Las Vegas high rollers

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Las Vegas if you're a big gambler you can count on the red carpet being rolled out in style limos luxury lavishness it's what a high roller in Vegas has come to expect but there's a new breed of high roller hanging out in Las Vegas younger trim gear and flashy ER these new high rollers aren't interested in the Liberace luxury that defines Las Vegas in decades past they demand perks that reflect their tastes and interests and if the casinos want them to play and lose they'll have to give them what they want welcome to an inside look at the new generation of gamblers on high rollers Vegas the new breed action [Music] in a town where indulgence is the name of the game there are players for whom casinos pull out all the stops these players are the high rollers the gamblers for whom betting ten or even fifty thousand dollars at hand is no big deal for these folks make at least a thousand dollars a hand day after day after day and they're not gonna care because it has very little impact on their other bankers premium players are members of a very exclusive club but it's a club whose membership is changing and casino executives are noticing a different kind of High Roller at the tables I won again this is too easy it's easy to distinguish the older high roller and the new high roller I have approximately 27 guys that'll say risk half a million to 5 million on a weekend now the older high roller is just more conservative the younger generation never had to go to war never to worry about being drafted there are more risk takers so believe it or not most of my million-dollar players are under 40 not over 40 Steve Cyr is a casino host at one of the hottest properties in Las Vegas the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino it's the Hard Rock that has captured the attention of many of the younger high rollers but just who are these new kids on the strip my gamblers are restaurant owners they own their own businesses they're entrepreneurs they're traitors they take risks high stakes risk takers that include the sports television personality who loves the Las Vegas scene and his friend the chiropractor who comes in from Chicago the wealthy investor who makes Las Vegas his home but spends the weekends in the casinos the businessman who hit it big and telemarketing and the athlete whose entourage is as welcomed as he is and of course there are the so called dot Commerce whose instant wealth earns them an upgrade to high roller status 18 elite one more to beat your 20 Donna what we have found is that there were a lot of dot Commerce that made an awful lot of money that came in and became quite big high rollers and in some cases they became whales so where they could want to lose more than two dollars in one sitting at the hotels that target high rollers high rollers losses can be a big win for the casino so they lure this new generation of players by creating a more exciting atmosphere ground-zero for young gamblers is a hard rock and Mandalay Bay their trendy their cot they're built on music they're built on sexuality lots of alcohol and that's where you see the 21 to 40 year old found in particular at the Hard Rock one of the things that they see over there a lot of Silicon Valley money especially before the Nasdaq bust and you had a lot of young guys coming in figured that they had learned how to how to play blackjack by buying a software program Paul Baker didn't learn how to play blackjack off a software program but he did learn how to make it big in the computer industry this 30-something executive from a major internet provider is the epitome of the new breed of high rollers that's taking Las Vegas by storm he's young he's hip he loves to gamble and the Hard Rock eagerly awaits him but before he sits down to play he'll receive first-class treatment by the Hard Rock hosts in fact I'm in a celebrity suite this weekend I didn't ask for you know what's interesting is in Hollywood the star gets the treatment in Vegas the player gets the treatments a lot of stars want the big suite no they're for gamblers that's what's cool the player here gets the the eight o'clock dinner reservation not the celebrity while Paul prepares to toss some chips around celebrities who he's possibly bumped for their Suites begin to play as well [Music] but even when a player loses the heart Rock knows that the atmosphere will keep these young high rollers around the hotel and eventually back at the tables I got it I got it I got it I got it see the key is to lose when you have the small money and when you have the big money out you win it's an easy gig but the hard rock knows not all gamblers are solely focused on playing cards they like to play outside the casino as well while Paul Baker cuts the deck with his lucky NFL game card hard rock host Steve Cyr is entertaining another client off premises [Music] for avid gambler Denny Mason a semi-retired businessman who made his fortune in telemarketing it's an easy call he can gamble at any casino in Vegas but the key to keeping his business is giving him anything he wants what Steve does is he rarely says no you know so I've always tried to be a magic if in my request and he's always always said you know yes very rarely as he said no to me and so I mean that makes life a