Laser Vs Plasma Ultimate Shootout Head to head Comparison

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my junky rundown shop barn falling in my daily driver 180,000 mile 280,000 mile nobody would ever know what we got going on in here look at that fiber laser doing work [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there is comparison these just come off the laser those just come off the plasma you can see they're still wet and then so let's get a side-by-side comparison of plasma versus versus laser so this is the front side and let's get a look at the back the holes I had slowed down by 20% so pretty common even with fine cuts to get dross on the back of holes I think right there is where it went over a slat and then let's stand them up on edge and look at the edge quality and also the dimensions we get those lined up a little bit better well I don't have them exactly lined up but you can see you know it's plasma pretty good pretty accurate you [Music] [Applause] [Applause] here's a quick Saba sod review of plasma vs. laser 20 gauge material and that's the front side on the laser you can see all of our bridges are intact and those are 60 thousandths bridges that's the back of it I know this sheet had a little you know was just a scrap piece I had laying around and it's got some rust and stuff on the back I did run it through the belt sander and we did use the same piece on both but by running the sheet through the belt sander and putting a grain on it you can see right off the laser you could paint that do whatever you you know powder coat it whatever bend it heat-treated whatever you so this is the the plasma and you know you can see in a few areas that almost snip the bridge away and then other areas it completely blew it away again a sixteenth no it might have been a I can't remember what the bridge was on it but that's the back of it and you can see you know it really doesn't make any sense to pre grain your cold-rolled or anything on a plasma because you have a lot of cleanup work to do you know get it cleaned up and then on the back of it there lots of dross now these I've seen guys take them and you know by the time you get them twisted and bended up that dross or come off while you're doing that depends on how you decide to finish these but you know in this particular case but you may be working on something else where you're not bending it and that draws even though it's not a lot in some areas you know we're pretty clean the areas that do have dross that draw us on they're pretty hard and being able to hold that thin material while you're trying to grind it and all that man just it's not a good solution this is really where the laser in my mine really shines over over plasma on thicker materials you know quarter-inch steel whatever I mean you have a hard time finding much of a difference there is a difference but this is where it really stands out [Music] [Music] alright guys check this out I'm gonna do a little voice over here real quick while these are cutting one point out that the lift height on both the laser and the plasma is set to two inches but if you notice on the laser that you know the short moves between each of those holes the the main difference is that the laser retracts and Rapids simultaneously where the plasma does it's full retract and when that's complete it Rapids and then one just appears the next hole so these are both cutting at the same speed that rapid the acceleration and the combination of the rapping and retracting at the same time really is what makes the difference so you'll see in a minute that the you know we're kind of kind of fast forward here in kitchens at the end of this but the laser completed this in four minutes and the plasma took 14 minutes roughly all right here you go the comparison of laser versus plasma on this aluminum and that's for right off for the laser backside I think I can tweet these settings in just a little bit there's a tiny tiny little bit of a raised area I mean I don't know if you can pick that up on camera or not you can feel it just a tiny bit when you when you rub over it also I did not do a lead-in on any of this so you can barely see the Pierce on each one so I probably shouldn't run a lead-in when I do these as a production runs there's no book specs for this particular combination fine cut consumables 90,000 thick aluminum 332nd and but I have good luck with this setup 170 inches a minute now I will say on the on the inside cuts and holes I had those slowed down at 60% but the outside it cut a 170 inches a minute this was 175 inches a minute so you can see you know some detail loss on these little features here they they don't have exactly square edges like like the laser cut does but I don't know if that's important on this or not you know I'm gonna send both of these to the client and see what they owe the crap flap check out guys this is a KTM 790 that that aluminum part is gonna go on they come from the factory with an opening right there and you can see the part there the prototype I sent them is fitting in that spot pretty nicely they did a great job on the design fits the overall theme great and I'll tell you I'm excited to be working with these guys because they're just like me they're trying to make it happen they're marketing these accessories and things through their website motor pumps comm and obviously the you know the more they grow the more I can grow so check them out at moto pumps calm you
Channel: Ramsey Laser Press Brake
Views: 235,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cnc plasma; cnc fiber laser; diy import laser; fast laser; metal art paint; how to paint metal art
Id: 8Oh-1cHZNys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 26 2020
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