Large Language Models (LLMs) vs Natural Language Understanding (NLU)

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we often get asked why we still need nlu when we have llms from our perspective it's not about choosing one over the other both nlu and llm are tools at process language however they serve different purposes and have distinct strengths and weaknesses for Enterprises it's crucial to understand inquiries in a business to Consumer context and establish trust by providing accurate responses choosing the right tool for that particular job is essential an llm is trained on an enormous amount of general knowledge and it uses this knowledge to produce text as a tool for text generation llms are superb nonetheless there's a downside to relying solely on llms for processing language they currently lack the ability to fully understand context and can hallucinate meaning they can make up responses based on their extensive training data for example if you were to ask an llm about the opening hours of a bank it would provide an answer based on all the information it's been trained on instead of information that's only relevant to that specific bank it goes without saying that the answer would probably be inaccurate or even downright false this is where nlu comes in nlu is what makes a chat bot a subject matter expert trained on specific subjects like the details of a particular Bank it provides a deep understanding of context that enables chatbots to provide sharp precise answers that users can rely on nlu will never make up an answer instead they can actually acknowledge when it doesn't have the answer to a question remember that the goal is to use the right tool for the job which is to provide accurate and trustworthy responses in a business of consumer context a fine-tuned nlu helps us establish and maintain trust with our users and although fine-tuning in nlu take some time and effort it's a small investment compared to having a chat bot that users don't trust so where do llms fit in llms are great tools that make the process of fine-tuning in nlu much more efficient and effective llm and nlu are both valuable tools for language processing nlu is what makes a chatbot a subject matter expert while llm is a creative tool we can use to streamline key aspects of building and training a chatbot and when we combine the strengths of llm and nlu we're taking advantage of the opportunities while keeping the risks at a minimum for more information about how we combine the two tools in the Boost AI platform please visit our webpage
Channel: Boost AI
Views: 4,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0pHi6h1DyvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 51sec (171 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2023
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