Las 10 Mejores y más Exitosas Armas de la Historia
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Channel: La Armería
Views: 960,652
Rating: 4.9204841 out of 5
Keywords: mejores armas, armas mas poderosas del mundo, armas mas potentes del mundo, armas mas letales del mundo, armas mas extrañas del mundo, armas mas efectivas, armas mas exitosas, armas mas increibles, pistola 1911, pistola colt 1911, colt 1911, kar98k, kar98, ak-47, ak 47, ak47, ar 15, ar15, ar-15, mosin nagant, lee enfield, smle mk3, mg42, m2 browning, browning m2 calibre 50, m16, m4, m4a1, carabina m4a1, pistola glock, glock, la armeria
Id: 9621pufGXK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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