Laravel Mock Interview | Interview Questions for Senior Laravel Developers

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[Music] hello everyone we are back with another round of touring mock interview series i am fazzil a full stack developer at turing from pune india and i have five years of experience working with javascript react angular node.js mongodb and blockchain today i will be interviewing question for the role of an experienced laravel developer excited all right let's get started so christian how are you doing and how has been your day so far so my my day is going well i'm fine and working on features within the company i am in how about you okay i'm doing well as well thanks for asking so christian would you mind introducing yourself and telling me more about your background and your professional experience and then we'll take a hit from there sure so my name is christian as you mentioned before we have a bachelor degree in software engineering i am a full-time developer with 4 years of experience i'm a highly and motivated person so i'm skilled in mongodb mysql php express you know spreadsheets with javascript angular and laravel which we are going i'm going to be interviewed for today in the past i worked for several companies local companies here in senegal where i live and also remotely freelancing and today i work at engineers floatering okay that's that's interesting i i should say your background looks amazing and i've also checked your resume if it's a perfect fit for this role i should say thank you so um i mean from your resume i could see you work very hard to reach where you are currently so would you like to tell me more about your laravel projects that you worked on in the past sure so i can talk about two projects one of them was when i was working for a local company here so i worked on si solution with laravel to manage a pharmacy and i i or patrols working with pharmacies actually okay so i developed the back inside using uh laravel also i work on the front end with angular 8 for the front end and yeah it was quite uh interesting because we developed some features with real-time communication between front-end and back-end and laravel was quite good for that also perfect profit another project can i go right yeah was when i worked with a local bank also actually it's the bank from france but they are here in syria um it was a platform to organize their meetings face-to-face uh and with their partners to publish first and have some news feed today the whole solution is working again within the company i deployed it for yeah okay so a follow-up question on that question would be what was the reason that you chose laravel to work on the project that you worked on sure so laravel is a php framework and it allows us to build scalable progressive applications with it we can build um you know full stack solution i mean containing the backend also we can build if we want just an api with it it's quite easy to do and will boost framework also yeah i think this is a good spring work okay perfect very well answered question so moving ahead uh do you think laravel can be used for both front front-end and back-end development and what are the different features and aspects that larval provides out of the box when we go for full stack development using laravel yeah so as i mentioned before we can build full stack application with laravel now we provide a built-in uh solution for front-end we can use blade files to build views so they are kind of contained within php so we can use blade file to build our front-end view side and pure php to build the logic also we can build sps applications and so we have the api side built with laravel only for apis and the front end will be handled by maybe uh angular reactor whatever we want for front end okay that's that's amazing okay so diving deeper into laravel uh question would you like to talk about cedars and laravel yeah seeders so when we start working on on an application we don't have data in the database so seeders are provided by laravel to fit our database with fake data you know and after migrations we can run a php command i mean the laravel command sorry to fit the database we can create uh the seeders using php artisan make seeders in the class name write the data we want to fit the database with and run after that php artisan dbc it will automatically put the fake data in the database for us yeah okay that's amazing very well answered question so viewers let me know in the comment section below if you would have answered the same question differently okay so moving ahead to the next question question do you want to talk about what are factories in laravel sure okay structure is love well so within laravel we write migration for our table and we want to models also that will make the link within the table and a data object within our application so now when we want to put let's say we want to seed area our application we can use factories to specify what type of data we want to put in specific field of the model yeah and to create them we can use php artisan make factory specify the name of the class it will create a file within our application in the database factory folder put it there the model the type of data want to fit each third of our model yeah okay perfect perfect very well answered so uh having said that let's move ahead to design patterns which are most frequently used in laravel so a question would you like to talk about what are facades as a design pattern and how are they used in laravel yeah so facade i use nerve to register classes and method within our application so once they are registered we can use those facades with a simple name actually within the wall application so we don't have to remember long class name and just with a small name we can actually reach those classes okay i think kind of things like that yeah okay perfect perfect that's absolutely right so one of the most important aspects of laravel is relationships because that is how databases map so do you want to talk about relationships in laravel and what are the different types of relationships available uh yeah so within laravel we have different type of relationships and relationships are a way to define relation between tables with between models so within laravel we have different type of relationship i can mention one-to-one relationship one too many plenty too many uh has one through as many throw we have also polymorphic relationship like one to one polymorphic onto many polymorphic many to manipur as well yeah perfect perfect so now let's talk about uh maintenance and laravel application so how do you put a laravel application and maintenance mode question interesting question uh when we deployed an application sometimes we want to do some modification to maintenance so laravel provides a simple command to put our application in maintenance mode using php artisan down it will put our maintenance mode will uh if we want we can even customize a page that will say hey our application is on maintenance mode and