little nicer whatever concert comes to town you know you don't have to worry about that in any kind of event the rooms are great you can all your friends are always you know wanting to go to dinner here and dinner there and and those are little perks that you can give all your friends and stuff like that all those perks are designed to lure the player back to the table no wonder you guys all dress so well if I'd bought your suit you know that okay it split it looks good on you there's two types of players ones that are here for cost of entertainment and you love those guys they don't win or lose doesn't matter there's here to have fun then there's a guy coming here to win we gotta watch that guy so there's definitely two types of players you know a guy that wins Friday night okay if he's a steamer he's gonna steam probably blows winnings and by Sunday only money okay a guy that's disciplined Friday will go home Saturday so there's definitely two types of players could I paint like a hundred just to see my first card and then you get that [Music] whenever you get a huh that's enough Paul Baker continues to play at the blackjack table while Denny Mason plays a friendly hand at the dinner table a high roller can find a game anywhere you gotta know when to hold em know when to fold them you know when you're betting large sums of money get your adrenaline going heat somebody's always winning at the table so if somebody's in a good mood and if it's a losing table you just move on timing is everything in life because the games are so so slanted I think that's one of the biggest misconceptions that people have around the world is that the games are like you know 5050 or close to 5050 I mean you're lucky if you win one in ten times 13 and 21 see this is where the part where you think it's going the wrong way and you just cover up and take your money out but nobody does it they just keep losing because that way a hard-luck doesn't make any money and if you don't make money off people than you would close down and I would have nowhere to go I'm now doing this for you guys if you don't have a vision in life you'll go nowhere and if you spend all your time in Vegas you'll go nowhere that's why I come in on the weekends because of the weekend warriors like Paul Baker and Denny Mason everywhere on the strip casinos are redefining opulence and luxury with an eye toward the hip high roller over a period of time maybe the last five years or so as the city has evolved so we found that we've had to change what we try and do to attract new customers [Music] [Music] Caesars Palace which has long been a player in the high roller subduction game is among the properties looking to attract the new hip high roller the challenge according to casino executives is to find the right balance what appeals to the private conservative high roller may not be attractive to the flashy hip high roller they want sexist or an elegance some of the properties cater maybe more to the one style some to the other we're trying to find that middle road that accommodates everyone [Music] insiders say it's the perks not the gambling that bring customers back time and time again and competition to entice and excite is fierce in a city that offers everything from the canals of Venice to the surf of Montego Bay all within a couple of miles the younger demographics the younger high rollers as you might call them by looking for entertainment fine dining wonderful shows that they probably cannot see anywhere else and we're quite happy to offer that to them people come here they don't really sleep you come here for three days you stay awake for three days you have an all-out entertainment with then you go home and you sleep whether it's poolside or bar side inside or outside upstairs or downstairs hip rollers are given all-access exposure to the fine things in life you know if you lose enough you'll have a bad night but you know to me you'll have a bad few hours you'll go go have something to eat you'll go take a shower and you go out to see a show and you'll forget about it and and you'll remember why you're there which is that fun on the strip and off casinos are refocusing their perks to appeal to a younger crowd at the Hard Rock Casino the Beautiful People popular music and the memorabilia combined to create a hip rollers paradise but that doesn't mean there isn't still an audience for the gilded mirrors and marble tile luxuries some of the other hotels offer the key is knowing the player well enough to anticipate what he thinks defines the ultimate in luxury whether it's a poolside Cabana with bikini clad waitresses or a gold leaf lobster served on fine china knowing what pleases is the way to win over the high roller casinos counter their hosts to get that information for them it's a real interesting relationship to watch between gambler and host has paid employees of the casino it's the host who helps decide how to seduce these hip high rollers we have to keep up with the younger high roller and just finding unique things for him to do I don't want him to spend that money and go to Hawaii or Europe I want to spend that money to come to Vegas I'm definitely the customers ticket to paradise he can play blackjack anywhere why play would make something getting the best limits the best discounts the best upfront money okay