can you guys see my screen think you guys can right so let's begin with a bunch of course updates and just to share where we're at um it's not going to be extremely salesy just going to tell what we're doing what we're not doing if you're on the final ledge to decide whether or not to join first thing think I've realized over the past two weeks Discord is extremely powerful especially for courses like these where you want to learn something new if you've already joined the course please join the Discord if not Discord would be the place you want to hang out a little you don't really want to follow one video after another and just to make sure this is a smooth process for all of you along with Discord we have tears so these are people uh that have been hired to Handle Sub batches so before that we talk about sub batches if you've bought the course and if you go to contents you can basically see this thing called Discord verification you can join Discord but the thing about Discord is anyone can join Discord all right I think the audio is low is that the case yes okay one second oh there is no audio it seems hello is the audio better hello hello hello hello my testing one two three can you guys hear me better audio hello hello hello all right good to go [Laughter] okay sorry about that cool cool cool get back on track cool first thing if you're joining the course uh please join Discord Discord is the place where most of the activity happens it's sort of become what I've learned from the past two weeks is that's where people are learning these videos were anyways out on the world different people have created them what's really powerful is one hour in the community to having Pas now everyone like just to avoid a lot of chaos what we have done is um in the Discord you've you'll have to verify yourself and once you do sorry just making sure we're good yeah once you do you'll be added to a sub batch so these are a bunch of some batches Jaguar is one cheetah is one we have all named them all based on animals this will have a smaller subset and this will have two Tas so those truth is their job is to take care of you answer questions things like these now one thing you should know is not overselling here these are not the best people in the world in fact the interview criteria was fairly random I just tested them I did not ask MDS or anything just tested them on their react skills and then based on that they joined if you feel the Tas are not competent enough or if they're not replying to you enough just let me know and we'll try to flip through them we have like a decent patch of them just so that everyone every group has like one good person at least hopefully too cool not over selling not seeing these are the best people out there or that they'll be extremely active I'm just saying we have tried this there are Tas they may or may not you most probably hopefully they will um and that's the whole idea behind dividing you into sub batches so there are 500 people who have bought the course there are five sub batches hundred hundred hundred hundred hundred and each sub batch has two TS to help you out so it's like everyone has like different questions even though like we have chat gbt these days to help us out so I wouldn't stress too much or worry too much about it but if you you're spending more than 30 minutes on something then probably ask the ta uh they'll be able to help you out cool uh most probably the course is going to be longer this is based on feedback again uh I have two extremes of people who have joined extreme beginners and extremely good people who just wanted to learn about open source and I had to basically pick a site um the I don't want to in the worst case I want the beginner person to be happy and the experienced person could be sad and for that reason most probably the course will be longer but if the experienced folks feel that is this class is really slow I'll be throwing an open source project that you could just go and contribute to and start to understand yourself so hopefully this is a win-win but most probably it's going to be a longer course to make it more beginner friendly so we'll cover things like JavaScript get Twitter like not part of the original plan but just to make sure everyone's on the same level the course will most probably increase to 12 13 14 weeks okay assignments were already there are still there just working very heavily on them which is why I added it there is an IOS app and Android app works fairly well so if you want to join uh from your phone uh ideally this is the coding coach you should have a laptop but if you're out and if you want to binge watch videos whatever um there is a sort of mobile app which is hold on let me sell this a little bit more a mobile app that tell you works very well you can view all the recordings here existing video recordings as well as the live uh and like that's chat things like these other things here so hopefully this is like enough platforms for you guys don't ask me for a native Windows app now uh but most probably I'm assuming most of you guys are going to come to the website to learn because you need a laptop to learn cool all right um if you are facing payment issues which a lot of people are and the reason is Razor pays a little delete alley when it comes to payments um and for international folks just mail here and we'll send you either a Google pay link or a PayPal link and most of these have usually worked only problem that is we have to then add you manually so that takes up to five to six hours so please don't worry if you don't immediately get added to the course cool one more question I should probably move this up is recordings is this like like a live course will I get recordings or not you will get recordings for example we did a bunch of warm-up sessions and like tried a bunch of random streams all of that is available all existing videos will be available yeah so all existing videos will be available uh all future videos will also be available uh and in case you missed the life which I don't recommend because like during the live is when the Tas will be very active to solve your doubts uh I don't recommend it but if you have other commitments or whatever or if you're like already pretty smart this is easy stuff for you initially you can just binge