Larry Bird Retirement 1993 Part 8 Magic Johnson

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pistons the pivotal game in the series and Detroit is up by a point with five seconds to play they've got the ball out of bounds it's in the hands of Isiah Thomas all they've got to do is get it in and execute and the game is over and game six is in Detroit you all know what happened let's listen to the call the key with 17 seconds to go in the Celtics call time Detroit by 117 seconds of Boston goes for the final shot the lefty goes the bird bird got a manglehorn drives around goes on in when we lost the last opportunity to score by throwing the ball away I was sure it was over the game was over and the trotted wants to get it quickly please somebody come up with you know this ball Oh oh my oh right up there with all the great work that have been played when you look back on and kind of smile and say yeah we was in the trap but we snuck out of yeah really great play no pressure buddy I forgot you know forgot about Larry Bird that's all and that play against Detroit helped to set up the final championship confrontation between the two great rivals of the 80s the Lakers and the Celtics please welcome now the Laker player who along with Larry to find a new level of competitive excellence in the NBA Irvin Magic Johnson something out that I hadn't thought about but it's obvious there's such symmetry in your careers the championship game in college entering the league at the same time being the big contributors to its growth through the 80s playing on the dream team together as you close out your respective professional careers and now you'll go into the Hall of Fame on the same day the two of you that's fitting but no question that you know it was it was tough times in the beginning for both of us being on the competitors that we are so we very rarely spoke or said hi but I think after that one commercial you got a chance to see I got a chance to go to mom bird's house and we sat there and we had a chance to have a conversation finally for the first time and we found out that we were much alike we have similar backgrounds in terms of Midwest boys and dumb we just start laughing and giggling like two little boys and it started a friendship that would last forever and I'm just happy that I got a chance to be a part of tonight you know I wouldn't miss it for the world you know you cause me a lot of sleepless nights you know I tell people all around the country when they asked me a question who the best who this who that and I always tell them that you know I didn't playback and way back and all that but when I was playing that you're the best all-around player that ever played and that but more than that the more respect that I can give you is the fact that you are the most feared play I feared you more than anybody else because I knew if it was a little time on the clock you know 0.1 1/2 1/2 a second this man would find a way to win that damn game so I should also say thank you for do I have all this time thanks because I should thank you for helping me to improve my game to making me play at a level that I don't know how I got up there myself you know it was just a sense of unbelievable hi you know you you guys are lucky ladies and gentlemen because I don't know if it's gonna ever be a rivalry you know there's been some great I don't want to down the NBA now commissioner but I was at the Lakers Orlando game the other night before I took the all nighter to get here and it was some excitement for Shaquille it's some excitement when Michael come in no question about it packed houses but people don't go crazy like they used to when Larry Bird was coming the time and I remember we wish to get off the plane here the baggage man magic Larry's gonna get you tomorrow you know everybody you passed was just going crazy no magic tonight you know it but it was a sense of excitement that it was unbelievable and so you had to play it was and I know you don't feel that anymore and that's too bad but this man should be commended and thanked for what he has done not only for you the league but he is and everybody else and like I said just thank you and I'm gonna keep going sometimes y'all let you get back Bob
Channel: Phil Tighe
Views: 252,160
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Id: FTBXilcGdY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 05 2015
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