last night you know we took a customer on a helicopter and a yacht just for dinner I'm gonna make it unique for him next week I'm gonna take customers to a bowling term adjust so they can Bowl with Reggie Miller and Charles Barkley I'm gonna make it fun form if you want to golf lesson with Tiger Woods I can get it on like the Hard Rock Mandalay Bay is appealing to a younger crowd by offering trendy alternatives to the conservative luxury of Vegas past including providing the high roller and his guests anything they want whenever they want it when you are a premium player when you're a high roller will not only get you in very quickly will get you the best seat in the house will provide you with whatever it is you're you're requesting whether it's beluga caviar whether it's Cristal champagne we have it at Mandalay Bay and no matter what it costs no matter how hard it is to get the casino will usually provide it for free in Las Vegas the weekend tourists and honeymooner crowd keep the casino floors and full-size buses but it's the premium player the high roller that helps pay the casino bills that's why the best things in Vegas are free as long as you're willing to risk a half million dollars to have it what a casino wants with a high roller is they want a shot at their bankbook Dave Burns has spent years researching and understanding the life of the highest of the high rollers known as Wales for his book whale hunting in the desert he says casinos who attract high rollers are ultimately rewarded by an increase in revenue for the biggest casinos that really bank on high rose Bellagio and Jim Graham the Venetian Mandalay Bay these guys can contribute as much as 15% in revenues per quarter and that's it that's a huge impact on the top line let alone on the bottom line to better grasp the potential impact on the bottom line every level of premium player is defined by how much he's willing to risk at the tables and it's the level of play that can determine just how much attention and how many perks a player receives from Hotel Management hotels may define a high-roller differently the Venetian goes after the biggest of a big and as sort of a lower-end high-roller would be somebody bet from $1,000 a hand to $5,000 and then you would have somebody who could bet from 5,000 to 20,000 25,000 a year that's how I roll I mean that's a serious level and then from twenty-five thousand to fifty or seventy-five thousand would be the biggest I post and then come the whales they start at seventy five hundred thousand bills by hand this is the only table you'll find Sheldon Adelson played as owner of the Venetian he can't gamble with his guests but that doesn't stop him from going after the biggest players in the world we're reaching up to the high end of the market the very high end of the market and at that end of the market there are the whales now the whales have players that could win or lose millions of dollars in one sitting millions that can become tens of millions over time as long as you keep your player happy enough to want to return that happiness starts with round-the-clock attention and free perks which are called cops by the industry insiders this is what Sheldon Adelson terms the reinvestment factor spending money to make money what is it cause to get the customer the reinvestment factor becomes very substantial when you'll have a player that's spending 100 150 thousand dollars a hand and since the house always has the advantage the longer that player stays at the table the more likely the player will lose in spite of enticing offers the casinos risk losing more than they win if they misjudge just how loyal a customer will be the one thing that casinos hate about high rollers our high rollers who are what they call hit and run gamblers somebody who comes in Gamble's for a couple of hours win some money and leaves to avoid hit and run gamblers the hotels put together exceptional packages for the player designed to keep them at the hotel and in turn keep them gambling they throw those perks at you for a reason I mean they're their corporation they got to make money but the perks work you know they know what they're doing they know when to give you a free room when to upgrade you when to give you the Cabana when to give you the tickets it works for me I don't keep count I can't say there's a ledger where I'm ahead or the hard Walker they're ahead of me I think it's a nice you know mutually beneficial relationship in an effort to keep players like Paul in Las Vegas different casinos use different strategies at the Venetian owners Sheldon Adelson says his experience in the computer industry taught him a lot about dealing with people here's the hardware and the software what's really important to the customer is this software without the software you can't make the computers run and without the software you can't make the customer happy in a casino in our software there are employee base we call them team members because we all work as a team also I need housekeeping to come in cleanest pool table here please meet Mario the Venetian hotels secret weapon in the war to win a new breed of high rollers yeah I'm in the Presidential Suite right now make sure that his favorite key lime pies brought up it's worth chocolate-covered strawberry Butler Mario passionately since the go-to guy for