watch it watch it later on cool lastly I wanted to talk about the philosophy before that just want to do a quick check here how we doing okay how to join Discord is a question just go to the communities tab here click on view this will join you to the Discord this is not enough for you to get into a sub batch hold on image oh not sharing my screen again it's just so complicated okay this is the website on the website if you go to the communities section you will see a Discord uh button here just click on it and you'll join the group you won't see much when you join because anyone can join using this link you'll have to do Discord verification steps are here and there's also a video um so you can go through the video and understand how to get verified only after you get verified will you be added to the sub batch and you'll have access to the TA so I would recommend you do this as soon as possible this is a very tedious process to write this bot and this was written in real time by us last week so if you want to check that out check out this second video here in this video we actually live coded this bot last week and uh figured out how we could get around restrictions that Discord has but if you just want to join it just go here copy this paste this on a channel and you'll get verified once you get verified you'll get added to one of these subgroups cool all right um moving on philosophy last thing I want to talk about as I've said um I don't plan to build an attack let me just move full screen here and for the same reason this was one last time I've taught a lot of things let's just teach this in a more personal fashion that was the whole sort of agenda behind the course and I've basically tried to give all means possible now I have a more detailed curriculum we have more classes we have Tas we have Discord so you can directly talk and like bug me which is frankly been a pain in the past one week but hey we signed up for it and Android that's as best as I can do now that's the you basically have everything covered I think if you are willing to learn now it's on you to get into the course and work really hard in that uh make your way up and sort of do things that we're supposed to do in the course that's all already here so feel free to go to the if you haven't already send it out go to the website and if you haven't watched the course you can check this video out basically has everything you need to know cool uh moving on full screen um lastly the reason for this life was not just to like sell a course and like be very salesy even though I I'm sure I have been that in the first 10 minutes of this life but from here I generally want to talk about uh the philosophy behind the course and where this channel will go now that I have a few people that I can train very well who will most probably be really good at this and full start development will become sort of easy to understand which I feel it's also one of the easy things to understand when you're getting into computer science uh computer science generally is hard theoretical computer science or uh what you what you taught in college but full stack even compared to dsas sort of an easier thing to understand and has better monetary outcomes by building websites by getting freelance contracts or just working at startups right right check out the chat wow voice is echoing how's the audio guys like is it okay or is it like bad hoping the audio is fine it's fine okay cool uh okay good to go so philosophy is see uh there are so many videos out there on HTML CSS and JavaScript on the month stack generally everything is available um this was so that we can consolidate it all together provide a structure and bring out a few people from India who then in the future maybe teach other people build courses I don't know and hopefully just become really good technically for technical folks but what from here web development is done should I release patch 2 batch three batch four probably not it will be very uh it'll be very weird for me to do that if I'm being completely honest I don't uh this was something I wanted to do but not something I want to keep doing and like make money from and hence I want to understand the direction we want to take and for that there are a few things I have put out here dive into tougher things now that web development is done and I think there will be a lot of smart people that come out and teach this in the future what can I do and provide that's not already out there these are the list of things I could think of so after this video is complete to the people who are live uh just comment which of these things you guys want to learn the most now let me already tell you I am decent at these two this is something I've learned a little bit in the past and I have to learn again thankfully I have a senior who's really good at this low latency systems is something I've started recently learning but fairly decent at this this I've done a lot and this have done a lot so those are my experience levels most probably I just want to do one shot videos which is a 10 hour live stream teaching system design a 10 hour lifestyle not a live stream so I recorded video teaching web3 and hopefully that has enough content for you to then go deeper into it if you want to in like a very structured video so amongst these six let me know which one of these you want to learn next and that's where we'll take the channel which means if I'm releasing two videos one of them will be on one of these topics the other one will be random hype stuff we do so just want to get some feedback there why not HTML CSS JavaScript web development as I said one I have taught a lot here two I am going to teach in the course and three it's already available on the internet so you basically have the best teachers teaching some paid summary but it's content that's already out there these are Fields I feel they are extremely niche not a lot of people know about them not a lot of people are good at them the people who are good at them don't have the time to teach it in a structured fashion which is why one shot videos let me know which one just one person comment other people like so I know the thing that gets like the most that's the direction we take the channel in at least one video amongst the two we release okay these two topics