Laravel "Route Not Defined": The Quickest Way to Debug

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hello guys today we'll have a very quick video I will just quickly read the article for you from laravel dailycom this is a free article and I will link that in the description below I've just seen that error so many times on forums and Twitter and elsewhere route not defined but I decided to summarize the easiest way how to debug that error the reasons of why route is not defined may be different something with grouping something with packages something with repeating routes overriding each other whatever but in all of those cases there's one cure how you debug that so for example you have route register not defined and you're looking at your route file and you have route get register so you don't understand why is it not defined what you may be missing is that route may be in a group in a group within the same file or in a group outside of that file in route service provider so you need to find out the full route name with prefix if there is any with the command PHP Artisan route list this Artisan command has been in laravel since forever but I don't see it emphasized enough because it's such a good tool for debugging so in the specific case routelist would show you the name of auth.register instead of just register so the solution here is to either change route to auth.register here in the blade or put that route outside of auth group or remove that prefix and if you have a bigger project with many routes and it's hard to find the exact one you can filter the route list just provide dash dash name register for example and it will show you only the routes that contain name register so that makes it even easier pinpointing you exactly the route that you're having trouble with so in the specific situation the reason is this prefix for auth and auth Dot as route name I hope this quick tip will help you in debugging your routes that's it for this time and see you guys in other videos
Channel: Laravel Daily
Views: 8,970
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Id: Ngxb3W6EB5o
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Length: 2min 0sec (120 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2023
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