anything the high roller or his guests might need also bring down the terrycloth slippers also please he's doing in around 15 minutes we have all our high rollers there sweets are basically connected to our partners pantry so we all have our radios their earpieces so we can talk through our sleeve basically that way we can ensure proper communication and a split second service [Music] for Mario preparation for a high rollers arrival means coordinating logistics that differ from client to client every day is different you come to work in the morning you don't know what to expect every person is different different cultures different backgrounds so some predictable so it's not one of those jobs where you're gonna be doing something every day were mercilessly but while the luxury loving hip high roller at the Venetian is enjoying imported cigars the Hard Rock is luring its player with a tempting combination of sex drinks and rock and roll [Music] [Music] the wealthiest players in Vegas know the keys to this kingdom are free as long as they return time and time again to wager big bucks but win or lose their time away from the tables will definitely be spent in style in the Venetians 5200 square foot Presidential Suite hip high rollers are treated to every possible luxury fireplaces in the master bedroom i sunken tub and marble tile in the bathroom a private exercise room the grand piano which can be played or not the media room is the perfect place for the high roller to check out the latest Hollywood blockbuster or if desired satellite delivered sporting events and other hard-to-get programming can be provided across the hall guests of the high-roller can play a friendly game of pool in its billiard room outfitted with leather banquettes and marble top tables for resting drinks from the fully stocked bar paying for this suite would cost over $10,000 a night but at the Venetian high rollers don't pay a single dime the presidential suite is reserved for the high roller and everything that comes with it is free including the services of Mario you will vote for the more affluent end of that market and more sophisticated Generation Xers you might say if they fly in commercially we all have people at the airport they get into a luxurious limousine there typically was right directly to their room as somebody accompanies them to their room there's none of this check-in procedures and signing and credit cards a man might come in and go to Mickey moto and either be given a set of pearls from us there's one of the amenities well by a set of pearls from the world-famous mikimoto we might send the gentleman himself in two pals at Larry and be outfitted with some beautiful pals Oh Larry suits they say they get up in the morning and they want to feel comfortable we'll send them in for a resume treatment in the resume massage of the world-famous Canyon Ranch we have Valentino's restaurant which is the number one the tagging restaurant according to Forbes FYI and Bon Appetit and gourmet and other publications so it truly is the feeling of living like royalty you are both living like royalty and you're treated like royalty but not all royalty wants glitz and glamour at the Hard Rock Casino their definition of luxury involves different kinds of precious gems [Music] the Hard Rock's high rollers are picked up in purple SUVs instead of limos and the VIP services are more likely to include poolside blackjack than haute cuisine the hip young high roller that comes here and stays in our suite I mean he's got he's got a study it's not the it's not the the old brocade curtains it's not the the shag rug I mean this is definitely more modern room we've got the large screen TV we've got a great stereo system so when they come here they're come here to play MJ Maynard his head of VIP services at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino it's her job to make sure all the special guests at the casino are taken care of [Music] working with casino manager RJ Denman MJ makes certain the high rollers at the Hard Rock are cared for in the unique hardrock way what usually doesn't include caviar an imported coffee when we bring our high rollers here to the Hard Rock and they're used to staying in a suite up on the strip well this they're not used to this I mean they're used to the butler the sunken tub probably 3,000 more square footage than what you see here but what they don't have and what we have here at the Hard Rock is is the atmosphere the fun the people that take a look at the pool outside right now you'll see a lot of there's a lot to look at very easy on the eyes our high rollers come here and when they check into the hotel I may say if we used to sing at the manse of the MGM you know don't be surprised you know we have a great room for you but I'll tell them what you come here for is is a great time it's a young exciting rock-and-roll kind of crowd so that's what they come here for the Hard Rock is big on atmosphere but small in stature for a high-roller like Paul Baker the intimacy of the hard rock is more appealing than some of the high-end luxury properties down the street for instance you know when you have to Bellagio you have to blackjack table you want to go up to your room you gotta take you know 20 minute walk to the elevator up to the concourse across the hall and by the time you