are done I want to hear from you done with the light all the selling I wanted to do again we will do it one more time if you want to buy the course um last two days to buy it tomorrow is when the course starts and it actually starts from Saturday but tomorrow I'll do an introductory class um so if you want to join if you've been on the edge I think this is the right time uh please decide after Saturday I'll either close enrollments or I'll increase the price by a lot and the reason is not to create any sort of fomo there's a simple reason it's very operationally heavy to get people into Discord I don't know if you're here if you've seen the verification channel it's very hard to get people in people sort of panic if they're not able to get in and sort of hard answering emails resetting passwords things like these I don't want to spend any time on that I want to spend all my time teaching them a very structured fashion all my hours should go there and hence to reduce operational and this is operational uh I don't need to take operational overhead I can totally dedicate this but I don't want to I want this to be a smooth experience if someone has bought the course I don't want them to Panic or anything which is why I've sort of been very active answering emails um and uh replying on Discord making sure everyone's able to get in especially the people who have paid and it's very operationally heavy which is why last two days after that we'll either increase the price by a lot so that's like becomes harder to getting or completely close it feel free to decide one side and then swipe uh tomorrow introductory class just want to give a structure of the course what we're doing in the next few weeks and then Saturday onwards We Begin cool that was my pitch let's get to the answering your all's questions so chat is open guys fire it up oh my God slow mode I need slow mode uh Aryan call me and tell me how to turn on slow mode technical folks oh I totally forgot devops something wrote this somebody wrote devops we should do it let me just call my friend here and ask him how to turn on slow mode you can learn at your own pace if you have recorded classes bro how do you turn on slow mode um in YouTube live okay I see it entertainment playlist customization language recording standard comments nope send me a bit video okay thank you cool guys until we get the video Let's yeah that's rookie Let's uh fire up the chat that's fine I'll try to pick a question and then go from there a DSA very hard for me to do DSA like why dude it's like already out there so many people are doing it it's something you just I mean I I guess I don't know I maybe okay short one short video on DSA sure I'll do it um add a poll I'll probably add a poll that is very smart um I'll add a poll on YouTube community and you guys can decide which what we want to do uh okay I think it's the chat has slowed down cool blockchain sounds good probably the best for me probably where you can learn the most from me um how you doing I'm doing good um hft and web3 yeah they're fairly closely related so I guess I'm getting the general sense right now it's web 3 which is great for me because that's the thing I'm good at yeah I would have had to learn so web3 loading systems web three okay all good all good all good machine learning I see a few of them but mostly web3 and uh devops cool I think I get an idea we will do a poll so feel free to pause uh don't let's move the conversation to any questions you have um not about the course I think I've answered them too many times now so any questions you have related to let's begin with web3 so only questions around web3 for the next five minutes then we'll take something else but for the next five minutes only questions around web 3 uh I'll do a poll and you can decide which what you want to learn next in the next few months but the question now is going to be what any questions you have around um web3 let me know where did I buy these posters not relate to web3 but these I got on Amazon these I bought when I wanted to shoot a day in the life of video and my house was extremely uh Bland so I got these um should we do DSA before web dev to both know I answered this in the last one as well but two web three Future Good Question good question good question it was time to be in web 3 right lot of chaos happening a lot of questions uh like uh regulations and also in a bear market and AI sort of came to take a lot of Engineers to the other side so the question is is there any future um I don't know if I could predict I'd make a lot of money uh I know this is where I want to be a little bit of Finance web 3d5 that's where I'll be for the next hopefully few months maybe a few years and that's why I'm very happy this is what people want to learn because it's sort of easy for me to teach because I already know it similar to web dev which is like I've done it for so many times which is why the course sort of was an obvious thing for me which one as a developer both are nice the good thing about each is uh it can be extended to a bunch of other blockchains as well so yeah let's see um how much time will it take to become a F3 developer if I'm already a web developer good question not a lot for me it was six months and one Series so I don't know if you guys have seen this on my channel because this was before the channel sort of blew up and right after what do you call it very big break on my channel so if you go here this is where I restarted my channel four years after it and one video before it if you go to my channel this whole series is a series on Solana development like you can see there's a big break here this is already started short of my channel for some time this is where I started learning about Solana development best way for me to learn was to make programs in them since I was teaching sort of had to learn understand it very well I had to understand it as well so that I can teach other people so this was the best thing for me here is when I you can sort of assume I started um learning web3 which is one year ago exact date might be around Feb ish and September is when I moved full time into it which means it took me six months with a full-time job to understand web 3 enough to get one job and then once you get a job you sort of understand it better because you