when we finish the maintenance we finished bringing new i would say update to our question we can say it's done so we go and type our php artisan up it will bring back the application to live yeah okay perfect that's right so i'm sure you must be aware that mvc architecture is the heart of any laravel application so question would you mind talking about uh what mvc architecture is and how is it used in laravel maybe you can give some examples of the apis where you've used it sure uh mvp is we used to build application and larv also supported that so it bring us a kind of pattern we can follow to easily build a big application scalable one the mvp mvc sorry i was working on a kind of business plan and have mvp on my head yeah so the mvc model is at the end is for model right that's what they have to end or if if we think regarding the law the model the data um it's the central okay or component of the mvc architecture [Music] so it managed data as i said the view the v in the mvc is there to displace uh information on the screen or to the user so the user is see what uh is on the screen can interact with the the screen what he is saying and the controller the controller is like something that is between the data the model and the viewers so it end all the requests know what to do if you should take information from the data so the model or just send another view to the view side for the user yeah okay perfect absolutely right that that's absolutely correct so now i would like to call upon my fellow developers so if you think we have missed a question today please feel free to post them in the comment section below and if you're looking forward for a job go to jobs and apply for the 1x for your expertise so question would you mind talking about what are service containers and laravels sure so a service container in laravel or ilc is responsible for managing classes dependencies meaning not every file will be imported using require or include what i can say include in php so it's done automatically by the service container it's mainly used to inject um classes when we are building our application so for example we can consider the requested class that is automatically injected to our controllers even though we don't uh include them on the header of our files okay okay perfect very well answered question so a connected question to that would be uh what is a service provider in laravel and what is its importance sure our service provider in narava we use service provider to bootstrap our application so i can say that when my application boot the container will register some classes say this one should happen when you bought you should do this so using the service container actually so it will help us to bind let's see classes or interfaces with classes so we can use interfaces instead abstract classes instead of the concrete classes so yeah so our application will be more it somehow absolutely that's back on very well answered question so moving ahead to our last technical question today question what are accessors and mutators in laravel cool uh accessories and getters they are also called meditators uh are used to get data or to set the data in a class for example uh in a model i can add some mutators let's see for the user model for example i can say uh i'll create a ghetto like uh get user full name so once i call that method it will return the user full name for me i can also add something like uh set user full name and provide uh the user giving name and the user family name that method will help me set the user full name in my model yeah so we use them to retrieve and to state data okay perfect as always very well answered question so now would you like to help our developer community and our viewers with the resources that they should refer if they want to learn laravel from scratch so yes okay uh some materials to learn around though you know on a framework is measured by its documentation so i will start by saying that if you want to learn laravel you should first of all consider the documentation of lab you can see it on they have everything there from the first version to the latest one you can go from the beginning from the get started section of the documentation and this one is valid for beginners and for experts also we have that is a very very nice website it is like a netflix for laravel enthusiast yeah yeah yeah yeah so you can also go there they offer more practical and modern uh web development tutorials you can go and follow them from the easier to the advanced tutorials there also you can watch i'll say some tutorials on youtube there are a lot of tutorials there built in application you can see uh people developing application live in live so you can also follow them and understand what is going how things work yeah other things you can look for udemy classes there are ton of lessons there and the last but not the least you can also use hacker dot io yeah it is it is uh spelled h a c r i think so it's it um they provide a lot of lessons but of course is from different sources like uh udemy facebook also tutorial articles they always can you can go and just go from the basic one to advanced one yeah so i think those material can help one to learn well from the start to the top to the advanced one uh what else i can add something just google it i will say that just you know even the expect someone always we have to google something because we can't uh keep everything in our mind so you need something just feel free to google it there are people also can answer you on forums and there are a lot of things you can find there there are communities also they can help you whatever you want just ask for it yeah so all right that's it for today christian thank you so much for sharing such valuable information you're such a great developer and it was really nice speaking to you to everybody else thank you so much for tuning in to this mock interview series and viewing it till the end and i hope you've enjoyed it as much as we did we will be back with many more episodes covering different text tags and languages if you're looking for a specific mock interview please drop in your suggestion in the comment section below and don't forget to give us a big fat thumbs up if you like this video and if you want to get notified for such future videos do subscribe to our channel and hit the bell icon if you haven't done it already you can also follow turing on instagram facebook linkedin and twitter for more such updates i'll see you again in the next mocks interview till then take care stay safe and happy coding [Music]
Channel: Turing
Views: 31,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Laravel, Laravel Mock Interview, Mock Interviews, Laravel Developer Jobs, Developer Remote Jobs, Remote Laravel Jobs, Remote Turing Jobs, Turing Remote Jobs, Remote Jobs, Remote Developers, Remote Laravel Developers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 37sec (1237 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 15 2022
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