get to your rooms we've got what why you went there the Hard Rock it's two minutes I went down to the pool on Saturday it is a mob scene those cabanas are like gold along the perimeter of this tropical paradise of a private VIP cabanas which are always reserved for the high rollers and the special celebrity guests MJ and RJ spent every day playing a delicate game of roulette as they decide who among their premium guests will get a Cabana and who will not according to these players the excellent treatment would continue even if they weren't gambling more per hand than some people make in a year we play you know we play blackjack we win something lose some but you know either way it's when the week's over you gonna have fun regardless High Roller Tom Kelly who plays here most every weekend and is considered a whale when it comes to how much he Gamble's says he tries not to take advantage of the perks they offer but he certainly doesn't turn them down all the fights and I go to the shows and dinners and Laker games but I really don't ask for too much they truly pretty much like family here but I think even if I wasn't a big dam or if I didn't play I mean you know I know everyone here everyone's high rollers who want to stay by the pool yet have an itch to play some cards are welcome at the exclusive swim up blackjack tables it's here that a young and wealthy dot-com er like Paul Baker may find himself sharing a VIP table with a famous and wealthy former basketball star like Dennis Rodman our hotel has something that no other hotel here in Las Vegas has we have fun we have excitement we have great-looking people everywhere I've had people I've had high rollers check into our hotel and they look around they say everybody here is beautiful according to Scott Van Pelt the perks and eye-candy help cushion blow when inevitably the house catches up and the high roller walks away with high losses nice when you come on the wrong side of the stick and you just go up station you think what just happened to me but you're still at the Hard Rock and so it's still good it's still all fun one thing you don't find a lot of with the Hard Rock is privacy there are no hidden tunnels or private enclaves for the high rollers at the Hard Rock right now when it comes down three hands of 5,000 not ten I should back about 10 o'clock we need even the high-roller gambling area named for jimi hendrix famous peacock best is out in the open there's a lot of people that kind of watch watching the peacock because there's a lot of money being thrown around and you know it's nice it's nice to be watched and sometimes it's harder to manage the attention seeker than it is the private player you can tell just by looking at the VIP or wheeler if they're there gonna be a problem if they're gonna be the type of person that wants to be in the public's eye or it's gonna be a quiet person and when this wants to be in the room by himself and nobody around as soon as you meet this person you'll you'll be able to tell one thing you might not be able to tell however is what the high roller will want in terms of dining which is why Las Vegas restaurants have everything that tastebuds can imagine and more [Music] while there is plenty to do and see at the Hard Rock one group of players you are unlikely to see is the Asian high rollers the Hard Rock admits it doesn't really offer what the high rolling asian player is after but there are other hotels that make it a point to attract high rollers from the Far East these are folks that again the very cream of the crop that the biggest of the big the whales the premium players you're talking about people that bet a hundred thousand a hand a hundred fifty thousand two hundred thousand dollars a hand and there are maybe maybe about a hundred to two hundred of these people in the world primarily Asians casinos recognized that American dot commerce aren't the only young entrepreneurs finding great wealth at a younger age that's why they have people all over the world targeting new wealth and looking for the potential whales and once they discover one they go after him in Asia food is more than just about nourishment it's about ceremony and tradition and if a casino wants to lure and keep the Asian high roller it must be prepared to offer find and authentic Asian cuisine we will provide them whatever type of culinary experience they are are asking for well mr. Chan how are you welcome to Shanghai lady the table is ready for you please follow me we have a wonderful Asian restaurant Shanghai Lily which has private dining rooms we have a phenomenal Asian chef the restaurant has won numerous awards and our Asian guests really appreciate that it gone to great efforts to secure a Chinese chef that has the experience and in many cases personal connection or relationship with some of these high rollers knowing what they what their preferences are the pace of which they like to eat what speciality is to bring in when we understand that a particular high roller is about to visit us providing authentic cuisine means having authentic equipment these walks are flown in from Hong Kong at the cost of $15,000 per walk they're more powerful than other walks and therefore provide more heat for cooking believe it or not the Asian High Roller in my experience and definitely pick out or comments upon the