know people who are in web3 you'd work with them and hence they sort of tell you what to do but the first uh iteration of me moving from Pure web dev to web3 happened over a span of six months through learning and teaching here even though no one saw these this has like 2 000 views I had to teach it very well which is why I had to learn it very well so that was a decent way for me to learn cool moving on Docker a lot of people are saying devops and Docker done this is also done probably a live shot one shot video where I'll teach um up until the point I know I don't know this very well I know it enough that is you like to the point where it's used it was basically my last company it was used very heavily they had like a thousand servers running at a time the monthly digital ocean bill was around 300K or something like that so over there I saw this at scale and how you can run and orchestrate machines out of these pigs not these big so I can make a video up until this point but this is a very big field in itself I don't want to understand it too much um so hence the the part that I do I'll do it blockchain future I've already answered how many hours did you put in every day like how many time hours do I work around 13 ish maybe less 10 13 maybe too much actually 13 10 sounds good cool um will yeah destroy my career as a web developer I will make a video on this very soon um probably the next video is going to be I mean the title is the click bitty title which I already always put is going to be web development is dead with a photo like this but the content in there is going to be um AI understands a lot of things it has a lot of context this is something I've seen before where when I was a web developer react developer I would get paid anywhere between 30 to 50 an hour and only when I moved to a nature field which not a lot of people understand which will sort of translate into not a lot of not AI will understand it very well and hence the video is going to tell you about these fields which is basically the things that I showed you all of these are slightly more difficult than simple web development so next sort of uh video will tell you this is web development and I'll show you chat GPT can basically do enough this was the reason why people were only in India were only paid like 30 40 dollars an hour not more than that if you had to break out of that you had to move to a more Niche field and then talk about what these Niche fields are not necessarily AI web3 it's also like moving nor knowing more than web development knowing things like uh for example every website has a mode right in GitHub it's how you push remotes on a server in instead of the heights how you make a trading application so all of these I'll make a video on that will be a dedicated video on which can hopefully help you decide what to delegate to and not to worry from an AI what to delegate to an AI and what are the things I won't be able to do right now which is what you should learn and hence once you learn that you will be well equipped to uh sort of be ahead of AI but other than that will it take jobs I don't know it has made me faster though that's the only sort of thing I know slash believe in at the moment okay Django Scopes it's cell web development and the scope is great because a lot of companies use Django as a decent stack as well AI uses web 3 yeah using web3 what does that mean yeah using blockchain no idea what that means sounds very interesting though um is full Star Development a fallacy I think what you mean to say is something around the lines of uh useful stat development going to go away and feed away maybe probably because of AI plus no core tools we'll see mate is here which is why you're going to here now I'll have to give her off today as well back into second guys foreign foreign python through like a very nice assignment this will probably be video one or video two so they are of course better but they're also Niche and I would recommend at this point you check out there's a video I'll post it in the comments that basically tells you even though rust C C plus plus are faster than JavaScript node.json python still Python and node.js are used a lot in the industry because of well developer effort less bootstrap time things like this so of course those are better languages but that does not mean um that you should go for them or like there's no future in python or node.js cool all right I'm in Delhi right now whoever is asking server side components versus react CSR I think server side components are taking over the world personally my experience hasn't been greater than uh because the so my website is deployed on not not there it is an xjs website but not deployed the best way so if you sort of and haven't written it but I've based on what I couldn't understand here like if you click here you see the decent time before the content hits here and the Machine that this is deployed on isn't the best and this does server side render things and so my experience here has been pretty bad um but I think uh if done correctly if deployed on Versa or technologies that were built to like if this website as it is a deploy on Virtual perfect that's the best sort of solution maybe better than react as well uh cool moving on all right I think 30 minutes yep 30 minutes two more minutes final call but this was a great life sorry it was very salesy but hope to see a bunch of you in the course hope to see the rest of you on YouTube channel will continue maybe slightly slower but hopefully the same piece of two videos a week and now strong videos my worry with strong videos is people don't watch it for example the Solana series but the hope is that you guys do that is the future and happy to teach that more now finally because one iteration of the channel is done we're here we have to move to the next iteration so hopefully tougher videos difficult videos please watch them please don't hurt my average view duration on YouTube and I hope to see a few of you in the course hope to see all of you in the next one if you want to buy it two more days I'll see you there bye
Channel: Harkirat Singh
Views: 21,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 22sec (1762 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2023
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