fact that this food was prepared with not enough heat not enough abet that the smokey nuance that might only top from a piece of equipment with that much power the High Roller can also identify and appreciates special touches by the chef particularly when it means extra good luck at the tables this tasty crustacean has been cracked open the meat taken out of it for use in the dish and then expertly reassembled to be dipped in gold leaf we also find that that many times the opulence of the dish is quite key to the success of the presentation in a setting like this like Shanghai Lily one of the items in highest demand is live fish live fish live seafood as fresh as that can possibly be fine dining and drinking are important to high rollers of any nationality and even those high rollers who aren't fans of authentic Cantonese delicacies are treated to fine wine and cuisine courtesy of Mandalay Bay's other restaurants well I think a lot of times with our high rollers fine wine and gambling kind of seem to have this niche where they they seem to go hand in hand and so in Las Vegas it's a very competitive market for for your high rollers and any edge that you can have on your competition as always was always a great advantage and another advantage is Andrews priceless palette he takes his job very seriously and in true Las Vegas fashion andrew has created a gimmick for delivering the wines to his patrons [Music] meet the Ariel's wine angel suspended by cabling she moves effortlessly around the wine tower to retrieve any of the spectacular wines andrew has available [Music] [Applause] [Music] well in addition to the famous wine tower we also have about six wine cellars that I utilize because I have over 55,000 bottles of wine kind of in-house and in my rare wine room where we keep a lot of our old wines that are throwing sediment I have a row of wines there's five bottles side by side that are worth about $250,000 Andrew even created an a wine list which any PDA carrying techno-savvy wealthy kamar with an interest in fine wine will appreciate does the high-roller really consider these special and unusual perks when deciding which casino to visit in Andrews experience the answer is a definitive yes that matter of fact just last week we stole a player if you will from another casino who is is the high roller and came in Cayman doriel knew about our wine collection had a great experience love the food loved the wine and has been in twice and less than of almost two weeks and now we've got him and he basically made that clear to us so that's a great thing for both the casino and the restaurant fine wine is also one of the drawers to Valentino's of the Venetian they're renowned chef Luciano Pellegrini has created a special dining environment for his high-rolling guests chef Pellegrini says it's fun to serve the new high rollers because they're eager and willing to try anything he puts in front of them who new guys coming in and you know building their own experience and just be more exuberant with the choices and how they experience the whole dining a fair and it usually happens in the million dollar room so named for the exclusive wine collection and for the level of player who was invited to dine here the personal service has no price tag and the cuisine is free to the high-roller whose tastes are expensive as his suits and on the other end of the strip nestled in the corner of the top floor of Mandalay Bay high rollers can enjoy the atmosphere and ambience of the hippest and most exclusive social spot on the Las Vegas Strip welcome to the House of Blues Foundation Room [Music] the foundation room is a private exclusive club you can go to our spa and pay cash for a massage you can't go to our restaurants to pay cash for whatever meal you want but the foundation room is really exclusive you have to be a member of the Foundation Room or via guests of our casino to actually have access to this phenomenal club eclectic and exclusive this club offers its members a place to relax complete with fine dining surrounded by treasures collected from all over the world topped off with a finest view on the strip access to the fabulous perks the hotels offer is restricted to the high roller who is willing to wager thousands per hand at the tables there's no charge to the high-roller or his guests for the imported caviar or the cultured pearls the luxury suites and private poolside cabanas are also free the gold leaf lobster the Cristal champagne the ringside tickets for the private helicopter tour everything the high-roller asks for is usually provided the question is how much does it cost the casino they probably figure you know I'm gonna keep making money and whatever I do professionally you know maybe they look at it as an investment and that's fine I think it'll be a good return on investment for them and it's definitely a good return on investment for me now when you're giving out bottles of the Troost 82 and Chateau lafite-rothschild at every meal at $5,000 a bottle you know it doesn't take long to get through a million dollars of requited comes in a few times you've got to be a big casino with deep pockets which with a huge customer base to offset the volatility that comes to dealing to these folks high rollers love the perks that come along with being a big player at a casino [Music] the helicopter rides beot trips the fine dining but experts and gamblers alike know at the end of the day it's the casino that comes out of winner if you want to make money in gambling on the casino okay that's the way to make money in gambling and these guys know that Danny Mason realized that a long time ago and once upon a time plan to do something about it the original plan was to come out here and be a an attorney for a casino and and then I hope that would lead to own in a casino because I at least at that point before my brain got too pickled I thought that it was smarter to be on the casino side of the tables then decide that I've ended up being on that plan didn't work for Denny Mason but it did work for this man George Maloof knows how to make money both at the blackjack table and at the lunch table a high-roller whose family business holdings include the Sacramento Kings basketball team this 36 year old entrepreneur is taking the biggest gamble of all opening a casino well I think at a very young age I became very fascinated by Las Vegas and this became very passionate about this city and I knew one day I wanted to do something large or to actually own a casino just the allure of of the excitement in the city and that's why one of the guys when it comes to luring the hip trendy high roller George is ready to rumble well great opportunity that we have is we're gonna be the newest place in town and all the attention is gonna be on us for a while at least that'll be fun George Maloof as a young guys in his mid-30s he's sharp he and his brothers on the Sacramento Kings in the NBA they know how to have a good time and they're gonna build something that's gonna compete with with the hardrock and with Mandalay Bay for that younger hipper crowd the question is how high do they want to go for gamblers it was the success of Maloofs first casino the Fiesta that led him to consider another bigger casino lavender color base van is light up like lanterns around there so tonight it's very colorful and very seductive with the palms he plans to take a bite out of the business he sees places like Mandalay Bay and the Hard Rock Hotel eating up and as a young man in touch with his target generation he has a unique perspective but that person is looking for and I wanted to create a place that would be the Casillas base experience there's certain things certain things that Hyrule appreciates the attention the service because we're not a big mega resort focus that hold back level or cabanas and then over here are sky boxes it's actually a concert hall we can hold up to 1,500 people if Maalouf seems confident in his new venture it's because he knows the high roller world intimately as a player and this would be a perfect place for me even if I didn't own this casino I'd love to come up here and it's kind of the ultimate High Roller area because it has the most spectacular views in the city close to 40 million people visit Las Vegas each year 20 million of those fly either commercially or on their own planes there's no shortage of visitors and there's certainly no shortage of accommodations I've been to Vegas you know probably more times I count 20 more times than I should have and I cannot I can honestly say I've never had a bad time maybe a bad hour maybe a bad two hours but never a bad day and never a bad weekend while casino owners devise ways to appease the clientele especially the hip new crowd that is shrouding the Las Vegas Strip the up-and-coming whales continue to indulge and grow even knowing the odds are against them just when you win it's the best in the world because you just come out here it's like free money and it's just you know it's before it's cool it's a great feeling when you went in when you're on a roll if you like you just can't lose but when you're losing you know Michael Jordan can hit three-pointers and and I'm sure he gets a rush out of that but when you're when you're splitting fries and doubling down 11s and you've got you know with mega money out there and you see a bus card come over and the whole table just cheers it's like you want a Super Bowl last year it was had quite a few successful stays here at the Hard Rock but you know that if you come back enough eventually the the house will catch up to you and they put up through this year so that's how that goes but with this new breed of gambler comes a new attitude about partying in Las Vegas win or lose it's all in the name of fun monetarily I'm down spiritually I'm up and I'd like to be a stockholder in the Hard Rock in fact Peter Borden is it Peter Mort just give me a call Peter I got some money it's not playing well in the tech stocks I need to get into something a little more stable so in the long run when the chips are down spirits may be lifted by goldleaf lobsters rose petal massages magnums of champagne and caviar carts heaven-sent wine couriers private bungalows personal butlers and poolside cabanas keeping the new breed of high roller coming back for more [Music] you
Channel: TheJameezy
Views: 2,476,747
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Las, Vegas, Nevada, strip, Fremont, street, show
Id: 1sPdag7kYg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 17sec (2717 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 16 2014
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